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1、语言结构:Rosa likes music thats quiet. I love singers who write their own music.We prefer music that has great lyrics.语法:掌握who和that引导的定语从句 2.能力目标 1)学会用定语从句表达自己对某事物的好恶2)用定语从句介绍自己喜欢的书籍.音乐.电影等话题3)学会表达自己的好恶。3.文化意识目标了解基本的西方音乐类型。理解音乐,饮食和文化之间是相互影响,相互促进的。学会理解不同人的音乐喜好及其他艺术形式的鉴赏喜好4.学习策略目标1)交际策略:通过讨论自己的爱好,对事物做出评论等

2、方式,交流彼此的观点,相互学习。2)资源策略:充分利用各种媒体资源,感受不同的音乐和电影,为语言学习创造更多的情境与机会。5.情感目标 1)通过讨论自己的喜好,促进养成健康向上的生活习惯。如健康的饮食习惯。2)通过学习写评论,学习正确评论事物,形成健康的审美情趣。3)学会自信、自如、自在地表达自己独特的想法,培养学生勇于表达、张扬个性,体验良好、健康的爱好和团队合作精神。教学重难点1. Relative clauses with that and who2. Express preference课时安排:共分六课时第一课时:Section A 1a-2d第二课时:Section A 3a-3c

3、第三课时:Section A Grammar focus & 4a-4b第四课时:Section B 1a-2e第五课时:Section B 3a-3b & Selfcheck分课时教案:Period 1 Section A 1a-2d一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词及短语:prefer, lyrics, Australian, electronic, suppose, smooth, spare, director, case, in the case, war2)掌握 I like /love/prefer music that表达喜欢的音乐。3)掌握 I like

4、music that I can dance to. / I like musicians who play different kinds of music. 句型的用法。3) 学习关系代词that/who引导的定语从句。2. 情感态度价值观目标:1. 使学生学会谈论自己的喜好。2. 通过表达个人喜好,提高学生欣赏美的水平。3. 激发学生的学习兴趣和学习热情。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)prefer, different kinds of sing along with的用法。2)句型:I like music that I can dance to.I like musicians

5、who play different kinds of music.2. 教学难点:学习关系代词that/who引导的定语从句。三、教学过程Step 1 Lead-inPlay some different kinds of music and ask.What kind of music are they?What do you think of it? Do you like it? Present I like music that I can dance to. Do the same to the following:I prefer music that has great lyr

6、ics.She dislikes music that is too loud.He likes music that he can sing along with. Step 2 Finish 1a 让学生在小组内交流讨论自己的喜好,教师适时总结并完成对新词的学习,然后对单词进行强化训练, 让学生交流对一些歌曲的看法,写下句子并引出本节课的重点句型。I love music that I can sing along with.通过对这些句子的学习,引导学生归纳比较引导的定语从句及其结构特点,教师进行精讲点拨,培养他们的观察能力,为下一步的听力打好基础。Step 3 Finish 1b Li

7、stening Step 4 Pair work.Finish 1c. Make a conversation between you and your partner about the music that you like. 2-1A: What kind of music do you like?B: I like music that I can sing along with. What about you?【来源:21cnj**m】 I prefer music that has great lyrics.Step 5 Finish 2a and 2b Listening

8、 practice.1. Listen to the tape for the first time and finish 2a. 2. Listen to the tape for the second time and finish 2b. 2-1-c-n-j-y通过听力训练,进一步熟悉练习that/who引导的定语从句。Step 6. Practice 2c1. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b. 【版权所有:21教育】 Does Xu Fei like The Modern? No, he doesnt. He

9、prefers2. Ask a few pairs of students to present their conversations to the class.Step 7 Reading.1. Read the conversation and answer the questions.1. What kind of music does Scott like? Why?2. Does Scott like serious movies?3. What kind of movies does Jill want to see?2. Role-play the conversation i

10、n 2d.1. Ill just listen to this new CD I bought.2. I suppose Ill just listen to this new CD I bought.21cnjy3. I like smooth music that helps me relax after a long week at work.4. I only like movies that are funny.5. In this case, Ill ask someone who likes serious movies.6. I prefer movies that give

11、me something to think about.Step 8 Language points:1. I prefer music that has great lyrics. prefer v. 更喜欢,更喜爱 (相当于like .better) 1) prefer sth. 更喜欢 I prefer action movies.我更喜欢动作片。2) prefer doing / to do sth. 更喜欢做某事 I prefer watching / to watch TV at home. 我更喜欢在家看电视。21世纪*教育网3) prefer sb. to do sth. 宁愿

12、某人做 My mother prefers me to stay with her a little longer. 我妈妈更喜欢我和她多呆一会儿。4) prefer sth. to sth. 比起更喜欢 She prefers cats to dogs.比起狗来她更喜欢猫5) prefer doing sth. to doing sth.= prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 喜欢做而不喜欢做;宁愿做而不愿做 Mary prefers dancing to singing.玛丽喜欢跳舞胜过喜欢唱歌。 They prefer to stay at hom

13、e rather than go out with their parents. 他们宁愿呆在家里,不愿和父母出去。2. I suppose Ill just listen to this new CD suppose v. 推断;料想 As shes not here, Isupposeshe must have gone home. 因为她不在这儿, 所以我猜想她一定已回家了。I dontyoure serious, are you? 我想你并不是当真的, 对吗?I neversupposedhim a hero. 我从未把他想象成英雄。3. smooth music smooth adj

14、. 平滑的;悦耳的Her skin is assmoothas silk.她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑。Our path in life will not always besmooth. 我们人生的道路不会总是平坦的。She has the most beautiful blue eyes and a voice as smooth as silk.她有着美丽的蓝色眼睛和十分圆润的嗓音。4. Well, if you have spare time, spare adj. 空闲的;不用的What do you like doing in yoursparetime?你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?Pleas

15、e stay with us. We have aroom for you.请住下吧, 我们有一个空房间给你住。I have nomoney. 我没有余钱。5. Oh, in that case, in that case 若是那样的话Inthatcase, we wont wait any longer.如果那样的话,我们就不再等了。He is said to be not at home. In that case, we shall not go there.听说他不在家,那样的话我们就不去了。case n. 情况;实情;箱子His accident is acaseof drunk driving. 他这次事故是醉酒开车的一个例子。If thats thecase, youll have to work harder. 如果真是那样,你得更加努力工作才行。The waiter will carry yourcasesup to your room. 服务生会把您的箱子送到您的房间里去。Step 9 Exercises:Step 10 Homework:Interview your parents and then write an article “My Parents Favorite Music/Singer”

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