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1、To specifically show the outcome of our survey, the essay is divided into four parts, which includes the introduction, body, conclusion and appendix. Obviously, the introduction briefly introduces some inevitable background information, which helps understand the reason why we conduct the survey. Th

2、en, we see the body part, including the data analysis and discussion, which is the core of the essay. In this part, detail statistics are shown in pie charts. Afterwards, we come to a conclusion explaining the final consideration and some suggestions. At last, we show our questionnaire in the append

3、ix so as to offer a reference. Details of the essay are as follows.Table of ContentsAbstract 21. Introduction 42. Methods 53. Data Analysis & Discussion 63.1 Preparation for love 63.1.1 Discussion 73.2 Some kinds of love 73.2.1 Discussion 83.3 Prejudices in love 93.3.1 Discussion 103.4 Breaking up 1

4、03.4.1 Discussion 114. Conclusion 121. IntroductionBoys and girls appear various behaviors, abilities and characteristics as they grow up, and peoples views about the two genders in some aspects are different as well. These differences are mainly caused by sex chromosomes and some traditional opinio

5、ns in the tow genders, which was shaped gradually with the development of our society. We think the prejudices between men and women are interesting, and studying this phenomenon can create a chance for us to think carefully about this problem which exists everywhere in our life but is likely to be

6、neglected. We hope that our study can help to further peoples comprehension to themselves and to the opposite gender.2. MethodsIn order to find out the view in men and womens prejudices of college students with difference sexes, we decided to conduct a survey. We designed a questionnaire, which cons

7、ists of 4 aspects ranging over boys and girls opinions of love, marriage, study and enterprise. In the library, classrooms, dining halls and dormitories, we gave out 200 questionnaires to CQUs students from different majors and grades. We got 200 back. Of the students who answered our questions, 100

8、 are boys and 100 are girls. Finally, we worked out the data of 30 questions and summarized and analyzed the answer to find out or go closer to the fact. Discussion3.1 Preparation for love1. Which standard do you care about most when choosing your boyfrind or girlfriend?A. appearance B. family backg

9、round C. ability D. feelingThe questionnaire started with the question that what is the first thing students will care about when choosing their lovers. In general, 72% of the students place emphasis on feeling, and the number of the students who choose the background of their boyfriends or girlfrie

10、nds families is quite small. Only 9% of the boys who answered our questionnaire emphasize their girlfriends ability. However, there are 35% of the girls choosing the ability of their boyfriends.2. Will you chase the person who you love initiatively?A. yes B. maybe C. noQuestion 2 and question 3 are

11、about chasing the person you love initiatively. As is shown in the pie charts above, the majority of the boys will or may chase the girls they love initiatively while nearly a half of the girls said they wont do it. Another question indicates that most of the boys believe that girls should chase the

12、 boys they love bravely. However, maybe the girls are shy and their answer to the question is not clear. But from the chart we can also see that 36% of the same view with the boys.3. Do you think girls should chase after the boys who they love?A. yes B. no C. It doesnt matter.3.1.1 Discussion Taking

13、 all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that students in our university are innocent. In other words, during this period, what they treasure most when they fall in love is the pure love and feelings between they and their sweethearts. The cause, I think, is that th

14、e burden from finance on college studens are not so heavy. From my point of view, what result in the consequence of question 2 and 3 are the traditional opinions in the two genders in our society. Typical Chinese firmly insist that girls should be restraind, and showing their adoration to boys initi

15、atively is inproperly. Besides, many girls are shy due to their nature, thus it seems unlikely for them to do like this.3.2 Some kinds of love5. Do you believe the love with the first sight?When asked whether they believe the love with the first sight 57% of the students say they are not sure about

16、it. The number of the girls who dont believe this kind of love is nearly as twice as the number of the boys, and the rate of the boys who believe the love with the first sight is 19% while the rate of the girl is only 4%. 8. Do you believe the love when the lovers are far away from each other?A. Yes

17、, I think they can make it. B. I am not sure. C. No, I think they will break up sooner or later. D. I have no idea.From the chart above we can know that the rate of the girls chose“Im not sure”and “I think they will break up sooner or later”adds up to 56% which is more than the half of the girls whi

18、le the rate of the boys is only 39% in total.3.2.1 Discussion The consequence of the two questions we studied indicates that women are more cautious and calm than men when they choose their lovers. The reasons are as follows. Women may put more emphasis on a persons abilities and qualities, so chanc

19、es are small that they believe the love only with a sight. They prefer to know a person gradually and judge whether he is proper to become her lover during this period. In addition, women will take all the factors into their consideration, including the distance. They think the distance between they

20、 and their sweethearts will be the gap cant be bridged.3.3 Prejudices in love4. Do you care about the love when the girl is older than the boy?A. yes B. a little C. not at all.Interestingly, more than half of the boys dont care about this problem. However, most of the girls care about the Rebound, w

21、hich is opposite to the result I have predicted.9. Who do you think should afford the majority of the cost for date?A. The man B. The woman C. Share it10. Will you care it when your husband or wife is able to earn more money than you?A. Not at all. B. a little C.I really care about it. D. It doesnt

22、matter.The rate of the boys who said they dont care about having the wives who have a higher salary than them at all is low, nevertheless the rate of the girls who dont care about having a husband can make more money than them is quite high. The majority of the boys said that they not very care abou

23、t the problem, but the rate of boys who care a lot is not so low.3.3.1 Discussion To tell you the truth, the result of the question 4 is opposite to what I predicted. Before the study, I thought because of the male chauvinism it may be a little hard for the male in China to accept the Rebound. But n

24、ow, I think maybe most of the boys are lazy, and they believe that girls who are older than them can look after them like taking care of babies. When it comes to why so many girls care about the problem, in my opinion, girls may believe that the boys who are older than them are able to protect them.

25、 Namely, they can get the sense of security from this kind of boys. Whats more, Chinese people believe that the men are supposed to pay for the cost for date, which indicates the prejudice on the woman and the male chauvinism of the men in China.3.4 Breaking up6. Who do you think will be more frustr

26、ated when he or she loses the lover?A. the woman B. the man C. Its same D. It depends.About 40% of the students said that it is hard to say who will be more frustrated when the lovers break up, another 40% believe that the hurt to the two is equal. Moreover, in general, the number of the students wh

27、o think the woman will be more frustrated is bigger than the number who hold the opposite view.3.4.1 Discussion All in all, this question maybe a little hard to get a conclusion, but it is likely that women will need more time to heal the hurt. Because women are more emotional than men. 4. Conclusio

28、nFrom this part of survey about the various views of men and women on love we can see some apparent differences between the two genders. A man may fall in love with a woman just because of her appearance while the chances for woman to do this may small, and a man may put the most emphasis on the fee

29、ling between the two but a woman may choose the ability of her lover, because she consider more than a man. Besides, a man may be more active when dating while a woman may be shy when stay with the person she loves. In this case, from my point of view the gene may affect a lot.We hope that our surve

30、y on this part can help people learn more about the two genders when it comes to love.Appendix 1、选择恋爱对象时你最看重什么?( )A、外貌 B、家庭背景 C、对方的能力 D、感情2、你会主动追求异性吗? A、会 B、可能会 C、不会 3、你觉得女性应该主动追求自己心仪的男性吗? A、很应该 B、不应该 C、无所谓4、恋爱时你会介意姐弟恋吗? A、很介意 B、有点介意 C、不介意5、你觉得一见钟情靠谱吗? A、靠谱 B、还好 C、不靠谱6、你觉得失恋这件事对谁打击更大? A、女生 B、男生 C、双方

31、一样 D、不一定8、你是否支持异地恋? A、支持 B、不太支持 C、不支持 D、无所谓 9、你觉得恋爱时大部分经费应该由谁承担? A、男方 B、女方 C、男女平摊10、 你是否会介意找一个能力比你强收入比你高的异性伴侣? A、不介意 B、不太介意 C、介意 D、无所谓11.你觉得结婚时置房、购车置办婚宴等大部分费用应该由谁承担?A.男方 B.女方 C.男女平摊12.你支持裸婚吗? A.支持 B.不支持 C.无所谓13.你认为在择偶时外貌重要吗?( )对方的家庭状况重要吗?( ) A.很重要 B.比较重要 C.不重要14.你觉得婚后谁应该做大部分家务? A.男方 B. 女方 C.男女一样多 D.无所谓15.你支持女性做全职太太吗?16.你觉得婚后在重大事件上谁应该掌握更多话语权?( )在小事上呢? A.男方 B.女方 C.男女一样多17.你觉得婚后应该有谁掌握经济管理权? A.男方 B.女方 C.各管各的 D.共同管理18.你觉得男女双方谁对婚姻更忠诚? A.男方 B.女方 C.男女一样19你认为在男女的学习能力谁更强一些?A男

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