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1、Period1-2: warming-up activities and pre-reading activitiesPeriod3-5: detailed study of Text A.Period6-8: check the excises in text A and answer students remaining questionsPeriod9-10: listening practice.Teaching Procedures:. Warming-up activities: Topic discussion: (讨论)1. How did you feel about you

2、r parents when you were a child? Did your attitude towards them change when you grew into a teenager? Explain the change, if any.2. What is the greatest difficulty you have encountered in the process of growing up?3. Recall a conflict you once had with your parents. Explain why you were upset by you

3、r parents.4.What would you do when you could not agree with your parents? Use an incident from daily life to support the description.Listen and explore:1. Go through the words and phrases relate to the listening material.2. Go through the questions on page 35. 3. Listen to the material for several t

4、imes and answer the questions according to the information contained in the listening passage, and fill in the blanks in the textbook, focusing on the main idea.II. Pre-reading activities:Chicken Soup for the Soul: “Chicken Soup for the Soul” is a series of books, usually featuring a collection of s

5、hort, inspirational stories and motivational essays. Many have a short, simple story about an event, a person, or an everyday miracle that exemplifies the best of the human spirit. The 101 stories in the first book of the series were compiled by motivational speakers Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Ha

6、nsen. The first book sold over 2 million copies and launched the series. There are now over 100 million copies in print and in 54 languages world-wide.There have been numerous volumes of “Chicken Soup” issued. As of January 2006, there were over 105 titles. Many of the books are directed at specific

7、 groups of people, e.g. Chicken Soup for the Mothers Soul, Chicken Soup for the Pre-Teen Soul, Chicken Soup for the Prisoners Soul, Chicken Soup for the Volunteers Soul.TimeThe writers attitude towards his fatherClues from the text that indicate the attitudeWhen the writer was a childThe writer resp

8、ected his father very much and he was proud of having such a good father. He was glad to be surrounded by his classmates because he was Doctor Eppleys son. (Para. 2)He beamed when people compared him to his father. (Para. 2)When the writer was a teenagerThe writer became defiant (挑衅的) and rebellious

9、 and he wanted to be independent.He was unhappy when people referred to him as Doctor Eppleys son, and he told them that he was Harold and could manage well on his own. (Paras. 3 & 4)He started to call his father “Sam” and did not stop doing so even after he knew this bothered his father. (Paras. 48

10、)He went to a university far away from home to escape from his fathers good name. (Para. 9After the car accidentThe writer was grateful to his father and he respected his father even more. uHe hugged his father at the New Years party and thanked him sincerely. (Para. 31)uHe called his father “Dad” i

11、nstead of “Sam.” (Para. 31) III . Understanding of the text:IV. Detailed study of the text: Words and Expressions:1. settle in/into sth.: get used to (new surroundings, etc.)* It takes a few months to settle into life at college. * We only moved house last week and we havent settled in yet.NB: settl

12、e (sb.) in/into sth. 在这个短语中,动词settle后也可以加宾语;介词into和in可以互换,例如:* We settled the children in/into new schools when we moved to London. 2.beam: 1) v. smile brightly and happily* He beamed his approval of the new idea.* He beamed on his visitors.emit or transmit* This program is beamed to European countr

13、ies at 10:00 daily.这条新闻由卫星向全世界传送. The news was beamed to the whole globe by satellites.)2) n. a bright and happy look or smile* The old lady opened the door with a beam.a ray or shaft of light* The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky over the airport.Collocation:beam with satisfaction 满意地微笑 b

14、eam with joy 眉飞色舞, 笑逐颜开a beam of light 一束光线 a beam of delight 笑逐颜开3. fit in with: (cause to) match or agree * He doesnt fit in with these people. * His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.Pattern: fit in (with) 适合;适应;符合;协调 fit oneself for 作好的准备fit into 适应;协调 fit on 装上;把置于原处;试穿4. on ones own: w

15、ithout help* She lives on her own. 我独自去旅游,我可以决定什么时候出发上路,在什么地方多玩一会儿。(= Traveling on my own, I can decide when to start on my way and where to linger a little longer.)5. stubborn: adj. determined, esp. to an unreasonable degree; with a strong will* She wont do what I ask shes very stubborn. as stubbor

16、n as a mule像骡子一样顽固; 非常固执a stubborn resistance 顽强的抵抗a stubborn illness顽疾 a stubborn problem棘手的问题 名词形式为stubbornness6. survive: v.1) vt. continue to live or exist after* She survived her husband by five years. * The house survived the storm.2) vi. to remain alive or in existence* The man was very ill,

17、but he survived. 洪水过后,生还者极少。(= Few survived after the flood.) 名词形式为survival。7. enroll: v. (as, in) make (oneself or another person) officially a member of a group* We enrolled in the evening class. 我们吸收他为会员。 (= We enrolled him as a member of the society.) enroll为American English拼法, 在British English中

18、,该词拼写为enrol,二者对应的名词形式分别为enrollment和enrolment。8. compare with: examine or judge (one thing) in relation to another thing in order to show the points of similarity or difference * Living in a town cant compare with living in the country. compare one thing with another 将一物与另一物比较compare favorably with 优

19、于;不亚于not to be compared with 相差极远,远不如CF: compare, compare to, compare with & contrast这些动词和动词短语均含“比较”之意。compare 侧重比较两个或更多东西的异同优劣,强调相同或类似之处。compare to指两物有类似或相似之处,从而“把(一物)比作(另一物)”。compare with指“把用作比较”以便找出差异或好坏。contrast指比较两个或更多东西之间的差异,侧重不同点。Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases above.

20、 Change the form where necessary.1) The poet _ his lover _ a rose in his poems. (= compares to)2) Her actions _ sharply _ her promises. (= contrasted with)3) If you _ her work _ his, youll find hers is much better. (= compare with)4) Scientists sometimes _ the human brain _ a computer. (= compare to

21、)9. frown: vi. bring the eyebrows together in anger or effort, causing lines to appear on the forehead * He frowned as he tried to work out the sum. * The teacher frowned angrily at the noisy class.他不同意食物里放这么多盐。(= He frowned on the use of so much salt in the food.) frown at (on, upon) 不赞成, 不以为然10. w

22、ould give anything/a lot/the world (to do sth.): would very much like (to do or have something) * He would give the world to make her happy. 一个类似的短语是would give the world to know sth. 为了知道某事愿付出一切代价11. awkward: adj.1) causing difficulty or uncomfortable feelings; inconvenient or embarrassing* Aunt Len

23、a came to visit us at an awkward time.* There was an awkward silence, when no one knew what to say.2) not smooth or grateful; ungainly* The child is still awkward with his chopsticks. an awkward remark 令人窘迫的评论an awkward silence 令人尴尬的沉默 an awkward time不方便的时间an awkward question棘手问题 an awkward situatio

24、n困难处境 ones own right: because of a personal claim that does not depend on anyone else * She is a peeress in her own right, i.e. not merely by marriage to a peer (贵族). * Elizabeth II is Queen in her own right. as of right/by right基于正当的权利stand on ones own rights坚持自己的权利within ones rights不超越自己的权利范围

25、13.glare: v. (at, on, upon) look in an angry way * She glared at me. 这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有说。(= The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word.) glare, stare, gaze & peer这些动词都有“看,瞧”之意。glare指用愤恨、凶狠或含敌意的眼光死死看着某人。stare侧重因惊奇、好奇、粗鲁无礼等而睁大眼睛看。gaze指出于羡慕、感兴趣、关心或惊异而长时

26、间目不转睛地看。peer指眯着眼睛仔细地或略为吃力地看。 Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the form where necessary.1) The old lady _ through her spectacles at the contract. (= peered)2) He didnt shout or swear, but just _ silently at me. (= glared)3) The child _ at the toys in the shop window. (= gazed) 4) He _

27、at the word trying to remember what it meant. (= stared)5) He _ furiously at me when I contradicted him. (= glared)14. be sick of: feel annoyance, dislike, and impatience from too much of something * I am sick of waiting around like this.出去,我一见到你就厌恶。(= Get out! I am sick of the sight of you.) sick o

28、f waiting等得不耐烦 sick of it all完全厌倦了这一切sick and tired筋疲力尽的 be sick and tired (of) 十分厌倦be sick of doing nothing 闲得发腻15. wander: vi. (in, off)1) walk or move in a leisurely, casual or aimless way* The children wandered in the woods. 2) move slowly from a fixed point or place* His mind is wandering. * The child wandered off and got lost. wander about/over the world 漫游世界wander from t

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