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1、(2)sound作为动词的其他用法: sound名词. 意思是“听起来”。 This plan sounds a good one. 这计划听起来不错。 In the word “climb” the “b” is not sounded. 在“climb”这个单词中,“b”字母不发音。 sound like是固定词组,意思是“听着像”。 That sounds like a plane. 听着像飞机的声音。 “Gh” sounds likefin the word “rough” 在单词“rough”中的“gh”发f音。 sound形容词。如: “Sea” and “see” sound t

2、he same. Her voice sounds as if she has a cold. 她的声音听起来像是感冒了。 (3)sound作为名词,意思是“声音”。 Sound travels in wave.声音靠声波传送。 3. first与at first (1)first“首先”,表示做事情的第一步,强调顺序。 (2)at first。“最初,开始的时候”。表示最初的情况,而最后不是这样。4. space与sky (1)space作“太空”讲,泛指肉眼看不见的地方。 (2)sky的意思是“天空”,表示距离较近的、肉眼能看见的空间。5. problem (1)problem指特别难的问

3、题,特别是需要通过实际行动解决的问题。 (2)question意义广泛,指需要回答的问题,常与ask和answer连用 6. leave与forget 这两个词都有“遗忘;丢下”的意思。(1)如果说“遗忘某物”,可以用forget,但其后不能接具体地点。 (2)若接具体地点,就该用leave而不用forget I forget my watch. She left her purse at home.7. 情态动词的用法 情态动词本身有一定词义,但不能单独作谓语,只能和动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词没有人称和数的变化。8. 现在完成时态和过去完成时态的用法现在完成时态(1)现在完成时态所表示的

4、意思:现在完成时态表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态对现在造成的影响或结果,过去的这个动作或状态也有可能持续下去。 (2)现在完成时态的构成:现在完成时态的句子结构是“主语助动词havehas动词过去分词”。动词过去分词的构成方式有两种情况:规则变化和不规则变化。 规则变化的过去分词与动词过去式的变化一样,也是在词尾加ed构成;不规则变化的过去分词需要死记。 (3)现在完成时态的用法:表示一个动作刚刚结束或完成。 但这个动作所造成的状态或影响目前依然存在。即表示过去的动作对现在的影响或结果,强调现在的情况。 常与副词just,already,yet等连用。 注意:just,already常用于肯定

5、句中,yet常用于否定句或疑问句句尾。 (4)现在完成时态的句子转换 肯定式:They haveTheyve just finished their homework. They havent finished their homework yet. 疑问式:Have they finished their homework yet? 简略答语:Yes,they have. No, they havent. 肯定式:She has seen the movie already. 否定式She hasnt seen the movie yet. Has she seen the movie ye

6、t?Yes,she has. No,she hasnt. 过去完成时态 (1)过去完成时态的构成 过去完成时由“助动词had(用于各种人称和数)过去分词”构成。 (2)过去完成时的用法 过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作。跟过去完成时连用的状语常见的有:by,at,before,after,already,yet,still,ever,never,hardly。 He had been very ill before he died. 他在去世之前病得很重。 As soon as he had left the room. I turned on the radio.

7、 他一离开房间,我就打开了收音机。 I had not understood the problem until he explained it. 直到他解释我才明白这个问题。 She had left by the time I arrived. 我到达时她已经离开了。过去完成时还可以表示从过去某一时间开始并持续到过去另一时间的动作或状态,与表示一段时间的状语连用。 I asked him what he had been doing all afternoon. 我问他整整一个下午他都在做什么。 He had lived in Scotland for fifteen years befo

8、re going to England. 他在来英格兰之前在苏格兰住了15年。9. be good for 对有好处This is good for you. 这对你有好处。(1)be good at“在方面擅长”,其后加名词或者动名词。 Im good at English.我擅长英语。 He is good at playing football. 他擅长踢足球。(2)be bad for对没有好处。Eating too much is bad for you.吃得太多对你没有好处。10. be made up of 表示“由组成构成”。 The group is made up of t

9、en students. 这个组由10名学生组成。 (1)be made of表示“由制成”,仍可看出原材料。 The chair is made of wood. 这把椅子是用木头做成的。 (2)be made from表示“由制成”,看不出原材料。 Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。 (3)be made by表示“某物由某人或某单位制造”。强调动作与执行者之间的关系。 The kite was made by Jim. 这风筝是吉姆做的。 (4)be made in表示“某物生产于某地”,后接产地。 This bike is made in Jinan这

10、辆自行车是济南生产的。 (5)be made into表示“做成某产品”。Wood is made into paper. 木头被制成纸张。11. more than的反义词是less than(少于)。 More than an hour多于1小时 Less than an hour少于1小时 (1)more or less差不多,或多或少。 We hope our explaination will prove more or less helpful.希望我们的说明或多或少地能有些帮助。 (2)no more也不;都不。 He cant afford a new car, and no

11、more can I. 他买不起新车,我也买不起。 (3)the more ,the better 越越。 The more angry he became the more she laughed at him.他越生气,她就越嘲笑他。 The more friends you have, the happier you will be. 朋友越多,你会越快乐。12. population n. 人口,人数集体名词,无复数形式,在句中作主语时. 谓语动词用单数形式。 The population today is growing very fast. 目前的人口增长很快。 问某地有多少人口时

12、,用What iswas the population of地名 如: Whats the population of China? 中国有多少人口? What is the population of your city? 你居住的城市有多少人口?13. I think I found it.我想我发现了它。 (1)think接that宾语从句时意为“认为”“觉得”。且从句前的that可省略。 I think that he is a good student. 我认为他是个好学生。 I think China will win the World Cup. 我认为中国会赢得世界杯。 (2)

13、当think后的宾语从句含有否定概念时,通常形式上否定think,但意义上却是否定宾语从句。 I dont think it will rain.我认为天不会下雨。 I dont think Ill take it. 我想我不会买它。 (3)think about可接一个名词,动词-ing形式或由疑问句引导的不定式或宾语从句,表示“考虑”。 He is thinking about a problem. 他正在考虑一个问题。 Please think about how to tell her mother the bad news.请考虑一下怎样把这个坏消息告诉她的母亲。 (4)think

14、of“认为,想起”。 What do you think of the play? How do you findlikeenjoy the play? 你觉得这部剧怎么样? I think Mr. Wang is a good teacher. 我觉得王先生是一个好老师。14. alive与living(1)alive只作表语,不作定语。(2)living的意思是“活着的;现存的”,作定语或表语均可。15. 不定代词的用法。(1)定义:不定代词代替名词或形容词,在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语和定语。(2)不定代词的具体用法:any一些,任何。多用于否定或疑问句中,any在句中作主语、宾语、定语

15、。any作定语时,它所修饰的名词没有单复数限制。一般多用复数,any用在肯定句中,表示“任何”。 You can come any time. 你任何时候都可以来。some 一些,某些,某个。多用在肯定句中也可以用在表示邀请或者对方可能给予肯定回答的疑问句中。 There are a lot of flowers in the garden .Some are white, which I like very much . 花园里有许多花。一些是白色的,我特别喜欢。 Will you have some coffee,please?喝点咖啡吗? Many of the students lik

16、e English very much. 许多学生非常喜欢英语。 16. much许多。在句中作主语、宾语、定语。much在句中代替或修饰不可数名词。 There is not much ink in the bottle. 瓶子里没多少墨水了。 17.a few,a little,few,little几个,一点儿,没几个,没多少。 它们在句中作主语、宾语、定语,其中a few和few代替或修饰可数名词. a little和little代替或修饰不可数名词,它们表示少量,不多,几个,只是主观上的一种相对说法,并没有具体的数量标准。 Few of the books are cheap. 现在没

17、几本书是便宜的。 A few friends came to see me yesterday. 昨天有几个朋友来看我。 I have a little money to buy the book. 我的这点钱能买这本书。 There is little water in the the bottle. 瓶里没多少水了。18. 宾语从句的用法。(1)宾语从句的位置与陈述结构中的宾语相同. 它可作及物动词或介词的宾语。that引导的宾语从句,that在从句中不充当任何句子成分,只起连接主句和从句的作用,that不用翻译出来。在句中常省略。 The trouble is(that)we are s

18、hort of money. 困难在于我们缺钱。 She said(that)she would come.她说她要来的。(2)宾语从句的主句如果是一般现在时,其宾语从句可以根据需要用任何时态。I hope(that) I will become a doctor. 我希望我将来成为一名医生。I dont know he has told you all about it. 我不知道他把一切情况都告诉你了。(3)当宾语从句的主句是一般过去时态时,主句应该用过去范围的时态,即一般过去时、过去进行时、过去将来时和过去完成时。但如果从句所表达的内容是不变的客观真理时,仍用一般现在时。We thoug

19、ht we would lose the game. 我们原以为我们会输掉这场比赛。Mr. Smith said the earth goes around the sun.史密斯先生说地球绕着太阳转。【模拟试题】一. 词汇(10)1. 根据句意和首字母填单词(1)There is something wrong with my head, I have a h .(2)Youre all right, nothing s .(3)If you learn it by heart, nothing is d .(4)Dont worry. You have e time to catch th

20、e train.(5)This is my first time to visit the park. Ive n been there before. 2. 用所给词的适当形式填空(1)He is ill.(terrible)(2)Where is my bag? It is .(miss)(3)There are some animals on this island. (danger)(4)I had to take care of .(I)(5)They are all very places. (interest)二. 单项选择(20)( )1. He gets up early a

21、nd hes never late for school.A. usually B. nearly C. always D. almost( )2. you tell him to telephone me if you him? A. Will, will see B. Do, seeC. Will, see D. Would, will see( )3.You mustnt play football in the street because theres traffic. A car may hit you. A. much too B. too much C. too many D.

22、 many too( )4. Certainly. You can keep them . A. for two weeks B. two weeks agoC. of two weeks D. two weeks long( )5. I cant find the key my bike.A. of B. with C. at D. to( )6. She went out of the tea house.A. quite B. quiet C. quickly D. quick( )7. He made us .A. laugh B. laughs C. laughed D. to la

23、ugh( )8. Tom Mary wants to go shopping after school.A. Both and B. So thatC. Too to D. Neither nor ( )9. I think you neednt him anywhere because you wont him. You must first if he is in the city.A. look for, find, find out B. find, look for, find outC. find out, find, look for D. look for, find out,

24、 find( )10. I dont feel like anything.A. to do B. doing C. do D. did( )11. There are a lot of trees on of the road.A. every side B. each sideC. all sides D. neither sides( )12. Henry hit me the head and now I have a pain my head.A. on, in B. in, on C. in, in D. on, on( )13. I have to tell you.A. imp

25、ortant something B. something importantC. important anything D. anything important( )14. After that, the man lived here.A. not any longer B. no longerC. not D. not any more( )15.The teacher came in. All the students stopped and to him.A. talking, listened B. talking, listeningC. to talk, listened D.

26、 to talk, listen( )16. This table is too small. it away and a big one.A. Bring, take B. Take, bring C. Take, take D. Bring, get( )17. The weather in Beijing is colder than in Hainan.A. those B. that C. the one D. this( )18. Must I finish the work today? No, you , you go and have a rest now. A. needn

27、t, must B. must, mayC. neednt, can D. may not, must( )19. I was , but I didnt feel .A. alone, alone B. alone, lonelyC. lonely, alone D. lonely, lonely( )20. The food tastes .A. good B. well C. deliciously D. wonderfully三. 句型转换(10) 1. He got up very late. He couldnt catch the early bus.(合为一个句子)He got up late catch the early bus. 2. The boy is so strong. He can carry the heavy box.(合为一个句子) The boy is carry the heavy box. 3. Mark Twain said nothing when he heard the news.Mark Twain say when he heard the news. 4. Its o

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