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1、16. the best way of sth.17. an address at the top-right corner18. a date under the address19. a signature at the end 20. a letter from a pen-friend(四)单项填空练习1. She _ me a short message as soon as she _ the tickets. A sends, gets B will send, gets C sends, will get D will send, will get2. I _ into the

2、 room if they _ about it. I can come later. A will go, talked B go, will talk C wont go, are talking D wont go, talk3. My bike was broken and I had no money, _ I was quite late for school that day. A or B and C and so D but4. Lucy will come and help soon after she has time. Lucy will come and help _

3、 _ _ she has time.5. Over 100 words are remembered by him every day. He _ _ _ 100 words every day. 6. Mary is Tommys younger sister. Tommy is Marys _ _.7. He can speak English. He can also speak French. He can speak English. He can also speak French _ _. He can speak _ as _ as _. He can speak _ _ En

4、glish _ _ French. He can speak _ English _ French.(五)动词专项hope to do sth.=hope (that)would like to do sth.must be = cant bewalk to school = go to school on foottake/have a look at sth.tell = tell the difference between A and B = tell A from Btell sb. sth. = tell sb. about sth. = tell sb. (not) to do

5、sth. make sb. do sth.make our voices go up/risemake our voices go down/fallmake cars/machines/tea/money/mistakes/facesmake a plan to do =make a plan for sth. =plan building= plan to do sth.make/give long or short answersmake an arrangement for sth.arrange sth. = put sth. in ordermake up ones mind to

6、 do sth. = make a decision to do sth.= decide to do sth. 词汇拓展1. write for an hour2. look up the dictionary = look up sth. in the dictionary = look it up3. find out - find - look for sth. - search sp. for sth.4. hurt sb./sth.5. tidy sth.6. do a job = look for jobs - find a job = employ sb. = hire sb.

7、7. shut the door =shut off8. mention sth.9. eat/have a good meal 10. speak English well11. go to university/college/school12. leave school for the last time = graduate from school13. contain sth.14. practise (doing) sth. until you can say it well15. call A/B16. thanks for17. thank sb. for doing sth.

8、18. imagine sth.19. imagine that20. I have never been there before.(六)用特殊疑问词填空1. _are they? They are apples.2. _ do you want? I want pink.3. _ pears would you like? I would like six.4. _is your sister? She is at home.5. _are you? I am 14.6. _ is your father? He is fine.7. _does Lily go home every da

9、y? She goes home at 5.8. _is the boy in blue? It is Jack.9. _is the milk? It is 6 RMB a bottle.10. _ people are there in the room? Seven. what 意为“什么”,用来对“事”或对“职业”提问;或意为“多少”,帮助有累计数量含义的名词提问。What is this? What is your father?What is the weather like today? What do you think of this film?What is one and

10、 one? What is the population of China? who意为“谁”。用来对“人”提问。Who is at the door? which 意为“哪个”。既可以对“人” 提问,也可以对“物”提问。Which city is bigger, Beijing or Shanghai?Which girl won the prize? whose意为“谁的”。Whose bag is this? when 意为“什么时候”, 对时间提问。对具体钟点提问用“what time”。When did you arrive? why意为“为什么”。对原因提问。Why didnt y

11、ou go with us yesterday? Why do you want to build a science lab? where 意为“在哪里”。对地点提问。 Where shall we meet tomorrow? how意为“怎样”。对方式、程度、状态等提问。 How are you? How do you like China? how many 意为“多少”。对可数名词的复数提问。 How many apples are there on the table? how much 意为“多少”。对不可数名词提问。 How much meat is there in the

12、fridge? How much are these apples? how long 意为“多长”。对时间段或物体的长度提问。 -How long have you lived here? -For five years. How long is the Great Wall? how soon 意为“多久”。对in+时间段提问。 -How soon will he come back? -In three days. how often 意为“多久一次”。对频率提问。 -How often do you water the flowers? -Three times a week. how

13、 old 意为“多大”。对年龄提问。 How old are you?练习1. I am reading.2. My pen is in the pencil case. 3. Id like this red one. 4. His husband is an engineer. 5. He is our teacher. 6. Its cold today. 7. This film is boring. 8. One and one is two. 9. I like dancing because it is fun.10. My telephone number is 8174574

14、1.11. This is a book .12. The bag is mine.13. My father is in the classroom.14. My father is in the classroom15. My birthday is on 2nd May.16. My sister likes cats.17. My sister likes cats.(七)写作练习李明是北京八中初三的一名学生,他的笔友 Tom Brown来信说他很快就要到中国来,并询问李明家的电话号码。假如你是李明,请写一个信封和一封回信给Tom Brown,告知他你的电话号码是010-6091211

15、,让他一到中国就给你打电话,你晚上多半都在家。并问他是否需要你帮忙做什么事。Tom Brown的地址是276 Lynch Street, Ny10343New York。你的地址是中国北京八中,邮编是100021。要求:写一封英文信,做到语法正确,表达清楚,不要直接翻译提示内容,但要把提示内容都包括进去。(6080个单词);信封格式要正确,拼写清楚。解题思路及参考答案:以上提示中交代了写信人、收信人双方的地址、姓名,提供了信件的基本内容。写信时,一定要注意信件的基本格式,语言的简洁,时态的正确。No. 8 Middle School Beijing Jan. 15, 2003276 Lynch

16、 StreetNy10343New York,USADear Tom,Im glad to get your letter. Pleased to learn that you are coming to China soon. My home telephone number is 010-6091211. Please phone me as soon as you arrive in China. Ill be at home most of the evenings. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know.P

17、lease give my best wishes to your parents. Yours, Li Ming 【模拟试题】(答题时间:60分钟)一、单词拼写A. 选择并抄写单词。 1. Im fourteen years old and Im five _(foot, feet)tall. 2. My favorite _(like, hobby)is playing chess. 3. I live _(and, with)my parents in England. 4. He wants to be _(a, an)actor. 5. His family moved to a n

18、ew house _(recent, recently). B. 根据括号中的汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。 1. My ambition is to be a _. (歌手) 2. What do Sidneys parents _?(拥有) 3. He doesnt like _. (地理) 4. Is your best subject at school _?(物理)C. 单词重组。 1. I enclose a _ of myself and some school friends. (toohp) 2. A computer is a _ machine. (velerc) 3. I

19、 was _ in Shenyang in 1990. (norb)D. 选出下面每组中与众不同的单词并抄写在横线上。 1. tennis badminton football volleyball _ 2. scientist actor architect ambition _ 3. reading a book writing a letter watching TV playing tennis _ 4. basketball golf swimming working _二、单项填空( )1. Italy is _ European country. A. a B. an C. th

20、e D. /( )2. I often have _ milk for breakfast. A. a B. little C. some D. any( )3. Please set us an _ about how to write a letter in English. A. hour B. example C. oil D. egg( )4. Do you think TEENAGERS should choose their own clothes?The age of TEENAGERS is about _ years old. A. 36 B. 26 C. 16 D. 6

21、( )5. The correct alphabetical order of the words: name, duty, number and job is _. A. job, name, duty, number B. duty, name, number, job C. duty, job, name, number D. job, number, name, duty三、用Wh完成下面句子1. Wh_ are you reading? 2. Wh_ did you arrive?3. Wh_ book is this? 4. Wh_ do they live now?5. Wh_

22、dress do you like? 6. Wh_ are you late?7. Wh_ does the next train leave? 8. Wh_ shall I put these bags?9. Wh_ does this word mean? 10. Wh_ knows the answer?四、用方框中所给的句子完成对话,并把句子抄写在横线上。Bob: Ann, I have some news for you. Its about the two girls and the boy I live with. Its not true. Ann: Oh!(1)_ I liv

23、e with my mum and dad. But we dont live near City Park. I live in a small flat. (2)_ No, but Id love to come. (3)_ From London? The flight is about 13 hours. (4)_ I dont know. But my dad works for British Airways, so we travel a lot. (5)_ Dad? He works for the government here. My big sister works, too. She works in a fashion boutique. (6)_ I have a brother, but hes only nine. A sister in a fashion boutique! Youre lucky!五、汉译英1、玛丽的抱负是成为一名演员。Marys _ is to _ _ actress. 2、这封信是一个叫Sidney的男孩写给叫May的女孩的。This letter is _

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