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Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag 导学案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、等句型 A: B: Its under the table A: Where are my books? Theyre on the sofa. (2)小组为单位,两人合作,结合1a图画或实物,练习自己的对话并展示。【拓展运用】完成句子1.我的书包在哪里? 在桌子下面。 _ _ my schoolbag?s _ _ _.2.我的书(books)在哪里? 在沙发上。 _ _ my books? They are _ _ _.3.我的尺子在课桌上。on, desk, the, my, is, ruler_.4.那只棒球在双肩背包里。 Schoolbag, the, in the, baseball

2、, is _ _.【Homework】【Summary】【Blackboard design】【当堂检测】(一)选择 1. Where is my book?s under _ table . A. my the B. the my C. my 2. Where _ his keys? A. is B. are C. am D. be 3. _ your bag ? At school. A. Whats B. What C. Wheres D. Where(二)完成句子 1我的书在哪?在你的桌子上。 _ _ _ books? _ _ on your _. 2椅子在哪?桌子下。 Where a

3、re the _ ? _ _ the _.3.under,it,is,sofa,the (?) (连词成句)。课后反思:Unit 4 Where 第二课时sectionA 2a2d1掌握介词in, on under 的用法2掌握句型 Is the baseball on the sofa? Yes, it is./No,it isnt.3 掌握句型 Is the baseball on the sofa? Yes, it is./No, it isn重点 难点 1.学会本单元重点词句,并会运用。2.学会运用句型:Is the baseball on the sofa?1试读2a中出现的单词2.

4、 两人一组,练习听力对话,并展示. 在书包里_ _ 在沙发上_ 在椅子下面_ 在你的头上_ 我的电子游戏_ 在你爷爷奶奶房间里【合作探究】1.检查预习情况。2.讨论解决预习中短语、句子及其他存在的问题,教师释疑。3听力:听录音完成2a,2d。4结对活动。就2b图中物品的位置,运用句型Are the keys on the sofa? No, they arent. Theyre on the table.与对子问答5展示对话2d。先自读对话一遍,再与对子分角色练习朗读对话(直至能够脱稿),最后抽小组成员比赛朗读【拓展延伸】1)Where is my ruler? _.A. Yes, it is

5、 here. B. No, it is not on the desk. C. Its under the desk.2).Is your key in the desk?_. A. Yes, I am. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. D. No, Im not.3)._ my baseball?s under the chair. A. Where B. Wheres C. Wherere 4)Is the baseball on the desk? Yes, _is. A. they B. it C. the baseba ll 5)Where _ Toms b

6、ooks? Theyre _ the floor.A. is; in B. are; in C. is; on D. are; on【Blackboard】根据上下文,用合适的介词填空。1)Wheres the schoolbag? Is it _ the table? No, it isnt. It is on the table. 2) Where is the soccer ball? Oh, its _ (在下面)the table.3) Where is the pencil box? Is it _ (在里面)the schoolbag?翻译句子1)我的数学书在哪里?_?2)他的英

7、语书在哪里?在桌子下面._.3)你的电子游戏在书桌上吗? 不,没有.-_.4)我的书在哪里?它们在沙发上.5)他的书在床上吗?不,没有._ _?_句型转换.1)My schoolbag is under the chair. (对划线部分提问)_?2)The plant is on the table.(对划线部分提问)3)My dictionary is in the schoolbag.(变一般疑问句)改错题 1) The clock are on the desk.2)The books is in the bag3)Is the ball under the chair? No, th

8、e ball isn4)Is the baseball in the box? Yes, its. 第 3 课时section A 3a3c1熟练掌握本课单词. 2利用交际句型询问并描述物品的位置。2.利用交际句型询问并描述物品的位置。1个人自读,记忆本课单词2小组互相检查单词读写情况3. 学生自学“Grammar Focus”理解并翻译1. 学生阅读3a ,并独立完成补全对话。两人一组练习对话。2. 仿造3a 对话利用3b 图片相互问答。 利用身边实物进行问答练习. 【展示点评】 利用图片进行pairwork . 小组讨论Where is the map?及其回答。利用Where的特殊疑问句

9、和Is it Are they谈论物品的位置。总结一下你说学的介词短语。1、根据句意写单词()Where s my schoolbag? Its u_the table . ()Where are my books? I dont k_. ()Where are her keys?re o_the table . ()Where are his books?re i_the bookcase【 Blackboard design】(一)、选择 1. Where _my book? A. is B. are C. can D. do 2. Where _his keys? A. is B. ar

10、e C. can D. do 3. Where s my baseball? _ under the bed. A. It B. Its C. they D. They 4. Where are his pens? _ on the desk . A. It B. It 5.Where is the bag? I _know. A. is B. isnt C. do D. dont 6. _my baseball?s under the chair . A. Wheres B .Whe re C. Wherere D. Where are 7._under the tree? No , the

11、y arent. s B. Where C. Where is D. Where re(二)、 翻译下列句子。 1我的书包早床上。 _schoolbag is _ _ bed. 2他的手表在椅子的下面。 His watch _ _ the _ . 3你的字典在哪里? 它在沙发上。 _your dictionary? _on the _. 4你的电脑游戏的背包里吗? 是的, 它在。 _your _game _the backpack? _ _, _ 第 4 课时section B 1a2a1.掌握本课单词及短语。 2.能准确描述物品所在的位置。3.描述物品所在的位置。重点 难点 :用方位介词及w

12、here句型表述图画中物品的正确位置.1.根据汉语写出下列英语单词及短语并展示单词:数学_ 光盘_ 录像;视频_录音带 帽子 短语:飞机模型 录像带_ 数学书_2写出下列短语在床上 在沙发下 在房间里 身份证 把.带到 把.拿到 一些东西 在地板上3独立完成1a1完成听力1c、1d,第一遍学生独立完成;第二遍听录音校对答案。2 结对活动。结对做对话练习,仿照1e中的例子。3完成2a。独立完成,看谁写得又多又快,组长检查完成情况。每组抽一对进行展示。【拓展应用】(一)翻译官,试试看?! 一个闹钟_ _ 他的数学课本_ in my bookcase _ 一张学生证_ 在我的帽子下面_ 在椅子上_B

13、lackboard design课后反思选择1. Where is Jinan?s _ Shang Dong. A. on B. in C. to D. under2. Is your photo in the drawer? A. Yes, I am. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is. D. No, I阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F).I am Jane. This is my room. The TV and video tape are on the table. Where is my schoolbag?It isnt on the table. Oh!s on

14、 the bed。 My pencils arent on the table. They are in my pencil box and its in my schoolbag. My computer games are under the chair. My alarm clock, my ID card and my keys are on the dresser. ( )1.Her video tapes are on the TV. ( )2.Her schoolbag isnt on the bed.( )3.Her pencils are in the pencil box

15、Unit 4 Where 第 5 课时section B 2bSelfcheck1掌握本节课的个单词。 2掌握本节的两个重点短语。 3描述物品位置 重点 难点 2掌握本节的两个重点短语。3描述物品位置 使用and等连词1.熟悉掌握本课单词 2.自读并记忆单词2分钟 3.两人一组,相互提问 4.展示交流,小组竞赛 拿走;带到_ 东西,物_ 妈妈_ 能,可以,会_ 拿来,取来,带来_ 一些,若干_ 需要_ 地板,地面 _ 房间_ 电视,电视机_ 书桌,课桌_ 1学习2b。先个人自读2b,然后检查朗读效果。2小组合作,翻译短文.3完成2c,先独立完成,然后对子检查,小组长讲解并检查。4完成Self

16、Check 。先独立完成,然后对子检查,小组长讲解并检查。1选择 (1) Can you _ these things to your brother, Tom? A. take B. bring C. fetch D. carry (2) Wheres Shanghai?s _ China. A. in B. in the C. at D. on (3)These are my_. A. key B. keys C. keies D. keyes2、翻译下列词语物品:桌子_床_梳妆台_书橱_沙发_椅子_ 抽屉_书包_录音带_光盘_介词:在上_在里_在下_在后面_其它:拿走;带到_拿来;取来_

17、需要_房间_在床下面_在梳妆台上_在椅子后面_ 在书橱里_在他的双肩背包里_在她的抽屉里_在我的书包里_HomeworkSummary and reflection 1. Where is Jinan?s _ Shangdong. A. on B. in C. to D. under m not. 3. Can you_ _these things to your brother, Tom? A. take B. bring C. fetch D. carry 4. Wheres _ China. A. in B. in the C. at D. on 5. These are my_. A.

18、 key B. keys C. keies D. keyes 阅读短文判断正(T)误(F). I am Jane. This is my room. The TV and video tape are on the table. Where is my backpack?s on the bed. My pencils arent on the table. They are in my pencil case and its in my backpack. My computer games are under the chair. My alarm clock, my ID card an

19、d my keys are on the dresser. ( ) 1. Her video tapes are on the TV. ( ) 2.Her backpack isnt on the bed. ( ) 3.Her pencils are in the pencil case. ( ) 4.Her pencil case isnt in her backpack. ( ) 5.Her ID card is on the dresser. 根据要求改写句子1. dont I name his know (.连词成句)_ . 2. The CDs are on the dresser.(提问划线部分)_ _ the CDs?3. on, table, the, book, is, your (?)(.连词成句)

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