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1、完整版仁爱版初中英语语法汇总0仁爱版初中英语语法总结初中语沬总结一名词I.名词的和真i专有名词国:呂_她名一人霑.H休机枸名称n:故二 R个怵名词规则不可撬宕同IT.名词的瞰:1.规则曙词的劇形貳客词的SLtm弍一般在单数出戎后面加飞西玖轧祐成方症与读刍觐则列表如匸;乐IS况在伺屋FrV、s乙clx sh结尾的名词后tO-已以或f=结压的加变-f和-工为v RJbii-Cd+n-5F.i-JnarireipSj sca s亡es, iirl-gir Isj. dayd.ayse 1 css-el Bsrs bcr-bwr unt rh-wn+chcs,dishd ishssletf-leive

2、s, thief-thieves, lo:ife-knives,1m-IgsvcSj, ife ri廿ebe 1 ief i r L irf c h ie fch i efs, pr oof -pr oo ts.roofpgfN gulf-gulfc/辅音字母址y结尾的名右变了为i W二冒 s: 音鼻母力乔気匡的葫.或传有曉 以y结尾#L即stojr-toySjHerir yHenr ys-般加-时herieroesJ Hegrc-IJearoes* potatonstitoes(lena Lo-oniat 口 e弓不少艸来词11-5p i siip isiicji ph cd o_ph st

3、 csf suiiQ-aut *、kllokllos solosolszero ras/zeroes.vole anc-vcl car.o es /T以元音字母加p结忌的咅词;fl-5radioradloshwib-io hwibooEj zcozoos8以th结庵的答词加弋truth-tTir-hs.,pathnpathSincuthFouths, morith-nontks,2.不观刊名辽或认_ 英信里有些名伺酌亘教赠式鼻爪规则的.珈归纳如下; 丽velcajjos;例词预吏習词t的兀咅宇衬戒頁衲刑式jTiatmcTij woiimnffcflftrni f eotfeet, goose-

4、geese,TOUisemic&uhtJepj. Jeer, Eerleigj e归workt, filh,Lip yuairu jin#aahci trovrera, clothe a; thanks ccoda clasrrn,camau、 ccuIeat 土些隼佯名词总是曲咋貝欽people, poLite* catti saffaudience, class, family crowd, couple, group coimitt&e, governcient, populat ion, crew, teajiu nabliCj enetry# partycustoirs (海关)#

5、forces (军卩人),t ires ( R寸代), spirits(恃緖),drinks(tX料).sands(幻谡),papers(文 件报妖),nnrmers(礼現)亠Looks (外表)# brains(头脑智 力)greens ruins (废谑加-SAmericans, Australians, CeTitnns, Greeks, Swedes, Eui-opeans单复数同形Smss. Portupvese. Chinese. Japsnese1/ ntan或Fgan结尾的改为ccn, -wcirenQng 1 i shoeru Fi enchwoiten将主体令词娈为复数so

6、nsinla, looker scn, passersbyJstory-tellers, boy friends无主体名词时将最后一部分变 为复费gronmps, hovsewires, stopwatches将两部分变外亘数VFOTnen singers, men servantsIII.名词的所有格,6复釵形式喪示特别含义乐“某【入”表示各自的所有关系H二各名词未屋均 须加袤云共有的所有关乘时在最后一词未 s丢戸蔓只冢瘩績;,历有格晟 词音略名词在句中表示声有关系的悟法形式叫做名词所有格。月i右格分两和,一是名询询毘加, s构成.二是由介词oF加名词枸成。前者多表不有生命的京百后者多表示无

7、生命的床西。1. 7 sOB的构成.单数名词芒末尾加sthe boy? s father. Jack * s book, her son inlavr? s photo.S4vtr 4=)一般在末辰加the teachers * roof the twins* nothcr.不枳则复数名词后加Sthe children s toys, wonenf s riht%以s结用的人名序有格加童或肴Dickens 1 novels, Charles f s jeb, the Smith J houseJapan* s and Anerica * s prob lens, Jane s and Mary

8、*s bikesJapan and Anier ica,s problems Jane and Mary s fath five keeks holiday2耒示自裁现彖the earth s atmosphere, the tree s branches3表示国眾城市尊地方的名the country cdlan, the world cpooulaticn. China* s induetTM4表示工作群体the shipf s crew, majority* s viexs the tean/ victory5表示度量裁及价宦a mile9 s journey, five dcLLars*

9、 worth of apples6与人类活动有特殊关系创 名诃the Life 5 s t ime, the p 1 ay? s plot7某些囿定词组q bird s eye view, a store s throve at one s wit s end(孑 知所播)s3. of所有格的用法,用于无生命的东西孑 the legs of the chair, the cover of the book用于有生命的帝耳尤其是有魏长定语时the classrounic of the f Lrct-yeai* ctudentc 用于名词化的词 7 the struggle of the oppr

10、essed冠词冠词分为不定冠词(a, an) 定冠词(the).和衣冠词。I.不定冠词的托法ii扌日 类人或事,相当于a kind ofA plane ic a msohine that oan fly.2弟一袂?呈及某入臬物,非特指A boy is waiting for ycix3表示“母一”相当于every, cneWc study eight hours a dav.4 裘不相同相当干the sajneWe are nearly of an age用干人名rt.丢示不认识此人或耳某 名人有类似性质的人或李A Mr. Smith eow to visit you when you wer

11、e owtThat boy Ls ratliei a Lei Fengn用干固主词组中A couple of, a bit, cnee upon a tig Ln a burr% have a walk, m-nny a time用于 quite, rather, nwiny, half, what, such 之 旨This roan is rather a big one用T so as, t. hovr,十形容词N后She is as clever a girl as you can wish to meetII.定冠诃的用法.表示某一类人或物The horse is a useful

12、animal.2用于世上独一无二的事扔名词前the universe, the moon# the Pacific OceanVV表示说话双方都了锌的或上交梅到过的人或 孚Would ycu mind evening the dcor?4屋于乐誥前面play the viol in, play the guitar用于形容词和分词前表示一类人the reach, the living, the wounded(表示一泉人”或“夫妇the Greens, the Vfengs7年于序数词和形容词別词比较级最高级前He is the taller of the two children.用干国家党

13、旅等決及江河湖海,山丿II群島的the United States, the Coraniunist Par t y of China, the French9 用于裘示发明糊的单毅名词前The c orcposs vfjs inventud in Chino01 在遂十的免坟数词之前,指世圮的某个年代in the 199) s11 用于表示单位的吝词前I hired the car by the hour.1 幷于方位名词.务味部位名词,及表示时何He patted ine on thu shoulder2的词姐前Ill.零冠词的用注,专有名词物质名词.抽象名词人名地名等百词前Beijing

14、 Ihiversit7/ Jack, China, love, oir各前有 this, my, whose, sowe, no, each,I vnnt this booh not that ma / Whose purse?very等區制is this?3季节,月粉,星朋,节假日,一日三餐前March. Sinday, National Day. spring4表示职位.身份.头衔的名词前Lincoln made President o Aacrica.5学科,语言,球类.棋矣名词前He 1Ikes playing football/chess.6与by连用表示交适工具的名词前by tra

15、in, by air, by land7以ad连接的两个相对的名词并用时has band and wife, knife and fork day sne night3表示泛指的复数名词前Horses are useful an Lua Is.三.代词:I.代词可以分为以下七大类.A 椒代主格I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they宾桔ire, you, hint her, it, us. you, them衣代形容词性ny, your, his, her, its. our, their名词性ciincj your巧 his, hers its curs, the

16、irsS反身代词myself# yourself, himself, herself, itself curg e 17cs# y uurse Ives, theius elvesi指示代词this, that, these, those, such, some5極间代词who. vhonu whose, which, 必心 Soever, -whichever, vh at ever6主系代词that, Aich, xsho, 亦皿 whose, as7不定代词one/ soxe/ any. each/ every, nene/ no. xany/ rueh. few/ 1ittLe/ a

17、few/ a liftle,other/ nnother, all / both, neithur/ c itherII.不定代词用法注息点1 cnc, Dome 与 any:1)5C可以迂儈任何人,也可特拒,复数为。多曲于肯定句,曲y多用干疑 冋句和否定句。Che should learn to think of othersHave you any bookmarks? No, r dor/ t have any bookmarksI have sone questieng to ask.2)ante可用干疑冋句中,表示盼埜得到肯定的答复,或者表示建议,请求等.Would you

18、 1 ike sxne tananas? Could ycu g ive me sone incney?3)some和any修讳可数纟词甲数时,serre表亦某个,ar.y表不任何 f、I have reed this article in scene inagazinc. Please correct the mistakes, if any4)灾狀和数词连用表示大约”,any可与比较级连用表示程度cThere are seme 3,000 students in this schoo 1 Do you feel any better teday?2.each 和 ever7:each强调个

19、别,代表的数可以是两个或两个以上,而沁工y强调密体,所指的数必须 是三个或三个以上。Each student haw a pocket dieticnary. / Each (of us) has a diet ionary / We each have a diet ionary.Every student hrs strong -nd weak oolnts / Evury one of us has strong aid s匕zkpoints 3.none 和 no:g尊于anr,作走语。none作主语或宾语,代普不可数名词,谓语用单数,代笞 可数名词,谓语单复数皆可以。There is

20、 no water in the botl leHow nuoh Aiater is there in the bottle? IIone.None of the students are (is) afraid of difficulties.4.other 利 another :1)other眨指另外的,别的常与其他词连冃,女lb the other day, every other vreek, some other reason, no other way,the other特指曲者中的另外一个.复数为thm others如:He he Id a book in otic hand o

21、lid his notes in the other Two students in cur class failed, but all the others passed the 巳wain2)another IS “又一h另一个无所抚复数形pothers,泛指“别的人或事” 如I don t like this shirt, please show 时 another (one).The trousers arc too Icog, please give nc another pir / sone othersSome like football, vdiilc others like

22、baskctball5 all 和 both, neither 知 either示不可数名讶时,苴胃语动词用单数bah和L加否定词表示郃分否定.全 部吞定用ne ither和none.All of the bsks orc not witten iii English. / Not sll of th books arc vvritten in ingiisn.Both of us arc not tcachcrs. / Not both of us arc tcachcrs / Either of uois 3 teachern.龙容词和測词i.形容词:1.形容词的位叠:1)形容词作定语通常

23、前苣,但在下列情阮石宣,修饰 soiDe, any, e very, no 才U body, thins, one 星构成的复台不定代词时nobody absent, everythingPOSE ib le以-朮匕_ib lc结尾的形容词可置于有最高级 fcnly修饰的名词之后the bcst book available, the only solution possiblealive, alike, awake, aware, asleep Wthe only perscn awnke4和空间、时间、单位连用时a bi idge 50 inctci s long5成对的形容词可以后置a

24、huge room siirplc ancbeautiful6形容词短语一般涪置a man difficult to get on 刃ith2)多个形容词修饰同一个名词的顺序:代词数词性状形容词冠词前冠词 的形容抬示代词序数词基数词性质 状态大小长短新旧 温度颜色匡箱 产地材料质地名 词词不定代词 代词所有格形状all bothsuchtheathis anoth eryoursecondnextonefourbeaut if ill good poorLarge shor t squarenewcxlblackyellowChineseLondonsilkstone3)貝台形容词的构成,开貂

25、词十名诃+edkind-hearted色词+形容词world famous舷词4形容词dark-bluc苕词+现在分词peace-loving形容词+现在分词ordinary-looking各词+过去分词snow-covered酗司+现在分词hard-workin?数词+名词心threeeggedB1词卜过去分词newlybuilt0麺词+名逼twenty y Ciii II.副洞 副词的分真,吨用副词soon. now. early,final ly, once, recently5须度副词always, often, frequently.ssldon, never十験副词here, ne

26、arby outside, upwards, above6疑间副词how, where, when, Miy曲副词hard, well, fast,slowly, cxcitcdly, xeally7逵接副词how, when, where, why, vcictlicx, however; mcoiiAiiilc徨度副词alnicc t, nearly very, fairly, quite, rather8关系副词hcn, Avhcrc,品 yIII.形容词和副词比较等级:形容词和副词的比较等级分为原级.比较级和量高级。比较级和最高级的构成一航是在 形容词和副词后j0cr和cst,多音节和

27、一些双苜节词前H inorc和ncsto1.同级比较时常帛用 as, asMl5 not so (as), as,如 * I am not so good a player as you are.2.可以修怖比较级的词有:nuch, many, a lot, even, far, a bit, a little, still, ymt,by far, any, a great deal-*3.表示一方随另一方变化时用“血 more, the mors 八句型。如 i The harder you work, the bcte pregress you wi 11 nake.4.用比较级来祓达最

28、咼级的意思。女IL I have never spent a more worrying doy5.表示倍数的比较级有如下几种句型:Our school is three tines larger than yours /Our school is four tiires as large as yours. /Cur school is four times the size of yours.6.羔最启程度的形容词没有最高级和比较级o$0 : favourite, exoel lent, extreme, perfeeto5.介词I.介词分类1简单介词about, across, afte

29、r, against, ancng. around, 色below, he yen d, during, in, on2合成介词inside, irrto, onto, out of, outside, throughout, upon, within, wi+hout3短语介词according to, because of, instead of, up to, due to, owin$ to, thanks to4双重介词from among, from behind, fror. under, till aftcr, in between金河转化成的介词considering 就而论力 including

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