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1、新译林版英语六年级下册unit6整单元学讲方式教案课 题(主备人:张慧)Unit 6story time课型新课时共 4 课时第 1 课时学习目标1、能正确的理解,掌握对话内容,并能准确朗读。2、能正确地听、说、读、写、单词country , will ,learn , welcome ,visitor ,Australia3、能正确地听、说、读单词和短语find out ,kangaroo ,koala ,sport-lover ,Australia football ,exciting ,Sydney4、能正确地听、说、读、写句型; Ill ask my e-friend in Austr

2、alia .5、能用英语介绍澳大利亚的风土人情。学情分析1、重点、难点: 句型: Ill ask my e-friend in Australia .2、词汇Australia ,kangaroo, koala, Sydney等词的正确读音。3课文的熟练掌握和对澳大利亚风土人情的介绍。4一般将来时的理解和运用。易混、易错点:be going to 与will的相同与区别 学生认知基础:能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: country , will ,learn , welcome ,visitor ,Australia find out ,kangaroo ,koala ,sport-lover

3、 ,Australia football ,exciting ,Sydney句型Ill ask my e-friend in Australia .时间分配学 15分钟 讲 15分钟 练 10分钟 教法与学法让学生学进去,讲出来,学讲方式贯穿课堂始终让学生内化知识,提升能力。教学准备 PPT,卡片。学生活动教师助学课后改进Step1:show the aims and lead-in1Greetings Check out Ss preview 2 Read the study aims again on the Bb and make sure they know what they wil

4、l learn in the lesson.3、能正确的理解,掌握对话内容,并能准确朗读。4、能正确地听、说、读、写、单词country , will ,learn , welcome ,visitor ,Australia3、能正确地听、说、读单词和短语find out ,kangaroo ,koala ,sport-lover ,Australia football ,exciting ,Sydney4、能正确地听、说、读、写句型; Ill ask my e-friend in Australia .5、能用英语介绍澳大利亚的风土人情。Where did you go ?Did you g

5、o to foreign country ?Do you want to know about foreign country?Do you know in which country there is a kangaroo?(教师做动作让学生去猜)-in AustralianWhat else animals do they have ?Akoala.Ok ,lets go to Australia todayLearn independently1Read story time on P58-59alone.2Infer the words that Ss dont understand

6、from the context.3Underline the key phrases while reading alone.4Write down the problems that Ss cant solve to the group leader.Step2:Work in groupsGroup members discuss and answer the following questions:The first passage : WhoHowMikeask his e-friendWang Bingask Mr GreenLiu Taoread about Australia

7、on the InternetYnag Linggo to the libraryHow will Mike find out about Australia?T: What about Wang Bing?T: What about Liu Tao?T: How about Yang Ling?The second passage:Where is Liu Tao? What is liu Tao doing? What does the article talk about? Do you think Australia is an interesting country Step3 Co

8、mmunciate and show1Get Ss to show their answers .2The students who answer them well can get marks for their groups.Step4 Ask and expand3Solve their new words in groups. Read the dialogue after the tape. read the passage after the tape . role reading .Finish the exercise on page.Talk about the common

9、 problems that cant be solved in a groupEncourage Ss to ask teacher some questions that they cant understand in class.Read in group and retell the text.(分角色朗读)Step5 Check out and feed back1Do some exercises to consolidate Ssknowledge.2Finish the following exercises in Ssexercises in class. 1).She is

10、 a basketball_(love).2)The football match is very_(excite).3)Tom is one of the tallest_(boy) in his class.4)I will_(visit)my grandparents next week.5)Here comes a new_(visit).Step6 Sum up1Ask Ss to say out what they have learnt in class.2Draw the knowledge structures about the lesson.WhoHowMikeWang

11、BingLiu TaoYnag LingHomework. To remember the new words and phrases. Try to retell the text.Finish off the workbook. To preview Grammer time-Song time. 教师呈现本课的学习目标,让学生明确努力的方向。Lets look what do we learn today. Show the learning aims.Listen to me carefully.(初步感知新的短语词汇。、T: Im going to visit an interest

12、ing country this summer holiday. Its a bid country in the sounth part of the Earth. It has many interesting animals. It also has a very famous opera house. People there speak English. Which country am I talking about?show the pictures on the screenRead the new word并板书。5、Teach:6、country , will ,learn

13、 , welcome ,visitor ,Australia引导学生自主学习,发现疑难,提出问题巡视指导由学生报告学习成果。教师引导学生解决基础性的知识和技能。讲解一些疑难句。把一些共性的问题,组内尚未解决的一些问题,通过互教互议,进一步加以解决。在朗读中培养学生的语感。有能力的学生会复述课文。指导学生查漏补缺,提高当堂目标达成度。引导学生概括小结学习内容。引导学生复习,学会预习。课后反思得:失:纠:课题(主备人张慧)(Grammar time & Fun time)课型新授课时共_4_课时第_2_课时学习目标掌握词汇:send ,find ,learn about ,find out ,as

14、k ,go句型: I/you/we/they/he/shell了解一般将来时学情分析重点、难点:了解一般将来时2.能够应用本课所学的句型: I/you/we/they/he/shell易混、易错点:将来时will和be going to用法学生认知基础:标志性时间状语。时间分配学 15分钟 讲 15分钟 练 10分钟教学与学法启发式、自主和合作学习。学进去讲出来。教学准备制作课件学生活动教师助学课后改进Step1:show the aims and lead-inGreetings Check out Ss preview 4 Read the study aims again on the

15、Bb and make sure they know what they will learn in the lesson.能正确理解、朗读课文并可以根据提示复述课文内容。. Review words, sentences in the story. Students dub.Do you know about something about Australia ?How will mike know about Australia ?How about Wang Bing /Liu Tao /Yang Lin ?Ask Ss to make a dialogue:Make a dialogu

16、e.Learn independentlyRead grammar-funtime on alone. understand the grammar from the context to work out rules.Underline the verbs while reading alone.Write down the problems that Ss cant solve to the group leader.Step2:Work in groupsGroup members discuss Here are some sentences for you, can you read

17、 them?Look, these words are subjects+will+verb. Do you understand? Say out their rules and usages.Then,Lets look at the blackboard .there are some sentences .read themfirst and then think what can you find ?When can we use simple fulture tense ?-tomorrow ,nextWell done .I know something about China

18、.the weather is fine .people like playing table tennis and so on .do you know some other places ?lets finish the table. Step3 Communciate and showGet Ss to show their answers .The students who answer them well can get marks for their groups.Step4 Ask and expand .Finish the exercise on page 62Write a

19、 passage about “make and say Talk about the common problems that cant be solved in a groupEncourage Ss to ask teacher some questions that they cant understand in class.Read in group and retell the text.(分角色朗读)Step5 Check out and feed back 1. I will_(visit)my grandparents tomorrow. 2. How many_(count

20、y)do you know?3.Su Yang is_(learn)about animals?4.Does Wang Bing_(like)Australia?5.Is Ben_(like)Australia?6.Hell_(go)to the library tomorrow. Step6 Sum upAsk Ss to say out what they have learnt in class.Draw the knowledge structures about the lesson.subjects willverb Time adverbs write a passage use

21、 simple future time. Remember the structures of the simple future tense Finish off the workbook.preview the cartoon time.课前出示学习目标,让学生了解本堂课的要求。复习story 部分,引导学生扩充故事根据提示,帮助学生扩充对话,及时的纠正错误板书。Will+V引导学生自主学习,发现疑难,提出问题巡视指导由学生报告学习成果。教师引导学生解决基础性的知识和技能。讲解一些疑难。(3)pair work评价:its interesting/funny.完成一个表格提示句型:.(教师

22、示范).引导学生概括小结学习内容。 引导学生复习,学会预习课后反思得:失:纠:课题(主备人张慧)Sound time, culture time&Cartoon time课型新授课时共_4_课时第_3_课时学习目标1.掌握词汇和句型:Salad ,busy ,dinner I/you/we/they/he/shell 2告诉学生在做任何事的时候都不能一心二用。学情分析重点、难点: 能理解并体会字母组合air在单词中的发音,并适当扩展不同的发音。2. 能意识到做任何事情不能三心二意。3. 能锻炼运用英语及与他人合作的能力。易混、易错点:能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试表演对话

23、。学生演故事,试试给出不同的回答和结尾,有一定困难。学生认知基础:已经学过部分单词,以及前两个课时的学习。通过观看卡通片以及学生自读课文回答问题等活动帮助学生掌握知识。时间分配学_15分钟_讲_15分钟_ 练_10分钟_教学与学法 自主与合作学习,学讲方式。教学准备制作课件学生活动教师助学课后改进Step1:show the aims and lead-inGreetings Check out Ss preview Read the study aims again on the Bb and make sure they know what they will learn in the l

24、esson.What will you do next week ?When I was a child ,I want to be a doctor ,but now I am a teacher .What do you want to be ?Learn independentlyRead the book on P63-65 alone.Infer the words that Ss dont understand from the context.Underline the key phrases while reading alone.Write down the problems

25、 that Ss cant solve to the group leader.Step2:Work in groups.Group members discuss and answer the following questions: Read some words in the rhyme and think the pronunciation of “air”.Make a conclusion.Translate the text.Read the cartoon time and answer the questions. Do you know Billy ?what does h

26、e want to be ?What does Billy like ?Where does find out about cooking ?What will Billy cook ?Is he a good cook ? Step3 Communciate and showGet Ss to show their answers .3The students who answer them well can get marks for their groups.Step4 Ask and expand5Solve their new words in groups. Read after

27、the tape.Lets read some words in the rhyme and think the pronunciation of “air”.Challenge2: Picking apples.6 Read in roles.自己分配角色。 1. Look and talkTalk about the common problems that cant be solved in a groupEncourage Ss to ask teacher some questions that they cant understand in class.Read in group

28、and retell the text.(分角色朗读)Step5 Check out and feed backDo some exercises to consolidate Ssknowledge.Finish the following exercises in Ssexercises in class. 1)Mike_(like)playingfootball.He_(play)foo-t ball with his friends next Sunday morning.2)Look! Jim_(draw)a picture under the tree.3)Mrs Brown_(m

29、ake)a yummy cake for us last Childrens Day.4)Mr Green usually_(walk)to school,but he_(go)to school by bike next week.Step6 Sum upAsk Ss to say out what they have learnt in class.Draw the knowledge structures about the lesson.Homework.To remember the new words and phrases. Try to retell the cartoon t

30、ime.Finish off the workbook. To preview checkout time. PPT出示本课学习目标导入新课 引导学生自主学习,发现疑难,提出问题在自学基础上,通过小组讨论解决生生交互可以解决的问题。巡视指导由学生报告学习成果。教师引导学生解决基础性的知识和技能。讲解一些疑难句。Encourage the Ss to get my apples and flowers for Tina.Rule: You can get my apples by knowing the different pronunciations of “air”.Find and discuss in Make a conclusion.

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