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1、consider-consideration-considerable-considerate-consideringcontinue-continued convenient-convenience-inconvenientpatient-impatient-patience be patient with polite-impolite-politenesspossible-impossible-possibly-possibility convey-conveyed danger-dangerousdeal-dealt decide-decision determine-determin

2、ed-determination difficult-difficulty differ-different-difference similar-similaritydefend-defense distant-distance divide-division educate-education-educatorcourage-courageous-encourage-discourage-encouragement-encouragingembarrass-embarrassed-embarrassment energy-energeticequip-equipped-equipment

3、Europe-European evident-evidenceexist-existence experience-experienced explain-explanationextreme-extremely fail-failure feed-fed feel-felt fight-fought fair-unfairfinance-financial bite-bit-bitten hide-hid-hidden forbid-forbad-forbiddenforget-forgot-forgotten fortune-misfortune-fortunate-unfortunat

4、e-fortunatelyfree-freedom freeze-froze-frozen gentle-gently goose-geese tooth-teethhang-hanged-hung happy-happiness health-healthy wealth-wealthyhigh-height weigh-weight deep-depth honest-honestyhope-hopeful-hopeless hunger-hungry improve-improvement impress-impression depend-dependence-independent

5、injure-injury-injuredinterrupt-ed introduce-introduction invite-invitation judge-judgment judging by/fromknow-knew-known throw-threw-thrown draw-drew-drawn library-librarian 图书管理员 marry-marriage-married medicine-medicalmental-mentally mercy-merciful-merciless nation-national-nationalitynecessary-unn

6、ecessary-necessity noise-noisy-noisily occur-occurred refer-referredprefer-preferred infer-inferred offer-offered suffer-suffered operate-operation panic-panicked patience-patient-impatient percent-percentage perform-performance permit-permitted-permissionpoison-poisonous policy-politics-political p

7、ollute-pollution possess-possession prepare-preparation produce-production-productpronounce-pronunciation punish-punishment rob-robbed rude-rudelypuzzle-puzzled-puzzling-puzzlement reason-reasonable separate-separation serve-service shine-shone shrink-shrank-shrunk simple-simply-simplify sink-sank-s

8、unk sleep-sleptspeed-sped spend-spent spread-spread stand-stood steal-stole-stolen stick-stuck-stuck strike-struck stomach-stomachs suffer-sufferingsstrong-strength-strengthen struggle-struggling-struggled suit-suitablesurround-surrounding-surroundings swim-swam-swum teach-taughtterrible-terribly tr

9、eat-treatment tremble-trembling unbelievable uncomfortable violent-violence blow-blew-blown bring-broughtdrink-drank-drunk fight-fought lead-led leave-left lend-lentlose-lost meet-met pay-paid rise-rose-risen sell-sold shoot-shotspell-spelt sweep-swept wear-wore-worn win-won write-wrote-written高考大纲词

10、汇表中的重点词汇(only188words)Once you have mastered these words, you can make rapid progress in the coming examsAabsent:缺席的; be absent from (反义:be present at); absent-minded:adj 心不在焉的 (类似:distracted)So many people being absent, the meeting had to be put off. access 接近 使用 have access to fresh wateraccept:接受

11、;While I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person. ( 04 江苏 )accompany:伴随; 陪同;为伴奏 accompany sb studying at school陪读;accompany sb to sp: 陪某人去某地;accompany sb at / on sth 用给某人伴奏 使附有;为伴奏,为伴唱achieve获得,实现; achieve success/ones aimacross: prep 横过;穿过A big smile spread across his face. The

12、 boys mother ran toward me from across the park.address vt address sth to sb 写姓名地址; 演说 ;向说话; 称呼 admire: vt.钦佩,赞美,羡慕admire sb for sth 因某事而羡慕某人; admire the moon 赏月advise: vt.劝告,建议 advise doing sth 建议做某事advise sb (not) to do sth= advise that sb (should) (not) do sth建议某人(不要)做某事advise sb against doing st

13、h建议某人不要做某事afford: vt.买得起,经受得住,承担得起 cant afford to buy sth 买不起某物(常和can,be able to连用)alive: adj.活着的,充满的 be alive with 充满(活的或动的东西) / alive or dead 是死是活bring sth alive 使有趣/变得有生气 The pictures bring the book alive. The forest is alive with rare birds and animals, some of which none of us have ever heard o

14、f before.announce宣布;宣告(决定、计划等);(尤指通过广播)通知; announce oneself/sb 通报的到来 anyhow = anyway; 无论怎样/不论如何; 尽管/即使这样;反正I wonder if I could possibly use your car for tonight? -Sure, go ahead. Im not using it anyhow. (全国1)appreciate感激,欣赏;appreciate doing sth; I will appreciate it if you can arrival:到达;on ones arr

15、ival;attend:看护/照料;出席参加 attend to 处理,照料available:(物)可用/得到/用的;(人)有空的My brother would like to buy a good watch but none was available from that shop.average:adj平均的;普通的n 平均数平均水平 below/above average intelligence 低/高于一般智力 an average of 平均 People of all ages watch TV for an average of four hours a day.He w

16、as a good student and scored above average in most subjects.avoid:避免;躲开;逃避 She kept avoiding my eyes. = She kept avoiding looking at me. Bbaggage = luggage:行李【U】; balance: 平衡;You are working too hard. Youd better keep a balance between work and relaxation. bargain:vt讨价还价;n 廉价货 bargain with sb over/a

17、bout sth bear:忍受;承受(重量);承担(责任) The ice is too thin to bear your weight.She couldnt bear the thought of losing him. 失去她的情况她连想都不敢想。benefit: n 利益;be of benefit to . 对有益; for sbs benefit为某人的利益; vt 使受益 Reading English will benefit you. = You will benefit from reading English.beyond:超出/晚于;在的那一边;be beyond

18、sb: 使某人无法理解;beyond midnight午夜之后;beyond ones power/ability 超出某人的能力;beyond the mountain; beyond the reach of sb; beyond description/words/recognition/doubt/argument/all praise (赞叹不已)Im sorry, Madam. Youd better come tomorrow, because its beyond the visiting hours.(06福建)bother:(花费时间或精力)做某事;Why bother?干

19、嘛浪费时间?bother to do/doing sth 费心做某事 使烦恼或担忧;给制造麻烦 be bothered about sth 关心某事 Ccancel:撤销;取消;(类似于: call off ) 区分: put off 推迟case:n情况; in that / this case 如果那/这样(的话);在那/这种情况下;in case of 如果/万一;后跟名词 in case 万一, 以防, 如果I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some in case.病例;案例;事例 look into the case 调查这

20、一案例catch:抓住; catch sb doing sth:抓住某人正在做某事; = sb be caught doing sthbe/get caught in 遭遇恶劣天气、自然灾害、交通阻塞;catch up with 赶上The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught.challenge:对怀疑/质疑 This discovery challenges traditional beliefs. 这一发现是对传统信念的冲击。挑战;He challenged himself by learning a language d

21、ifferent from what his parents speak.charge:收费,索价;They charged 5 yuan for the haircut. free of charge:免费; 控告: charge sb with doing sth = accuse sb of doing sth 充电:The battery must be charged regularly. 向 冲去 charge into the room 冲进房间check:v.检查、核对 n.检查、核对;支票; 饭馆等的帐单 check out结帐离开;Christmas圣诞节;on Chris

22、tmas Eve 在圣诞节前夜;at Christmas 在圣诞节期间comfort;n.舒服、舒适;安慰 v.安慰 comfortable adj. (反义词 uncomfortable) comfortably live in comfort生活舒适 comfort sb with sth 安慰某人 be a comfort to sb 对某人是个安慰 communication:n 通讯;表达;communicate :v.传达;交流;沟通 communicat with sb freely He was eager to communicate his ideas to

23、the group. 他急于把他的想法传达给小组。company :n.陪伴; 公司; the company sb keeps 某人所交往的人; keep sb company 陪伴某人 Judging from the company he kept, Mark must have been a wealthy man. 根据马克所交往的人来判断,他一定是一位富翁。concern:vt 涉及;让某人担心; be concerned with 与相关; be concerned about 担心 concern oneself with / about 对感兴趣;as far as sb.

24、be concerned 就而言n. 担忧show great concern for . 对表示关心concerning: prep 关于;涉及 He asked many questions concerning the future of the company.confident自信的; be confident about/of/in 肯定的 be confident of sth / be confident that I am confident that I will win. = I am confident of winning. 我觉得有把握取胜。confidence I

25、m confident that well win this time. I bet you can. Youve been practicing so long. consider; .1)考虑(=think about) consider doing sth./sth.考虑做某事 I consider finding a new job. 2)认为(=regard as.) consider sb./sth. as / to be We consider him as our wise leaderconsidering : prep 考虑到;就而言 take into consideration 考虑到Taking everything into consideration, the event was a success.contain: vt.(成分/容器内)包含 Whisky contains a large percentage of alcohol. 威士忌的酒精含量

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