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1、,INTRODUCTION 介绍,This course is designed to emphasize the principles,illustrate the tools and techniques and provide opportunity to practice the methods outlined.It addresses 慺ear?and shows how to overcome anxiety and become a better speaker.It is your chance to join in and through participation,imp

2、rove your skills when talking to large audiences.这个课程是设计用来研究出那些原则,例证,工具和科技及提供 机会去练习所讲述的方法。它说服忧虑和呈示如何去克服焦虑及 成为一个好的演说家,它给你一个好机会,使你来参加 和通过参与,改善你的技巧,在与大群观众面前讲话 时不怯场。,INTRODUCTION 介绍,COMMUNICATION沟通,Dale Carnegie called the art of communicating 搕he fundamentalexpression of human personality.?Author Steph

3、en Covey calls it 搕he most important skill in life.戴尔卡内基称交流艺术为“个人性格的基本表达”。史蒂芬科维称之为“生活中最重要的技巧”。Poor internal communications and poor external communications,handicap growth the developing of people,and the positive evolution of a quality or continuous improvement process.内外交流的不畅对组织的成长,个人的发展,质量的改进和连续的

4、进步产生了很大的影响。,BARRIERS To COMMUNICATION 沟通障碍,Not being fully aware of our own assumptions,viewpoints,feelings and constructs.不完全清楚自己的设想、观点、感情和意图。Not being fully aware of the assumptions,viewpoints,feelings and constructs of those with whom we seek to communicate.不完全了解交流对象的设想、观点、感情和意图。Not bringing into

5、 harmony the above.未能成功地协调双方的设想、观点、感情和意图。,Lack of productive person-to-person contacts.缺乏有效的人与人之间的接触。Lack of a climate in which people feel to speak up and offer suggestion and ideas.未能制造轻松的气氛,使双方能自由地发表自己的观点和意见。Failure to listen carefully to what others have to say before offering comments or sugges

6、tions 在加以评价和提出建议之前没有仔细听取对方的意见。,BARRIERS To COMMUNICATION 沟通障碍,BARRIERS To COMMUNICATION 沟通障碍,Failure to listen to the emotional content of what others are saying 没有领会对方谈话中的感情因素。Lack of mutual trusts,respect and confidence.缺乏相互信赖和尊重,缺乏信任感。Writing or speaking above the comprehension of the people with

7、 whom we are communicating.书面和口头交流超出了对方的理解力。,Failure to evaluate the effectiveness of our communications.对交流的有效性缺乏正确的评价。Failure to involve associates in creative type conferences and motive them contribute their ideas.没有刺激同伴发挥其创造力,没有鼓励他们发表自己的 意见。,BARRIERS To COMMUNICATION 沟通障碍,SOME COMMON MISTAKES I

8、N COMMUNICATION交流中常见的错误,We talk too much and listen too little.说得太多,听得太少。(夸夸其谈)We fail to listen empathetically.没有投入地听取对方意见。(设身处地)We are unaware of such non-verbal communication as facial expressions,mannerism,and the like.未能捕捉到面部表情、眼神等非语言交流信息。(过于自信),SOME COMMON MISTAKES IN COMMUNICATION交流中常见的错误,We

9、assume the rest problem is one thing,when it may be something quite difference.自以为了解真正的问题,实际不然。(刚愎自用)We do not recognize the importance of the communication process.没有认识到交流的重要性。(强权管理)We make the mistake of believing that all people behave in uniform ways,and we ignore their individuality.错误地认为所有人的行为

10、方式相同,忽视了交流对象的 个性。(以一概全),SOME COMMON MISTAKES IN COMMUNICATION交流中常见的错误,We fail to realize that most management problems can be traced to poor communication.没有意识到大多数管理问题都是交流不畅所致。(畅所欲言)We often forget that it is not just what we say that communicates our thoughts to others,but what we do.忘记了交流不仅仅需要语言,不


12、isten with the Intent to Respond!我们听取意见的动机并非理解,而是反应,IGNORE COMPLETELY 完全漠视对方的意见,PRETEND TO LISTEN 心不在焉地听,LISTEN SELECTIVELY 有选择地听,LISTEN ATTENTIVELY 全神贯注地听,THE COMMUNICATIONS LOOP 交流环,Information 信息,Receiver 接收信息者,Sender 发出信息者,Feedback 反馈,A Key to Reducing Misunderstanding 减少误解的关键,Presentation and C

13、ommunicationskills,展示及沟通技巧,互 相 交 换,Communication 沟通,Communication 沟 通,PURPOSE:目的 convey information 传达讯息 make something happen 令某些事物发生,REQUIRES PLANNING 要求有计划,Processing Information 处理资讯,3 dominant approaches:,VISUAL 视觉的like to be shown 喜欢景象的,AUDIO 听觉的like to be told 喜欢谈论的,EMOTIONAL 感觉的appeal to be

14、feelings 要求有感受的,Communication 沟 通,CONSIDERATIONS 考虑:what information 什么资料 who intended for 谁感兴趣 intended result 预期结果 how(method)怎样做(方法),Communication 沟 通,AIM to be:,purposed 有目的的 structured 有组织的 inviting 有魅力的 timely 合时宜的 user sensitive 使用者有感受的,Communication 沟 通,USE使用 facts(事实)evidence(根据)AVOID 避免 am

15、bigulty(意义不明确)vagueness(含糊),Communication 沟 通,Support contents with illustrations用图解来支援内容,Communication 沟 通,Lever=to suit user 阶段 使用者适宜的style=corporate/person 形式 团体的/个人的apply standards使用标准keep it simple/brief保持简单/简短show courtesy/care展示殷勤/关怀,Communication 沟 通,PRACTICE GOOD LISTENING 练习良好聆听 find area(

16、s)of interest 找寻使感兴趣的地方 focus on content not delivery 焦点在于内容不是在传达上 keep an open mind 保持一个开放见解 delay judgment 延迟作出判断 resist distraction 抗拒令你分/烦扰的事物 be flexible 保存能变通的,Communication 沟 通,WRITING书写aim fordefinition&clarity目标放在定义及清晰度dont chop down trees不要砍下树木,Communication 沟 通,AUTHOR-consider 作者 考虑 where

17、 to start&end 由哪里开始及完结 what to include 包括什么 what to emphasise 强调什么,Cross-cultural Communications多种文化的沟通,observe protocols 注意外交礼仪 speak slowly 说话慢慢地 avoid jargon 避免术语 be sensitive 是有感觉的 seek common areas 寻找共合之处的 stick to script 遵守原稿,Presentation 展示,Presentation 展示,Input 输入 what 什么 when 何时 where 哪里 ho

18、w long 多久 who will attend 谁会出席,Information 资讯,Source 来源 business 商业上 colleagues 同事间 journals 刊物 library 图书馆 trade associations 贸易社团 news media 新闻媒介,Audience-assessment 观众 评估,what will they expect/what to you?什么会是他们期待的/什么是你期待的?what is their knowledge of the subject?他们对题目有什么认识?are their views favorabl

19、e?他们的观感是否赞同?who are they&the likely age range?他们是谁及年龄范围?,do they understand the vocabulary?他们会不会明白所用的用语?technical or non-technical?专业的或非专业的?will they be open mind?他们会不会有开放见解?what will most get their interest?什么最能取得他们的兴趣?what should they remember?什么是他们应该记得的?,Audience-assessment 观众 评估,Audience types 观

20、众类别,broad group 层面广阔的观众 be more informal 尽量用通俗性的/不拘礼仪 use general example 取用一般例子 select group 挑选的观众 be more technical 用专业性的用语,consider key 重视重要的 participants 参与者 aim at the decision makers 目标放在那些有决定权的人 anticipate objects 预计会有异议 anticipate questions 预计会有问题发问,Audience 观众,Planning 计划,Consider a checkli

21、st 考虑一个核对表:before 要做的是之前on the day 在当天during 过期间after 之后,Planning 计划,PURPOSE 目的 explain 解说 inform 通知 get conviction 取得确信 get action 取得动作反应 entertain 娱乐性,Drafting 草稿,1.writing objective 写下方针2.note down ideas 记下观念3.organize 组织4.write opening 写出开场白5.write speech 写出演讲稿6.write conclusion 写出结果7.edit,re-wr

22、ite 修改,回顾,Planning 计划,Aim to get 目标取得是:Attention 注意&Interest 和兴趣。Also,if appropriate 加之,如果适当的:Conviction 确信,Commitment 承诺,Agreement 认同。,Planning 计划,Focus on one main theme 焦点在一个题目 Keep it simple,dont overload 保持其简洁,不要充填过多 Test by condensing into one minute 测试将它浓缩成一分钟!,Planning 计划,INTRODUCTION 引导Say

23、what you will tell 讲你想讲的DEVELOPMENT 发展Tell them-告知他们(3 thing 3 ways 3 times)三件事,三种方法,三个时间CONCLUSION 结论Say what you told them 讲你告诉他们的THANKS 多谢,Preparation 预备工夫,prepare early 提前准备 write it down 写下来 go over it-silently 阅读一遍不作声的 go over aloud-often 高声读出经常地 record it 录音 try on family 向家人作练习,Supporting ma

24、terials 支援材料,overheads 投影片 computer slides 电脑幻灯片 videos/films 录影带/影片 others 其他,Overheads 投影,keep simple 保持简单 4-6 dot points only 只有四至六个论点的圆点 use colour 用色 illustrate simply 简单地解释 confine to one topic 限制在一个题目 allow av.5 mins each 每一张容许约五分钟,Overheads 投影,Font size(24pt minimum)字体面积(最小24针),Adopt same st

25、andards and style throughout 在整个过程中采用相同的标准和形式 Dont photocopy from normal text or A4 pages 不要从一般原文或A4纸页翻印,Rehearsal 预习,Learn the material and not the words学习那些材料而不是文字Memorise opening记熟开场白Practice using a mirror用镜子自我练习,Anxiety 焦虑,A natural reaction 这是一个自然反应 learn to control it 学习如何控制它,Anxiety 焦虑,know the topic 审阅题目 know the audience 了解听众 organise yourself 组织工作 practice&rehearse 练习及预演 focus on the topic 焦点放在题目上,Anxiety 焦虑,visualise/walk it 想像/在现场through(from arrival)(由到达)practice with the 练习使用仪器equipment etc.或供应等 breathe deeply 深呼吸 tense&relax muscles 拉紧或放松肌肉 dont hold

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