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Chapter One Introduction商法翻译 2.docx

1、Chapter One Introduction商法翻译 2Chapter One Introduction第一章绪论1. International business law1。国际商业法2. internationality2。国际性3. International treaties and conventions3。国际条约和公约4. International Trade Customs and Usages4。国际贸易惯例5. the principle of party autonomy5。当事人意思自治原则6. UN Convention on Contracts for the

2、 International Sale of Goods (CISG) (1980)6。联合国国际货物销售合同公约(公约)的货物(1980)联合国国际销售合同公约联合国国际销售合同公约7. Convention on International Bill of Exchange and International Promissory Note of the United Nations 联合国国际汇票和国际本票公约7。比尔的国际公约和国际本票联合国联合国国际汇票和国际本票公约8. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign

3、 Arbitral Awards8。关于承认和执行外国仲裁裁决承认与执行外国仲裁裁决公约承认与执行外国仲裁裁决公约9. International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (2000) 国际贸易术语解释通则9。国际贸易术语解释通则(2000)国际贸易术语解释通则10. Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP600) 跟单信用证统一惯例10。统一惯例跟单信用证(证)跟单信用证统一惯例11. Civil law11。民事法律12.Common law12常见的

4、法律。13. Equity Law13。衡平法14. private law14。私法15. public law15。公共法16.stare decisis16.stare作品17. Statutory law17。文法18. Supreme Court of the United States18。美国最高法院Questions问题Chapter One Introduction第一章绪论1. What are the main sources of International Business Law, British and American Law, and the Continen

5、tal Law?1。什么是主要来源的国际商业法,英国和美国的法律,和大陆法?2. What kind of cases can be brought before the federal court in the United States?2。什么样的情况下可以带来了在联邦法院在美国?3. What are the main differences between the two legal systems?3。什么是主要的差异两国之间的法律制度?Chapter Two Contract Law第二章合同法1. contractual capacity1。订约能力2. considerati

6、on2。考虑3. express contracts3。明示合同4. implied-in-fact contracts4。事实默示合同5. quasi contract5。准合同6. valid contract6。有效的合同7. void contract7。无效的合同8. voidable contract8。可撤销合同9.unenforceable contract9.unenforceable合同10. offer10。提供的11. counteroffe11。counteroffe12. post rule12。邮政规则14. condition precedent14。先行条件1

7、5. condition subsequent15。随后条件16. breach of contract16。违反合同17. liquidated damages17。违约赔偿18. injunction18。禁令19.specific performance19.specific性能20. expectation interest20。期待利益21. reliance interest21。信赖利益22. foreseeability22。预见性23. statutes of limitations23。限制法令Questions问题Chapter Two Contract Law第二章合同

8、法1. What essential elements should a contract include, if you want to create a valid contract?1。基本内容应包括一个合同,如果你想创建一个有效的合同?2. List the initial step to form a contract, and explain them.2。名单的最初步骤,形成一个合同,并解释他们。3. Johnson said to Mehta, “Ill sell you my stereo for $200.” Mehta replied, “Ill buy it for $

9、150.” Has a binding contract been formed? Why or why not?3。约翰逊对梅塔说,“我卖给你我的立体声200美元。”梅塔回答,“我要购买它为150美元。”具有约束力的合同已经形成?为什么或为什么不?4. In the American Contract Law, what kind of person does not have legal and mental ability to enter into a binding contract?4。在美国合同法中,什么样的人没有法律和心理能力进入一个合同?5. How does a contr

10、act differ from a mere social agreement?5。如何做一个合同不同于纯粹社会协议?6. Why does the law protect minors in their dealings with adults?6。为什么法律保护未成年人与成年人打交道的?7. Roberts was an important witness in a criminal case about to be tried. She was promised $5,000 not to testify. She then sued to collect the $5,000. Wil

11、l Roberts succeed?7。罗伯茨是一个重要的证人在刑事案件进行审判。她承诺5000美元不作证。然后她起诉收5000美元。罗伯茨会成功吗?8. Sargent orally agreed to purchase a piece of land from Bobston. To confirm the agreement, Sargent wrote a letter to Bobson that contained all the terms of the transaction and was signed by Sargent. When Sargent refused to

12、pay, pleading the statute of frauds as his defense. Is Hill liable?8。萨金特口头同意购买一块土地bobston。确认的协议,萨金特写了一封信给巴布森,包含所有交易条款及签署了萨金特。当萨金特拒绝付款,请求欺诈法作为他的防御。是山承担责任?9. Under the common law, what are the three ways in which a contract can be discharged by impossibility?9。在普通法下,什么是三种方式,合同可以解除不可能?10. List the diff

13、erent remedies that courts possibly award to the plaintiffs in a British and American legal system country?10。列出不同的补救措施,法院可能对原告在英美法系国家?11. Write the main terms of a contract in English.11。写出主要合同条款英文。Chapter Three Sales Law三章销售法1. CISG (Contracts for International Sale of goods)1。公约(国际货物销售合同)2. deliv

14、ery of the goods2。交付货物3. delivery of documents3。传送文件4. time of delivery4。交货时间5.conformity of the goods 品质担保5.conformity的货物品质担保6.assurance of the ownership of the goods(权利担保)6.assurance的货物所有权(权利担保)7. payment of the price7。支付价款8. taking delivery of the goods8。交付货物9. fundamental breach9。根本违约10. burden

15、of proof 举证责任10。举证责任举证责任11. reduce the price11。降低价格12. suspension of performance12。悬浮性能13. passing of risk13。风险转移Questions问题Chapter Three Sales Law三章销售法1. Does CISG govern the followlling contract?1。就公约管辖followlling合同?1) A Chinese company X made a contract with a German company Y for sale of peanuts

16、.1)中国公司签订了合同,与德国公司负责销售花生。2) Company M, whose nationality is in USA but her business place is in UK, sells one oil tanker to company N, whose business place is in China.2)公司,其国籍是在美国但她的生意的地方是在英国,卖一油轮公司,其业务是在中国。3) A Chinese businessman bought five microwaves from an American merchant in USA. When he ca

17、me back, he gave four microwaves to his relatives as gifts.3)中国商人买五微波从美国商人在美国。他回来时,他给四个微波他的亲戚作为礼物。4) There is a contract between a Danish seller and a Chinese buyer for sale of refrigerating plants which are used in ships. Besides the delivery of plants, the Danish seller also has other obligations,

18、 such as installation, adjustment and maintenance.4)有合同,卖方和买方丹麦销售制冷设备,用于船舶。除了提供植物,丹麦卖方也有其他义务,如安装,调整和维护。2. Can the parties exclude the application of CISG, if they dont like CISG?2。当事人可以排除公约适用,如果他们不喜欢公约?3. What kinds of remedies can a buyer get if the seller breach of the delivery duty?3。什么类型的补救措施,可以

19、得到如果卖方违约买方的交货义务?4. What kind of influence does it have on the transfer of the risk?4 .什么样的影响是否有风险的转移?5. Are goods bought for personal use included under CISG?5。商品购供私人使用列入公约?6. If a buyer is not entitled to damages when a seller delivers nonconforming goods, will the buyer be entitled to a reduction

20、in price?6。如果买方无权损害时,卖方将不合格商品,买方有权降低价格?7. If the seller delivers early, is the buyer still under obligation to take delivery? Why or why not?7。如果卖方交付买方的早期,是仍在收取货物的义务?为什么或为什么不?8. Explain the duties of the buyer and the seller separately.8。解释的责任,买方和卖方分别。9. What is anticipated breach of contract? If on

21、e party of the contract anticipates breach the contract, what are the possible measure of the other party can take?9。什么是预期违反合同吗?如果一方的合同预期违反合同,什么是可能的措施,另一方可以采取?10. When does usually the risk transfer according to CISG?(课本P165-166)10。当通常的风险转移根据公约?(课本p165-166)11. What are the four remedies available to

22、 the buyer if the seller breaches the sales contract? (课本P157-159)11。什么是四个补救措施,买方如果卖方违反合同?(课本p157-159)12. If one of the parties makes an offer and promises to keep it open for a period 30 days, can it later change its mind and withdraw the offer?12。如果一方当事人提出要约和承诺保持开放期为30天,可后来改变主意,撤回要约?13. List the m

23、ain provisions in a contract. (课本P168-173)13。名单上的主要规定在合同。(课本p168-173)14. When does an acceptance become effective? (课本P147)14。当一个接受成为有效吗?(课本p147)15. Does it matter if the acceptance calls for miner changes in the terms contained in the offer? (课本P148)15。这件事如果验收要求矿工变化的条款包含在报价吗?(课本p148)Chapter Four Pr

24、oduct Liability Law四章法律责任1. product liability 1。产品责任2. strict liability2。严格责任3. warranty theory3。保修理论4. theory of negligence4。过失理论5. product defect5。产品缺陷6. manufacturing defect 6。制造缺陷7. design defect7。设计缺陷8. warning defect8。警示缺陷9. personal injury9。人身伤害10. defenses10。防御系统Questions问题Chapter Four Produ

25、ct Liability四章产品责任1. What is the product liability? (课本P232)1。什么是产品责任?(课本p232)2. What is difference between express warranty and an implied warranty?2。之间的区别是什么保证和隐含的保证?3. Niven bought a loaf of bread and while eating a slice, cut her mouth on a piece of glass imbedded in the bread. Does Niven have a

26、 claim? If so, against whom? 3。尼文买了一块面包,吃一片,把她嘴上的一块玻璃嵌入在面包。不奈文有索赔?如果是这样,对吗?4. What are the defenses the defendants often used in law suit regarding product liability? (课本P247-248)4。什么是防御被告经常用于法律诉讼对产品责任?(课本p247-248)5. In determining whether a product is defective, the courts in the EEC countries, wil

27、l consider such factors as the products foreseeable uses and the instructions and warnings provided by the manufacturer. Is that right?5。在判断一个产品是有缺陷的,法院在欧共体国家中,将考虑这些因素:产品的可预见的用途和由制造商提供的说明和警告。那样对吗?6. Does strict liability in tort allow a person injured by an unreasonably dangerous product to recover

28、damages only from the seller of the product? Why or why not?6。并严格侵权责任让一个人受伤的不合理的危险产品赔偿只能从卖方的产品吗?为什么或为什么不?7. Does the doctrine of strict liability in tort make manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, retailers and others in the chain of distribution of a defective product liable for the damages cau

29、sed by the defect irrespective of fault?7。并严格侵权责任原则使制造商,经销商,批发商,零售商和其他链中的分布有缺陷的产品责任的损害赔偿所造成的缺损不论故障?8. For a defendant to be held strictly liable, what must the plaintiff prove?8。对被告人承担严格责任,原告必须证明?9. In theory, which parties in the chain of distribution may be liable?9。理论上,当事人链中的分布可能承担法律责任?10.What ar

30、e the different concepts of product in the law of China, America andEuropean Union?10。什么是不同的概念,产品在中国的法律,美国和联合?11. We always say strict liability doctrine is the most favorable doctrine for the consumers. Why?11。我们常说的严格责任原则是最有利的原则为消费者。为什么呢?Chapter Five Agency Law五章代理法1. Principal1。主要的2. Agent2。代理3. T

31、hird party3。第三方4. Independent contractor4。独立承包商5. Ratification5。批准6. Agency of estoppels6。表见代理7. Duty of loyalty7。忠实义务8. Undisclosed principal8。隐名代理9. Tort liability9。侵权责任Questions问题Chapter Five Agency Law五章代理法1. What is express authority and implied authority?1。什么是明示授权和权威暗示?2. What are the duties of the agent to the principal?2。什么是义务的代理校长?3. What is agency coupled with interest?3。什么是代理加上利息?4. Charles gave Halston authority t

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