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1、初中英语导学案高邮市初中英语导学案(8A Unit 1 Friends)课题Checkout课型复习 执教时间主备人市教研室复备人八桥中学初二备课组学习目标1.知识目标:1)掌握与本单兀描述人物特征话题有关的词汇及句型。2)复习容词的比较级和最高级。2.技能目标:1)能用形容词来描述人物或事物。2)巩固形容词的比较级和最高级的用法。3.情感目标:学会珍惜友谊,热爱丰富多彩的课余生活。学习重点米用多种方法巩固、加深理解并熟练运用与本单兀话题有关的语言点和语法知识。学习难点熟练运用形容词以及比较级别来谈论人或物。学法指导课前全面细致地复习本单元内容,本课进一步提升描述人或物的能力。订正、笔记栏学习

2、过程【预习指导与检测】、预习导航(一) 复习巩固本单元所学的词汇,特别是描述人和事物的形容词以及重要句型。(二) 对自己近期的学习情况做一个阶段性的小结,有哪些收获 ?还有那些不足需要在以后的学习中改进?二、预习成果(一) 和你的周边同学交流展示关于你的好朋友的作文,你一定比昨天做得更好!(二) 复习形容词比较级和最高级的构成,写出下面形容词的比较级和最高级,并 写出一些具有相同构成方法或一类的其他形容词。构成方法相同的词原级 比较级 最高级1.tall 2.nice 3.pretty 4.slim 5.beautiful 6.good (三)写出下列短语的汉语意思 aro

3、und the world 12. say a bad word about sb (四)预习质疑: 【课堂导学与互动】订正、笔记栏任务一:小组活动:1.复习形容词比较级和最高级的构成,并交流预习成果的第(二)题,相互补充 “构成方法相同的词”。2.相互提问预习成果第(三)题的短语翻译,再补充本单元更多的短语。任务二:口语表达:根据老师出示的某个歌星、影星或球星的图片,用合适的形容 词谈论他们的外貌特征。任务三:小组活动做比较:1比较身边的同学外貌特征的异同。2比较刚才老师出示的几张图片中人物的脸型,身高,身材眼睛大小,头发的长短 等,复习形容词的比较级和最高级。(在做比较时,你会复习到下列结

4、构)(1) 比较级+ than(2) the + 最高级 + of all/the three(3) as + 原级 + as(4) not as/so + 原级 + as任务四:和你的同桌自由讨论:1.Who is your favourite star?2.Who do you like best? Why?任务五:独立完成 Part B部分的练习,然后与同桌相互检查答案并朗读一遍。 任务六:相互问答:1.Which is your favourite outdoor activity?2.Which do you like better, climi ng or divi ng? Why

5、?3.Which do you like best, play ing football, divi ng or cycli ng? Why?4.Which is more dangerous,or ?5.任务七:对话操练:1.根据图表完成Part A部分的练习,与你的同桌相互检查。2.和你的搭档操练这部分对话并面对全班进行表演。【总结提升】1.请和你的伙伴模仿 Part A编自己的对话,要敢于陈述自己的观点和看法。注意 在两人对话时要大胆开口,语句连贯流畅。(可以把关键词或句型写下来)2.学完本单元后,你一定即增加了知识又升华了情感,你能简单陈述一下你的交友 观或对待人和事物的态度吗订正、笔

6、记栏【当堂反馈】(一)根据情景完成对话(每格一词):(Jenny. Jack and Linda are talking about yesterday exam.)Jenny: 1 was your Chin ese exam yestersay. Jack?Jack: I did n do very 2 . It was Ion ger and more difficult 3 I thought.Jenny: What 4 did you get?Jack: 78.Jenny: Thats not bad. Mine was 5 . I thought it was easy, but

7、I got only 65.Lin da: Both of you got better marks tha n I did. Mine was the 6 in our class.Jack: How come?(怎么回事)Lin da: I failed.Jack: Im sorry to 7 that. But it does nt matter. Work harder and you will do it8 next time.Lin da; I hope 9 . By the way, who did the 10 , do you know?Jack: Mary did. She

8、 got 100.Lin da: Wow!根据句意,用括号内所给词的正确形式填空:1.-What the weather like today, Daniel?-It is much (hot).2.Dear editor, we are (read) of your magazine.3.-What the matter with you?-I am ill and I feel (comfortable) all over.4.-What do yo thi nk of e-books?-I think e-books will be as

9、(popular) as paper books soon.5.The children are seriously ill and you must send them to a (big) hospital.6.Don tyou think (climb) the hill is very interesting?7.-How tall is the tree, do you know?-It is almost twenty metres in (high).8.We will spend as much time as we have (solve) this problem.9.Th

10、e Yellow River is the second (long) river in China.10.-Liste n! There s some one (kno ck) at the door.-Let me go and see who it is.(3)根据括号内的要求改写句子(每空一词一):1.I think English is more difficult than Chinese. (改为否定句)I English is more difficult than Chinese.2.He has a round face.(用 a square face改为选择疑问句 )订

11、正、笔记栏 he have a round face a square face?3.I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret.(对戈 U线部分提问 ) tell her anything?4.Shanghai is the largest city in China.(改为同义句)Shanghai is larger than in China.5.Amy is 1.60 metres tall. Kate is 1.65 metres tall. (连成一句)Amy isn Kate.【课后拓展】完形填空I have a u

12、seful dicti on ary. It has a lot of words. It gives many meanings for 1 word. But I always read the first meaning of a word in the dictionary. I never read the other meanin gs, because I want to read my books 2 . This morning, 3 I was read ing abook, I met a strange sentence. It looked 4 first. The

13、sentence had six words ; “ Draw a picture of your house. ” I knew five words in this sentence, but I didn tunderstand one word.I 5 draw”.l opened my dictionary and 6 the first meaning of draw”.ltwas pull ”.l said to myself, Now I know all the words, and I think I can understand the sentence. So I wr

14、ote the meaning of the sentence Pull a picture of your house. ”When my friend Dick read my new sentence, he laughed a lot. He picked 7 my dict ion ary, “ Look, Jack, the sec ond meaning of draw is make a picture 8 a pen, apencil 9 a brush ” . So this sentence means “ Make a picture of your house. ”

15、I un derstood! I thought Dick was won derful. And 10 I knew how to use my dict ion ary.()1.A.someB. manyC. eachD.all()2. A. quicklyB. quickC.slowD. slowly()3.A.howB. whoC. whatD.whe n()4.A.difficultB. wellC. easyD. easily()5.A.don knowB. didn knowC. knewD.know()6.A.looked forB. lookedC. fou ndD.look

16、ed after()7.A.byB. outC. upD.with()8.A.useB. withC. andC. withD.for()10.A. at the begi nningB. at lastC. at the first【学后反思】高邮市初中英语导学案(8A Unit 1 Friends)课题Comic strip andWelcom to the un it课型新授执教时间主备人吴培树审核人张华复备人学习目标1.知识目标:谈论人的外貌个性,学习描述人的单词和表达法。2.技能目标:谈论各自的朋友,掌握描述人物相貌和品质的知识。3.

17、情感目标:了解并逐步养成好朋友必须具备的优良的品质。学习重点学会用表示人的品质的单词与词组来描述自己的朋友。学习难点理解并正确运用与朋友品质相关的单词与词组。学法指导合作探究,自我展示学习过程【预习指导与检测】一、 预习导航背景知识:1.开篇部分的Eddie和Hobo两个卡通人物妙趣横生的对话一定能激发你对本 单元的兴趣。思考:本单元的主题是什么?2.本课介绍了关于朋友的不同品质的主题,你需要回答一本杂志上几个关于朋 友的品质问题,同时你还会学到一些描述朋友重要品质的词汇。二、 预习成果(一) 认真预习 Eddie和Hobo的对话及第7页内容,你能把下列短语译成英语吗?1.没有其他的 2.再吃

18、些食物 3.一个诚实的男孩 4.保密 5.使我快乐 6.相信他的话 7.有困难 8.分享我的快乐 9.如此特别 10.相当重要 (二) 仔细阅读下列各句,在空格处填上一个合适的词:1.1 can always talk to Jim when I have problems because he .2.It very importa nt to keep our classroom and .3.I think I must go to the supermarket, for there in the fridge.4.I must tell you the good news to let

19、 you my joy.5.-Who knows about it except you and me ?-Nobody does.6.- Can I have something to ?-What about some coffe?7.- Don tell lies. You must be .8.Max often tells jokes and makes us laugh.9.It to say Thank you ” when we get help from others.10.Betty is so that he can learn everything quickly.(三

20、)请你在完成以上练习后思考一下问题:1.You are so kind.如何用It句型改写:2.根据some more结构,请思考又两个,再两个”如何表达(两种方法)(四)预学质疑订正、笔记栏订正、笔记栏【课堂导学与互动】任务一:听对话录音回答问题:1.Who Eddies good friend?2.Why do you thi nk so?任务二:快速阅读对话,回答下列问题:1.Hobo is hun gry. What does Eddie give him?2.Does Hobo want to have somethi ng to drink? What is it?3.What e

21、lse does Hobo want?4.Is there anything else in the fridge?5.Will Eddie share his pizza with Hobo? Can you guess?任务三:认真阅读并和你的同桌合作表演对话,注意动作表情。你们可要做好上讲 台的的心理准备哟!你们的精彩表演一定会博得同学门的热烈掌声的!任务四:和你的临近同学四人一组讨论,挑选一人汇报:1.Are Eddie and Hobo good frien ds?2.Who do you like more?任务五:我们已经学过许多描述人的相貌和品质的形容词,如 tall, str

22、ong, polite等,本课出现了更多的生词,请用这些词在小组中交流:1.What is your frie nd like?2.What does your friend like?3.What kind of pers on do you think your friend is?4.Do you think it is importa nt for you to have a good friend?5.What do you think a good friend should be like?6.What makes your friend special?任务六:和你的同桌相互问

23、答然后完成第 7页A部分练习并检查答案:1.When you are sad, who do you like to talk to? Why?2.When you are happ , who would you like to talk to? Why?3.Can you talk to your friend about anything? Why?4.When you have problems, who do you talk to? Why?5.Do you believe what your friend say? Why?任务七: 思考: What qualities of a

24、 good friend are importa nt to you?完成B部分表格,你的搭档和你的观点一致吗?【总结提升】 订正、笔记栏1.根据本课所学内容,你能向我们介绍你的一位好朋友吗?请好好准备哟 !(不少于10句)!2.方法点拨:你是如何学习本课内容的?请向周围同学做介绍。【当堂反馈】(一) 单项选择( )1. Im hungry, can I have ?A. anything to eat B. someth ing eati ngC. anything to eat D. someth ing to eat( )2. There is a big cake. share it.

25、A. May be we can B. We may be canC. Maybe we can D. Maybe can we( )3. It so difficult a question. I think he will have problems .A. work it out B. work ing it outC. to work out D. to work out it( )4. I believe , because he is honest man.A. the words he says, a B. what he says, anC. what does he say,

26、 an D. his words, a( )5. There aren te no ugh chairs in the room. Would you please here?A. to bring ano ther three B. bring three moreC. to bring three ano ther D. bring more three( )6. Im going to them something about our new school.A. say( )7. -Which word canB. tell C. talk D. speakt describe (描述)

27、appearanee (外貌) ?A. HelpfulB. Beautiful C. PrettyD. Good-look ing( )8. -Where will you go, childre n?-Let s go Yoangzhou, a nice and modern city.D. the otherA. place B. other C. else( )9. What do you think your friend so special?A. makes B. to make C. maki ng D. make( )10. I found helpful of you to

28、give your seat to some one in n eed on the bus.A. that B. that was C.that is D. it订正、笔记栏(二) 根据所给汉语完成下列句子:1.A.你想来些喝的吗?B.不,谢谢。A. ?B. .2.冰箱里没有什么其他的东西了,你能帮我买些回来吗? ?3.也许我们可以合住一个房间。 ?4.我认为保持教室的干净整洁很重要。5.我能和他谈任何事情因为他能保守秘密。【课后拓展】同义句改写(每格一词)1.Im very hun gry, so Im feeli ng weak.Im hungry Im feeling weak.2.H

29、ow do you like the story book? do you the story book?3.I can always talk to him when I have problems.I can always talk to him when I m .4.Thank you for lending me your dict ion ary.It me your dictionary.5.Are there any other things in the bag? there in the bag?6.Were very glad that he can swim now.

30、, he can swim now.7.Maybe your pen is in your pen cilbox, but I m not so sure.Your pen in your pencilbox, but I m not so sure.8.That book is quite in teresti ng.That is book.9.Do you want to have some more orange juice? you to have some more orange juice?10.Im sorry that Im late again.Im sorry late again.【学后反思】高邮市初中英语导学案(8A Unit

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