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1、技术协议Technicalagreement中英Recycle Hydrogen Compressor(UK-202)循环氢压缩机(UK-202) Procurement Technical Agreement 订货技术协议单 元 名 称: Unit name: 业 主:Owner:总 承 包 方:Contractor:设 计 单 位:Designer:供 货 商:Supplier:June, 2014Content1、 概述General 12、离心压缩机技术要求及说明Technical requirements & descriptions for centrifugal compress

2、or 23、现场及公用工程条件(根据终版MR文件填写)Site & utility conditions(Fill in based on MR documents) 44、供货清单 supply list 55、备品、备件和专用工具清单List for spare parts & special devices 56、设计制造中执行的标准及规范Executive standard & specs in design & manufacturing 67、检验和试验项目 Items for check & test 68、设计分工及图纸和资料交付 Division of design & de

3、livery of drawings & documents 89、主要配套部件分供货商名单及联系方式 Supplier lists for main parts & contact 910、机组的性能保证和寿命保证 Performance & lifespan guarantee for units 1011、协调会及设备验收 Coordination meeting & equipment acceptance 1012、压缩机主要零部件材质清单 material list for main parts of compressor 1013、离心式压缩机预期性能曲线 Expected pe

4、rformance curve for centrifugal compressor 1114、离心式压缩机组数据表 Data table for centrifugal compressor 1115、压缩机组流程图(包括油、水、气等) Flow chart of compressor units (including oil, water & gas, etc.) 1116、压缩机剖面图 Section plan of compressor 1117、齿轮箱剖面图 Section plan of gear box 1118、润滑油/脂清单 List for lubricating oil/

5、grease 1119、灌浆原材料的推荐 Recommended raw materials for grouting 1120、现场服务 On-site service 1121、交货期 Delivery time 1122、质量保证期 Quality warranty period 1123、其它要求及说明 Other requirements & descriptions 1224、偏离表 Deviation table 1225、联系方式 Contact 131、 概述General1.1原则 Principles1.1.1本技术协议是对XXXXXXXXX炼油厂现代化改造工程XXXXX

6、XX设计和制造的最一般要求,包括设计、制造、检验、验收、包装、运输、安装指导和售后服务。采用技术承包商和工程设计单位确认、协调,使之采用成熟、可靠、先进的技术和设备。1.1.1The requirements for the design and manufacturing of XXXXXXX of modernization and revamping project of XXXXXXX refinery stipulated in this Agreement is the most fundamental, including design, manufacturing, inspe

7、ction, acceptance, packing, transportation, installation instruction and post service. The mature, reliable & advanced technology and equipment shall be used, which are verified and coordinated by technical contractor and design unit.1.1.2 供应商(制造商)应按照工程设计单位要求的标准、规范、数据表及本技术协议对XXXXXXX承担全部合同责任。1.1.2 Su

8、pplier (manufacturer) shall be fully responsible for contract liabilities in accordance with the standards, specifications and data required by engineering designer as well as this technical agreement.1.1.3 除本技术协议外,还应符合有关标准的要求。1.1.4 本技术协议、MR文件、循环氢压缩机订货技术文件(PKOP-1-0200-ME-001)与有关的标准、规范中的要求相冲突时,按其中质量和

9、性能最优者执行。1.1.3 Other than this Agreement, the relevant standards shall be complied with.1.1.4 In the event of conflicts between this Agreement, MR documents & relevant standards, specifications, the best in quality and performance shall prevail.1.1.5 供应商(制造商)对工程设计单位要求的标准、规范、数据表、合同的技术部分及本技术协议的任何偏离,均应以

10、书面形式及时向承包商和工程设计单位澄清,并经承包商和工程设计单位确认后方能生效。1.1.5 Regarding any deviations in standard, specifications, data sheets, technical parts of contract and this technical Agreement required by engineering designer, the supplier (manufacturer) shall immediately clarify this to Contractor and designer in written

11、 way, thus can take into effect after conformation by Contractor and designer.1.1.6 所有参数应采用公制(METRIC),温度采用摄氏度。1.1.7 工程设计单位可参加或放弃供应商(制造商)供货部分的检验和试验,但均不免除供应商(制造商)的任何合同责任。1.1.6 All parameters shall be METRIC, Celsius degree for temperature.1.1.7 The engineering designer can attend or quit inspection an

12、d test for the supplies by Supplier (manufacturer), but this shall not exempt the supplier (manufacturer) from any contract liabilities.1.1.8 供应商(制造商)应向工程设计单位提供审查的图纸和资料,供应商(制造商)应对其所提供的XXXXXXX承担全部合同责任。1.1.8 Supplier (manufacturer) shall be responsible for the drawings and data furnished by Supplier t

13、o engineering designer for review and examination.1.1.9供应商(制造商)应根据工程设计单位提供的文件对XXXXXXX进行设计方案,所采用的方案必须满足设计条件并得到工程设计单位的确认。1.1.9 Supplier (manufacturer) shall work out the design program for XXXXXXX according to the documents by engineering designer. The adopted program must meet the design conditions a

14、nd be confirmed by engineering designer.1.1.10供应商(制造商)对所提供的产品的工艺设计及其材料、制造、交工资料等负全责。1.1.10 Supplier (manufacturer) shall be responsible for the process design, data of materials, manufacturing and delivery, etc for the supplied products.1.2 Division of design 1.2 设计分工1.2.1承包商和工程设计单位向供应商(制造商)提供所必需的基础数

15、据和设计资料。1.2.2供应商(制造商)负责XXXXXXX的详细设计。1.2.1 Contract and Designer shall supply necessary basic data and design information to Supplier (manufacturer).1.2.2 Supplier (manufacturer) shall be responsible for the detailed design of XXXXXXX.2、离心压缩机技术要求及说明Technical requirements & descriptions for centrifugal

16、 compressor2.1 Overview of units:机组概况:2.2卖方对整个机组包括离心式压缩机、驱动机、增速箱、油系统、干气密封、仪表及控制系统、联轴器以及相关设备和管道系统等负全部责任,并负责它们之间的合理匹配。离心式压缩机、驱动机及其它设备在规定的环境条件下启动和连续操作。2.2 The seller shall be fully responsible for the whole units including centrifugal compressor, driving motor, gear box, oil system, dry gas seal, instr

17、ument & control system, coupler & associated devices and pipeline system, together with reasonable matching between them. Centrifugal compressor, driving motor and other devices shall be started up and be in continuous operation under specified conditions.2.3所有的电气设备、电气元件、仪表和其它仪电材料的选择,以及它们的安装都满足买方数据表

18、规定的电气危险场所分类及现场环境条件的要求。2.3 For selection of electrical equipment, components, instruments and other electrical materials, plus their installation, they shall be in accordance with the requirements on the classification of electrical dangerous areas and environment conditions at site, which are specif

19、ied in data table provided by the seller.2.4所有与用户管道连接的接口采用XXX连接。2.5操作条件及主要技术参数:详见数据表。2.6压缩机设计选型结果:详见数据表。2.4 XXX connection shall be used for all the ports connected to user pipelines.2.5 Operation conditions and main technical parameters: refer to data table.2.6 Type-selection for compressor design:

20、refer to data table.2.7压缩机型号的含义:2.7 Type definition for compressor:2.8离心式压缩机结构特点说明:2.8 Descriptions for structure features of centrifugal compressor:2.8.1 Model:机型2.8.2 Form:形式2.8.3 Form of driving motor:驱动机形式2.8.4 Rotating direction:转向2.8.5 Adjustment manner for flow:流量调节方式:2.8.6 Seal form for shaf

21、t end:轴端密封形式2.8.7 Case:机壳2.8.8 Main shaft:主轴2.8.9 Form of bearing:轴承形式:2.8.10 Inter-stage seal & impeller opening seal:级间密封和叶轮口圈密封2.8.11 Probe of shaft vibration and displacement:轴振动、轴位移探头2.8.12 Discharge pipe of compressor bottom case(conduit):压缩机下机壳排渣管(导淋管):2.8.13 Rotor & impeller:转子和叶轮2.8.14 Chas

22、sis:底座2.8.15 Balance tube:平衡管2.8.16 Instrument for gas path system and shaft system:气路系统仪表和轴系仪表:2.8.17 Instrument rack and tray installed on ground:就地仪表架和盘2.8.18防喘振控制系统Anti-surge control system:2.8.19联轴器及护罩Coupler and shield:2.8.20压缩机组所有和用户连接的法兰(包括油和气系统)All flanges connected to user for compressor u

23、nits (including oil and gas system):2.8.21润滑油系统Lubricating oil system:2.9齿轮箱Gear box:2.10电气要求Electrical requirements:2.11仪表和控制系统要求 Requirements for instrument & control system:2.12其它要求(其它需要补充的内容厂家可在此条中叙述)Other requirements(Manufacturer can make statements for supplementary details In this article.):

24、3、现场及公用工程条件(根据终版MR文件填写)Site & utility conditions(Fill in based on MR documents)3.1现场条件site conditions:3.2公用工程utility project:3.2.1循环水cycling water:3.2.2仪表风instrument air:3.2.3氮气nitrogen:3.2.4蒸汽steam: 高压蒸汽high pressure steam: 中压蒸汽medium pressure steam: 低压蒸汽low pressure steam:3.2.4电源power supply:高压hig

25、h voltage:低压low voltage:仪表电源power for instrument:3.2.5爆炸危险区域划分classifications of hazardous areas:3.3其它条件(其它需要补充的内容厂家可在此条中叙述)other conditions(Manufacturer can make statements for supplementary details In this article):4、供货清单 supply listNO.Namequantityremarks12345、备品、备件和专用工具清单List for spare parts & sp

26、ecial devices5.1开车备件清单list of parts for start-upNO.Namequantityremarks12345.2三年备品备件清单list of 3 years partsNO.Namequantityremarks12345.3特殊备件清单 list of special partsNO.Namequantityremarks12345.4专用工具清单 list of special devicesNO.Namequantityremarks12346、设计制造中执行的标准及规范Executive standard & specs in design

27、& manufacturingNO.Standard code 标准代号标准名称 Name of standard1234以上所有标准与规范均为现行最新有效版本。以上标准、规范及要求如有冲突时,应按其中最严格者执行。All the above standard and specifications shall be the latest version. In the event of conflicts between the above standard and specifications, the strictest one shall prevail.7、检验和试验项目 Items

28、for check & test7.1压缩机组检验和试验 Check & test for compressor units7.1.1压缩机主要零部件的检验内容:Check contents of main part of compressor: 列表。Make a list7.1.2压缩机厂试验和买方见证项目:列表。Make a list7.1.3电动机检验和试验:详见电动机技术协议。 Check & test for motor: refer to technical agreement on motor7.1.4干气密封系统检验和试验: 详见干气密封技术协议。 Check & test

29、for dry gas sealing system: refer to technical agreement on dry gas sealing system.7.1.5压缩机、电动机、油站试运转和验收遵守规范及相关标准。Test running and acceptance for compressor, motor and oil station shall conform to standard and relevant specifications.7.1.6转子高速动平衡 high-speed balancing of rotor:7.1.7压缩机在卖方进行机械运转试验,在最大

30、连续转速下运转4小时。机械运转试验时用产品合同电机和合同增速箱进行试验。Mechanical operation test for compressor shall be done by the Seller with the max continuous speed for 4 hours. The test is carried out by product contract motor and gear box.机械运转试车机械性能应达到如下要求,试车后进行解体检查:Mechanical property of mechanical running test shall meet the

31、 following requirements. After test running, strip inspection shall be done: NO.项目 item单位 unit压缩机compressor12347.1.8润滑油站在卖方车间进行试验和调试,包括各种阀和仪表整定值调整。Test and debugging for lubricating oil station shall be done in the Sellers workshop, including setting the value for all kinds of valve and instrument. 7.1.9整个机组在买方现场进行的机械运转试验,在不超过最大允许排出温度和不发生喘振条件下,吸入XXX进

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