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1、拟人Person Idioms 拟人成语世界上的人形形色色。汉语和英语中都有很多拟人的说法。汉语有:二百五、三只手、半瓶醋、白眼狼、笑面虎、铁公鸡、纸老虎、狗腿子,等等。英语中的拟人说法也不少,这些拟人用法大多归类于英语idioms的范畴。汉语中的新手在英语里是a green hand(绿手);汉语的试验品在英语里是a guinea pig(小白鼠);而汉语中一个人的社交关系在英语里是a friend at court(宫廷里的朋友)。有些英语的拟人说法已被汉语吸收,如:a dark horse(黑马)、a scapegoat(替罪羊)、a white-collar worker(白领)、a

2、blue-collar worker(蓝领)等。但另有一些是我们不熟悉的,如:后座司机、黑羊、破芦苇、好天气朋友、车轮子上的苍蝇、鸡蛋头,还有金砖和跛鸭等。本单元内容是50条拟人成语,关键词包括: driver shot wheel bird leg sheep stocking hat reed bull body paw pumpkin horse dog cat fly hand pig straw duck diamond goat snake touch blanket beaver salt cannon 1. A backseat driver字面意思:后座司机。解释 Passe

3、nger in a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver.乘坐汽车的人对开车的人瞎指挥,使开车的人很反感。说明:但不一定就坐在司机座的后面,也可能坐在司机的旁边。2. A big shot字面意思:大号铅球。解释 Important person.重要人物。变体:A big nose(大鼻子);A big wheel(大轮盘)。 3. A big fish字面意思:大鱼。解释 Important person.大人物。矮子中的巨人。说明:常用在短语中,如:A big fish in a little pond(小水塘里的大鱼),指的是小范围或小

4、地方的大人?quot;。4. A bird of passage字面意思:过路的鸟。解释 Person who passes through a place without staying there long.不在一个地方做长久停留的人。说明:Pass的意思是通过,而Passage是它的名词形式。举例:也许在深圳半年,到北京之前又在上海呆一年;或许在一个地方呆三两天就离开。5. A black leg字面意思:黑腿。解释 A person who works while his fellow workers are on strike.工友在罢工,而自己去上班的人。6. A black sh

5、eep字面意思:黑羊。解释 A person in a group or family who fails to do well or who behaves badly.在一个团体或家庭中,表现不好的一个人;败家子;害群之马。7. A blue-collar worker字面意思:蓝领工人。解释 Someone who does physical work often in a factory.干体力活儿的人;工厂工人。8. A bluestocking字面意思:蓝袜子。解释 A woman who has, or pretends to have, literary taste and l

6、earning.有文学修养的知识女性;或假装有文学修养的女性;女才子。说明:常含有贬义。9. A bosom friend字面意思:贴胸朋友。解释 A very close friend.知心朋友;知己。10. A brass hat字面意思:铜帽子。解释 A high ranking officer in the army.高级军官。11. A bread winner字面意思:赢面包的人。解释 A person who earns money to support his/her family.家庭中挣钱养家糊口的人。12. A broken reed字面意思:破芦苇。解释 A perso

7、n who is unreliable and ineffective.靠不住的人;没效率的人。13. A bull in a china shop字面意思:瓷器店里的公牛。解释 A person who is rough and clumsy when skill and care are needed.没有技术、粗心而且卤莽愚笨的人。14. A busybody字面意思:忙碌的身体。解释 A person who interferes other peoples business.爱管闲事的人;干涉别人事情的人。15. A cats paw字面意思:猫爪子。解释 A person who

8、is used by others to do something unpleasant or risky.被人利用的人。常指被利用做冒险的或令人厌恶的事情。16. A country pumpkin字面意思:乡村南瓜。解释 A person who is not used to city life. 不习惯城市生活的人;乡巴佬。变体:country potato(乡村土豆)。 17. A dark horse字面意思:黑马。解释 A Person who does something successful when no one expects him/her to do so.没有料想到会

9、取得成功的人;黑马。18. A die-hard字面意思:不容易死的人。解释 A person who is stubborn especially in resisting change.顽固分子;死硬派。19. A dog in the manger变体:马槽里的狗。解释 A person who is unwilling to give others what he does not want himself.自己不需要但不愿意让别人得到的人;狗占马槽;占着茅坑不拉屎的人。说明:出自伊索寓言。狗不吃草但不让马吃,Manger指的是马槽或牛槽。 20. A fair haired boy字

10、面意思:金发男孩。解释 A man who is liked or admired by someone in authority.上司喜欢或青睐的人;红人。变体:A blue-eyed boy(蓝眼睛男孩)。21. A fair weather friend字面意思:好天气朋友。解释 A person who stops being a friend when one is in trouble.你有麻烦就跟你停止来往的朋友。22. A fat cat字面意思:肥猫。解释 Someone who is very rich and powerful.有钱有势的人。23. A fly on th

11、e wall字面意思:墙壁上的苍蝇。解释 A person who secretly hears and sees what happens.秘密地观察所发生事情的人。24. A fly on the wheel字面意思:车轮子上的苍蝇。解释 An arrogant and pompous person.傲慢而狂妄的人。说明:出自伊索寓言,苍蝇趴在灰尘滚滚的车轮上说瞧我扬起了多大的灰尘!25. A fly-by-night字面意思:夜间飞行的人。解释 A person who evades debts; an unreliable person.躲债的人;不可靠的人。说明:复数形式是:fly-

12、by-nights.26. A gold brick字面意思:金砖。解释 A person who is always ready to make excuses for not working.总是找借口逃脱工作,不愿付出劳动的人。27. A green hand字面意思:绿手。解释 An inexperienced person.没有经验的人;新手。28. A guinea pig字面意思:天竺鼠(小白鼠)。解释 A person or an animal used in an experiment.用来做实验的人;试验品。说明:也可以指动物。29. A lame duck字面意思:跛足鸭

13、子。解释 A person in difficulties and unable to manage without help; official in his final period of office.处于困境无法自立的人;任期快要结束的官员。30. A loose cannon字面意思:没有固定好的大炮。解释 A person who can not be completely trusted because of his/her behavior is sometimes strange or violent.炮筒子;不可完全信任的人(因为他的行为有时候古怪或有暴力倾向)。31. A

14、 man Friday字面意思:男人星期五。解释 A person who does many different types of boring work in an office.在办公室干枯燥无味的杂活儿的男人;打杂的。变体:A girl Friday或A person Friday.32. A man of his word字面意思:说话算数的人。解释 A man who can be trusted; who does what he has promised.值得信赖的人;守信誉的人。变体:A woman of her word.33. A man of straw字面意思:草人。

15、解释 A person who is weak and easy to defeat.软弱而容易被击败的人。变体:A straw man.34. A man of the cloth字面意思:布衣之人。解释 A person who works in a church.(基督教)神职人员。35. A maverick字面意思:没有打烙印的小牛。解释 A person who will only go his/her own merry way; a person who is too independent to follow his/her group.按自己喜欢的方式做事的人;持独立见解的

16、人。36. A ringleader字面意思:团伙头目。解释 A person who leads others in a crime.罪犯头目;魁首。37. A rough diamond字面意思:没有抛光的钻石。解释 A person who is good-natured although not very well-mannered.心地善良但粗俗、缺少教育的人。38. A scapegoat字面意思:替罪羊。解释 A person who is blamed or punished for the wrongdoing of someone else.替别人挨批评或受罚的人;替罪羊。

17、美国变体:A fall guy. 39. A sleeping partner字面意思:睡觉的伙伴。解释 A person who owns part of a business, but does not do any work in it.是合作伙伴,但他只是投资,不参与实际业务。40. A snake in the grass字面意思:草里的蛇。解释 A deceitful or treacherous person who pretends to be a friend.带有欺诈性的危险的假朋友。41. A soft touch字面意思:软触觉。解释 A person who read

18、ily gives or lends money if asked.一经要求就送人钱或借钱给人的人。变体:Easy touch(容易的触觉)42. A wet blanket字面意思:湿毛毯。解释 A person who spoils other peoples pleasure because he/she is gloomy or pessimistic.因为自己消沉或悲观,而使别人兴致低落的人;扫兴的人。 43. A white-collar worker字面意思:白领工人。解释 A person who does not do physical work.脑力劳动者;白领。44. A

19、n armchair critic字面意思:沙发批评家。解释 A critic without having or providing practical experience of something.没有实践经验的批评家。45. An eager beaver字面意思:热心的海狸。解释 A person who works very hard and is very eager to do something.工作努力而且很想干事的人。46. An egg head字面意思:鸡蛋头。解释 A very intellectual person.很有学问的人。说明:贬义成语。47. An un

20、der dog字面意思:在下面的狗。解释 A person thought to be in a weaker position and unable to win a contest.处于劣势而不能获胜的人。说明:也可以指不发达国家。48. Grass roots字面意思:草根。解释 Ordinary people in a society.平民百姓;老百姓。49. The man in the street字面意思:街道里的人。解释 The average ordinary person of either sex.普通人;一般人。50. The salt of the earth字面意思

21、:土地里的盐。解释 A very decent and honest person or people of a society. 社会的中坚;最值得爱戴的人;最诚实的人。说明:在古代,盐被认为是非常有价值的东西。没有盐,人类社会是不能繁衍生存的。操练成语I. 多项选择练习。1. She is a black sheep of the family.A. She is a disgrace of the family.B. She earns a lot of fame for the family.C. She is the best among the family members.2.

22、We all agree that she is a busybody.A. She helps others generously.B. She has too much work to do.C. She pokes her nose into others business.3. He is the salt of the earth.A. He is from the countryside.B. He is not very sophisticated.C. He is a good and honest person.4. She is a fly on the wheel.A.

23、She is arrogant and pompous.B. She controls everything.C. She is a smart person.5. He is a soft touch.A. He is too kind and too generous.B. He is very sophisticated.C. He shows no sympathy to others.6. He is a bull in a china shop.A. He is very rich and powerful.B. He is a good athlete.C. He is roug

24、h and clumsy.7. I just want to be a fly on the wall.A. I want to listen and see whats going on.B. I want to get away from this situation.C. I want to look for a better job.8. She is a snake in the grass.A. She is a quiet person.B. She is a hidden enemy.C. She has a very nice job.9. He is an eager be

25、aver.A. He works very hard.B. He does nothing at work.C. He is unemployed.10. He is the bread winner of the family.A. He spends the money of the family.B. He is a very big eater.C. He earns money to support the family.II. 填单词完成下列成语。1. an armchair _.2. a snake in the _.3. a _ in a china shop.4. a fly

26、 on the _.5. a _ diamond.6. a fair _ friend.7. a sleeping _.8. an _ beaver.9. a _ of the cloth.10. a dog in the _.11. an _ dog.12. a _ of passage.13. a big fish in a small _.14. a broken _.15. a _ blanket. III. 根据汉英提示写出英语成语。1 败家子 _ _ _2 黑马 _ _ _3 平民百姓 _ _4 替罪羊 _ _5 犯罪团伙头目 _ _6 试验品 _ _ _7 被人利用的人 _ _

27、_8 守信誉的人 _ _ _ _ _9 卤莽的人 _ _ _ _ _ _10 军官 _ _ _11 乡巴佬 _ _ _12 红人 _ _ _ _13 蓝领 _ _ _14 白领 _ _ _15 知己 _ _ _IV. 填单词完成下列句子。1. We dont like her. She is a fly on the _.2. Dont trust him. He is a _ reed.3. He works in a church. He is a man of the _.4. He works in an office. He is a _ worker.5. He is very r

28、ich and powerful. He is a fat _.6. She spoils the fun all the time. He is a wet _.7. He is new here. He is only a _ hand.8. Avoid him! He is a snake in the _.9. He does physical work. He is a _ worker.10. She is famous, but only a big _ in a little pond.V. 用英语或汉语解释下列句子的意思。1. He is a big shot.2. He is a backseat driver.3. She is the black sheep of the family.4. He is an egg head.5. She is a dog in the manger.6. She is the girl Friday in the office.7. She is a fair weather friend.8. We expect to see a dark horse in todays game.9. He i

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