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1、中考英语专题复习语法填空真题B卷中考英语专题复习语法填空(真题)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 语法填空 (共20题;共184分)1. (5分)阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。讲答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。Life is hard. And junior middle school students have every reason to say so.Recently, Zhejiang did _survey of young peoples mental health. It found that junior middle school

2、 students in Zhejiang feel the_ ( big ) pressure from school among teenagers. Besides, 48.8 percent of middle school students show signs of mental health problems.What are students_ ( worry ) about?_, the class ranking after exams. Second, being_ ( able ) to reach their parents expectation, ” the Yo

3、uth Times reported.This is not only true with Chinese students. The American Psychological Association recently did a similar survey. The results are_ ( surprise ): in the US, teenagers have a higher level of stress than adults. For them, one of the big reasons for stress_ ( be ) also schoolwork._ c

4、an we do to help?To begin with, make sure you have an active life. Sleep for 9-10 hours a day, find someone to exercise with every day, and eat well, said Norman B. Anderson, an expert from the association. Also, try to keep away_mobile phones and computers. _you spend too much time on them, you wil

5、l more likely feel upset, said experts.2. (9分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Once upon a time, an eagle(老鹰)was flying in the sky when he suddenly saw a beautiful hen. The eagle came near the hen and said, My pretty hen, I Love you. Will you be _(I) wife?The hen was scared for the eagle was so s

6、trong. Her husband, the cock had gone out to look for food and her kids had gone away somewhere lo play with other _(child). The hen quickly answered, Im willing to be, but let me first grow wings like yours, so I can fly _high as you. The eagle replied, OK! This ring is for you as a sign of our bet

7、rothal(订婚). Tie it around your neck till I return.The hen agreed _(do) so, and the eagle flew away.When the cock met the hen the next day, he was very _(surprise) to see the ring around her neck. He said, Where did you get that ring? Throw it away immediately. The hen did this and the cock was cheer

8、ful I again. But at the weekend, the eagle came _.The frightened hen hid herself behind her door but the eagle soon found her out. Suddenly he cried, Where _(be) the ring that I gave you? Why are you not wearing it?The hen was very scared and said, Forgive me l I lost it yesterday. I was walking in

9、the garden when I met a large snake. I was _frightened that I ran fast. When I got home, I couldnt find it.The eagle looked at the hen _(angry) and said, I dont believe you. You have hurt me. I will punish you. _you dont marry me, I will snatch( 抓)away all your chickens from you. But I will promise

10、to forgive you only if you find my ring. Good-bye! Ever since, all the hens in the world have been scratching( 轻抓) the ground to find the eagles ring.3. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Johnson is an eight-year-old boy. He is _ good boy. He does well in all his _ (lesson).

11、 He loves school, and he is always active (活跃的) in class. Every time the teacher asks a question. Johnson always _ (put) up his hand quickly. Sometimes his all answer is wrong, _ the teacher always smiles and says, “Good, Johnson. But is there a better answer _ my question? ”One day, the teacher ask

12、s the boys and girls a question. “Swallows (燕子) fly to the south before the winter is _ (come),” he says. “But _ dont cats and dogs do the same?”Johnson lifts his hand as _ (usually).“Yes, Johnson?” says me teacher _ (happy).Johnson stands up and says, “Because _ (them) have no wings (膀).”4. (10分)用所

13、给单词的适当形式填空, 未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。Once upon a time, a big lion lived in a zoo. One day, he _ (be) very hungry. When Bill, the keeper, gave_his dinner, he ate it up quickly. Quite by mistake he ate up the keeper too. _it was time for lunch, Bill did not show up. The other keepers sat down to eat, still w

14、ondering _ young Bill was not there. _ (sudden) there came a loud sound from the Lion House. They went _ (see) what was the matter. There they saw the big lion _ (lie) on the ground. He looked_ (big) than before. The keepers looked at one another and all of them said at once, “Of course! The big lio

15、n has eaten poor Bill.” They got two _ (bottle) of medicine quickly, and then they made the big lion sleep for _operation (手术). They cut up the front of his belly (肚子).Bill jumped out from it, looking quite all right.5. (10分)王雷家有许多规则,如:早起,整理房间,平时不能出去,周末要上许多课外班等。他不知道怎么办,他只好写信向专家求救。请帮助他完成求救信。(每空一词) De

16、ar expert,Im sorry to tell you that I have too many _at home. I must _up early in the morning and make the bed. I am not allowed to go _at eight on weekends. Also, I have to go to after-school classes .Can you tell me _to do? Could you give me some _?Yours,Wang lei6. (5分)根据短文内容及所给提示, 补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确

17、形式填空。A good friend is like a mirror. Everyone _(need) friends. We can share secrets _our friends and turn to them for h_when we are in trouble. But do you know how to make friends? First, learn to smile. A smile always makes the others like you. Smile at someone and you are sure to get a smile back

18、from _(he). Second, try to remember names. It makes your new friends f_happy when you call them by their names b_you dont forget them. Third, learn to discuss instead of arguing when you have _(difference) ideas. If you dont agree with other people, you should still be friendly. Teenagers need to ha

19、ve one or a group of good friends because friends can discuss things which are too difficult to say to their family _(member). All in all, a good friend will help to bring out the_(good) in you. Once you have _(find) such a good friend, do treasure him.7. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),

20、使文章意思完整、正确。 There are problems between teenagers and adults. Lack of_(communicate)is one of them. As for teenagers, it can often be quite difficult to talk to our parents. It seems our parents are always telling us to study. We feel that our parents hardly understand us, so we tend to either talk to

21、 our friends_just keep quiet about our problems. We often fail_(see) that our parents care about us. This is a shame because we can actually learn a lot from_(they) experiences. We should not forget that our parents used to be teenagers too. They once_(face) many of the same problems and_(difficult)

22、.So try to be _open-minded towards their opinions. Remember that our parents just want the_(good) for us. Take the time to sit down and_(real) talk to them.They might provide you_some useful advice.8. (8分)阅读下面的短文,请根据所给的中文写出单词的正确形式,每空一词。Have you ever picked up a pen to write some characters, but you

23、cant _(记得) what they look like?Youre not alone. CCTV-10 started a show _(叫做) Chinese Character Dictation Com-petition (中国汉字听写大会) last year. On the show, only three out of 10 adults_(正确地)wrote bingjiling (ice cream 冰激凌), and no one could write out penti (sneeze喷嚏). According to a survey, 94.1% of peo

24、ple said they had memory lapses (差错) when _(写) some characters.It seems that Chinese characters are in danger. Since the digital(数码) age began, fewer and _(少) people use pens and paper. Most people now write Chinese on keyboards using pinyin. As a_(结果), many people would forget the features(特征)of a

25、Chinese character, such as its structure and _(意思)easily.Chinese characters are one of the worlds_(古老的)written languages, dating back (追溯到) to 1100 BC. Its not only a way for us to record things,_(而且)its important to pass on Chinese culture. For example, the character nan (male男) is made up of two_(

26、部分), tian (farmland田) and li (strength力). We can tell from it that in the old times Chinese men were in charge of (负责) working on the farmland.9. (10分)Julia says she is feeling a lot_(well) today. 10. (9分)阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Some people prefer to make friends wit

27、h people who are very much like them while others prefer friends who are very different. There are advantages of both types of _ (friend). If a man _ (choose) a friend similar to himself, there is no problem that they will share many common interests. They may have similar goals in life. This means

28、that they will be able _ (help) each other in achieving their goals. Two people who are very similar will feel _ (comfort) with each other and may understand each others feelings better. _ (they) friendship may be deeper and last longer.There are also many advantages of _ (make) friends with someone

29、 of opposite interests and even character. In this type of friendship, the two people complement(补充) each other. If one is weak in some ways, _ other is strong. Two people _ similar goals may find themselves in competition, _ those who want different things can always support each other. Those who h

30、ave different interests can _ (introduction) each other to new experience and so enrich(丰富) their knowledge.A friend who is unlike me may be challenging, but a similar friend is familiar and safe.11. (10分)阅读下列短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式。 Many people like pandas very much because they are very cute. Most of them come _Sichuan, China. They have white hair _big eyes. And _(they) ears, legs and shoulders are all black too. Pandas are usually heavy, but they can climb trees like k

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