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1、课上学生走来走去,又是叫又是跑,甚是热闹,直接影响教师的教学流程,教学环节流于形式;课后,学生懵懵懂懂,一知半解;一学期下来,学生则普遍捧着课本迷惑地望着你。究其原因不难发现,安排不合理,学习没及时巩固,知识没能螺旋上升,直接阻碍教学的进展。为此,我认为游戏作为帮助学生学好英语的一种有效教学形式,要真正发挥其辅助教学的功能,达到寓教于乐,在教学中我们应该做到:首先要面向全体,分层教学 。 在游戏教学过程中,不可回避的如何对待优中差生。设计游戏要注重面向全体学生,难度适中,让大家都参与。个人素质,性格特点,记忆力,反应速度等都要考虑到,以求用最有效的方法激励学生不断上进并乐意参与。在激发他们的主

2、动参与亲身实践中,培养他们的独立思考和合作探究的创新精神,实践能力;其次,组织得法,严谨有序。 做好游戏的组织工作,做到有条不紊,活而不乱。小学生天生爱玩游戏,争强好胜,有些学生做起来容易忘乎所以,甚至在课堂上,有的同学会情不自禁地高声喊,场面会难以控制。因此,首先,在开始游戏之前要讲清规则。纪律要求,评分标准,防患未然。或某些特定的英语口号,在游戏过程中即使会出现一些混乱,我们也要能理解学生的心理,不要一味批评,而是积极讲清楚。现在的孩子都很聪明,老师说的话他们一定会听的。最后,要适时适度。我认为不能力求面面俱到,游戏过多,而忽略了主要教学内容的讲授和训练,喧宾夺主,上成了完全的游戏课。对于

3、英语课上的游戏,用的好,我们的教学会很省力,达到事办功倍的效果,可过之则会影响教学,如何把握还得靠我们教师在教学时的设计和对新课程的不断研究。Module 2 Unit 2 This is the River Thames一、教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)基本会读、会写、会说词汇long、wide、many、river、old、famous(2)基本会唱歌曲London Bridge is falling down.(3)巩固复习This is + n.及There be +n的语言结构。(4)巩固复习Is it + adj.的语言结构,并用Yes,it is.或No,it isnt.进行回答

4、。2、能力目标:(1)能够运用This is +地名,Its + adj.的语言结构来描述自己喜欢的城市。(2)能够运用The + n. +is+ adj.的语言结构来形容某种事物。3、情感目标:(1)培养学生认真观察周围事物;了解更多的地理知识。(2)引导学生关注我们的生活,热爱我们的生活。二、教学重点分析:1、单词发音准确,如Thames、Hyde、Tower Bridge等。2、本课四个景物词组:the River Thames Big BenHyde Park Tower Bridge3、基本学会歌曲London Bridge is falling down.三、教学难点分析:(1)使

5、学生能运用所学词组对自己熟悉的景物进行简单、正确的描述。(2)激发学生兴趣,使他们敢于用简单的语言准确描述身边景物。四、教学准备: 多媒体课件、录音机、录音带、单词卡片五、过程设计:Step1: Warming-up1. GreetingT:Good morning ,boys and girls. Ss: Good morning,Ms Sun.T: How are you today? Im fine ,thank you . And you? Im fine, too. 2.Words game. (唱反调)T :big ,Ss:small. show out the word card

6、s. Ss read the words as fast as they can. And do the actions to each other. Eg: T: naughty, Ss:做鬼脸并指向同位,并说句子:Hes/Shes naughty.Step2: Presentation Good! All of you did a good job!奖励学生奥运福娃的贴画。1、Leading-in.(1)老师装扮成一名导游T:We all know that the 28th Olympic Gams was held in Beijing last summer, do you know

7、 where the next Olympic Games will be held? London. T: YES !Do you want to konow something about London?Yes.London is the capital of England.Yes.You are very clever.Now, I am a guider. Ill take you to visit London. Now,look!教师播放课本上关于伦敦的几幅图片,让学生来欣赏。2、New words.(1)教学新单词:long、wide、river、many, (教师呈现图片:t

8、he River Thames ) 教师板书:the River Thames,教学生认读这个词组,同时告诉学生注意每个单词的首字母需要大写。A、个别学生读。B、男、女读。C、小组读。师提问: Is it long? Is it wide?学生做出相应的回答,同时教学单词wide。师出示图片There are many boats on the river. 教学生认读单词many,river.学生采取个别读,分组读的方法来读单词。师小结:This is the River Thames . It is very long . It is very wide.There are many bo

9、ats on the river.学生模仿当导游,向同学介绍the River Thames.(2)教学单词old.(展示图片:Big Ben)师板书这个词组,并教学生认读词组,让注意每个单词的首字母大写。 Its In the centre of London. Its a big tower with four clocks. 师提问:Is it new?学生回答,教师引导学生读出Its old.教学单词old. T: Is it tall? Ss: yes ,it is.小结:This is Big Ben.Its very tall .Its very old.并让学生当导游,用这些句

10、子向同学介绍。(3)教学单词beautiful.(出示图片:Hyde Park) 教师板书这个词组,教学生认读,A、个别学生读。同时提醒学生注意单词首字母大写。师指图片介绍;Its very beautiful. Its very famous.Its for the king to hunt. 教学生认读单词beautiful.小组读,个别读结合。This is Hyde Park.Its very famous.Its very beautiful. 并让学生当导游,用这些句子向同学介绍。(4) 教学单词famous.Tower Bridge)教学生认读这个短语,A、个别学生读。注意单词首

11、字母大写。Its over the River Thams,Its very famous. 并让学生当导游,用这些句子向同学介绍。评选最佳小导游。3、Text. 导入:Do you remember our old friend,Amy? Shes from London. This class,she will take us to london, do you want to follow her? Yes.Ok, lets go.Please open your books,and turn to page8.Look at Activity 1. (1)让学生听音指图,找出课文中的新

12、单词以及新词组。(2)再放录音,学生跟读课文。Step3: Practice1.记忆力大比拼:出示the River TamesBig BenHyde Pake, Tower Bridge图片,让学生快速抢答四个景点的名称。2.我来做小导游3.根据课文内容完成下列句子。学生以小组为单位来完成。完成后集体来订正。Big Ben is very and ; Hyde Park is very and ;River Thames is very and ; Tower Bridge is very and .There are boats on the river.设计意图这里主要是让学生来填写本单

13、元刚学到的单词,是对课堂知识的检测,同时通过对本课内容的练习,达到了巩固课文的目4.The song.(1)跟老师朗读歌词,并解释其汉语意思。(2)播放歌曲录音,学生整体感知歌曲。(3)再放录音,学生跟唱歌曲。(4)学生可以边唱边做动作。Step5 拓展练习 学生课本活动4让学生先组内讨论,然后做一个guessing 游戏,在通过录音来验证自己的判断。2.让学生欣赏四幅世界各地的著名风景图,并做简单地描述。(the Summer Palace / the Buckingham Palace/ the Great Wall /Mount Qomolangma)Step5.Summary.教师带领

14、大家一起小结这节课我们都认识哪些新单词、新短语,认识了四个比较著名的建筑。Step6.Assignments.1、模仿课文录音,准备下节课的课文朗读比赛。2、使用句型This is /It is描述你曾去过的一个景点。Blackboard:Module 2 Unit2 This is the River Thames.The River Thames Big BenLong wide old tallBeautiful famousUnit 1 Amys taller than Lingling.时间:2010-5-3 13:31:25作者:余立荣点击:436 课题Module 5 Size课

15、时1教学内容分析本单元主要通过Amy与Lingling, Daming与Sam等之间的比较,来学习如何用英语比较和描述两个人之间的差异。教学目标1 使学生能根据提示识别单词taller, than, older, shorter, stronger等单词;2 能口头运用Amys taller than Lingling.之类的语句描述两个人之间的差异;3 通过本课的学习,使学生之间营造轻松、和谐的学习氛围;重难点能熟练运用本课目标语言描述两个人之间的差异教具学具准备SB,Tape-recorder, Word-cards and so on设计思路含教法、学法指导1. 通过Chant 引入本节

16、课的内容;2. 通过快速反应说反义词来巩固形容词;3. 通过本班同学对比来学习比较级,创设真实的语言环境;4. 充分利用录音使学生更加熟悉课文内容;教学环节教学内容与教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warm-up1 Greetings.2 Chant and do the actions.Big and small, small and bigFat and thin, thin and fatTall and short, short and tall1. Greetings.2. Chant and do the actions.Step 2Lead-in1. Make some ex

17、amples to present the new words:e.g.: Miss Yu is older than Yang Siyuan.2. Present the sentence structure: A is older than B.3. Chant and do: Tall, tall, taller Short, short, shorter Big, big, bigger Small, small, smaller Old, old, older Young, young, younger Strong, strong, stronger1. Do as the tea

18、cher asks to familiar with the adjectives.2. Try to practice the adjectives.3. Chant and do the actions.Step 3Presentation1. Listen and point.2. Point and follow.3. Read together.Step 4PracticeAB on page 19a. Ask students to practice in fours to talk about the pictures.b. Act it out.1. Practice in f

19、ours.2. Act it out.Step 5SummaryTalk about the main idea in this class.Try to speak out the main thing in this lesson.Homework1. Read the conversation for at least three times.2. Talk about the differences between two people with your partners.BlackboardDesign Module 5 Size Unit 1 Amys taller than D

20、aming. Im older than B. Shes youger than B. Hes stronger than B.反思The robots will do everything.教学设计教学目标: 1. 让学生能够听、说、读robots, everything, one day, housework learn等词汇以及They will句型。2. 通过学习让学生能够运用One day,robots will do everything,这类语句让学生学会表达自己对未来的描述。 3.培养学生的想像能力以及激发学生学习的热情。教学重点、难点1.听懂会说课文中新词汇:everythi

21、ng,housework,learn等.2.用will谈论将来。要求学生能够运用学过的语言畅想未来机器人会做什么。一、Preparation1. Greetings2. Free talk Hello,Im Cathy. Whats your name?S1: Im Can you play football? Yes, I can. Will you play football tomorrow? Yes, I will. No, I wont. Will you do your homework on Saturday?S2: Yes,I will./ No,I wont. Yes,you

22、 did good job.Look, whats this?(show a robot) Its a robot.(Show a robot, learn the word :“robot”.) Today we will learn about the robots.(学习Learn 这个词)二、Presentation Ok. (Lets watch a vedio) You should watch carefully and answer my question. What can the robots do?(学生观看机器人视频) Ok. Who can answer my que

23、stion? They can walk. / They can talk. / They can dance.(找3-5名同学回答) You did very good job.(教师小结)Yes. They can walk./ They can talk. /They can dance.They can domany things now.Can you guess : One day,what will they do ?They will sing.(出示图片,给学生示范,形象直观)然后出示一张照相图片,让学生说说。OK,Ill give you three minuts.Talk

24、 about it with your partners.(小组讨论机器人将来能做得事情)小组汇报,让学生尽量多的回答,每个小组可以重复。 T:Great! (出示图片,每一张换灯片都附有一张图片以及英语)lets read toghter. 教师总结。 So I think robots will do everything. 学习单词They will do the housework. They will help children learn. Will they do your homework? No. they wont You did good job. Daming has

25、got a robot too. Lets listen. What can Damings robot do? Listen again What will robots do? Listen and repeat三、 practice 1. 判断对错 2. 选择听到的单词 四、设计理想中的机器人,完成短文This is my robot, It can talk, it can _. It will sing. It will _.Listen to the tape.1.listen and point.2.listen and answer the question?What can Damings robot do?It can walk. It can talk.What will the robots do one day? They will do the housework.They will help children learn.四、Production设计一种新型物品,可以是新型书或是22世纪的电视、汽车,把它画出来,并且用This is It c

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