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1、environment and personality; feminism;patriarchy摘要:托马斯哈代是19世纪英国文坛被公认的最具代表性的现实主义作家之一。 在他的小说中作家试图揭示出了历史转型时期乡村女性的生存困境, 以及人的天性如何 在残酷的环境中遭受摧残和毁灭的情形。哈代特别着重关注和审视女性的生存困境,以 悲天怜人的情怀塑造了一系列女性形象。哈代的成名作 ?远离尘嚣 ?是一部全面,集中反 映维多利亚时代妇女生存状态的力作。本文从女性形象入手,展示了哈代对于一位在父权制度下超越传统的维多利亚妇女的 形象芭丝谢吧。她有着不同于寻常的个性和丰富的情感。在追寻独立和自由的过程 中,

2、她显示出鲜明的女性意识。她以独立的性格对抗着父权制。本文的目的在于通过展 现芭斯谢芭与父权制从对抗到屈从的过程,指出这是一部女性悲剧,并且进一步分析这 一悲剧的根源:哈代的悲剧意识,宿命论和其思想上的局限性。关键字: 巴丝谢芭;环境与性格;女性主义;父权错误! 未定义书签。 错误!4256789Abstract 摘要 Introduce 1Bathsheba s characters . 1.1The positive sides 1.1.1Rebellious 1.1.2Independent. 1.2The negative sides. . 1.2.1Vain 1.2.2Lost in

3、love 1.2.3Wavering in emotion . 2The cause of the character . 2.1Social environment 2.2Family background 3social influence 4Conclusion Bibliography IntroductionFar from the Madding Crowd is a relatively early work of Hardy as a professional writer,it s the fourth novel among his works that got publi

4、shed in the earlier years.It is also the first novel that centers around a single character,it is a kind of organizational structure that he used many times in his following novels.We can say “Far from the Madding Crowd”is the cornerstone of Tomas Hardys novels.This novel of Hardy depict a kind of f

5、it,brave and remarkably strong women who go beyond the traditional definition and fully present the novel- Far from the Madding Crowd,we can get a detailed analyses on the sexual ideology between man and woman,and also s better understanding on the womans struggle in the process of being materialize

6、d and checked in the male-dominated society.Bathsheba,a centralfigure in the novel,can be understood in many different ways.On the one hand,she is a woman of new era,and she has pursuit of love,freedom and independence.Shehopes that women and men can have equal status, she fights against the patriar

7、chal society.On the other hand,she is a girl crazy for love and has weak willpower.The following paragraphs will give a full picture about who she is and what she is. s charactersBathsheba,a central figure in the novel,can be understood in many different ways.She is a woman of new era,Nowwe will tal

8、king about her characters,she hae two different sides about her characters.1.1The positive sidesBathsheba has many good qualities. Firstly, she is not willing to obey to the patriarchy ,she revolts the patriarchal society and hopes to have equal status with the men.She always do what she can do to f

9、ight it. Secondly, she is brave and independent,she is longing for equality ,she also can pursue her love bravely and does not rely on others.1.1.1RebelliousAs the inheritor of her uncle s property,Bathsheba possesses a large farm.At first,people had great suspicion on her capacity to manage the far

10、m for she was only a woman.There is no woman farm owner in the town who manages the farm by herself.It s unconventional in the patriarchal society.Men cannot bear it,they have a strong sense of superiority to women in nature,and despise women extremely.From these ,we can find out that they do not be

11、lieve that a woman can finish something by herself without men s help.Nevertheless,Bathsheba shows her capacity and strength.She makes great efforts to prove that with her wisdom and talent,she can manage the farm.She is unwilling to place herself in humble and passive position when she has to face

12、men directly.Her independence consciousness is so strong that she persists in doing everything on her own.In her mind,women are not inferior to men.She dares to resist intensely against patriarchal power.And she has the spirit of modern time.As to love ,she would adopt active attitude to pursue it b

13、oldly.Bathsheba refuses Oaks proposal for reason is as she said, “I hate to be thought mens property in that way”.All of above proves that Bathsheba stands firmly against traditional conventions in patriarchal society.In Far from the Madding Crowd , Hardy portrayed a new woman character-Bathsheba wh

14、o was a rebel of traditional values and conventional moral standards.It evoked enormous responsesand provoked censuresfrom people all walks of life in the society.Actually,Far from the Madding Crowd is the masterpiece with the strongest female-consciousnessand displays living situation of women enti

15、rely,because it is the reference of the improving process of British women s social statues and the theory of feministic criticism in Victorian Age.1.1.2IndependenceAfter inheriting her uncles property,Bathshebabecomes a wealthy farm owner.She has different personality compared with other women in V

16、ictorian Age.She wants to be an independent farm owner without housekeeper.Shewants to manage her farm by herself.So after she take the charge of her uncles farm,she put out a statemen“t: now you have a mistress and not a male hostwhoever of you,don think Im a woman cant tell is good or bad job.”and

17、 lambasted her employees abuse at women.This reveal that Bathsheba has female dignity and superiority.This young woman proves herself extremely capable in her new position.She can manage her farm efficiently,and walks every night around her land to insure that all is in order.In the exclusively male

18、 Corn Exchange,she trades and presents her courageous personality and intellectual power.Just as it mentioned in the novel, “the first public evidence of Bathshebasdecision to be a farmer in her own person and by proxy no more was her appearance the following market day in the corn-market at the Cas

19、terbridge”. During the process of trading,Bathsheba shows her steady manner and inherent talent. She is like the Queen of the Corn Exchange.In “Far from the Madding Crowd ”,Bathsheba is a modern female character who maintains independence and seizes the initiative in her own life.She does not wish t

20、o be held in the palm of mans hand or to be arranged by man as personal property at random.With this kind of independent and self-directed personality,she challenged directly the traditional ethics in peoples mind of Victorian Age.However,her unique personality and character are so charming and attr

21、active in the writerseyes.Hardy appreciated and praised her rebellious spirit to keep independent and to pursue freedom.Bathshebawas known as a model with unique temperament and spirit of humanism.This is just as the writer mentioned in the novel:It was not a bridle-path merely a pedestrians track,a

22、nd the boughs spread horizontallyat a height not greater than seven feet above the ground,which made it impossible to ride erect beneath them.The girl,who wore no riding-habit,looked around for a moment,as if to assure herself that all humanity was out of view,then dexterously dropped backwards flat

23、 upon the ponyback,her head over its tail,her feet against its shoulders,and her eyes to the sky This picture present that Bathsheba is a witty and naughty girl.Readers may appreciate her natural character.I think what the writer wants to express is that Bathsheba is a brave girl, because she dares

24、to challenge traditional conventions.Bathshebas self-consciousness and independence reaches the peak in her marriage with Troy.Patriarchal power represented by Oak forms powerful current and storm to prevent Bathsheba from married with Troy and instead they persuadesher to accept Boldwood s proposal

25、 which is acceptable to the patriarchal society.Nevertheless,shemaintains her own ground and gets married with her beloved person-Troy.Compared with traditional women who lived in patriarchal society,Bathsheba undoubtedly is a brave,intelligent,independent and unconventional woman.1.2The negative si

26、desBathsheba is a product of that society, she has many negative sides as others in that times.Firstly, she is vain in her heart, she can not regardless the influence of her beauty. Secondly, she always lost in love,Thirdly,she usually waving in love.These are the results that she thinks too much wh

27、en she deals with things.1.2.1 VainHardys description of Bathshebas looking at herself in a mirror , “there was no necessity for her looking in the glass.she simply observed herself asa fair product of Nature in the feminine kind.”reveals Bathshebas vanity.As a woman in full bloom and vigor,Bathsheb

28、a makes her appearancein the corn market at Casterbridge in her own person instead of by proxy.As the only woman farmer surrounded by male farmers,she demonstrates her confidence and professional skill in business and instantly becomes the center of attention.However,Bathsheba is sad because there is one man who seems to have more sense and takes no notice of her presence.Her vanity is born out of her desire foe appreciation from men.From these we can see Bathsheba is as proud,vain and emotionally self-indulgent as any townswoman.1.2.2Lost in loveAs

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