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1、11)译文的句式结构或修辞方式应符合英语的表达习惯。2典型用语的翻译2.1封面用语 s RCehpiunbalic of1)中华人民共和国国家标准National Standard of the People2)中华人民共和国行业标准Professional standard of the Peoples Republic of China3) XXX工程建设地方标准XXX Provincial Standard for Engineering Construction4) XXX发布Issued by XXX例如:Issued by Ministry of Construction of t

2、he People Republic ofChina5)中华人民共和国建设部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发Jointly issued by Ministry of Construction and GeneralAdministration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of thePeople s Republic of China6)中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部、国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布Jointly issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Develop

3、ment and General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection andQuarantine of the People7) xxxx年XX月XX日发布 (例如,2006年5月23日发布)Issued on M D,Y (Issued on May 23,2006)8) XXXX年XX月XX日实施 (例如,2006年5月23日实施)Implemented on M D,Y (Implemented on May 23,2006)9) XXXX版XXXX edition2.2扉页用语1 )主编部门Chief Developmen

4、t Department2 )主编单位Chief Development Organization3)批准部门Approval Department4)施行日期Implementation date2.3发布通知或公告用语1)中华人民共和国建设部公告Announcement of Ministry of Construction of the People 2)中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部公告Announcement of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of thePeople3)关于发布国家标准XXX的通知Notice on publishing

5、the national standard of xxx4)关于发布国家标准XXX局部修订的公告Announcement of publishing the partial revision of national standardXXX5)现批准XXX为国家标准,标准编号为XXXXXX has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of XXX6) XXX为强制性条文,必须严格执行XXX are compulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly7)原XXX同时废

6、止XXX shall be abolished simultaneously8)本标准(规范)共分XX章,其主要内容为The sta ndard(code) comp rises xx cha pters with the mai n contents as follows9)本标准(规范)由建设部负责管理和对强制性条文的解释Ministry of Construction is in charge of the administration of this standard (code) and the explanation of the compulsory provisions10)由

7、XXX负责具体技术内容的解释XXX is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents11)本规范由XXX组织XXX出版发行Authorized by XXX , this code is published and distributed by XXX12)继续有效be valid as usual13)复审Review14)备案Put on records15)备案号Record Number16)附加说明Additional explanation2.4前言用语1)前言Foreword2)根据建设部建标XXX

8、 XXX号关于印发“XXX年工程建设标准制订、修订计划 ”的通知的要求According to the requirements of Document Jian Biao XXX NO.XXX issued by Ministry of Construction (MOC) - “Notice on Printingthe Development and Revision Plan of National EngineeringConstruction Standards in XXX”3)本规范以黑体字标志的条文为强制性条文,必须严格执行The provision(s) printed i

9、n bold type is (are) compulsory one (ones) and must be enforced strictly4)请各单位在执行本标准过程中,注意总结经验,积累资料,随时将有关意见和建议寄交XXXAll relevant organizations are kindly requested to sum up and accumulate your experiences in actual practices during the process of implementing this code. The relevant opinions and adv

10、ice, whenever necessary, can be posted or passed on toXXX5)参编单位Participating Development Organizations6)参加单位Participating Organizations7)主要起草人Chief Drafting Staff8)日常管理Routine management9)具体解释Specific explanation2.5目次用语1)目次(目录)Contents2)总则General provisions3)术语和符号Terms and symbols4)附录Appendix5)本规范用词

11、说明Explanation of W ording in this code2.6总则用语1 )为了XXX,制定本规范This code is formulated with a view to xxx2)安全适用Safety and usability3)经济合理Economy and rationality4)本标准 (规范)适用于This standard (code) is applicable to5)本标准(规范)不适用于This standard (code) is not applicable toConstruction, extension and renovation7)

12、除应符合本标准 (规范 )要求外 , 尚应符合国家现行有关标准规范)的规定Not only the requirements stipulated in this standard (code), but also those in the current relevant ones of the nation shall be complied with2.7正文用语1 )必须Must2)严禁Must not3)应Shall4)不应Shall not5)宜Should6)不宜Should not7)可May8)不可May not9)符合下列规定(要求)Be in accordance wit

13、h the following requirements10)应符合XXX的规定(要求)Shall meet the requirements of xxx11)应按XXX执行Shall comp ly with xxx12)遵守下列规定(要求)Be in compliance with the following requirements13)符合表XXX的规定(要求)Be in accordance with those specified in Table XXX14)按照表XXX的规定(要求)确定Be determ ined accord ing to those set out in

14、 Table xxx15 )按下式计算Be calculated according to the following equation16 )按下列公式计算Be calculated according to the following formulaeshall17)符合下列情况之一的,应If one of the following requirements is met,18 )式中Where19 )注Note20)图Figure or Fig.21 )大于Be larger than22)小于Be less than23) 等于Be equal24)超过Exceed25)国家现行有关

15、标准Current relevant standard of the nation26)现行国家标准Current national standard27)一般规定(要求)General requirement28)基本规定(要求)Basic requirement29)特殊规定(要求)Particular requirement2.8本规范用词用语说明 ( 译者按下列翻译 )原文内容:1 为了便于在执行本规范条文时区别对待,对要求严格程度不同的用词说明如下:正面词采用“必须”,反面词采用“严禁”。正面词采用“应”,反面词采用“不应”或“不得”。正面词采用“宜”,反面词采用“不宜”;4)表示有

16、选择,在一定条件下可以这样做的,采用“可”。2 规范中指定应按其他有关标准、规范执行时,写法为:“应符合的规定”或“应按执行”。英文翻译:1. Words used for different degrees of strictness are explained asfollows in order to mark the difference s in executing the requirements inthis code.1)Words denoting a very strict or mandatory requirement:Must” is used for affirma

17、tio“n; must not fo”r negation.2)Words denoting a strict requirement under normal conditions:3)Words denoting a permission of a slight choice or an indicationof the most suitable choice when conditions permit:Should ” is used for affirmation; not ”“fosrhnoeugldation.5 p4)“ May”is used to express the

18、option available, sometimes with” isthe conditional permit.2. “ Shall com ply with ” or meStthte requireme nts of used in this code to indicate that it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated in other relative standards and codes.10)3. 标准化常用词的翻译标准化standardization国际标准international sta

19、ndard国家标准national standard行业标准professional standard地方标准provincial standard企业标准company standard规范 code技术规范technical code通则 general rule3.1 标准化及标准文件1)3)5)6)7)8)9)规程 specification规则 rule强制性标准 mandatory standard推荐性标准 voluntary standard14)法规 regulation技术法规 technical regulation强制性条文 compulsory provisions目次content、/ 、.前言foreword范围scope引用标准 normative standard术语terms符号symbol测试testing试验test试验方法 test method3.2 标准文件的结构10)试验报告 test report11)分类 classification12)附录 appendix 3.3 标准文件的层次划分1)章 chapter2)节 section3)条 article4)款 item

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