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1、 Is it sunny? Is it cloudy? Is it windy?”教师需让学生复习一下以前学过的有关天气的词汇。a ) 接下来,教师对学生说:“I like sunny days but I dont like rainy days. Who can guess why I like sunny days?”教师让学生猜自己为什么喜欢晴天。最后教师说:“I like sunny days because I can play on the beach. I like to play on the beach.”b ) 教师给出示范后马上提问学生:“Do you like to

2、play on the beach? Who like to play on the beach? Please stand up.”教师大概统计一下有多少学生喜欢在海边玩。如果学生忘记了beach的意思,教师应拿出图片展示给学生看。教师接着说:“Now let me ask you another question. Do you like to play in the water? Who likes to play in the water? Please stand up.”教师仍然粗略统计一下人数并说:“Oh, ten of us like to play in the water

3、and twelve(根据统计情况)of us dont like to play in the water。”c ) 教师带着大家说:“I like to play on the beach, but I dont like to play in the water.”教师说这个句子的时候可以将句子分成两部分带读,最后再将整个句子连在一起。d ) 在大家能熟读该句子之后,教师可以用该句型带出其他类似的句子。比如:I like to play ball games on the sand, but I dont like to play ball games in the water.I li

4、ke to sunbathe on the sand, but I dont like to swim.I like to eat ice creams, but I dont like to drink lemonade.I like to listen to music, but I dont like to dance.e ) 教师引导大家看本单元的主图。教师说:“Now please look at the scene picture. Lets count altogether.”How many children like to play with sand? How many c

5、hildren like to play ball games?How many people like to be in a boat?How many children like to fish?How many children like to swim?How many children like to sunbathe?f ) 教师带着大家熟悉这些问句,并让学生两人一组做pairwork相互问答。g ) 教师提问学生的真实情况,并可以让学生以活动的方式回答刚才所问过的问题。比如教师说:“Now please listen carefully. How many children li

6、ke to play with sand? Please stand at the door. Very good.”教师接着说:“Now how many children like to play ball games? Any ball games. Ping pong ball, basketball, footballPlease stand at the window.”刚才喜欢玩沙子的同学也可以再次站到窗户那边。教师继续问:“How many of you like to be in a boat? Please stand at the blackboard.”教师依次问出其他

7、的问句。Practice单元教学活动2 Look and say. 第二部分仍然是句型练习。学生要根据所给的图片进行描述。教师可以事先给学生一个示范。“Now lets look at the first picture of Part Two. What should we say about the first picture? We should sayI like bananas, but I dont like lemons!Do you understand? You like one of them, but you dont like the other. Now please

8、 practise in pairs first.”教师给出学生一部分时间,让学生自己先熟悉一下如何表达每个图片的意思。最后,教师找学生来分别描述每张图。单元教学活动3 Listen, read and answer.第三部分是听句子并根据所给的提示填空。教师可以让学生先阅读并完成填空的任务,然后再让学生听句子,看哪些学生能写出录音中的答案。教师也可以让学生先听录音,而不看书。教师先帮助学生解决听力理解的问题,然后再扩展到阅读句子上。单元教学活动4 Listen, write and read.第四部分是一篇听力故事。由于故事的情节不太复杂,没有多少生词,所以教师可以先让学生听两遍录音。录音之

9、后,教师给学生提问。Where were many children last Sunday?What was the weather like?What did they eat?Did they take off their coats?Why?教师需注意,学生要回答coats, or jackets,而不能说clothes,因为clothes包括所有的衣服。What did children suddenly notice?Was it raining at that time?Where was the “rain” from?提问之后,教师让学生打开书阅读该故事并完成填空的练习。教师

10、需提醒学生单数及复数的概念。教师最后带领学生一起检查答案是否正确。答案是:ice creams, jacket, rainy, children, elephant, hands单元教学活动5 Look, draw and show.第五部分是让学生根据想象画一个画面。教师可以用所给的句子来提示大家。教师可以说:“Now please draw a picture here.”教师拿着书,指着要画画的位置说:“You can draw the things youd like to do, for example, play football. You can also draw the pl

11、aces youd like to visit, for example, the Great Wall, the zoo or a lake. You can draw the food youd like to eat, such as bananas,oranges and mangoes, etc. Do you understand?”教师提醒之后给学生两分钟的时间,然后让学生相互展示自己喜欢的东西。最后,教师让学生分组到前面展示自己画的东西。展示的时候,学生可以每人说一个句子,如:“I like to play football.”单元教学活动6 Look, read and th

12、ink.第六部分是几道简单的算术题。教师可以带着大家一起来阅读或朗读这些句子,然后进行运算并用英语给出答案。学生给出答案之后,教师应带着大家把句子再朗读几遍。答案: 1)4.25 yuan. 2)1.3 yuan. 3)56 potatoes 4)5 buses单元教学活动7 Read and do.第七部分是一个动手的活动。如果教师带了玻璃杯的话,可以对大家说:“Now lets do an interesting experiment. We have 7 glasses here. Im going to put some water in each of the seven glass

13、es. Then I will use a chopstick to hit each glass, and you will hear very interesting sounds.”教师边说边按照图中的比例给每个水杯加上水。最后教师对学生说:“Who can come here and make a piece of music?”教师分别让几个学生到前面来试一试。最后,教师鼓励学生回家后也做类似的实验。如果没有实物,教师可以用图片来进行解释。单元教学活动8 Ask and answer in pairs.第八部分是句型练习。本部分重点练习问“为什么”并回答该句子。教师可以对学生说:“N

14、ow close all your books. Let me ask you some questions. Who likes to eat chocolate?”学生给出回答之后,教师问学生:“Why do you like to eat chocolate?”如果学生不会回答的话,教师对学生说:“If you dont know the answer, you can ask me. I can answer your question. You can ask me, Why do you like to eat chocolate?”教师对学生说该句子的时候可以顺便带出一些其他的问

15、句。“Why do you like sunny days? Why do you like dogs? Why do you want to go shopping now? Why do you want to see Mr. Zhang? Why do you want to wear this dress?”朗读句型之后,教师继续提醒大家说:“You can ask me altogether now. Why do you like to eat chocolate?”教师让学生集体问,最后,教师回答:“Because its yummy.”教师做手势表示好吃的样子。接着,教师反过来

16、问:”并让大家也照着老师样子回答。学生再次进行两人一组的pairwork,一问一答。Closure单元教学活动9 Listen, chant and enjoy.第九部分是一首小诗。教师先教学生如何有节奏地来朗读这些句子。比如,每句话教师要让学生拍四下。教师带着学生边拍手边说第一个句子,只有速度放慢,学生才有可能掌握句子的正确读音。教师一句一句地带读,直到学生能基本用节奏连着说这些句子。教师可以让学生进行分组说,也可以分男生、女生说,也可以各读一个句子。总之,教师要让学生把重点放在对音调的朗读和欣赏上,而不要去解释句子的意思。Homework告诉学生多听第四部分及第九部分的录音,并模仿录音进行

17、朗读,适当时候让爸爸妈妈听朗读的效果。 Unit 10 Lets guess. 通过游戏,学生能进一步提高学习外语的兴趣 进一步复习相关的词汇,如动物、水果及食物、衣物、房间用具、文具等 学生能对定语从句有个初步的了解 Lets guess. How many things beginning with letter C can you find in this picture? She is a person who teaches children at school. This is a person who can make you happy. When did he come he

18、re?guess, panda, dress, clown, plane, uncle, aunt, computer, teacher, hippo, rabbit, camera, television, pirate, parrot, treasure, pick, bear, rock, know, moustache 以字母B和C开头的单词图片及卡片 第二部分的相关词汇图片及单词卡片 三只小老鼠、一把纸制餐刀及一件围裙 教师放录音,带领学生说唱第九单元教学活动9。 上课时,教师首先拿出以B字母开头的单词图片让学生辨认,并对学生说:“These words all begin with

19、 B. Can you see them?”教师给学生展示一下图片,然后说:“These words all begin with B. Can you think of any other words beginning with B?”教师鼓励学生想出一些B开头的单词,如bike, bed, book, bag, bat, banana等。教师可以让学生以小组为单位进行brainstorming,然后再让学生向全班汇报。在汇报的基础上,教师说:“Now lets look at the picture of our book. Please find pictures beginning

20、with C. Lets see how many you can find in this picture. You can do it in the most words beginning with C. ”教师让学生两两一组寻找,最后全班集中说这些词汇。教师也可以让学生出代表或以组为单位将所说的词汇写在黑板上,最后一起讨论是否正确。coat, cake, chocolate, cat, colour, crocodile, carrot, cheese, car, cow, clown, camera, clock, cup, cook, clouds, chair cinema, C

21、D player, coffee单元教学活动2 Listen, read and match. 第二部分是谜语部分,但这些谜语的陈述都是用定语从句的方式进行。教师应该先对学生说:“Now, please guess who this person is. She is a person who teaches children at school.”教师可以适当多说几遍以便让学生熟悉该种句型的用法。接着,教师说:“Now please read the sentences on the book and then look at the picture and the sentence.”教师

22、让学生自己先阅读句子,然后连线。最后,教师和学生一起核对答案。单元教学活动3 Listen, sing and play.第三部分是歌曲。教师需先教学生学说歌词,然后再听录音。等大家基本能跟着一起唱的时候,教师让大家一起参与表演。“Who likes to be a mouse? We need three children to be mice and we need one person to be farmers wife. Who wants to have a try?”教师选出人以后让大家一起唱,这三只老鼠跑在农夫老婆的后面,但农夫老婆又紧追着这三只老鼠,她手里还拿着一把纸制的刀。

23、最后她要抓住一只老鼠并装作要切尾巴的样子。第一组完成之后,教师可以再让第二组的同学继续表演该部分,而其他同学则唱歌来配合他们的表演。单元教学活动4 Look, read and guess. 第四部分属于阅读理解的游戏。该游戏有一定的难度。教师应先带领学生学习和朗读给出的句子。教师在带读的时候如果能按照意群进行朗读就能较好地帮助学生进行理解。Bandi, the pirate / with a parrot / on his shoulder / found a treasure map / but he soon / lost it / a schoolboy called Peter /

24、picked up the map / He knew / it was a treasure map / but he didnt know where he could find the treasure / Can you help him? 教师需让学生反复读,读的次数多了,就能较好地理解该短文。然后,教师再带着大家朗读所给的提示。同时,教师每带着读一遍的时候应让学生一起按照所给的提示找该位置,并在该位置上打一个X,表示此处没有珍宝。然后继续下面的提示。教师带着学生完成所有的提示后可以问学生:“Now where is the treasure? Do you know? The tr

25、easure is at D6. Its under the tree, because only this place is not given and the crocodile is always around the tree. Its very dangerous to get the treasure.”单元教学活动5 Listen, ask, answer and act.第五部分是三个有关定语从句的小对话。在没有让学生练习对话前,教师应通过举例让学生明白这个句型的基本意思。比如,教师拿出一张不太有名但又有些人又知道的一位“名人”照片问大家:“Who is the man tha

26、t is standing behind the singer?”教师问学生,看是否有人知道或认识这个人。大家猜出后,看是否有人知道或认识这个人。大家猜出后,教师继续问一些相关的内容:“Who is the man that is standing behind the tree? Who is the old woman that is reading a book in the garden? Who is the boy that is playing with a cat?”教师给出几个句子之后说:“Now please listen to the tape.”学生听了几遍录音后便可以

27、进行对话练习。练习的时候为了让学生相对地感到容易,教师可以让学生一个对话、一个对话地进行,完成一个再进行下一个。同时,教师可以考虑适当地更换一下小组的成员。单元教学活动6 Look, guess and say. 第六部分是要求学生根据图来回答所给的提示词。学生要将信息填在横线上。等学生填完后,教师可以让学生根据所给的提示词组成一个问句。name为例,教师可以启发学生说:“How will you ask a persons name? What will you say?”学生应该问:“Whats your name?”其他的句子都应该以此方法进行。“Age - How old is he?

28、(Nine.) Favourite food - Whats his favourite food?(Cake.) Best friend - Whos his best friend?(Peter.) Hobbies - What is Bobs hobby?(Playing soccer.)”单元教学活动7 Odd one out.第七部分需要学生从每组图中找出一个不同类的图。前面已经有多次的练习,所以教学上不会有太多的困难。关键是教师要帮助学生说出不同之处。比如第一组,The car is different. Because picture one , two and four are for playing, but picture three is for driving.只要学生能说出区别,教师应该肯定学生。第二组:The cheese is different. The others are all drinks, but the cheese is food.第三组:The first one is different. Because th

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