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1、 -Im stressed out. -_.询问“某人怎么样了”可以用_其同义句还有_二、预习指导 语法 “should and could” should 是_shall_的过去式,用作情态动词时,并不表示_的动作, 只是语气显得更加_“should+_原形”表示“_ 做 某 事 ” 翻译:你应该早点去休息 _. “could+_原形”表示“可以做某事” 。翻译:我们可以给老师写 一封信。_ 拓展研讨: should 和 could 都可用来提出_,表示轻微的批评或遗憾, 但_语气更委婉,客气。 should 意为 “应该, 应当” could 意为 ; “可以,可能,不妨” 。你不应该和父

2、母争吵。_. 你可以再仔细写_. 三、预习检测 1. Dont play your CDs too l_. Jack is reading. 2. Whats w_ with your mother? She has a headache. 3. She is over 80! You want to s_ me. 4. I dont eat fish and Jake doesnt eat fish, e_. 5. Mrs Green is not friendly. She often a_ with her neighbors. 6. His mother wants him_ (sta

3、y) at home every night.7. He needs_ (buy) a computer. 8. You should _(say) sorry to your sister.9. He could _ (write) an English letter when he was five.10. Tom had an _ (argue) with his boss about his pay.Step2.【课堂互动探究】 A. Let students talk about problems. 1.My parents _(让我呆在家里)every night. 2.My br

4、other_ (播放唱片机)too loud. 3.I _.(没有足够的钱) 4.I _(和争吵) my best friend. 5.My clothes are _(过时) 6. I need to _.(得到一些支付夏令营的钱) 7. I need some money to _.(给我的家人买礼物) B. Let students give their advice:1. You _.(你可以给他写封信) 2. You _.(你应该给他打个电话) 3. You could _(给他买一张足球赛的票). 4. I dont _.(想让他吃惊) 5. I dont want to_.(在电

5、话中和他谈论这件事) 6. You could _.(向你哥哥借一些钱) 7. I think you should _.(向你妈妈要一些钱) C. Listening: Listen to the tape and finish the exercises of 1b. 2a and 2b. Step3 【课堂知识点检测】 1. I argued with my mother this morning. -_ A. Thats nothing! B. Great!C. You should say sorry to her. D. Lets play soccer. 2. I think y

6、ou _ talk about your problem with your parents and ask for their advice. A. need B. neednt C. should D. shouldnt3. My friend is angry with me. What _ I _ to him?A. should; say B. could; talk C. may; speak D. need; tell 4. Mom, my shoes are _. Could you buy me a new pair? -Sure. A. out of style B. th

7、e same C. in style D. very popular 5. Why not tell her the good news right now? -Oh, no. I want to _ her. A. surprise B. call C. find D. help 6. Now many students _ go to bed until eleven oclock every night. A. dont B. not C. didnt D. /课后反思本节课主要是引入新课,进行听力和口语练习,通过基础知识的训练,让学生更好地掌握目标语言,并能完成任务,锻炼学生的思维能力

8、,鼓励他们用英语表达自己的思想,培养学生主动解决问题的能力。课堂上,学生参与积极,较好地完成了教学任务。第2 课时Section A 3a-41.谈论在学校和家庭中遇到的种种麻烦和问题。2.学会为他人找到合理的解决办法提出相应的建议。Step1.【预习指导与检测】A自我预习1.熟读3a并根据文中的信息填空。1)Eves problem:_ _2)Advice: _ _ _ _ _3)判断每个建议的好坏,将你的看法写在3a的方框中。2.画出不理解的或你认为重要的句子。3.利用你手头的资料学习3a中的要点仿照3b自编对话。4易混辨析: pay for, spend, take这三个词都含有“花费”

9、之意请查资料区分其区别。跟踪练习:1.He _ a lot of money on books.2.She_ the whole evening in reading.3.I_ 500 yuan _ the book, It was really expensive.4.It _ her an hour to cook dinner.B预习效果检查。一、写出下列词组:为付款_ 找一份兼职工作_向某人借某物_跟某人要某物_为某人买某物_卖烘烤食品_把某物卖给某人_请家教_二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.I dont eat fish and Jake doesnt eat fish,e_.2

10、. I dont have e_ money to buy the car. 3. Li Lei is poor at math. His parents decide to ask a t_. 4. I need to get some money to p_ for summer camp.5. You could b_ some money from your brother.Step2.【课堂互动探究】根据3a所学内容做一个本组学生的调查并把它写下来。NamesProblemsAdviceStep3 【课堂知识点检测】一、汉译英1.我需要借一些钱支付夏令营的费用。2.她今晚不打算作业,

11、也不打算看电视。3.你可以从你的兄弟那借些钱。4.我想你可以问你的父母要些钱。5.也许你可以卖烧烤食品。二、单项选择。( )1.She argued_ her best friend yesterday. She still feels sorry now.A. to B. with C. about D. and( )2. He doesnt have enough time_ football. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play( )3.I was late for school yesterday morning. You should_. A

12、. stand out your classroom B. go to bed late C. not go to school D. say sorry to your teacher( )4. He likes to play his recorder very _. A. big B. aloud C. loud D. loudly( )5. Whats wrong _your bike? It doesnt work now. A. to B. with C. of D. on( )6. Dan didnt go to work,_. A. too B. also C. either

13、D. both( )7. It is cold outside. We need _ warm clothes. A. to wear B. wear C. wearing D. putting on( )8. I paid 30 yuan _ this coat. A. to B. for C. on D. in( )9. If you lose your way, you can ask a policeman_. A. helps B. to help C. for help D. with help( )10. Henrys family _ with him together. A.

14、 are living B. lives C. were lived D. live本节课主要是在新课后通过基础知识的练习,使学生更好地掌握目标语言,通过运用目标语言针对不同的问题给出相应的建议并判断建议是否可行,培养了学生主动解决问题的能力。第3 课时Section B 1a-2c1.初步了解英美等西方国家的学生在学习和生活中遇到的主要问题与烦恼,以及获取帮助的渠道。2.通过共同探讨、解决各种烦恼和困惑,学会反思自我,体谅他人,增强合作意识,培养积极乐观的情感态度;发展人际交往能力以及在实际生活中分析问题、解决问题的能力。3.听力技能提高。1.学习13页的单词;2.掌握句型:My frien

15、d is more popular than me. You could be more friendly. You should try to be funny.温故知新:小组准备补全下面的对话复习上节内容:A:I need some money to buy a book. What should I do?B: _.A: No, I dont like to ask my parents for money. I think you could _ job. _. Thank you.自主互助学习1.当你买衣服时,你看重的是衣服的哪些方面?它们很新颖 _它们很舒服 _ 它们与我朋友们的衣

16、服一样_它们很时尚_ 它们很贵_它们色彩艳丽_预习检测根据首字母和句子意思填空。1. The sweater is c_. It looks beautiful. 2. The book is only 10 yuan. Its i_. 3.I hope my friends clothes are different from mine. I want to be o_. 4. Your hair is too long. I think you need to get a h_. 5.I like the shoes, they are very c_.6. Your new dress

17、is in s_. Where did you buy it?一、听力训练:听录音,完成2a2b课本上的内容。二、组内探讨1the same as意为_as是连词意为_后面跟名词、代词或者从句。翻译: 汤姆和他兄弟一样大_这些衣服与我朋友的一样我的朋友穿的衣服与我穿的是一样的_2. Erin should tell her friend to get different clothes._tell sb to do sth意为_,同义词组有_三、实践运用:根据2c同桌之间做个采访。Step3. 【课堂知识点检测】一、单选 1. Why did Tom look upset yesterday?

18、 -Because all his classmates passed the test _ him. A. including B. except C. with D. without 2. Mikes haircut is the same _ mine. A. for B. with C. as D. different3. -When will the train arrive?-You can _ the time from the time table. (时刻表) A. leave out B. look out C. find out D. keep out 4. Where

19、_ can you see the sign?(标志)A. else B. other C. others D. another 5. Mrs Smith looks very busy. We want to help her, but we dont know _. A. what to do it B. how to do C. what to do D. why to do 6 .I have many important things to do. I _ a little late. A. maybe B. perhaps C. may be D. may 本节课主要是巩固新课,通

20、过听力和口语练习,使学生更好地掌握目标语,运用目标语去完成任务,进一步培养学生解决问题的能力。第4课时Section B 3a-Selfcheck1.培养阅读和写作能力。2.培养学生的交际能力,能对别人的建议作出评价,在处理问题中学会自省与人际交往。3.语言方面:except的用法培养学生的交际能力,能对别人的建议作出评价,在处理问题中学会自省与人际交往。Step 1 自主互助学习1.阅读3A并找出作者的问题。用自己的语言整理出来。2.分析课文,你能找到句子中的知识点吗?1)发现,弄清楚,查明_ 2)为某人计划某事 _3)邀请某人干某事_ 邀请某人到某地_4)其他每个人_5)除了_6)不知道怎

21、么办_3.熟悉掌握3a 中重点句型结构。4.用所学知识给作者提建议。完成3bStep 2 交流展示1.写出自己的问题,并征询建议。My problem:_My classmates advice:_ _2.仿照对话,根据4 中的问题,提出建议,编写两组对话。要求学生用所学知识提建议。1. 知识归纳:leave与forget把某物遗忘在某处_忘记某人某事_忘记该干某事_我昨天把语文书忘在家里了。_ 他忘记带雨伞,所以全身都淋湿了。_ 咱们忘了这事吧。_Step 3 巩固训练1.完成Self check练习。2.知识点归纳:1)考试失败_2)与某人同岁_3)把某物归还给某人_4)与某人打架_Step 4 课堂检测一、 完成句子1.我刚刚发现我的朋友们正在为我计划一场生日集会。2.除去我其他人都被邀请了. 3.我很沮丧,我不知道我做错了什么.也不知道该怎么做。4.我把运动服丢了。5.我和我朋友同岁。6.他和他的弟弟相处得不好。7.她把钥匙忘在家里了。8.Mary昨天把钱还给了我。二、单选( ) 1. Im sorry I_ my exercise book at home. Dont forget _it here tomorrow, please. A. forgot; to take B. forgot; to bring C. left;

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