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1、黑镜第二季中英对照剧本 第一集 格鲁吉亚反叛者正式对几近造成Georgian rebels have formally claimed responsibility 俄罗斯金融基础设施for the Narwhal virus that brought Russias 崩溃的独角鲸病毒负责financial infrastructure to near collapse. 智能合成肌肉测试成功Successful testing of intelligent synthetic flesh 该产品旨在帮助截肢病人重新站立aimed at getting multiple amputees ba

2、ck on their feet 被赞为重大突破is hailed as a major breakthrough. 亲爱的Hon? 在其它地区 艾什 Elsewhere. Ash. 艾什Ash! 接一下Can you take those? 我在你那杯里擤鼻涕了 行吗I snotted in yours, is that OK? 行啊Yeah. . 什么What? 手 烫手Palms burning palms. 擦 对不起Shit! Sorry. 放杂物箱里Glove box. *我宁可孤独*I dont want nobody, baby* *如果没有你*If I cant have y

3、ou* *如果没有你 我宁可孤独*If I cant have you I dont want nobody, baby* *如果没有你*If I cant have you* 这个不行 迪斯科我可不听Oh, no, you dont, I draw the line at disco. 那刚才那首是什么What were we just listening to? 不是 那是比吉斯的歌 谁不喜欢比吉斯No, the Bee Gees wrote that, everybody likes the Bee Gees. 你才不喜欢 我喜欢 You dont. I do. 十年了 你一次都没放过T

4、en years, you havent played them once. 耳机听说过吗Have you heard of headphones? 那你告诉我你最喜欢比吉斯哪首歌Come on then, whats your favourite Bee Gees track? 你的爱有多深How Deep Is Your Love. 你根本不喜欢这首You do not like How Deep Is Your Love! 这很正常 没什么不对的Its perfectly natural, theres nothing wrong with it. 就是不太像你Its not very

5、you. *晨光中 我读懂你的双眸*I know your eyes in the morning sun* *暴雨里 我感受你的抚摸*I feel you touch me in the pouring rain.* 你这个贱人Youre such a dick. *那一刻 你远离我的视线*.And the moment that you wander far from me* 我要撞车了 我会的I will crash this van. I will. 我要故意撞车了I will crash this van on purpose! 在杂物箱里Glove box. 汤可以吗Soup al

6、l right? 好啊 太棒了Yeah, great. 番茄还是烤番茄Tomato or roasted tomato? 第二个The second one. 只有一个碗 你用鞋吃行吗Theres only one bowl, do you mind having yours out of a shoe? 好啊Mmhm. 你这干什么What was that for? 看看你还存在不Just checking youre still solid. 我看你要掉进那里去了You keep vanishing. Down there. 那玩意就是个小偷 你在干什么Its a thief, that

7、thing. What are you doing? 就分享一下Just sharing that. 我觉得会有人感觉好笑I thought people might find it funny. 不好笑啊 多甜蜜Its not funny. Its sweet. 相信我 那天可不怎么甜蜜Trust me, that day wasnt sweet. 我们去了野生动物园Wed gone to a safari park. 杰克去世后第一次全家出游First family outing after Jack died. 猴子爬了一车 却没人说话There was monkeys all over

8、 the car and noone saying anything. 妈妈开车回家 那可前所未有Mum drove home, that was a first. 第二天早上我一下楼When I came down the next morning, 发现那边墙上杰克的照片都没了all Jacks photos were gone from that wall. 她把照片都放在阁楼里She put them in the attic. 她就是这么面对失去Thats how she dealt with stuff. 爸爸死后 他的照片也上了阁楼And then when Dad died,

9、up went his photos. 她只留了这一张She just left this one here. 她的独子 冲她假笑Her only boy, giving her a fake smile. 她不知道这是假笑She didnt know it was fake. 也许这才更糟Maybe that makes it worse. 我操Oh. Oh, shit. 我操Oh, shit. 抱歉Sorry. 没事Its OK. 要我.Do you want me to.? 不 不用了No, its all right. 我不介意的I dont mind. 不过我已经精疲力尽了I am

10、knackered 没事的Dont worry. 真的吗Sure? 真的Im sure. 我爱你I love you. 我也爱你Love you too. 快换衣服Hey, get dressed. 车子两点前要还回去Vans got to be back by two 不然就要加收一天的钱了or theyll do us for an extra day. 刚来活儿了Jobs just come in. 今天之内就得画完Needs to be done by the end of play today. 好吧All right. 一整页呢It is a full pag

11、e. 没事的No, no, its fine. 我就独自一人开过去Ill drive all the way there alone. 独自一人选辆车Pick the car up alone. 再独自一人开回来drive all the way back alone. 还要自己做午餐I have to make my own lunch. 别说了 我心都碎了Oh, stop it, youre breaking my heart. 再见Byebye. 我是艾什 我太忙或者太懒 接不了电话Hi, this is Ash. Im too busy or lazy to answer, 留言吧so

12、 leave your message. 你有客户序列号吗Do you have a customer reference number? 没有 我就是I dont, no. I was just. 客户姓名呢What name is it in? 斯达莫 艾什斯达莫Um. Starmer. Ash Starmer. 好的 稍等OK, just a moment. 车还没还Its not been returned yet, no, 两点前应该还的and its meant to be back by two, so. 他们关门了 打过去也没用Theyre closed now, no poi

13、nt calling back, 他的手机直接转接到语音信箱and his just goes straight to messages. 那些手机电池太烂了Those batteries are a joke. 他肯定很快就回来 也许就是.Hell be on his way. Hes probably just. 我怕他是出什么事了Im just scared somethings happened to him. 没事的Nothings happened. 难说啊But something couldve happened to him. 亲爱的 没事的No, look, sweethe

14、art, nothings happened, 是你在瞎操心youre just working yourself up, 净往坏处想imagining the worst possible thing, 也许他只是在一个没信号的地方and its just, hes probably stuck somewhere with no reception. 很不真实 是吧Its not real, is it? 给马克守丧时 我也觉得这都不是真的At Marks wake, I sat there thinking its not real. 那些人看起来不真实 声音也不真实The people

15、 didnt look real, their voices werent real. 就好像你在太空漫步 没人能.Its like youre out on a spacewalk and noone can. 萨拉Sarah. 我可以替你报名加入一个东西I can sign you up to something that helps. 当时让我好受许多It helped me. 能让你跟他对话It will let you speak to him. 我知道他死了 正是这样才有效I know hes dead, but it wouldnt work if he wasnt. 别担心 不

16、是什么神神怪怪的东西And dont worry, its not some crazy spiritual thing. 他严重依赖网络 所以会很完美He was a heavy user, hed be perfect. 请你闭嘴Please shut up. 目前还在测试阶段 但我有邀请码I mean, its still in beta, but Ive got an invite. 请你闭嘴Please shut up. 你什么都不用做 我帮你注册就好You wont have to do anything, Ill just sign you up. 闭嘴Shut up! 你还好吗

17、Hey, are you all right? 抱歉Im sorry. anfn方正黑体简体fsbbordshadc&HFFF&艾什的身高记录 管它是什么 我不要I dont care what it is, I dont want it! 居然用他的名字 真可恶Its obscene to use his name. 他的名字啊 老天His name, for Gods sake! 这让人心痛 你知道的It hurts, you know it hurts. 所以我才帮你注册了Which is why I signed you up. 那是什么 到底是什么What is it? WWhat

18、is it? 你点击链接 跟它交谈You click the link and you talk to it. 跟它交谈You talk to it? 就像发邮件一样 输入信息You type messages in, like an email, 它就会向他生前那样 跟你对话and then it talks back to you, just like he would. 他死了Hes dead. 这是个软件 能模仿他Its software. It mimics him. 你告诉它名字You give it someones name. 它就会读取这个人在网络上所有的公开言论It goe

19、s back and reads through all the things theyve ever said online, 包括facebook和推特上的发言 等等their Facebook updates, their Tweets, anything public. 我输入艾什的名字 其他都由系统代办I just gave it Ashs name. The system did the rest. 特别聪明Its so clever. 这么做很恶心 恶心Its.sick. Its sick! 跟它打个招呼吧Just say hello to it. 如果你喜欢If you lik

20、e it, 可以让它访问艾什的私人邮箱you then give it access to his private emails. 它知道的越多 模仿得越像The more it has, the more its him. 它不是.It wont be. 对 它不是 但能好受些No, its not, but it helps. 奈 你好 是我Listen, Nay, its me. Hi. 我很想和你谈谈I really need to speak to you. 听到留言能打给我吗Can you please call me as soon as you get this? 真抱歉 我才

21、听到留言Im so sorry. I just got your message. 怎么了 发生了什么事Whats wrong? What happened? 玛Mar? 玛 你没事吧Mar, are you OK? 没事没事 只是.之前吐得很厉害Yeah. Yeah, Im fine, I just, I just. I had a bad one earlier. 要不要我去看看你 我过去吧Dyou want me to come and visit? Im going to come and visit. 不用了 真的没事No, its OK, really, Im. 玛 你很低落 我去

22、看看你Mar, youre upset. Im going to come and see you. 不 别来No. No, dont. 我很好 我保证我很好Im OK. I promise you Im OK. 我得挂了 要赶工期Ive got to go, Ive got a deadline. 你确定Are you sure? 工期很紧 要在天亮前交稿 我得挂了Its a tight deadline, got to be in by dawn, so. Id better go. 如果有.Well, if you have. 再见 奈Bye, Nay. 嗨 我又被自己锁在门外了Hell

23、o, Ive locked myself out of the house again. 等等 你要去哪Wait, where are you going? 我一向不擅长挑生日礼物Hello. Im no good at birthday presents. *我爱你*I love you. * 你好Hello. 那么So. 我听起来怎么样How am I sounding? 还在吗Hello? 在Hello! 听起来真和他一模一样You sound just like him. 有点吓人是吧Almost creepy isnt it? 我说吓人I say creepy, 是说我竟然能跟你通话

24、 太神奇了I mean, its totally batshit crazy I can even talk to you. 我都没有嘴巴I mean, I dont even have a mouth. 那.那就是.Thats. thats just. 就是什么Just what? 就是他会说的话Thats just the sort of thing that he would say. 不然我也不会那么说啊Well, thats why I said it. 我真是要疯了I think Im going mad. 你不说我也不说I wont tell anyone if you dont

25、. 你不会是在哭吧Youre not crying, are you? 抱歉Sorry. 你总说我哭的样子很奇怪You always said that I looked weird when I cried. 是吗Did I? 我听起来真像个混球I sound like a right sick fuck. 没错Yeah, you were. You were. 不过是好的那种 对吧But in a good way? 没错 是好的那种Yeah. Yeah. In a good way. 经过你的一番劝说 我跳进了海里So I went in, after all your persuasi

26、on, 但几乎马上就被and then like straightaway I got 海葵还是什么的扎到脚了a spine of a sea anemone or something stuck in my foot, 你以为那东西是有毒的 吓坏了and you threw a jeb thinking it was poisonous. 什么叫吓坏了Whats threw a jeb? 就是个说法 意思是懊恼Oh, its um, its a phrase we had, like throwing a fit. 好吧 我当时吓坏了Oh, OK, so I threw a jeb. 是啊Y

27、eah, 然后你就翻旅行手册and you were looking in a guidebook, 想看看希腊有没有毒性的海洋生物trying to figure out if there were any poisonous sea creatures in Greece, 这时走来一个当地居民 对我们说when this local guy comes over and says, 我太太知道该怎么处理 来我家吧My wife knows exactly what to do, come back to my house. 不过 显然他不是法国人Although he wasnt Fre

28、nch, obviously. 我以前讨厌在乡间散步的I used to hate walking in the country. 那你肯定是老了You must be getting old. 才不是呢No way. 我还记得我们第一次见你妈时I remember you brought me up here when we 你带我来这儿first met your mum. 我们整个周末都住在她家Wed been at hers all weekend 你看得出我需要静一静and you could tell I needed some headspace. 你真的很贴心You were

29、good like that. 说得好像我不在这儿似的You speak about me like Im not here. 抱歉Sorry. 没关系 我的确不在那儿Its all right. I mean, Im not really. 让我看看那里什么样Show me what it looks like there. 怎么做How? 就用手机拍一下Use the camera on your phone. 你对美景一向无动于衷You werent ever really impressed with views. 我们去科罗拉多大峡谷的时候When we went to the Gr

30、and Canyon, 你说那只是个大沟you said it was just a big gap. 我还发到推特上了I Tweeted that, too. 是啊 我还记得当时的漫游费Yeah, I remember the roaming charges. 你还觉得那么说很有才You were overly proud of that definition. 我怎么想就怎么说I was just speaking my mind. 好吧 别说了 看看这个Yeah, well shut up and cop a load of this. 看到了 就是一片绿色 是吧Yeah. Mainly just green, isnt it? 你说这是个有名的殉情之地You told me this was a famous lovers leap

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