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Unit 11 How was your school trip课文及语法重点Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、in the countryside 在乡下;在农村yesterday /jest(r)di/ adv. 昨天flower /fla(r)/ n. 花worry /wr / v. & n. 担心;担忧luckily /lkli/ adv. 幸运地;好运地sun /sn/ n. 太阳museum /mjuzim/ n. 博物馆fire /fa(r)/ n. 火;火灾fire station 消防站painting /pent/ n. 油画;绘画exciting /ksat/ adj. 使人兴奋的;令人激动的lovely /lvli/ adj. 可爱的expensive /kspensv/ adj

2、. 昂贵的cheap /tip/ adj. 便宜的;廉价的slow /sl/ adj. 缓慢的;迟缓的fast /fst/ adj. & adv. 快地(的)robot /rbt/ n. 机器人guide /gad/ n. 导游;向导gift /gft/ n. 礼物;赠品all in all 总的来说everything /evr / pron. 所有事物;一切interested /ntrstd / adj. 感兴趣的be interested in 对感兴趣dark /d(r)k/ adj. 黑暗的;昏暗的hear /h/ v. (heard /h(r)d/) 听到;听见Carol /kr

3、l/ 卡罗尔(女名) anything pron.(常用于否定句或疑问句)任何东西;You cant believe anything she says.There isnt anything interesting in this book.Do you know anything about the old house?代替something,区别与some和any的区别相同。Im hungry. Ill eat anything. Anything is OK!也可用在肯定句中,表示随便什么事物。 worry v. &担忧 v. I really worry about your fat

4、hers health.He is worrying about his weight these days.“担心”短语为_Dont worry!n. My only worry is your job. Mothers illness was always a great worry to me.expensive & cheapThe gift is not expensive.The clothes in this shop are cheap. The price of the gift is not high.The prices of the clothes in this sh

5、op are low. The price is so expensive.expensive/cheap用来修饰_,price用_,_修饰。 slow & fastadj. 缓慢的;adj. &adj. a slow driver a fast walker I missed the fast train and had to get the slow one.adv.slowly &Can you speak slowly? The boy runs fast. interesting adj. 感兴趣的be interested in 对感兴趣I am interested in mus

6、ic and my brother is interested in sports.We had a great time on the farm yesterday. We were interested in milking the cow. be interested in 主语通常是人,接动词时用动词的-ing形式。interesting adj. 有趣的The movie was interesting. 练习:Robots are not _, so I am not _ in them. hear v. (heard /h(r)d/) 听到;listen to 听He was s

7、o far from me. I listened to him carefully but I couldnt hear anything.I like listening to music a lot.Tom speaks very fast. I cant hear his words.listen to强调_,hear强调_。Part 2 Role-playRole-play the conversation.Peter: Hi, Eric. How was your trip last week?Eric: It was excellent. I visited my grandpa

8、rents in the countryside. Oh, nice. What did you do? I went fishing every day. And I fed the chickens with my grandpa. It was so much fun. Sounds good. How was the weather there? It was great and the air was so clean. I watched the stars at night. They were so beautiful. Lucky you.Part 3 Grammar Foc

9、usHow was your school trip? It was great!Did you go to the zoo? No, I didnt. I went to a farm.Did you see any cows? Yes, I did. I saw quite a lot.Did Carol ride a horse? No, she didnt. But she milked a cow.Were the strawberries good? Yes, they were./No, they werent. 一般过去时用法:1. 过去存在的状态或发生的动作I was in

10、Henan last year.I fed chickens on the farm yesterday.I lived in the countryside at the age of ten.2. 过去经常、反复发生的动作(常和often,always等表示频度的时间状语连用)He always went to work by bus last year.I often got up early to read English when I was a student.结构:1. She was at home yesterday.The strawberries were good.My

11、 mom was a musician before.句子中含有_动词:was,were2. I milked the cow yesterday.He went to a farm last month.Tom joined the art club last year.句子中含有_动词句式转换:1. 否定句I was at home yesterday. The strawberries were good. I wasnt at home yesterday.The strawberries werent good.含有be动词的句子:was,were后加not,可以缩写成_,_。I m

12、ilked the cow yesterday. Tom joined the art club last year. I didnt milk the cow yesterday.Tom didnt join the art club last year.含有实义动词的句子:助动词did后加not,再加动词_。2. 疑问句以及简略回答I was at home yesterday.Were you at home yesterday? Yes, I was./No, I wasnt.Yes, they were./No, they werent._,_提句首。I milked the cow

13、 yesterday.Did you milk the cow yesterday? Yes, I did./No, I didnt.Did Tom join the art club last year?Yes, he did./No, he didnt.助动词_提句首,动词过去式变为_。动词过去式的变化:1. 规则变化a. 一般情况 加_ looklooked playplayed startstartedb. 以e结尾 livelived hopehoped useusedc. 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,末尾只有一个辅音字母_,再加_ stopstopped planplannedd. 以

14、辅音字母加y结尾的动词_,再加_ studystudied worryworried注意读音的变化:ed在清辅音后读_,在浊辅音和元音后读_;t和d后读_。2. 不规则变化am, is_ are_ do, does_have, has_ go_ come_wear_ see_ meet_run_ speak_ make_take_ feel_ leave_spend_ stand_ feed_hear_lose_ find_keep_ sleep_sell_ tell_get_ forget_say_ pay_sing_ sit_swim_ drink_drive_ ride_ write_r

15、ead_ put_ cut_cost_ let_buy_ bring_ fight_ think_teach_ catch_know_ grow_draw_ fly_Part 4 Reading June 15thToday I went on a school trip. We visited the science museum and it was really interesting. We got there so fast by train. We saw some farms and villages along the way. At the museum, I learned

16、 a lot about robots. I didnt know they could play chess with us. It was so cool! Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot. I took a lot of great photos, too. After that, I went to the gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents. They werent expensive. All in all, it was an exciti

17、ng day. June 15thI think todays school trip was terrible. We took the train to the museum. It was so hot on the slow train. The museum was big and boring. Everything was about robots and Im not interested in that. The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos, so I didnt take any. T

18、here were also too many people and I couldnt really see or hear the guide. The things in the gift shop were so expensive. I didnt like the trip at all.Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot. I didnt know what to do at that time.Please show me where to go._做宾语请告诉我买什么。_这个女孩不知道去哪儿。(用一般过去时)I

19、 went to the gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents. I bought some lovely gifs for my parents.I bought my parents some lovely gifts.I bought a tie for my father.(转化为同义句)_.I bought my mother a dress.(转化为同义句)给某人买某物的短语:_ _I didnt like the trip at all.I didnt like the all放在否定句的后面,

20、加强语气。I didnt sleep last night._我对历史一点也不感兴趣。Part 5 Exercises一、根据句意及提示完成句子1. Dont _(担心), we can help you with your homework.2. _(幸运地), I went to London for the Olympics(奥运会) in August, 2012.3. Look at the picture, the girls are _(采;摘) apples.4. Han Lin watched a movie _(昨天).5. It is dangerous for chil

21、dren to ride a _(马) quickly.6. She _(clean) her car yesterday.7. He _(feed) the chickens on the farm last week.8. He and his parents _(go) to England last summer.9. Many students are_(interest) in pop music.10. My friend gave me a _(love) dog.二、单项选择( )11. _ was your school trip? It was very interest

22、ing.A. What B. Where C. How D. When( )12. That movie was quite _. I want to see it again. A. exciting B. boring C. terrible D. difficult( ) 13.The story is _ and all of us are _ in it. A. interest; interesting B. interested; interesting C. interested; interest D. interesting; interested( )14. There

23、are _ cars in the street.A. so much B. so many C. much so D. many so( )15. _ ! What can you _? A. Listen; hear B. Look; hear C. Hear; listen D. Hear; look( )16. We went to the beach and _ there. A. buy a gift B. took some photosC. try some seafood D. see some fish( )17. When _ your mother _ you that

24、 blue dress, Lucy? Sorry, I cant remember. Maybe last week. A. is; buying B. does; buy C. did; buy D. did; bought( )18. Lucy _a student last year, but now she _ a teacher. A. is; is B. was; is C. was; was D. is; was( )19. Im sorry you _ fun on your school trip.A. have B. had C. didnt have D. not have( )20. When my parents _ young, there _ not so much food. A. are; is B. were; C. are; was

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