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1、高中英语Book5知识点补充Unit 11. Characteristic adj./n.Characteristic of sb/sthShe spoke with characteristic enthusiasm.The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society.2. Put forward 提出;提前 Put together 合计,总和,合起来;组装 Put sth aside 忽视;不理睬;忘记 攒钱;积蓄Put sth away 将收起;把放回原处Put sth back将放回;推迟,延迟Put st

2、h down 放下; 写下;镇压Put sth in 安装;打断,插话Put sth off 推迟;延迟Put on 穿戴;上演;增加体重Put out 扑灭;生产; 公布Put up 树立;张贴;提出(意见)Put sb up 留某人住在家中Put up with 容忍;忍受3. Analyse/analysis/analyst/analytical4. Infect/infection Be infected with 被感染. Infect : 使感染(某种感情);影响 She infected the children with her enthusiasm for music. 5.

3、 Challenge Face the challenge 面对挑战 Meet the challenge 迎接挑战 Accept/take up a challenge 接受挑战6. Enquiry/enquire/enquiring (1)调查;查究To hold/order/set up an enquiry into the affair 进行/责令/提出调查此事 (2)询问;打听Enquiry (from sb.) (about sb/sth)We received over 300 enquiries about the job.7. ForeseeNo one could hav

4、e foreseen (that) things would turn out this way.8. Investigate/investigationUnder investigation9. Handle 处理同义词 Approach/handle/tackle词组:deal with, cope with, see to, attend to10. Instruct 指示;命令;吩咐 Instruct sb. to do sth Instruct +that/wh从句He instructed that a wall should be built around the city. I

5、nstruction 用法说明;操作指南Follow the instructions on the packet carefully.11. Enthusiastic/ enthusiasm You dont sound very enthusiastic about the idea.I have never lost enthusiasm for teaching.With /without enthusiasm 有/没有热情 12. P 1. Discuss in small groups the stages in setting out. Set out : to present

6、ideas, facts etc. in an organized way 陈述;阐明 He set out his objections to the plan.13. P7 The problem aroseArise 发生;产生;出现A new crisis has arisen.Arise from/out of 由引起;因产生Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.语法:过去分词作定语和表语过去分词作定语的含义:1. 一些不及物动词的过去分词作定语表示“主动和完成”之意。 The fallen leav

7、es The risen sun The newly-arrived guests2. 及物动词的过去分词作定语的含义(1)表示“被动和完成”The castle built in the 1980s.Look at the broken glasses(2)表示“被动和经常性的动作”。English is now an international language, spoken by about 750 million people.(3)表示“被动的状态”It was cold and damp the man pulled up his collar and put his hands

8、 to his frozen face. 过去分词作表语 连系动词 be/get/become/feel/remain 等后面接过去分词作表语,过去分词和主语之间是被动关系,表示主语所处的状态或感受,很多已转化成形容词。Although the cities were crowded, the country was beautiful.Some people got trapped in the burning building.Remain seatedUnit 21. accomplish/accomplishmentThe first part of the plan has been

9、 safely accomplished.It was one of the Presidents achievements.2. ConflictShe found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.John often comes into conflict with his boss.The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses pay.Conflict of interests3. Credit(1)(从银行借的

10、)借款;贷款The bank refused further credit to the company. (2)赞扬;称赞Hes a player who rarely seems to get the credit he deserves. To ones credit 使值得赞扬;使受尊重 To his credit, Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened.(3) 信誉,信用Her credit isnt good anywhere now.(4)学分My math class is worth three credits.4.

11、 RoughThe skin on her hands was hard and rough.(粗糙的,不平滑的) A rough calculation/estimate of the cost (不确切的;大致的) They complained of rough handling of the guards. (粗暴的,粗野的) It was too rough to sail that night. ( 海洋) 风浪大的 Hes had a really rough/tough time recently. (艰难的;令人不快的) Roughly speaking, we receiv

12、e about fifty letters a week on the subject. (粗略地说) Tough : 艰苦的;严格的;强壮的;不易损坏的5. AdministrationAdministration costs are passed on to the customer. 6. Alike adj. 相像的My sister and I do not look alike.Adv. 相像地;两者都,同样地Good health and safety management befits employers and employees alike. (同样地)7. Statue/

13、statusStatus 地位,身份,社会阶层;状况,情形What is the current status of our application for funds? (状况)8. Tense 神经紧张的,担心的;(形式、事件、时期)令人紧张的She sounded tense and angry.The atmosphere in the meeting was getting more and more tense.Tension : 紧张局势;(情绪)紧张,烦躁9. Consistent/consistencyConsistent 一致的,始终如一的;连续的,持续的;相符的,符合的S

14、hes not consistent in the way she treats her children.A pattern of consistent growth in the economy.The results are entirely consistent with our earlier research.The football referee must be _ in applying rules; otherwise it will cause conflicts in the field.A. confidential B. consistent C. contradi

15、ctory D. constantP14. This solid stone, square tower had remained standing .Remain 作连系动词的用法1) 跟形容词His mind remained active in spite of physical injuries. 2) 跟分词 The door remained closed. The land reform question remained unresolved. She remained standing for an hour. 3) 跟名词We can remain friends.The

16、labour shortage remains a problem. 4) 跟介词短语The Indian peoples remain in deep poverty. 5) 跟不定式 It remains to be seen whether it will do us harm or good. 语法: 过去分词作宾语补足语 请同学们记牢能接过去分词作宾语补足语的动词。一些使役动词:have ; get; make; keep;leave一些感官动词: see; hear; watch; find; feel部分表示“希望、打算”等动词 want; wish; order; would

17、like其他动词:declare; consider; acknowledgeUnit 31. Aspect The book aims to cover all aspects of city life. She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect. Respect (事物的)方面,细节 In this respect we are very fortunate. 2. Previous Previous to 早于 Senior to 级别/职位/年龄高于 Junior to级别/职位/年龄低于 Superior to

18、比更好 Inferior to 较差的;次的 Prior to 在前面的3. Tolerate/tolerant/toleranceBe tolerant of/towardsTolerate doingShe refused to tolerate being called a liar.4. Adjustment /adjust/adjustableAdjust sth (to sth)Adjust ( oneself) to n/doingMake adjustments to sth5. Flash 1. 飞速运动;掠过A look of terror flashed across h

19、is face.2. 突然想到;猛然想起A terrible thought flashed through my mind.6. Switch1). 转变Switch sth( over) from sth to sthSwitch between A and B2)交换;转换Switch sth with sthSwitch on 开(电灯/机器)等Switch off 关(电灯/机器)等Switch off 不在想着;不再考虑7. Slide into Slide (使)快捷而悄声地移动 She slid into bed. She slid out while no one was l

20、ooking.表示“悄悄干/走”含义的还有:Steal/sneak/tiptoe8. Optimistic/optimism Pessimistic/ pessimism 9. Enormous An enormous amount of time/ money/information10. Efficiency/efficient Proficient/proficiency 精通;熟练 Effect/effectiveShe is proficient in several languages.11. Dispose/disposal Dispose of 1) 去掉;清除 The dif

21、ficulties of disposing of nuclear waste. 2)应付,解决;处理 That seems to have disposed of most of their arguments. 12. Manufacture vt/n Manufactured goods 工业品 A news story manufactured by a journalist. 编造;捏造 The manufacture of cars 汽车制造13. Motivate/motivation Motivate sb to do sthWhats the motivation behin

22、d this sudden change? 14. I was unsettled Unsettled 不镇静的,心绪不宁的,不安的 They all felt restless and unsettled.多变的;不安定的;不平稳的 These were difficult and unsettled times.15. Clear your mind Clear (使)变清醒,变清晰As her mind cleared, she remembered what had happened.I went for a walk to clear my head.16. Perform task

23、sThis operation has never been performed in this country.17. They have to monitor the robots Each students progress is closely monitored.18. My mind began to wander.语法:过去分词作状语过去分词作状语时,过去分词所表示的动作和句子主语之间是被动关系,从时间方面考虑可以是“被动和发生”的动作;也可以表示“被动的状态”而没有明确的时间性。Weakened by successive storms, the bridge was no l

24、onger safe. (被动和发生的动作)Convinced that they were trying to poison her, she refused to eat anything. ( 被动状态)Depressed,he went to see his elder sister. 过去分词(Done)和 现在分词完成式的被动形式(having been done)的差异。 过去分词突出强调“被动”意味,如果分词的动作在谓语动词动作之前发生可转化成 having been done 形式。其他情况不能用having been done 形式代替done。 Painted/Havin

25、g been painted red, the building stands out among the rest and looks very attractive. Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent. They came in, followed by their wives. Greatly interested, I asked how he played these new works. Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car.Having been done 形式,突出强调

26、“完成”意味,表明分词的动作发生之后,谓语动词的动作才发生,分词的动作和谓语动词的动作之间有时间间隔。Unit 4高考重点词汇:involve; assignment; admirable; assistance; submit;Concentrate/concentration;amateur;acquire/acquisitionAssess/assessment; deadline; deliberately; skeptical;Dilemma; section; thorough/thoroughly; edition; accurate/accuracy; polish; appr

27、ove/approval; process; negative1. Assistance:Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance.2. Assess/assessment同义词:Evaluate/evaluationIts hard to assess the effects of these changes.A detailed assessment of the risks involved.3. AcquisitionLanguage acquisition4. Deliberately同义词 intentionallyI wou

28、ld never intentionally/deliberately hurt anyone.5. Skeptical :Having doubts that sth is true or sth will have happen. doubtful Be skeptical of/aboutI am skeptical about his chances of winning.The republic remained skeptical of these claims.Suspicious: feeling that sb has done sth wrong, illegal or d

29、ishonest, without having any proof. Be suspicious of/aboutThey became suspicious of his behavior and contacted the police.6. Thorough/thoroughlyThe police carried out a thorough investigation.Im thoroughly confused.7. Approve/approval He doesnt approve of me leaving school this year. The committee u

30、nanimously approved the plan.8. Process1. To treat raw material, food, etc in order to change it, preserve it, etc 加工;处理Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.2. To deal officially with a document, request, etc. 审阅,审核,处理It will take a week for your application to be processed.9. When I go

31、out to cover a story. Cover的词义有哪些?10. Its also useful if a person wants to challenge you.Thelosersmaychallengetheoutcome. (质疑)The job doesnt really challenge her. (考验)11. because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong. 错综虚拟语气If you had taken your medicine yesterday, you would be quite all right n

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