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牛津译林版八年级英语上册8A unit1 学案.docx

1、牛津译林版八年级英语上册8A unit1 学案 Unit 1 FriendsPeriod 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit【知识拓展】1.Do you want some? Can I have something to drink, please? Can I have some more food too? What/How about some milk?在表示征求意见、希望得到对方肯定答复的句子(疑问句)里,some/something不需要改成any/anything, 拓展:something是不定代词,我们在七年级下册Unit8学过这类词

2、的用法,回顾复习用法:(1)不定代词(something,anything,everything,somebody等)充当句子主语时,谓语动词用三单。例:Something_ wrong with my bicycle, so I have to walk home.(2)形容词修饰不定代词时,要置于不定代词之后。例:Theres _(没什么有趣的事情) in todays newspaper.(3)Im thirsty, Id like something to drink.拓展: What / How about . ?意思为 .怎么样?后面接名词,代词或动名词 。例:What about

3、_(go) swimming?2.Youre so kind. 你真善良。 kind 做形容词,意思是友好的,善良的;做名词,意思是种类。 拓展:be kind to sb 对某人友好,可以换成:be _/_to sb a kind of 一种. all kinds of 各种各样的 different kinds of 不同种类的.3.some more food,再来一些食物;some /many/much/数字+more+名词; 数字+more+名词复数=another+数字+名词复数;one more+名词单数=another+名词单数如:再两个星期_= _ 4.maybe和 may

4、be maybe为副词,常位于句首,相当于perhaps may be意为可能是,由情态动词may 和 be动词组成。句型:Maybe +句子 = sb. may do/be sth. 如:他们可能在教室里_they _ in the classroom.=They _ _ in the classroom. 他可能在操场踢足球。 _ he _ football on the playground. =He _ _ football on the playground.5. joy和happy的区别:joy为不可数名词,相当于happiness;happy为形容词 如:分享我的快乐 _ 使我快

5、乐 _ 拓展:share sth with sb _make sb/sth 形容词 _ 6.have problems/trouble with sth. 某事方面遇到困难;不适应某物have problems/trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有问题(困难) 如:I always have problems with my maths. He has some problems _(speak) French. 拓展:类似的用法还有:忙于某事/做某事_ 做某事很开心_7.honest虽然以字母h开头,但其发音的第一个音素是元音,因此前面的不定冠词用 an如:他是一个诚实的男

6、孩 He is _ honest boy. 在 honest 前面加否定前缀dis;构成反义词: _,意为不诚实的。 如:He is very_,so nobody wants to make friends with him.8.You can trust them because they never tell lies trust 动词,意为信任,可以换成believe in trust还可做名词 lie 名词,谎言;动词,(1)撒谎 现在分词lying 过去式lied (2)躺;位于 现在分词lying 过去式lay拓展: lie to sb./tell (a lie) lies to

7、 sb.对某人撒谎 a white lie 善意的谎言 China lies in the east of the world.9.agree 动词,同意。名词agreement 反义词disagree agree with sb _ agree to do sth _ agree on sth _10.Do you believe what he/she says?=Do you believe his/her words?11.tell you funny jokes tell stories tell lies play a joke on sb 开某人的玩笑【当堂展示】一、根据题意,用

8、括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. One of these (杂志)is not for middle school students.2. Look .The children are dancing for (高兴).3. I would like to make friends with that (诚实) boy4. The (幽默的)writer always tells us funny jokes.5. Does your mother ask you to keep your desk (整洁)?6. The newspapers are full of (lie).7. B

9、oys please learn to take care of (you).8. The box is so heavy that we need three (many) students.9. Who does he want to keep (secret) for?10. My brother is very (help) to me二、根据句意,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I have nothing (do), so Im free now.2. Would you please (not play) football in the classroom?3. Hed l

10、ike (share) toys with his friends. Isnt he a good boy?4. Who often (believe) that bad boy?5. Do you like to talk to your parents when you (not be) happy.6. Listen, someone (tell) funny stories in the classroom.7. How about (care) about your friends?8. She is ready (help) those poor people. 9. Tom (p

11、lay) computer games this afternoon, isnt he?10. How long it (take) you to finish your work last night?三、根据中文意思,完成句子。1. 这个孩子经常上学迟到,这使他的老师很生气。The child .It .2. 太太,你还想买些什么别的吗?Would you like ?3. 你经常和你的父母分享快乐吗? Do you ?4. 我们不喜欢她,因为她是一个不诚实的孩子。We .5. 你想要点喝的东西吗?不,谢谢!Would you like ? 6. 冰箱里没有什么东西了,你能帮我买一些吗?

12、There is ?7. 或许你可以和我合用一个房间。Maybe .8. 如果你学习英语有问题,我能帮助你。I .9. 不要让他伤心。Dont .四、单项选择 ( )1. -We are free. What shall we do? - What about _a picnic? A. go out for B. going out to C. go out to D. going out for ( )2. Please_ for me. I dont want others to know about it. A. keep cool B. keep a secret C. keep a

13、 diary D. keep warm ( )3. - Can I have something_? - Sorry, theres_ in the fridge. A. eat; nothing B. to eat; anything C. to eat; nothing D. to eat; something ( )4. What _a good student? A. do you make B. make you C. makes you D. you make ( )5. Excuse me, Mr Wu. May I ask you_? A. some more question

14、s B. any more questions C. some problems D. any more problems ( )6._I can share the cake_ you. A. May; for B. Maybe; with C. Maybe; to D. May; withPeriod 2 Reading 【知识拓展】1. one of的意思是“中的一个”,后面跟复数代词或可数名词的复数形式,如果可数名词的复数形式前有形容词修饰时,通常要用其最高级形式。one of作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。 如:Millie is one of the_ (tall) gir

15、ls in our class. 长江是世界上最长的河流之一。 The Yangtzi River is _ _ the _ _ _ _ _.One of the players_(be) from Africa.2. be willing to do译为:乐意做某事= be ready to do sth./ _be glad to do sth._/_be happy to do sth./be pleased to do sth._如:你愿意帮我提一下这个重箱子吗?_ you _ _ _me _ the heavy box? 我们应该乐意帮助有需要的人。We _ _ _ _ help t

16、he people _ _ 今晚你乐意和我一起去看电影吗? _you_ go to the cinema with me tonight? 3.She is also helpful and ready to help people any timebe ready to do sth.还可表示“准备好做某事”,相当于be ready for (doing) sth. /get ready to do sth. /get ready for (doing) sth.,get强调动作,be强调状态。 句中的any time 也可写成anytime,意思是“在任何时候,随时”。是副词,不需要加at

17、. 随时给我打电话。_ me _ _. 他们准备好给我答案了吗? _ they_ give me answers? The park is open all day,so you can go there_(任何时候) 4.帮我做家庭作业_; 帮助某人做某事_; 在某方面帮助某人_ 在某人的帮助之下_/_5. someone in need 表示“有需要的人”。 如,希望工程帮助那些有需要的孩子。 Project Hope helps those children _ _. 另外,“需要.”译为need sth. be in need of sth.相当于need sth.,意思是“需要某物”

18、。 如:Are you in need of help?你需要帮助吗?=Do you need any help? 我们应该帮助需要帮助的人。We should help people_. 6.(人)嗓音_(可数n);噪音_(不可数n); (大自然)声音_(可数n) in a soft _; make too much _; hear the _ of the train 7.He is the tallest boy in our class- almost 1.75metres. the tallest boy 最高的男孩,tallest 是tall 的最高级形式,要注意,形容词最高级前要

19、加the almost 将近,几乎,j近义词为nearly ,但是almost可以与否定意义的词,如none,nothing等连用,但是不能与not连用,nearly不与否定意义的词连用,可以与not连用,not nearly远远少于 拓展:hardly 否定意义的词,几乎不。练习:She fell and _ broke the neck. He ate _ nothing. He _ never eats vegetables. She is not _ so much interested as I thought. She sang so quietly that I could _

20、hear her.8.make him look smart. 让他看起来很精明。 make sb do sth 让某人做某事。类似的词语还有:let/have sb. do sth.9.名词:幽默_;形容词:幽默的_ “(富)有幽默感”_ =_ 10 fit 动词:适合,容纳。His legs do not fit well under the desk. 形容词:健康的。Keep fit 保持健康11.When he walk past our desks, he often knocks our books and pens onto the floor.walk past 走过=pas

21、s 拓展:past经过 over 翻越 through 贯穿而过 across (表面)穿过 knock sth onto the floor把某物撞到地上 knock over sth撞翻某物 knock sth. off 把某物从某处撞掉你父亲每天去上班时走过公园吗?Does your father_ _ the park when he goes to work every day? 他把苹果撞落在地上了。He _ _ _ _the floor.12. “说某人的坏话 say a bad word about sb.句中的word意思是“言语,说的话”如:He never says a

22、bad word about anyone. 区别:tell, talk, speak, say (1)讲故事/撒谎/讲有趣的笑话_ 告诉某人某事_ ,告诉某人(不)做某事_ (2)say sth. _ it in English; _ hello /goodbye/sorry to sb; What. _; a note on the table _.; the radio _. (3)speak + 语言; _ French/English/Russian; Who _ at the meeting? 打电话用语:Whos _, please? Is that . _? (4)talk t

23、o/with sb. talk about sth./sb.吴老师想和我爸爸谈一谈。Mr Wu wants to have _ _ with my Dad.13.When something worries me, I can always go to her. worry 及物动词,使.困扰,用法为:sth worry sb 某事使某人困扰拓展:worry 不及物动词,担心,担忧。用法为:worry about.形容词:_ be _ about go to her 向她寻求帮助=ask her for help/ask for her help14.true 形容词 come true a

24、true friendtruth 名词 tell me the truth truly 副词. Im truly sorry about it.【当堂反馈】 一、根据句意及汉语提示,补充单词,完成句子。1. We all believe the story is _ (真实).2. I think good friends should have a good _ (感觉) of trust.3. Do you want to be the _ (高) boy in your class?4. I often see the old man walk _ (经过) the library.5.

25、 He tells lies to us. So we think he is _ (诚实).6. It is (慷慨) of the rich to give their money to the poor.7. Which animal would you like to (挑选) as your pet?8. He answered (几乎) all of my questions.9. Just now he (碰) my bag onto the floor.二、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. He wants to be a (sing) because he lik

26、es singing.2. Are you (will) to help the poor any time?3. I never feel (bore) when Im at home alone.4. The small round (glass) make him look smart.5. Betty is a (help) girl. Everybody here likes her.6. I dont think the letter is for one of the popular _ (sing).7. You will find these books _ (help) i

27、f you read them carefully.8. Nobody wants to know this piece of _ (bored) news.9. They sing very well because of their sweet _ (voice).10. She didnt get a present, so she looked _ (happy).11. Do his round glasses make him look _ (humour).12. The baby always _ (smile) and never cried.13. The students

28、 usually get _ (worry) before the exams.14. Tom likes to make faces after class. He is so _ (fun).二、根据句意,用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空1. Wendy always gets ready _ (help) other people.2. When something _ (worry) him, the boy often went to Helen for help.3. Are you willing _ (sing) an English song for us?4. Do you know the boy _ (call) Max?5. My parents hope I _ (be) a teacher when I _ (leave) school.6. Her small round glasses

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