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1、英语演讲概述英文版English Public SpeakingChapter 1 Introduction1. Introduction to the coursea. 32 hours of classes including 8 hours of practicing and testing (much more time needed after class)b. For examining: each will give a public speech or participate in a debating contest and a small piece of speech w

2、riting.c. Contents of the course: 1) the basic knowledge and theory about public speaking and debating; 2) practical strategies; 3) many kinds of practices.d. Teaching planning: 16 hours on public speaking including a speech test (4 hs) 16 hours on debating including a debating contest (4 hs)2. Lect

3、ure 1 Contents:a. What is public speaking?b. The history of public speaking.c. The power of public speaking.d. Become a Better Listenere. What makes a good speech.A. What is public speaking?1. Defining the term.Whats the difference between a public speaking and an ordinary conversation?a. audience;

4、b. special time and space; c. concrete topic; d. language and structure. Whats the difference between a public speaking and a public reciting?a. unbounded by the original written words; creativeb. Oral language; c. one-speaker form Definition of Public Speaking: The social activity, that a speaker a

5、nnounces himself, states his opinions, or persuade people to do things, etc, using verbal and nonverbal language in front of an audience, in a set time or space. Simply to say, public speaking is a way of making your ideas publica way of sharing them with other people and of influencing other people

6、.2. What does a speech or a presentation consist of?a. the speaker; b. the audience; c. the contents; d. the language (verbal/nonverbal); e. The environment.3. What does a speech or a presentation do? Inspiring, motivating, movingB. A Brief History of Public Speaking and Some Important Speakers1. Pu

7、blic speaking in western world.a. 11th-10th BC, Home in ancient Greece, 伊利亚特,Odyssey,first brought about the idea of the art of public speaking and recorded many great speeches made by the famous heroes and fighters then.b. 5th BC, in Athens, Greece, making public speeches became popular and court r

8、oom debating were also frequent to see. Many great spokesmen emerged during this time, among which Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Demosthenes. Demosthenes was a remarkable politician at that time. When he was young he had a lot of undesirable habits in making speeches, such as shrugging his shoulde

9、rs all the time, breathing hastily and sounding with a low voice like he had a soar throat. But later he practiced speaking in public with great effort and enthusiasm and be came an outstanding speaker. Actually he was chosen number 1 of the top 10 ancient Greek spokesmen. His 61 recorded speech scr

10、ipts have been treasured by the world since then.c. In the middle ages, that is from 476 AD to the 14th century, religions became the ruling tool for the feudalism. Religious speeches took the place of the political and court room speeches, and many priests become the spokesmen of the time. Thomas A

11、quinas, John Manndekuni, etc.d. 14th century, the Revival of Learning/Letters. Many people stood up against religious communities, they spoke for the nature of human beings. Here came some great spokesmen like Shakespeare, Dante, Galileo, etc. At the same time, many humble peasants began to fight fo

12、r their own rights, and some great speakers like Walter Taylor and John Huse also emerged in history. e. 1648, the British Capitalistic Revolution. During this time, many new capitalists all over the world used public speaking as their way of reaching through to people. Robersphere, Danton. In Germa

13、ny, academic speeches are having their time. Many philosophers like Hegel and Kant were very popular speakers. f. During the time of the Independence War, the United States marched into the great time for great speeches. Among all the terrific spokesmen, one of them needs to be noted to you mostly,

14、that is Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the USA. His speech of “Gettysburg Address” was referred to as “a holy poem” by people was a really classic speech that all of you should be familiar with just like “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King.g. From the 20th century on: Winston Churchill, R

15、oosevelt.h. Proletarian spokesmen: Marx, Lenin.2. Public speaking in Chinaa. 商朝的盘庚,因为受水患和阶级矛盾的影响,将都城从奄(今山东曲阜)迁至殷(今河南安阳西北)之前,做了发动民众的三次演讲,其内容充实,言辞尖锐,论证有力,最终说服了臣民,实现了迁都的目的。盘庚的动员民众迁都是我国古代保存下来的较为完整的演讲词,最早见于尚书。盘庚篇b. 770-221BC诸子蜂起、百家争鸣:孔子,墨子(提出“辩慧”是选拔人才的三大条件之一),孟子,荀子,老子,庄子,吕不韦,韩非子(有口吃的毛病,但在说难、问辩中对演讲的心理、语言运

16、用的方法技巧等都作了较为精辟的论述)等。c. 2000多年的封建历史中:汉代的董仲舒,西汉的贾谊司马相如,东汉的张衡,三国的诸葛亮,晋代的陶渊明,南朝的范缜唐代的玄素,韩愈,柳宗元,北宋的欧阳修,苏洵,苏轼,苏辙,王安石,南宋的朱熹,明代的王守仁,黄宗羲,唐伯虎,清代的颜元,郑板桥等。d. 1840之后,主张维新改良,或倡导民主革命的康有为,梁启超,谭嗣同和孙中山,蔡元培,秋瑾,陈天华等。其中秋瑾是近代著名的女革命家,在904年日本留学期间,创办了“演说练习会”,出版白话报,她认为“演说以为一种学问”,“要开化人的知识,感动人的心思,非演说补课”,还列举了演说的五大好处,提倡用普通话演讲。e.

17、 五四运动爆发后,演讲领域扩大,形式也多样化,各地掀起一股群众性的演讲热潮,并成立了大量的演讲社团。1919年3月以邓中夏为首组织的“北京大学平民教育演讲团”是其中影响最大的。这时期涌现的李大钊庶民的精神,陈独秀妇女问题与社会主义,胡适,鲁迅读书与革命,闻一多最后一次的演讲,朱自清论气节等一批杰出的演讲家。f. 1921年后,很多共产党的领导人也都是著名的演说家:毛泽东反对党八股,周恩来,刘少奇,陈毅,邓中夏,恽代英,瞿秋白,彭湃等。g. 1949年以后,不仅仅是实践,更系统的研究演讲的艺术。比如出版杂志演讲与口才、交际与口才等,还有一些关于演讲的著作,如邵守义实用演讲学,李燕杰演讲美学,冯远

18、征演讲心理学。国外的Carnegie “Language Breakthrough”.C. The Power of Public Speaking人之所以为人者,言也;人而不能言,何以为人? -春秋古梁转一言而可以兴邦,一言而丧邦。 -论语、子路1. Wilma Subras example:Graduated with degrees in chemistry and microbiology; worked in a research institute where she worked to do research on environmental toxins. She found

19、that many families, located near large industrial polluters are exposed to high, deadly levels of chemicals and toxins. Frustrated by this she left her job in 1981, created her own company and devoted the past two decades to helping people fight back against giant industrial polluters. She worked wi

20、th families and communities to conduct environmental tests, interpret test results, and organize for change. Because of her efforts, dozens of toxic sites across the country have been cleaned up, and one chemical industry spokesperson calls her “a top gun for the environmental movement.”If you had a

21、sked Subra before 1981, “Do you see yourself as a major public speaker?” she would have laughed at the idea. Yet today she gives more than 100 presentations a year, not including radio, television, and newspaper interviews. Along the way she has lectured at Harvard, testified before Congress, and ad

22、dressed audiences in 40 states, as well as in Mexico, Canada and Japan. Public speaking is the primary vehicle I use for reaching people. When you have an important message, its the best way to encourage people and get them involved. Wilma Subra2. Not only for great speakers.Daily situations that yo

23、u are required to give a public speech:1) You are elected the president of Student Union, and you have to give an inaugural speech in front of the whole union.2) One of the students in your school had been badly injured in a traffic accident, but his family is too poor to afford the expensive operat

24、ion fee in the hospital, you are giving a speech to motivate every in your class to donate some money for this school mate.3) You are doing internship at a large company with seven other trainees. Recently there is an opening job for a lower-manager of a department. All the trainees are supposed to

25、give a presentation in front of the higher-ranking managers about the project you have been developing. And whoever impresses the audience most with his presentation will get the job.4) Your cousin is getting married, as the best man of his, you are supposed to give a little speech to give wish to t

26、he new bride and groom on their wedding day. Public speaking is a vital means of communication. A Greek leader spoke 2500 years ago that “One who forms a judgment on any point but cannot explain it clearly might as well never have thought at all on the subject.” The example of Doctor Cordiss: In Bro

27、oklyn, New York, Doc. Cordiss was invited to attend a large dinner party held by a famous baseball team. At the party, the doctor who was an expert in keeping people healthy for 30 years, was asked to give a little speech about how the base ball players are supposed to do to keep fit. As well learne

28、d in the field as he was, doctor was frightened of making a voice in public. At last, he left with all the people expecting, and without a word. Later he signed himself up to take the training courses for public speaking held by Carnege, and became a famous spokesman. Conclusion: the use of public s

29、peaking for conveying message and ideas is applied by people in all walks of life. You will never know when you are asked to make a speech or a presentation in front of people. Therefore, learning some useful skills and strategies of public speaking and even regular practices are very necessary to c

30、ollege students. Now, more and more communities have realized the importance of mastering the skills of public speaking, especially in university students. Many different speaking contests would be a good way to train in this area, but also, there are more ways to do it. Part I To Become a Critical

31、Listener1. Listening is Important Listening has been called “a lost art” because most people are shockingly poor listeners. We fake paying attention. We can hear “sounds” instead of listening to “ideas”. Hearing is a physiological process, involving the vibration of sound waves on our eardrums and t

32、he firing of electrochemical impulses from the inner ear to the central auditory system of the brain. But listening involves paying close attention to, and making senses of, what we hear.Four levels of listening:a. Appreciative listening: listening for pleasure or enjoyment, as when we listen to music, to a comedy routine, or to an entertaining speech.b. Empathic listening: listening to provide emotional support for the speaker, as when a psychiatrist listens to a patient or when we lend a sympathetic ear

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