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1、仁爱版英语考点仁爱版英语七年级上册考点(Unit 1Unit 4) 教材回归考点过关1. 1) Good morning/ afternoon/ evening/ night. 2) Hello. / Hi. 3) How are you? Im great/ fine/ very well/ OK, thank you. And you? Fine, thanks/ thank you. 4) Nice/ glad/ pleased to see/ meet you. 5) How do you do?6) Welcome!7) This is Miss Wang. 8) Thank you

2、 very much. You are welcome. Thats OK/ all right. Its a pleasure. Not at all. 9) Sorry. Thats all right. It doesnt matter. Never mind. 10) Could/ Can you help me? Sure. Certainly. Of course. 2. 1) Whats this in English? =Whats the English for this?2) in English/ Chinese/ Japanese/ Frenchin your our

3、own words/ pen/ paper/ this way(用语言 材料等)with a pen/ knife(用具体的工具等。)by bus/ bike/ car/ train/ air/ ship/ sea/ land/ man/ hand/ listening to the tapes/ taking notes(用抽象的手段、方式等。)3. a, an(表示一“个”,一“只”,一“件”,一. . )a pen/ book/ ruler/ boy/ man/ bag/ desk/ useful invention/ “u”/ (用于辅音读音前。)an egg/ animal/ off

4、ice worker/ old man/ English car/ hour/ “s”/ (用于元音读音前。)4 1) The apples are green. What color are the apples? =What is the color of the apples? 2) The red sweater is mine. Which sweater is yours? =What color sweater is yours?5. 1) The books are in his backpack.(表地点) Where are the books? 2) The books

5、in the backpack are his.(表特指) Which books are his?6. 1) on the table/ the playground/ the bed/ the desk/ the wall/ the tree/ TV/ the radio/ on Sunday/ Sunday morning/ September1st/ the morning of September 1st/ an early morning/ a cold morning/ Tuesday afternoon(在具体的某一天、某一天早上/ 中午/ 晚上等) on this subje

6、ct(关于) on show/ display/ holiday(表状态) depend/ feed on, on ones own(依靠) on the river(河面上;河边)2) go/ work/ walk on(继续) The lights are still on.(灯还开着)7. from (to) 从(到)We go to school from Monday to Friday. They pass the ball from one to another. Its far from our school. Whose letter is from?They are fro

7、m Canada. He goes back home from work at 11:00 every night. 8. 1) like prep. 像 What does he look like? =Whats he like? Whats the weather like today? Dont do it like that. Your book is like mine. 2) like v. 喜欢 (=enjoy/ love) like sth./ sb., like doing sth. I like/ love my father. They like/ enjoy/ lo

8、ve English. He likes/ enjoys/ loves watching TV. 13. 冠词the的使用:1) 表特指,指说话人和听话人都知道的共同所指的东西 The girl in white is Jane. Which girl is Jane?Open the door, please. 2) 独一无二的物体前面I can see the sun in the sky. 3) 最高级的前面He is the most popular teacher in our school. 4) 序数词前面He is the first one to come. 5) 第二次出现

9、的某人或某物的前面There is a book here. The book is Jims. 6) 用在表示乐器名词的前面He likes playing the piano. 7) 一些短语中 the same class, the whole country,9. 1) tell sb. sth.(告诉某人某事)2) Tell/ ask sb. to do sth.(告诉某人做某事)3) Tell/ ask sb. not to do sth.(告诉某人不做某事)Please tell us your name/ phone number. I want to tell you an

10、interesting story. Please tell your mother to look after your little brother. Tell the boys not to play football after school. I must ask him to give up smoking. Ask them not talk in class. 10. Where are you/ they from? =Where do you/ they come from? Where is she/ he from? =Where does she/ he come f

11、rom? What do you do? =What are you? =Whats your job? What is he/ she? =What does he/ she do? =Whats his/ her job?11. It isnt KangKangs, either. either “也”(用在否定句末) too(用在肯定句末) as well also(用在句中be动词后,行为动词前,助动词与动词之间) I dont like apples, either. She also wants to go hiking. She is also a teacher. = She

12、is a teacher, too. They are in Class Two as well. =They are in Class Two, too. I am also 14. =I am 14, too. 12. go + doing(去做某事)go hiking/ swimming/ fishing/ boating/ climbing/ shopping/ skating/ skiingMay I go ?I want to goThey would like to goLets goWhat about going?We hope to go13. She seldom spe

13、aks English. seldom很少(频度副词),常用 how often对频度副词提问never从来不,sometimes有时,often经常,usually通常,always总是 You are always so careless. She often goes to school on foot. They never talk in class. She watches TV at home sometimes. I have never been to Beijing. He is always happy. 14. 1) 征求意见:Why dont you do sth.?

14、Why not do sth.?How/ What about doing sth.?Lets do sth. Shall we do sth.?Would you like to do sth.?Why dont we meet at the school gate?Why not meet at the school gate?How/ What about meeting at the school gate?Lets meet at the school gate. Shall we meet at the school gate?Would you like to meet at t

15、he school gate?2) 回答对方的建议: Good idea. / All right. / Ok. Sorry, I am so busy. I am not sure. I am afraid. 15. How many + 可数名词复数(多少) How much + 不可数名词(多少) How much is/are问价格 How often频率(多久一次) How long时间多久,物体多长(for + 时间) How soon时间多久(in + 时间) How far距离多远 How many books are there in your bag? How much w

16、ater do you want? How much is a glass of water? How often do you go swimming? How long can I keep the book? How long is the desk? How soon will you leave for Beijing? How for did he run gust now?16. Whose apples are these? They are your apples. = They are yours. 17. speak/ say/ talk/ tell. 说1) speak

17、说话/ 语言He can speak English/ Chinese/ French. May I speak to Jim?This is Jim speaking. 2) say说具体的内容。The teachers say that we are good students. I can say it in English. 3) talk谈话(talk to sb., talk with sb., talk about)We are talking about the story. His mother is talking with our teacher. 4) tell告诉(t

18、ell sb. sth., tell sb. to do sth., tell sb. not to do sth.)He told us some important news. Tell them to turn off the lights. Tell him not to play in the street. 18. want to do. 想做某事 plan to do. 计划做某事 would like to do. 想做某事 hope to do. 希望做某事 wish (sb.) to do. 希望某人做某事 I want to have a cup of tea. He p

19、lans to have a picnic this Sunday. She hopes to go to America. I wish to go to the moon myself. I wish you to be here now.19. be helpful to sb. 对某人有益 be poor/ weak/ strong in sth. 在方面弱/ 强 It is helpful to me. He is poor in heath. He is weak in English. We are strong in Chinese. 20. help sb. to do/ d

20、o/ with sth. 帮助某人做某事 He helps me with my English. He helps me clean the housework. Tom helps me to buy books. 21. What a/ an + 形容词 + 名词单数 What+形容词+名词复数 How +形容词/ 副词 + 主语 + 谓语 What a beautiful girl she is! What an interesting book it is! What delicious food! How nice the girl is! How fast/ quickly To

21、m runs! 22. 1) at具体时刻前面,在小地点前。 at six, at 7:30, at 2:00, at noon, at night 2) in在月份,年,季节的前面,在上午,在下午,在晚上,在大地点前。 in May/ June/ August/ September/ October in 2008 in spring/ summer/ fall/ winter in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 3) on在星期,具体日期的前面,有修饰词的早中晚前面。 on Monday/ Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Friday on Jun

22、e 1st, on October 12th 1995. on a cold morning/ on the night of New Year23. Color the flower red, please. Whats the color of your new skirt? What color is your new pen? 24. 可数名词 单数 a book/ pen/ bag/ bowl/ useful invention/ “B”/ “u” an apple/ an ear/ an egg/ an ”E”/ an ”H” / an orange/ an English car

23、/ an hour/ 复数 a few books/ teachers/ students/ pens/ knives/ sheep/ zoos some apples/ hours/ eggs/ pens/ bags many brushes/ watches/ boxes/ buses/ photos two apple trees two women teachers 不规则的名词复数 knifeknives sheepsheep mousemice toothteeth leafleaves manmen womanwomen deerdeer ChineseChinese child

24、children footfeet 25. 不可数名词 一般没有复数,不能与a/ an或表示具体数量的词直接连用。 些名词可加 much, some, any, no, a little等修饰词或用名词 + of + 不可数名词的结构表示。 much time/ water/ air/ tea/ milk/ money some milk/ orange/ meat/ bread/ water/ tea no water/ air/ money/ water/ apple/ juice a cup of tea, two cups of tea a glass of water, three

25、glasses of water a piece of meat, five pieces of meat a bag of rice, ten bags of rice26. teach sb. sth. 教某人什么 teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做什么 teach sb. how to do sth. 教某人怎样做什么 Miss Wang teaches us English. We taught ourselves math last term. My mother teaches me to wash clothes. My father teaches me how

26、 to ride a bike. 27. on ones way to + 地点 在的路上 On his way to school, he saw a dog. On my way home, I met my friends. On their way to Cinema, they found a purse lying on the road. 28. 购物店员:Can I help you?May I help you?What can I do for you?顾客:Yes, please. I want/ I want to buyNo, thanks. 29. 介词past和

27、to可以用来表达时间。当分钟小于或等于30 时,我们用past 表示几点过了几分钟。当分钟大于30时, 我们用to 表示几点差几分。Its ten fifty= Its ten to eleven.(9:50)Its six thirty.= Its half past six.(6:30)Its seven twenty.=Its twenty past seven.(7:20)Its one fifty-eight.= Its two to two.(1:58) 夯实基础中考预测I. 单项选择。 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1

28、. Are you in the same class? _. A. No, we arent B. Yes, were C. we are in Class 2. D. Yes, thank you.2. Please give _ this letter. Its _. A. I; mine B. him; his C. Maria; her D. you; your3. Whats this in English?_. A. This is an eraser B. Its an eraserC. They are erasers D. Thats an eraser4. Which b

29、ag is _? The yellow _. A. Mike, it B. Mikes, it C. Mike, one D. Mikes, one5. How old are you? _. A. Im Number 2. B. to have dinner C. Im in Row 3D. Im nine.6. Why not _ with us? A. have dinner B. to have dinner C. having dinnerD. has dinner7. Can you have supper _ us? A. with B. and C. or D.for8. Hi

30、s brother is tall _ big eyes. A. for B. at . C. and D. with9. My favorite _ is hamburgers _ meat in it. A. food, with B. foods, with C. food, at D. foods, for10. How many bananas can you see? We cant see _. A. some B. one C. it D. any11. What _ your brother _ ? He is tall and has brown hair. A. do; look like B. does; like C. is; look like D.

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