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1、辽宁鞍山中考英语试题word版答案或解析精编2014年辽宁省鞍山市中考英语试卷I、单项选择每小题1分,共20分1(1分)Its hard work,We decide try best to do it()Aa,my B/,us C/,our Dan,the2(1分)Whatre those over there in the tree? two birdsOne is white, is yellow()Atheyre other BThese are,anotherCthese are,others Dtheyre,the other3(1分)Could you give me some

2、suggestions about how to swim ?()Awell Bgood Cnice D.wonderful4(1分)You are supposed shake hands when meeting others the first time()Ato,at Bin,for Cat,in Dto,for5(1分)He caught few fish yesterday in the lake, ?()Adid he Bdidnt he Cdoes he Ddoesnt he6(1分)There a talent show next term in our school()Ai

3、s going to have Bis going to beCwill have Dwould be7(1分)The Chinese culture very quickly in American now()Agrown Bis growing Cgrew Dhas grown8(1分)Is the school bag Jennys?No,it hers,Its not the right color()Acouldnt be Bshouldnt be Ccant be Dmustnt be9(1分)May I speak to MrSmith?Sorry he isnt inHe Lo

4、ndon on business()Ahas gone to Bhave been to Chave gone to Dhas been to10(1分)_money for traveling is one of the best_to spend money()Asaving,way Bto save,way Csaved,ways Dsaving,ways11(1分)I am sorry for being late,I should phone you earlier ,I have just arrived()ATheres nothing worse BThats all righ

5、tCYoure right DIt is a pleasure12(1分)About of the people in China are the old over sixty()Aone six Bfirst sixths Cone sixths Done sixth13(1分) my father my mother want me to be a doctor,but I dont()Aneither nor Beither orCboth and Dnot only but also14(1分)The future those who believe in the beauty of

6、their dreams()Abelongs to Bwilling to Caccording to Dlive in15(1分)Nobody knew ()Awhere are you going on holidayBwho did you go on holiday withCwhy you went to Hainan for holidayDhow you go to Hainan16(1分) good advice he gave me!()Awhat Bwhat a Chow Dhow a17(1分)If you close the door of sadness behind

7、 you,the door of happiness before you()Aopened Bhave opened Cwill open Dare opening18(1分)In the village he lived in his early life,there was only one small school of 200 kids and 4 teachers()Athat less Bwhere less thanCwhere more Dmore than19(1分)People exercise in the park every morning in our city(

8、)Aare seeing Bto see Csaw Dare seen to20(1分)The weather in Chongqing is usually than that in any city in North China in summer()Athe coldest Bmuch hotter Cthe hottest Dmuch colderII、完形填空每题1分,共10分21(10分)FriendsDo you know that people (21) friends are more likely to die earlier?Some scientific researc

9、hers have proved it is trueJust ask (22) ,you will get the answerIf you want to(23) a long and happy life,the following one type of friends is just what you need to keep the doctor (24) Scientists also say sometimes (25) honest friend in necessaryThere is certain situation in life where we need to h

10、ear the (26) He will tell you what not(27) or stop you when you are (28) If you find someone(29) is honest with you,then(30) this person!People like that are hard to come by these days21AwithBwithoutCandDor22AteachersBdoctorsCscientistsDactors23AliveBmoveCtakeDhad24AoutBinConDaway25AaBanCtheD/26Abel

11、iefBtruthClieDprize27Ato doBdoingCdoneDdid28AwrongBrightChappyDsad29AwhichBwhereCwhatDwho30Agive upBget overChold to doDkeep away阅读理解每题1分共20分31(5分)A bite of ChinaA bite of China has attracted millions of people all over China and even moved many of them to tearsIt is a series of television documenta

12、ries which show delicious Chinese foodWe made the documentaries with our respect and the love for foodsaid the director Chen XiaoqingThe documentaries provide a special view of Chinese food as well as the relations between people and food,and between people and society from the foodThe history of Ch

13、inese food is thousands of years and is changing all the timeChinese food is famous for its taste,many different kinds of ingredients and eating stylesSo Chinese people are proud of eating different styles of foods and they have formed Chinese food culture31A bite of China is a series of Acomedies B

14、action movies Cdocumentaries Dthrillers32This a series of documentaries is about AChinese food BChinese movies CChinese people DChinese society33Chinese food is famous for Aits taste Bmany different kinds of ingredients Ceating styles DA,B and C34What are Chinese people proud of Adifferent styles of

15、 fruit Bdifferent styles of foodCdifferent styles of vegetables Ddifferent styles of meat35What can you feel from the passage? AChina is a great country with a long history of food cultureBChinese food is the only one we likeCwe can eat all the food in the documentariesDThe history of Chinese food i

16、s hundreds of years36(5分)The death of the camelA camel is trekking in the desert with the midday sun shinning like a big fireballHungry and thirsty,it feels very angry in heart,not knowing how to let out its angerOn the way,it steps on a piece of glass by accidentThe camel,already tired,suddenly bec

17、omes extremely angryIt lifts its foot and kicks the glass hard,but cuts its foot deep and blood runs into the sand immediatelyThe angry camel walks on and its blood attracts a vulture (秃鹰)in the sky,singing hungrilyThe camel runs with great fearSoon later,the heavy smell of blood draws the attention

18、 of a hungry wolf nearbyThe weak camel runs around like a headless fly in panicUnfortunately,it runs to the home of maneating antsThe maneating ants,all run in the direction of the poor camelIn a minute,the camel is covered with the maneating antsBefore long,the camel falls down to the groundJust be

19、fore dying,the camel says sadly:why am I anger with just a small piece of broken glass in the first place?36Whats the sun like in the midday? Aa big plate Ba big fireball Ca big football Da big bowl37What happens to the camel? AIt likes the midday sun very muchBIt is trekking in the desert happilyCI

20、t steps on a piece of glass and hurts his legDIt kicks the piece of the glass and blood gets out of its foot38When it meets a hungry wolf,the camel Aruns like a headless fly in panic Bruns with great fearCfalls down to the ground Dbecomes extremely angry39Do you know the real reason of the camels de

21、ath? Aa vulture Ba wolf Cmaneating ant Ditself40What can you understand form the passage? Adont give up on the way to your dreamBclimb up where you fall downCbe good to your life,smile at your bad luck and get over your difficultiesDsay the truth before dying41(5分)Cities that will pay you to live th

22、ereIn America,in order to solve the slowing population growth and other problems,some cities have decided to do something to welcome more people to live in their placesSome cities give away free landSome even give money to people who moved to live thereIf you want to find a new place to live inHere

23、are two cities that really want you to moveThe car city:Detroit,MichiganThe town is giving away 100homes that are in need of repairingThey will even give you 100dollars to help with itAlso the city is offering college students a 2500dollars first year and 1000dollars second year if they choose to wo

24、rk there after finishing schoolLincoln,KansasWe all know that there is a lot of free land in KansasSince the early 1900s,the population has become smaller and smallerSo if you can build a new house and live there for more than five years,the place where your house is will belong to you41What do the

25、two cities in American want to do? Ato give more land to peopleBto make the population smallerCto welcome more people to live thereDto give money to people42What are the two cities in the passage? ADetroit and London BDetroit and LincolnCDisney and Lincoln DDior and London43HOW much will a college g

26、raduate get for the second year in Detroit? A.2500 B.1000 C.1500 D.350044Since the early 1900s, Athe population has become smaller and smaller in KansasBsome cities have decided to do something to stop more people from living in their placesCif you work there after finishing school,Detroit will pay

27、you for many yearsDyou can build a new house and live in Lincoln for only 5years45Which is right? ADetroit is in Kansas,USBDetroit will give away 100housesCLincoln has a lot of free landDif you want to have the land,you just build a house there46(5分)You say cheese,I say selfie!Hey Ana,why are you ho

28、lding your phone up like that?Im taking a selfie!Do you knowselfie?Do you often take selfie?Can you show me some selfies?If you dont know,maybe youre behind the timesSelfie just means a picture of yourself taken by you,yourselfThe word really started to be known by us in 2006In fact,people have actu

29、ally been photographing themselves since the 1800sMany famous people like selfies especially some movie stars and singersHonestly,those Korean singers have improved it in recent yearsMaybe theyre trying to create a kind of book with digital photosThats a really cool wayThats because art and language

30、 go hand in handHey guys,hold your phones and take your selfies at once!46Whats the meaning ofselfies? A自学B自拍C自恋D自爱47If you dont know the wordselfie, Ayou are modern and in fashion Byou are unbelievable and unluckyCyou are old and out of style Dyou are popular and welcome48Who likes selfie very much? ASome teachers and doctorsBSome famous playersCMov

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