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四年级上册英语同步拓展M1 Unit 3 How do you feel讲义 牛津上海版一起.docx

1、四年级上册英语同步拓展M1 Unit 3 How do you feel讲义 牛津上海版一起学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级: 四年级 辅导科目:英语 授课日期时 间主 题特殊疑问句学习目标1、学会用how询问对方的感受2、学会用所学词汇表达自己的感受3、wh-疑问句;祈使句;there be句型; 教学内容教学建议:可以由老师带领,询问孩子现在感觉怎么样,然后让孩子之间相互询问,引入本节课的知识,老师在过程中进行补充和总结。 How do you feel? How does Danny feel? 1、重要词汇默写。1. 快乐的: 2. 饿的: 3. 口渴的: 4. 难过的: 5. 饱的: 6

2、. 累的: 7. 新的: 8. 回来: 9. 饼干: 10. 那么: 11. 瓶子: 12. 乌鸦: 13. 干燥的: 14. 喝: 15. 鹅卵石: 16. 邮递员: 17. 放: 18. 烤面包片: 19. 水: 20. 中午: 21. 午餐: 22. 兔子: 23. 认为: 2、重要词组默写。1. 进来: _ 2. 互相: _3. 有个主意: _4. 看着: _5. 坐下:_ 6. 一些饼干: _ 7. 一包饼干: _ 8. 一片: _ 9. .片: _ 10. 一片烤面包:_11. 三片烤面包: _ 12. 吃早餐: _ 13. 吃午餐: _14. 吃晚餐: _15. 喝点牛奶: _

3、16. 加油: _ 17. 试一试: _ Keys: 词汇1.happy2. hungry 3. thirsty 4. sad 5. full 6.tired 8.back 9.biscuit 10. then 11. bottle 12. crow 13.dry 14.drink 15. pebble 16. postman 17.put 18.toast 19. water 20. noon 21. lunch 22. rabbit 23think 词组:e in2. each other 3.have an idea 4.look at 5.sit down 6.some b

4、iscuits 7. a packet of biscuits 8.a piece of 9.pieces of 10. a piece of toast 11.three pieces of toast 12.have breakfast 13have lunch 14.have dinner 15.have some milk 16. come on 17.have a try 【知识梳理1】wh-疑问句 基本结构是:特殊疑问词一般疑问句语序常用的疑问词:what, who(whom), whose, which, when, where, how, why等,回答时针对问句中的代词和副词

5、来回答,不用yes或no来回答。 “对划线部分提问”是一种常见的句型转换题型,这类题实际上就是将所给的陈述句变为特殊疑问句。解这类题通常分三步完成:“三步走”战略第一步:替换-找一个合适的词来替换划线部分。第二步:提前-把替换词写在句子的开头。第三步:改一般疑问句-把一般疑问句写在疑问词后面,注意划线部分已经被替换掉,不需要再写。教学建议:该部分“三步走”战略的第一步,前3个由需要老师带领孩子来做个示范,然后由学生轮流自己总结,最后由老师在进行补充。(一)注意疑问词的选择 疑问词 意思 用法 What 什么 问东西、事物 What day 星期几 问星期几What time 什么时间 问具体时

6、间What color 什么颜色 问颜色 How. 怎样 问情况,状态How old 多大年纪 问年纪How far 多远 问路程 How much 多少钱;多少数量(不可数名词)How many 多少数量(可数名词)问数量Where 在哪里 问地点 When 何时 问时间 Who 谁 问人 Whose 谁的 问主人 (二)注意疑问句的语序 1. 对句子的主语提问,其语序是: 疑问词谓语其他成分? She is their teacher. Is she their teacher? Who is their teacher? 2. 对句子主语的定语提问,其语序是: 疑问词主语谓语其他成分?

7、My book is over there.Is your book over there? Whose book is over there? 3. 对表语、宾语或状语提问,其语序是: 疑问词一般疑问句? He lives in Beijing. Does he live in Beijng?Where does he live? 4. 对表语或宾语的定语提问,其语序是: 疑问词表语或宾语一般疑问句? Im looking for my watch. Are you looking for your watch? Whose watch are you looking for? 【例题讲讲】

8、例1.There are six boys in the classroom.(对划线部分提问) _例2.There are six boys in the classroom.(对划线部分提问) _ Keys: 1.How many boys are there in the classroom? 2. Whats in the the classroom? 批注:特殊疑问句是本册书的要点语法,特别是基础差的孩子得反复巩固复习。对差生,在梳理完常见疑问词之后,一定要给他们进行特殊疑问句的造句练习。【巩固练习】对划线部分提问:Alices got three balls. _They are

9、in the pond. _Tom is under the tree. _I have got some biscuits. _Frogs like bees. _He has got two cars. _The mouses teeth are sharp. _That is Bens block. _Keys:1. What has Alice got?2. Where are they?3. Where is Tom?4. What have you got?5. What do frogs like?6. How many cars has he got?7. How are th

10、e mouses teeth?8. Whose block is that?【知识梳理2】祈使句(建议让孩子自己总结这几种祈使句有什么特点,否定遵循什么规律)祈使句即表示表示请求、命令等的句子。它的主语是听话人(you) ,一般不需要说出来。通常以动词原形开头。祈使句末尾用惊叹号或句号,句子用降调.分类(1) 动词原形开头 eg. Open the door,please!否定Dont open the door,please! (2) Be+adj eg.Be quiet!否定Dont be quiet! (当然咯,介个只是举例啦!) (3)以动词原形let开头 eg.Lets go hom

11、e together!否定Lets not go home together! (4)No+n/v-ing eg.No photos!/No fishing!【例题精讲】例1.Tom, _( open) the window.例2.Tom _(open) the window.Keys: open/opens【巩固练习】根据要求改写句子:1. Please look at the blackboard. (改为否定句)_2.Close your eyes, Linda. (改为否定句,但意思不变) _ _ your eyes, Linda.3.on/walk/ the/ grass. (连词成

12、句,并改为否定句)_4.我们一起玩吧。(翻译成英文,用祈使句。)_5. 不要迟到。(翻译成英文,用祈使句。)_Keys: 一、1. Please, dont look at the blackboard. 2. Dont open 3. Dont walk on the grass. 4. Lets play together. 5. Dont be late.【知识梳理3 】“There be” 句型一、“There be +某人或物 + 某地(或某时)”是指“某地(时)存在某人 (或某物)”。谓语be 必须在数上和主语保持一致。如果主语中既有单数又有复数,be 的形式变化与它最近的主语相一

13、致。(一)结构There is + 可数名词单数 不可数名词There are + 可数名词复数(二)用法肯定句: There is are + _.否定句:There is are + not _一般疑问句:IsAre + there ? Yes, there is are. No, there is are not.(三)There be 句型中的 be 与离它最近的名词有关,即就近原则。 eg. There is an apple and two pears on the table. There are two pears and an apple on the table.对ther

14、e be句型中的主语提问,无论单复数,统一用“whats 加地点”二、have has 句型 是指某人有某物 (表示所有、拥有关系)I We You They 人名(复数)事物(复数)+ have He She It 人名(单数) 事物(单数) + has 【例题精讲】例1.There are 3 books in my schoolbag.(对划线部分)_例2.There are 3 books in my schoolbag.(对划线部分)_Keys:1.How many books are there in your schoolbag? 2.Whats in your schoolba

15、g?【巩固练习】一、句型专项练习题用“have , there be ” 的适当形式填空1.He _ a lot of friends.2._ _ four seasons in a year.3.She _ seven sons.4._ _ any milk in the cup? 5.Beijing _ many universities. 6.We _ a lot of work to do.7._ _ a book and two pens on the table.8.They _ many beautiful flowers.9._ _ three pencils and a ru

16、ler in the pencil-box.10.My father _ a red car.Keys: 1. has 2. There are 3. has 4. Is there 5. has 6. have 7. There is 8. have 9. There are 10. has三、汉译英1.在教室里有二十五名男生和三十名女生。_2.在杯里有一些水。_ 3.在你的书包里有一本故事书吗?_ Keys:1. There are twenty-five boys and thirty girls in the classroom.2. There is some water in th

17、e bottle.3. Is there a story book in your school bag?教学建议:1 规定学生必须在15分钟内完成;2 相互交换批改,表扬正确率最高的学生;3 做对的学生给做错的学生讲题;4 让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题。一、选择填空1. There _ two knives in the pencil box .A. are 2.How many counties _ in Europe ? it there C. are they D. are there 3. Look ! There _

18、 some apples in that tree B. are 4. There _ some children playing on the playground B. are C. has D. have 5.-Are there any fish in the lake now ?-No . _ any water in it in winter .A. There isnt B. There arent C. It isnt D. They arent 6. There _ an apple tree near the river .A.a

19、m B. are 7._ there any good news in todays newspaper ?A. Are B.Is C. Have D. Has 8. There _ a banana and ten pears in the basket . A. are C. has D. have 9. There _ some oranges on the table .A. are 10. There _ forty sixty students in Class _.A. have , Three B. are , Thr

20、ee C. have , Third D. are , Third 11.There _ a table with three legs in Jennys room B. are C. has D. have 12.There _ ten deer and a monkey in the photo B. are D. have Keys: ADBBA CBBAB AB二、按要求改写下列句子,每线词数不限1. I want to be a teacher.(划线部分提问)_2. Look at the traffic light, please.(改成否定句

21、)_3. I arrive at school at 7:45.(划线部分提问)_4. Alice and I always walk to school together.(换种说法,意思不变)_5. Whens your grandmas birthday?(根据实际回答)_Keys:1.What do you want to be?2.Dont look at the traffic light,please.3.What time do you arrive at school?4. Alice and I go to school on foot.5.January 5th.三、阅读

22、1、选择最恰当的一项。 ANancy is an English school girl. She studies in a middle school. She has a little brother. His name is John. John is only four. Nancy likes him very much.Today is Sunday. Nancy wants to do her homework. She takes out her pencil-box and opens it. Oh, dear! Wheres my pen? She cant find he

23、r pen. She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom.John! I cant find my pen. Can you see.? Oh, what are you doing with my pen? ” “Im writing to my friend, Peter.” John answers. But how can you? You dont know how to write! It doesnt matter. Peter cant read, John says.( ) 1. How old is Nancys brother?A

24、. Five. B. Four. C. Six. D. Three.( ) 2. _ cant find her pen.A. Nancy B. Peter C. John D. Friend( ) 3. Wheres John?A. In the school. B. In a shop.C. In his bedroom. D. In her fathers car.( ) 4. Which is not right?A. Nancy finds her pen in Johns room.B. John cant write.C. John is writing with her sis

25、ters pen.D. Peter can read.( ) 5. John and Peter are _.A. friends B. English C. at home D. school girls Keys:BACDABLori has lunch at school. She brings her lunch in a bag. She buys milk in the lunchroom. She eats with her friends. After lunch Lori goes out to play. She and her friends like running and playing games. On hot days they sit on the old boxes and talk.One day a new girl comes to Loris school. She looks a little sad. Lori says to the girl, “Come and sit here.” The girl sits with Lori. Lori says, “ Hi, Im Lori.”“And my name is Lori, to

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