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1、In the summer of May, although the sun is scorching outside, our enthusiasm is as hot as the hot sun today, we are honored to meet the East Green middle school teacher and classmates from the United States of America.Now, let us applause warmly to welcome their arrival.在接下来的一周中,同学们将和他们一起相处,一起生活,他们也将

2、体验中国的传统文化以及中国学校的的生活。为了我们更好地了解他们,所以下面请他们进行自我介绍。谢谢。请就坐.During the next week, we will get along well with each other, we will live together, our friends will also experience the Chinese traditional culture and the campus life in Chinese middle school. In order to know them well, let them introduce them

3、selves to us.Thanks, please sit down.来到美丽的中国,充满魅力的第二中学,朝气蓬勃的七年九班,自然要认识我们的老师和同学,下面就有请班主任韩老师致辞Our friends come to beautiful China, walk into a place full of charms named No.2 Middle school, young Glass nine Grade seven, you will know our Teacher, Ms Han, and our classmates, next, Lets invite the direc

4、tor of our class, Ms Han have a speech.(谢谢韩老师的致辞)也许刚刚来到中国,对中国的一切会刚到陌生,但也并不用着急,下面就有请七年9班的同学,对东方的这个雄伟壮丽的国家进行介绍 题目是我们的中国(thanks for Ms Hans speech),maybe you just come to China, maybe you are feeling strange about China, but you will not be worried, next let the students from the Glass nine Grade seven

5、 introduce our magnificent country to all of you, The topic is “our China”.真的就像同学们所说的那样,中美两国一定会越来越友好Just like the students speech, both China and the US are becoming more and more friendly.下面请同学们赠上祝福让我们和美国朋友合影留念Next please send our congratulations and best wishes.Now lets take a group photo with our

6、 US friend.问题:你们来到中国最大的愿望是什么?你们最喜欢中国的什么?Question: whats your best wishes when you come to China?What do you like best about China?祝词felicitate祝你们中国之旅圆满成功,希望你们经常到中国做客I wish you have a successful visit to China, hope you come to China often希望你们在中国玩得快乐,玩得高兴,祝你们中国之旅圆满成功I hope you have lots of funs in Ch

7、ina, I wish you a successful visit to China借这次游学活动希望中美两国的友好继续向前发展Through the learning activities I hope the Sino-American Friendship continued development中国的风景很多很多,人民也非常好客,希望你们能常来中国China has a lot of landscape, Chinese are very hospitable, hope you can often come to China希望你们在这几天的中国生活中,能够更好的传播中美文化I

8、hope you can spread Chinese culture better in these days of Chinese life希望你们在中国生活得顺利愉快I hope you have pleasant living in China在地球的东方,有一头雄狮,一旦醒来,将震惊世界 In the East, there is a lion, once awake, it will shocks the world.这就话一直是激励中国人民的名言 五千年来,中华民族历经风雨与磨难,走到了今天 经历过炮火的洗礼、灾难的冲刷,但换来的,却是今天的幸福。This saying has

9、been encouraging Chinese people for 5000 years, the Chinese nation has experienced wind and rain and suffering, experienced the baptism of fire disaster, scour, but in return, it is todays happiness.今天,我很荣幸能在这里演讲,内心的激动难以言表 我今天的目的就是要将我们可爱的中国介绍给来自大洋彼岸的朋友们 从视频中的每一片风景、每一个人、每一个生命中,我们都能体会到中华民族蓬勃的生命力 而现在,你

10、们来到了中国 看到了中国那一片湛蓝的天空、那一汪清澈的碧水以及这一个朝气蓬勃的民族 中国一共有56各民族 正像那首歌中唱到的:五十六个兄弟姐妹是一家 但是,显然这一句话是不足以概括整个中华民族的 Today, I am honored to be here to give a speech, my excitement is indescribable, today my goal is to introduce our lovely country to Chinese friends from the other side of the ocean, from a video of eve

11、ry piece of scenery, every man, every life, we can feel the vitality and Chinese now, you came to China, you saw a piece of blue sky, the clear blue water and one full of youthful spirit of the nation, China has 56 ethnic groups, just as the songs: Fifty-six brothers and sisters are a family but, ob

12、viously this words are not enough to summarize the whole Chinese nation 今天,你们来到了鞍山 你们来到了这个钢铁之都 也就是这座城市给中国注入了强大的动力 不仅如此,我们鞍山还有美丽的千山 还有存有世界最大玉佛的玉佛苑,而这些地方,你们这几天也会参观到。Today, you came to Anshan, you came to the steel city, the city is bringing a powerful driving force to china, Anshan has the beautiful q

13、ian mountains, and there is the world biggest jade Buddha garden, and you will visit these places in the several days.今天,你们的到来只是一个开始 相信你们一定会被这片富饶的土地所震撼、吸引 你们以后也一定会经常到中国来做客 这样才能更好的体验我们中国五千年来的悠久历史 Today, your arrival is only a start, I believe you will be shocked and attracted by this piece of fertile

14、 land, I with you will often come to China for a visit, so as to better experience our Chinese long history for five thousand years.最后祝愿你们中国之旅圆满成功 希望中美友谊之路越走越远Finally, I wish you a successful visit to China I with China-US friendship road is more and more better.伴随着轻柔的音乐,我们的思绪也就飘然到了地球另一端那个美丽动人的国家 今天

15、,大洋彼岸的同学和老师来到了我们这片历史悠久的土地上 体验我们悠久的文化、特有的传统和饱满的热情,再次对来访的同学和老师表示热烈的欢迎With the soft music, our thoughts will float to the other end of the earth , to your beautiful country, today, the students and teachers from the other side of the ocean came to our historical ground, experience our long culture, tra

16、dition and full of enthusiasm, once again, to extend our warm welcome to our friends.我们知道,中国和美国很长时间一来就是一对好伙伴 无论是在政治、经济、文化等各个领域都有密切的交流。 As we all know, China and the United States are good partner for a long time , whether in politics, economy, culture and other fields, we have a close communication.

17、 美国人民是一个聪明的民族 你们有发达的科技、众多的资源和许多伟大的事业 而中国也有悠久的历史、底蕴深厚的文化以及美丽的大好河川 今天,你们的到来不仅代表着两校之间的友好,更代表着两国之间的深厚情谊The people of the United States are a wise nation you have developed technology, many resources and many great undertakings, China also has a long history, rich culture and beautiful excellent River, t

18、oday, your arrival not only represents the friendship between the two schools, but also represents the deep friendship between the two countries.来到这样一个朝气蓬勃的集体,陌生一定避免不了,但是并不用紧张 我们的同学和老师会尽力为你们提供一个良好的生活环境,为你带来快乐和幸福 如果遇到一些不便或者麻烦,请相信我们,我们可以真诚地帮助你。Come to such a full of youthful spirit of the collective,

19、you will feel strange , but not be nervous, our classmates and teachers will try to provide a good living environment for you, bring you joy and happiness, if you encounter some inconvenience or trouble, please believe us, we will sincerely help you. 从今天起,你们为期一周的交流就要开始 希望你们能过融入我们这个大家庭,与我们亲密合作,友好相处。

20、愿通过中美交流这个活动,使我们的同学们更好地了解各国的文化与传统 愿你们在中国生活得愉快 最后祝你们中国之旅圆满成功From today, you will begin a week-long exchange, I hope you can integrate into our big family, have close cooperation and friendship. Through this activity, make our students have a better understanding of the culture and tradition in China, I wish you be happy.Finally I wish you a successful visit to China

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