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1、woman has fallen from 4.9 in the early 1960s to 2.5 nowadays.Furthermorearound 50% of the worlds population live in regions where the figure is now below the replacement level(i.e.2.1 births per woman)and almost all developed nations are experiencing sub-replacement birth rate.You might think that d

2、eveloping nations would make up the loss(especially since 80% of the worlds people now live in such nations)but youd be wrong.Declining birth rate is a major problem in many developing regions toowhich might cause catastrophic global shortages of work force within a few decades. It would be difficul

3、t for developed countries to maintain the (72)_of population. 分析 第一步根据题干大意可定位到文章第二段。第二步根据第二段内容特别是“almost all developed nations are experiencing sub-replacement birth rate”和“Declining birth rate is a major problem in many developing regions toowhich might cause catastrophic global shortages of work f

4、orce 2 within a few decades.”可知发达国家保持人口的现有规模也是困难重重。size/scale表示“尺寸大小规模”符合文意。第三步确定答案为size/scale。典例2 (2017江苏高考)In the north of Indiathe population is booming due to high birth ratesbut in the southwhere most economic development is taking placebirth rate is falling rapidly.In a further twistbirth rate

5、 is highest in poorly educated rural areas and lowest in highly educated urban areas.In total25% of Indias working-age population has no education.In 2030a sixth of the countrys potential work force could be totally uneducated. Leaving aside the birth rate issueIndias economy may take off when the c

6、ountry achieves (78)_of educational opportunity. 分析第一步根据题干中的“Indias economy”以及“educational”可以定位到文章第五段。第二步根据第五段中对于印度人口出生率以及经济发展与教育的关系的叙述可以得出这样的结论印度若能实现公民受教育机会的平等化它的经济会有大的增长。第三步确定答案为equality。知识链接1 信息概括常用词 1.原因与结果reason (for)resultcause (of)consequence 2.异同点与优缺点differencesimilarity; advantagedisadvanta

7、ge 3.功能function 4.观点与态度opinionview (on/about)viewpointidea; attitude (to/towards) 5.评论与评价comment (on)remark (on/upon)assessment 6.方式与方法meanswaymethod (of); solutionapproach (to doing sth)(take) measures (to do sth) 7.目的purposeaimgoal 8.积极与消极positivenegative 9.建议advicesuggestiontip 10.概括与总结summarycon

8、clusion 11.特点featurecharacteristic 12.种类kindtypecategoryclass 3 13.精神上与身体上mentallyphysically 14.影响influenceimpacteffect (on) 15.情形状况situationcondition 16.方面与项目条款aspectitem 17.材料materials 18.知识与消息knowledgeinformation 19.日程计划scheduleagenda 20.百分比percentage 21.性别sex 22.年龄age 23.(不)熟悉familiar/unfamiliar

9、 24.个人个人的individual 25.细节descriptiondetail 26.文化culture 27.责任(take) responsibility 28.贡献(make) contributions (to) 29.重要valueimportancesignificance 30.比较contrastcomparison 31.时期periodtime 32.存在existenceexist 33.人口population 34.天气与气候weatherclimate 35.位置location 36.主题theme 37.背景settingbackground 38.情节p

10、lot 39.高潮climax 40.反对者与支持者opponentsupporter 知识链接2 同义替换常考词汇 4 1 result fromarise from由导致 2 at randomrandomly随意地 3 in particularparticularly尤其特别 4 in peacepeacefully平静地安宁地 5 in advanceahead of time (schedule)预先 6 in partpartly在一定程度上 7 in silencesilently寂静地沉默地 8 in harmonyharmoniously和谐地 9 be accused o

11、fbe charged with被指控 10 put forwardcome up with提出 11 on behalf ofrepresent代表 12 show upturn upappear出现 13 including sthsth included包括某物 14 be exposed toexposure to暴露于接触到 15 account formake up占据比例 16 lack sthbe short of sthbe lacking in sth缺少某物 17 at handhandy在手边 18 escape fromflee逃离 19 stand/bear/tol

12、erate/put up with忍受 20 at the same timemeanwhile同时 21 make fun oflaugh atteasemock取笑 22 treat sb badlyabuse sb虐待某人 23 take pride inbe proud of对感到自豪 24 be dressed inwear sth穿着 25 burst into tearsburst out crying突然大哭 26 look aftertake care ofattend to照顾 27 compensate formake up for补偿 28 onlineon the I

13、nternet在网上 29 matter/count/be important重要 5 30 catch onpopularize流行 31 take upoccupy占据 32 believe intrust信任 33 take in sthabsorb sth理解吸收某物 34 starve to deathdie of hunger/starvation饿死 35 accompany sbkeep sb company陪伴某人 36 turn to sb for helpask sb for help向某人求助 37 100 years1 century10 decades 100年 3

14、8 a fortnighttwo weeks两周 39 every yearyearlyannual每年的 40 363 dozen 3打 41 face sthbe faced with sth面对某事 42 facing sthfaced with sth(状语)面临某事 43 supportbe in favor offavorsubscribe to支持 44 be of use/valuebe useful/valuable对有用 45 do withdeal withcope withhandle处理 46 be absorbed inbe lost inbe buried in专

15、心于 47 object to doing sthoppose doing sthbe opposed to doing sthraise an objection to doing sth反对做某事 48 convince sbmake sb convinced使某人信服 49 the remaining moneythe money left剩下的钱 50 now and thensometimesoccasionally有时 51 make an apology to sbapologize to sb向某人道歉 52 a variety ofn.varieties ofn.variou

16、sn.各种各样的 53 make full use ofmake the most (best) oftake advantage of利用 54 be related tobe associated withbe linked tobe connected with跟有关 55 put off doingdelay doingpostpone doingbuy time to do推迟做 56 an approach to doing stha way of doing stha way to do sthhow to do 6 做某事的方法57 replace B with Asubsti

17、tute A for Btake the place of B with A用A替代B 58 resemblelook likebe similar tobear a resemblance to像类似于 59 sb makes sense of sthsb understands sth某人明白某事 60 be accessible tohave access tobe available to可获得的 61 be drunk withbe addicted tobe hooked on沉迷于 62 manage to do sthsucceed in doing sth(设法)做成某事 6

18、3 to be honest/frank/stricthonestly/frankly/strictly speaking坦率地/直白地/严格地说 64 be tired/sick ofbe bored withbe fed up with对感到厌倦 65 have an edge/advantage overbe superior tobe better than胜过比强 66 be consistent withbe in line withcorrespond withagree with与相一致 67 take the place of Abe in place of Areplace

19、 A取代A 68 at your conveniencewhen it is convenient for you当你方便时 69 on ones ownby onselfalone独自地 70 be aware/conscious ofrealizerecognize意识到 71 be responsible fortake responsibility foranswer for对负责 72 in spite of/despite短语though/although/while/as句子 虽然(用as要倒装) 73 beyond beliefincredibleunbelievable难以置

20、信的 74 out of the questionimpossible不可能的 out of questionno problem没问题 75 be unaware offail to noticeoverlookignoreneglect忽视 76 stress/underline/emphasize the importance of sth强调某事/物的重要性 77 sth benefits sbsth be beneficial to sbsth be of benefit to sbsb benefits from sth某人从某事中受益 78 make preparations f

21、orbe in preparations forprepare for为做准备 79 take an active part in sthtake part in sth actively积极参加某事 have a positive influence oninfluence sth positively 7 对某物有积极影响80 sth kills sbsth costs sb the lifesth claims ones life某物杀了某人 81 be tired outbe worn outbe exhaustedbe burnt outbe weary累坏了 82 come int

22、o being/existenceform/exist存在形成 83 make ones dream come truerealize/achieve ones dream实现某人的梦想 84 be an endcome to an end结束 85 dont/never doavoid doingkeep away from doing 避免做 86 be able to do sthbe capable of doing sth能够做某事 87 use uprun out of用光 run outgive outbe used up耗尽 88 cause sb

23、to participate in sthinvolve sb in sth让某人参加某事 89 A be responsible for BA causes/results in/leads to B A是B的起因 90 bring about/result in/lead to/contribute to/account for/cause/make for导致 A (2018苏北四市高三第一次调研) Ownership used to be about as straightforward as writing a cheque.If you bought somethingyou ow

24、ned it.If you broke ityou fixed it.If you no longer wanted ityou sold it or threw it away.Some firms found ways of squeezing out more profit in the after-sale servicesusing authorized repair shopsand strategies such as selling cheap printers and expensive inkwhichhoweverdid not challenge the nature

25、of ownership. In the digital age ownership has become more ambiguous.Since the arrival of smart phonesconsumers are forced to accept that they do not control the software in their devices; they are only licensed to use it.But as more digital devices are springing upwho owns and who controls which ob

26、jects is becoming a problem.Buyers should be 8 aware that some of their most basic property rights are under threat. Needless to saymanufacturers seeking to restrict what owners do with increasingly complex technology have good reasons to protect their copyrightensure that their machines do not malf

27、unction (发生故障)maintain environmental standards and prevent hacking.Sometimes companies use their control over a products software for the owners benefit.When Hurricane Irma hit Florida this monthTeslaa start-up for electric vehiclesremotely upgraded the software controlling the batteries of some mod

28、els to give owners more range to escape the storm. The more digital strings(数字串) are attached to goodsthe more the balance of control tilts(倾斜) towards producers and away from owners.Already this has given rise to controversy (争议) over owners property rights.Items from smart phones to washing machin

29、es have become increasingly hard to fixmeaning that they are thrown away instead of being repaired.Privacy is also at risk.Users were alarmed when it came out that iRobota robotic vacuum cleanernot only cleans the floor but creates a digital map of the homes interior that can then be sold to advertisers thou

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