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1、Course Title QUALITATIVE RESEARCH AND EVALUATIONCourse Title: METHODS AND ANALYSIS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Course Number: R 7035 - ASummer, 2010, first session. Hybrid Life isnt measured by the number of breathes we take,but by the moments that take our breath away. Anon.Beauty, truth, friendship, l

2、ove, creation these are the greatvalues of life. We cant prove them, or explain them, yet they arethe most stable things in our lives. - Jesse Herman HolmesNot everything that can be counted counts,and not everything that counts can be counted.- Albert EinsteinInstructor: Dr. Jeffrey K. Edwards, Ed.

3、D., LMFT Cell (630) 890-7440 Work (773) 442-5541 E-Mail: jke6245 or or Office Hours: By Appointment. Feel free to call me at any reasonable hour (however, we are early to bed and early to rise folk) to ask questions or set an appointment. E-mail is always a ver

4、y good way to get a hold of me. I have been a professor and Counselor Educator at Northeastern Illinois University in both the Community and Family Counseling Programs for 20 years, an Adjunct at Wheaton College, College of Du Page, and Argosy, Schaumburg, and a clinical supervisory faculty at North

5、western Universitys Family Institute. I have been a therapist and clinical supervisor for the last 43 years, at NEIU, mental health agencies, residential treatment centers, day treatment centers and in independent practice. I have taught the breadth of all the clinical and family counseling courses,

6、 and published extensively in many areas of counseling. My clinical specialties include clinical supervision, individual, group, couple and family, sex therapy, and substance abuse counseling, as well as multiple modes of research. I research, publish and train in the area of clinical supervision an

7、d family counseling, and have used a variety of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Dates of Class Contacts: May 10th to June 30th 2010On Campus Dates: Weekend One Friday, May 14, 2010 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM Saturday, May 15, 2010 from 9:00 to 5:00 PM Sunday, May 16, 2009 from 9:00 to 4:00 PMW

8、eekend Two Friday, June 4, 2010 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM Saturday, June 5, 2010 from 9:00 to 5:00 PM Sunday, June 6, 2010 from 9:00 to 4:00 PMRequired TextFlick, U. (2006) An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Thousands Oaks, CA:Sage.Additional Readings. (Handouts and on line)Gladwell, M. (2008). Int

9、roduction: The Roseto Mystery. In Malcom Gladwells Outliers: The Story of Success. NY, New York: Little BrownCynthiaRussells MyQualitativeTiddlyWiki - http:/technology-Edwards, J.K. (2004). Beginning on-line delphi ethnographic research: The bolder method. The Qualitative Review, 8, (2), 257-285. Re

10、trieved insert date here, from http:/, J. A. (2002). The Coping Mechanisms of Sexual Abuse Survivors. Unpublished masters thesis, Northeastern Illinois University. Chicago, Illinois.Yeh, C.J., & Inman, A.G. (2007). Qualitative Data Analysis and Interpret

11、ation in Counseling Psychology: Strategies for Best Practice. The Counseling Psychologist, 35, 3, 369-403.Hanson, W. H., Creswell J.W., Plano Clark, V.L., Petska, K.S., and Creswell, J. D. (2005). Mixed Methods Research Designs in Counseling Psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52, 2, 22423

12、5Ponterotto, J.G. (2005). Qualitative Research in Counseling Psychology: A Primer on Research Paradigms and Philosophy of Science. Journal of Counseling Psychology. 52, 2, 126136Chenail, R.J. (2008). Learning to appraise the quality of qualitative research articles: A contextualized learning object

13、for constructing knowledge. The Weekly Qualitative Report, 1(9), 49-61. Retrieved from http:/, R. J. (1997, September). Keeping things plumb in qualitative research 37 paragraphs. The Qualitative Report On-line serial, 3(3). Available: http:/

14、/ssss/QR/QR3-3/plumb.htmlSelected readings from one of the on-line Qualitative Research pages: i.e., Qualitative Report at: http:/ Research at: http:/www.qualitative-Or on your own (see lists of potentials at the end of this document).Course description: This course i

15、ntroduces the assumptions, theories, and processes of qualitative inquiry. The purpose of this course is to provide advanced graduate students with the theoretical foundations necessary to understand qualitative inquiry, and to enhance their abilities to conduct qualitative research and evaluation.

16、(A personal note: It is my intention to introduce you to several methods of qualitative research that are widely used, and to make you familiar enough with them so you may try them on for size. A good Practitioner/Researcher uses all her or his skills to enhance and advance the field you are studyin

17、g and their own personal intellectual puzzles, as should you, both now and after you graduate. Hold greatness in all you do as your goal and it will be yours no matter how private or personal!) Mode of Instruction Each on-campus class period has three separate periods. They are (but not necessarily

18、in this order) 1) dialectical learning where we will discuss material pertaining to the course from the readings and elsewhere, via Power Point and lecture/discussion; 2) introduction to the next weeks Field Assignment; and 3) practice preparation time of the new Field Assignment with questions and

19、answers. Course ObjectivesBy the end of the course, students will be able to: 1) Understand the use of qualitative research in the field of Counselor Education and other Social Sciences, and be adept at using several different methods; 2). define and choose research questions (intellectual puzzles)

20、and sub questions that qualitative research can address; 3) describe different qualitative research approaches including biography, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study; 4) identify the different steps for conducting a qualitative research study and describe the main component

21、s for each one; 5) understand coding and methods of evaluation in qualitative research; 6) understand how to integrate qualitative research with quantitative methods to provide multi-venued research; 7) understand ethical issues related to doing qualitative research 8) critically evaluate research r

22、eported by others and, 9) plan and conduct a qualitative research study using the appropriate qualitative research approach. Assignments: There are six really fun and interesting (really!) Field Assignments for this course, and they are described in detail at the end of this document. Get yourself a

23、 binder of some sort and keep all of the class projects for later reference.FIRST FIELD ASSIGNMENT: Participant Observation. “The Starbucks Experience”SECOND FIELD ASSIGNMENT: Informal InterviewingTHIRD FIELD ASSIGNMENT: Semi Structured InterviewFORTH FIELD ASSIGNMENT: Focus Group InterviewFifth Fie

24、ld Assignment: Evaluating a Qualitative StudySixth Field Assignment: Dissertation ProspectusExams:In my opinion, graduate school at the doctoral level should focus on providing advanced skill and theory acquisition, and preparation for real life in leadership. If you are staying current, and keep yo

25、ur work in a binder, you will know where to find what you need, rather than memorizing and spitting it back later. Impress me with your day to day work employing sincerity, hard work, great questions, collegiality and finished products, and you will have done your job. COURSE POLICIES:1. Class parti

26、cipationClass participation is vital to your learning experience. As fellow learners, we can enhance the groups educational experience by engaging in thoughtful, critical but respectful discussion during class. Missing more than one class will lower your grade by one full grade point. Missing more t

27、han two classes will result in a failing grade.2. ReadingsPlease complete all assigned readings so that youll be able to participate fully in class discussions.3. On-Line this class has a distinct but not discrete portion that begins on the first day of course (May 10th) and ends on the last day of

28、the course (June 30th, 2010). The on-line rubric will guide you as to what is expected on line (see below). 3. Grading Grades will be distributed as follows: Grading PolicyClass participation: 15 pts. On-Line participation: 25 pts. 90 100 = A Each Field Assignment 1-6 is worth: 10 pts 80 89 = B 70 7

29、9 = C Below 70 = unacceptable4. Due dates and incompletesAssignments are due on the dates indicated on the course schedule. If you have an emergency thatprevents you from completing an assignment on time, please discuss it with me. All work for this course is due by the last day of class. In accorda

30、nce with University policy, incompletes will be granted only in cases of personal emergency.5. Academic HonestyIt is expected that any work you turn in is your own. Remember that any time you borrow somebody elses ideas, whether you are directly quoting or simply paraphrasing, you must cite your sou

31、rce.6. Students with Disabilities:It is the policy of Argosy University to make reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If a student with disabilities needs accommodations to complete the instructors course requireme

32、nts, the student must notify the Director of Student Services. Procedure for documenting student disability and the development of reasonable accommodation will be provided to students upon request.7. Technology Statement You will be required in this course to complete online readings and to seek out discussion of educationa

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