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牛津译林苏教版六年级英语上册Unit3 Holiday fun全单元教案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、能在合理的情境中运用一般过去时的句型进行正确的表达。能理解,正确朗读,表演storytime和cartoon time中的故事。3、情感目标 通过本单元的学习,引导学生学会用英语描述自己的假期生活,了解同伴的假期经历,激发学生了解祖国乃至世界的欲望。【学习重点】1.能掌握本单元的四会单词、句型。2.正确掌握,灵活运用was,did构成的一般过去时句型表达于真实情景中。3. 能理解,正确朗读,表演storytime和cartoon time中的故事。并能自编类似情景。【学习难点】正确掌握,灵活运用was,did构成的一般过去时句型表达于真实情景中。【学习过程】课时:6A31 课型:Story t

2、ime 主备学校: 审核人:_集备主讲: 使用学校:_小学 使用教师:执教时间:_ 执教班级:_ 学生姓名:1.知识目标能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: holiday, National Day能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:What did you / he do for the holiday? I / He Yes, I / he did. / No, I / he didnt能听懂、会说、会读单词:call, Bund, Shanghai Museum, star , Palace Museum, Summer Palace,Tiananmen Square,能听懂,会说,会运用日常

3、交际用语:Where did you / he go for the holiday ? I went to How was your holiday ? It was Why did you call me ? I 2.能力目标通过课文重点语言知识点的学习,提高对语篇的阅读能力,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合语言运用能力。能自然流畅地给课文内容配音和表演。3.情感目标引导学生学会用英语描述自己的假期生活,了解同伴的假期经历,激发学生了解祖国乃至世界的欲望。【学习准备】1PPT2学案【自主导学】1.听磁带10分钟,试着跟读课文,了解课文大意。2.跟录音熟读P.26-27课文下的新词汇,了解词

4、汇的意思及背景。3. 用所给单词的过去式填空,完成短文。 A happy dayIt _ (be) sunny yesterday. I _ (go) to the zoo with my friends. We _ (see)a lot of animals and _(watch) a fish show. We _ (be) very happy.【课堂互动】Step 1: Organizing teaching1. Read and understand the name of the unit. Show the aims of teaching (Ticking time)2. 检

5、查自主导学作业第三项。在核对答案后用红色重点显现所填动词的过去式。组织学生读一读,记一记。小结一般过去时句型的基本用法:主语+was/were+其他。主语+动词过去式+其他3. 指名读一读预习作业2的词汇。Step 2: PresentationT:Do you know the places of interest ? Can you choose one tell us Tip: Look. This is _ . Its in_. Its _. I went there _years ago. / I saw it on TV/ the Internet. (出示新词汇的图片)S: .T

6、: 指名作介绍的学生当小老师领读新词汇。带领其他同学学习这些词汇。 配乐滚动播放这些景观的图片,组织学生欣赏。 Do you want to visit these beautiful places? Our good friend, Liu Tao went to Shang Hai a short time ago. You call ask him to understand more .What do you want to ask ? 引导学生问出相关的问题?(Tip: Hi, Liu Tao. When/Where/whatdo) When did you go to Shang

7、Hai? Where did you go ? What did you do ? 提示:我们应该在含有动词的一般过去时问句中使用助动词:did. 自读P.26课文,找到所有问题的答案,并读一读,了解含义。 相机学习新词汇:holiday, National Day.T : How was Liu Taos holiday?S : Its _.(wonderful/great fun) Liu Tao had a good time. He didnt stay at home at that time. So he didnt answer the phone. Who called him

8、?Mike.组织学生找出课文中的相关内容,表演(假如Liu Tao也打电话给Mike的)情景。 Liu Tao : Is that Mike ?Mike : This is Mike speaking. Hi, Liu Tao.Where_ you _. I called you ,But you _at home.Liu Tao: I_ and _Mike :What _ you do there? I _and _Great! Wish you a fun holiday. Liu Taos National Day holiday is so fun. How about Mikes h

9、oliday? Its fun,too. Why do you think so ? 组织学生倾听课文中有关叙述Mike过国庆假期的内容。 完成问答。 Did Mike go to shanghai, too ? No, he didnt . He_ Did Mike pick any oranges ? Yes, he did. Did Mike water trees? No, he didnt.Did Mike go fishing ? Yes, he did. He _. T: Finally, where was the fish? S: 引导学生学习eat 的过去式ate. 引导学

10、生小结一般过去时一般疑问句的问法和回答。 S:跟录音朗读课文中的相关内容。Step3: Practise1. 完整的欣赏课文内容视频,模仿人物的语音语调。尝试配音。2. Read the text in different roles in groups.Step4: Consolidation1.完成书P.28 Think and write和Ask and answer.2.请你作为校报记者,采访Liu Tao和Mike的好朋友。(小组操练并汇报) 3. Judge and tick.(Ticking time) Step5: Homework1.读,背新词汇,新句型。2.理解本节课上小结

11、的一般过去时的知识,记住涉及的动词过去式形式。3.听录音,熟读并尝试背诵Story time部分课文。4.用英语向你的父母介绍一下你的朋友Liu Tao或Mike的国庆假期经历。【达标检测】根据课文填空 Hi, Liu Tao. Where_ you _during the National Day holiday? I called you ,But you _at home. What _ you do there? I _and _ How _ your holiday ? It_ ,too! I _ with _I _ . Oh, you also had a great fun ho

12、liday. _ you catch any fish? Yes, I _. I wanted _the fish . But you _ at home. So I_ it.【巩固延伸】阅读短文,判断正误,完成练习A great fun holidayLast summer holiday is coming . I went to o Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother . We went there by plane because it took less time . We saw many internet thing

13、s . First we visited the Great Wall , it was very famous for the world , I liked it very much . Second we went to the zoo . There were a lot of animals in it. I found many foreigners in this city . I talked with them in English and learned English from them . I had a good time . That was a great fun

14、 holiday!( )1. The writer went to Beijing Last National Day holiday.( )2. The writer went to Beijing with his parents by plane.( )3. The writer first visit the Great Wall.( )4. The writer found may Englishmen in Beijing.( )5. The writer learned English during the holiday.【板书设计】 Unit 3 Holiday fun【教后

15、反思】6A31 课型:Story time 执教班级:_ 学生姓名:_ _3.听磁带10分钟,试着跟读课文,了解课文大意。4.跟录音熟读P.26-27课文下的新词汇,了解词汇的意思及背景。1.Introduce the places of interest.Look. This is _ . Its in_. Its _. 2.记录询问别人假期经历的问法,读一读,记一记。When did you ?Where did you go ?What did you do ?How was your holiday? 3. Fill in the blanks and actLiu Tao :Yes,

16、 this is Mike speaking. Hi, Liu Tao.Where_ you _.Mike: What _ you do there? Great!It_ ,too! I _ with _ I _ . Oh, you also had a great fun holiday. _ you catch any fish?6A32 课型:Grammar, fun, sound and culture time 主备学校: 审核人:_ 集备主讲: 使用学校:_小学 使用教师:_ _能理解,听懂,发音准确,语调适当的读好歌谣(Sound time)。能听说读写并灵活运用Story ti

17、me中的新词汇,新句型讨论假期经历。了解英国学生的放假情况。2.技能目标能掌握本课时中出现的动词过去式形式。能熟练运用was/did展开话题询问和回答。能正确掌握,灵活运用一般过去时的否定句用法一般疑问句问法及其回答。通过本课时的学习,激发学生对美好景物的向往,感受愉快假期活动的乐趣。1.PPT2.学案1. 查阅,学习自己去过的印象最深刻的景观英文资料和图片。2. 复习,归纳询问或采访旅行归来的朋友的问法,试着默写下来。3. 预习P.29的动词原形和过去式。 Free talk and revision 1. T: Hi, boys and girls. Do you like holiday

18、s? Our friends: Liu Tao and Mike like holidays, too. Do you know where did they go for the National Day holiday? And what did they do during the holiday?Ss:回忆课文内容,完成填空。 On the National Day holiday, Liu Tao and Mike _(not) stay at home. Liu Tao _(go) to _and _(visit) _. Mike_ _(go) to _.He _(pick) _and _(go) fishing. He _(catch) a big fish a

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