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1、北京市西城区学年高二上学期期末考试+英语+Word版含答案北京市西城区20212022学年度第一学期期末试卷高二英语2022.1本试卷共15页,共140分。考试时长120分钟。考生务必将答案写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第卷 (共75分)I. 听力理解(共三节,22.5分)第一节: (共4小题; 每小题1.5分,共6分)听下面四段对话,每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话你将听一遍。1. Where would the woman like to go for a walk? A. Around the lake. B. In the park. C.

2、 On the beach. 2. What will the man major in?A. Hotel management. B. French. C. Computer science.3. When does the opening ceremony start? A. At 8:20. B. At 8:30. C. At 9:00.4. What is the woman doing? A. Giving suggestions. B. Making a complaint. C. Asking for help.第二节:(共6小题;每小题1.5分,共9分)听下面三段对话,每段对话

3、后有两道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话你将听两遍。听第5段材料,回答第5至第6小题。5. Which wallet does the woman buy for her father? A. The one with a design on the outside. B. The one with a place to put a picture. C. The one made of dark leather.6. How much does the woman pay for the wallet? A. $50. B. $55. C. $90.听第6段材料,

4、回答第7至第8小题。7. When will the speakers meet at Pizza House? A. At 12:00 pm. B. At 3:00 pm. C. At 7:00 pm.8. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A history project. B. A weekend plan. C. A new movie.听第7段材料,回答第9至第10小题。9. Why does the man come to this university? A. Because its a short distance

5、from his home. B. Because he admires Dr. Lee very much. C. Because he can study whatattracts him.10. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Classmates. B. Relatives. C. Librarian and reader. 第三节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面一段独白,根据题目要求在相应的横线上写下第11题至第15题的关键信息。每小题仅填写一个词。这段独白你将听两遍。Mor

6、ning AnnouncementsApplication for volunteeringRead the volunteer 11 carefully.Visit the volunteer site to register an account.Be sure to 12 the organization committee.Yang Qians visitListen to a lecture about her 13 experiences.Have an opportunity to take 14 with her. 15 show Remind parents to atten

7、d the show. Vote to decide the ultimate champion.II. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1.5分,共22.5分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My mother looks just like many grandmothersshort and white-haired. She comes from an old, traditional family in Canada, where she now still lives. She was a civil servant. In

8、 short, she didnt do 16 things. That all changed a few years ago. She began to 17 me with what she described as “independence”. At that time, Ididnt fully understand what she was doing.In early 2015, the year she turned 75, she informed me shed 18 a seven-night trip to Turkey, and that she was going

9、 alone. There was no way I could that. A little old lady not speaking a word of Turkish, with no 20 of the laws and customs of the landit was impossible!My mother paid no attention to me.Off she went. When she returned, she told us it had been a wonderful success. As it 21 , she had barely spent any

10、 time alone, after 22 a taxi driver to show her around. He introduced her to a rug vendor (地毯商)Mustafa, “a lovely fellow”, and she bought some rugs. The vendor had taken her address details and promised to 23 them to Canada. I couldnt believe her naivety (幼稚) and explained that she had been 24 . The

11、 vendor had her money. She neither had nor would be receiving any rugs. Well, I was 25 . To my great shock, her rugs did arrive some weeks later, along with a lovely note from Mustafa. To my even greater surprise, the following year Mustafa himself arrived in Canada. “I invited him for a cup of tea

12、and he came,” my mother told me. I was because she hardly knew this man! But again, she paid little attention to me,telling me to stop being silly. I wondered: “Is she not thinking straight?” 27 I worried about her, Mum was thinking straighter than most of us.Her 28 seemed to be based on a realizati

13、on that life needs to be lived, when theres relatively little of it left. It 29 me of the line “Get busy living or get busy dying.”I dont think Mum knows what her next big “thing” is going to be. But I am sure, she is open to any 30 , which is something we all probably need right now. Live life to t

14、he fullest.16. A. complex B. crazy C. boring D. rude17. A. surprise B. amuse C. comfort D. attract 18. A. missed B. taken C. offered D. booked19. A. allow B. demand C. remember D. cancel 20. A. intention B. knowledge C. view D. fear21. A. turned out B. came true C. made sense D. went ahead 22. A. tr

15、aining B. leading C. hiring D. refusing23. A. invite B. sell C. switch D. ship24. A. dominated B. ignored C. cheated D. abandoned25. A. right B. lucky C. serious D. wrong26. A. frightened B. depressed C. disappointed D. ashamed27. A. If B. Since C. While D. Once28. A. promotion B. interaction C. ind

16、ependence D. preference29. A. cured B. warned C. informed D. reminded30. A. pleasure B. adventure C. freedom D. beauty III. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWeve all seen it, perhaps without even noticing itthe diamond-shaped patch (补丁) on backpacks that seems, at best, someon

17、es strange idea of a design feature. But it proves that the patch is actually very useful for staying organised. The slotted (有开槽的) patch, which is typically found on the front of backpacks, is called a “lash tab”, and is made to hold your spare clothing on ropes. For hikers and backpackers, that mi

18、ght mean hanging items that you often reach for, such as a water bottle, and for employees carrying a backpack to the office, it might mean hangingheadphones or electronic chargers through the slot for easy access. Lash tabs once appeared only on backpacks created for adventures in the great outdoor

19、s, but in recent years it has become an important part on a variety of backpack styles. The blog Carryology reports that lash tabs were once a “leather patch that let you pass a bit of webbing through it to fasten items to your pack”. Since then, the tabs have been adapted using many different style

20、s and materials. If your backpack comes without the tabs and now you dont know how youll live without them, youll be relieved to learn that the styling of lash tabs has become so popular that you can now purchase your own and attach them to your favourite backpack. The tab can also prove useful for

21、travellers, as you can even thread the laces of shoes through the tab to let them hang off your pack, giving you extra space in your checked luggage or carry-on. 31. According to the passage, somebackpacks have lash tabs to _. A. carry more items B. look more beautiful C. show a design featureD. dra

22、w peoples attention32. From the passage, we can learn that lash tabs _. A. are designed only for outdoor adventurersB. have been developed into various stylesC. can be designed by the usersD. are all made of leather33. What is the purpose of the passage? A.To offer comments. B. To give advice.C. To

23、make recommendations. D. To provide information.Bcoupling bricks When senior leaders at toymaker Lego first learned that adults were buying large quantities of their plastic bricks and getting together to build Lego creations of their own, “they thought it was very strange,” says Smith-Meyer . “Befo

24、re the late 1990s, the company didnt think their adult fans had value,”says Smith-Meyer.“Leadership actually thought adults werehaving a negative impact on the brand.” Thanks to a handful of employees who worked to change attitudes inside the company, gone are the days when labels on Lego boxes stat

25、ed that the contents were appropriate only for children ages 7 to 12. Legos newest marketing motto is “Adults Welcome.”Today Lego is the worlds largest and most profitable toymaker. The enthusiasm and buying power of adult fans of Lego played a major role in the companys rise to the top. But insider

26、s say the road from “kids only” to “adults welcome” was a long, uphill climb. Lego founder Ole Kirk Kristiansen always knew he wanted to market his products completely to kids. When Kristiansen started The Lego Group in 1932, he made wooden toys that were intended for children.In 1946, he began maki

27、ng plastic toys. In 1958, he and his son developed the first coupling bricks, the basic design of which hasnt changed much over the years. Theyre even used togetherwith bricks made today. As the company grew over its first six decades, few imagined that its products could attract as many adults as c

28、hildren. Then attitudes began to shift in the late 1990s and early 2000s when Lego posted its first-ever loss in 1998. By 2003, when it reported a $238 million loss, the company was looking seriously at bankruptcy(破产). “Those were Legos dark days,” McKee says. In the wake of the crisis, “Everyone su

29、ddenly wanted to see what designs Id been working on with adult fans,”McKee says. In August 2005, when Lego CEO Jorgen Vig Knudstorp attended a fan meeting, he saw for himself the sea of adult supporters. “I see a future where we will be working more closely together,” he recalls. The booming partne

30、rship would eventually produce some of the companys most popular and profitable themes, including Lego Creator and Legos Ambassador Network, and the companys first-ever official fan conference: 2021s Lego Con. “Lego used to treat their adult customers like goods; today, they treat them like partners

31、,” McKee says.34. What didOle Kirk Kristiansen do in 1932? A. He developed the first coupling bricks. B. He and his son invented wooden toys. C. He began making plastic toys. D. He set up his toy company.35. Lego changed its attitude towards its adult fans when the company _.A. was faced with a business crisisB.started treating them like goodsC. got financial support from themD. found its products less attractive to kids36. What can we learn from the passage? A. Lego was forced to replace wooden toys with

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