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1、中国石油大学考博英语历年考博真题1521年带解析2021年中国石油大学博士研究生入学考试英语试题Part Reading ComprehensionDirections: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions. For each question four answers are given. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (15%

2、)Passage 1It was a normal day in the life of the American Red Cross in Greater New York. First, part of a building on West 140th Street, in Harlem, fell down. Beds tumbled through the air, people slid out of their apartments and onto the ground, three people died, and the Red Cross was there, helpin

3、g shocked residents find temporary shelter, and food and clothing. Then it was back downtown for that evenings big fund-raiser, the Eleventh Annual Red Cross Award Dinner Dance, at the Pierre. “Thats why I have bad hair tonight,” said Christopher Peake, a Red Cross spokesman who had spent much of th

4、e day at the Harlem scene, in the drizzling rain. He was now in a tuxedo, and actually his hair didnt look so bad, framed by a centerpiece of tulips and jonquils, and perhaps improved by subdued lighting from eight crystal chandeliersDefinitely not having a bad-hair night was Elizabeth Dole, the wif

5、e of Senator Robert Dole and the president of the American Red Cross. President Dole has chestnut-colored Republican hair, which was softly coifed, and she was wearing a fitted burgundy velvet evening suit (“Someone made it for me! I love velvet.” she exclaimed, in her enthusiastic, Northern Carolin

6、a hostess voice) and sparkling drop earrings. Of course, she hadnt been standing in the rain in Harlem; she had just flown up on the three-oclock shuttle from Washington. Dole is extremely pretty, with round green eyes and a full mouth and a direct personality. She tilts her head attentively when sh

7、e listens. She was the recipient of the evenings award; previous award winners have included Alice Tully, Princess Yasmin Asa Khan, and, most recently, Brooke Astor. Not exactly a sequence at the end of which you would expect to find Elizabeth Dole, but award givers are famous for having political i

8、nstincts as well as philanthropic onesSurrounded by the deep-blue swags and golden draperies of the ballroom were more than thirty-five dinner tables set with groupings of candles and floral centerpieces and Royal Doulton china. American Express was there. So were Bristol-Myers Squibb; Coopers Lybra

9、nd; the New York Times Company; Union Bank of Switzerland; Chemical Bank; New York Life;. and Price Waterhouse. The actress Arlene Dahl, with her rather red hair and her bearded husband, presided over one table. Otherwise, it was a typical, faceless, captain-of-industry fund raiser (no models! no st

10、ars!), of which there seems to be at least one every night in New York City. It was not a society night, but still the evening raised four hundred and thirty thousand dollars26From what we read we can infer that “it was a normal day in the life of the American Red Cross in Greater New York” means it

11、s staff_Adeal with the fail of houses in the city every day Bare busy helping people who suffer from disasters every day Cwork during the day and to have banquet in the evening every day Dgo to Harlem, the poorest district of New York, every day and help people there 27The fund-raiser mentioned in t

12、he passage refers to_ARobert Dole BElizabeth Dole Cthe Eleventh Annual Red Cross Award Dinner Dance Dall the business companies attending the Dinner Dance 28Christopher Peakes hair didnt look so bad because_Ahe was wearing a handsome tuxedo Bhe was wearing tulips on his suit Che was seen among flowe

13、rs Dhe was sitting near flowers and in very soft light 29Elizabeth Dole was_Athe president of the American Red Cross and acted at the Dinner as a North Carolina hostess Ba republican and wife of the president of the American Red Cross Cthe president of the American Red Cross and its main representat

14、ive at the Annual Dinner Dance Dborn in North Carolina, became an air-hostess and later married Senator Robert Dole30The presence of an actress at the Dinner made the fund raising_Aless impersonal Ba typical fund-raising event Cless personal Dmore business-like Passage 2For laymen ethnology is proba

15、bly the most interesting of the biological sciences for the very reason that it concerns animals in their normal activities and therefore, if we wish, we can assess the possible dangers and advantages in our own behavioral roots. Ethnology also is interesting methodologically because it combines in

16、new ways very scrupulous field observations with experimentation in laboratoriesThe field workers have had some handicaps in winning respect for themselves. For a long time they were considered as little better than amateur animal-watchers certainly not scientists, since their facts were not gained

17、by experimental procedures: they could not conform to the hard-and-fast rule that a problem set up and solved by one scientist must be tested by other scientists, under identical conditions and reaching identical results. Of course many situations in the lives of animals simply cannot be rehearsed a

18、nd controlled in this way. The fall flocking of wild free birds cant be, or the homing of animals over long distances, or even details of spontaneous family relationships. Since these never can be reproduced in a laboratory, are they then not worth knowing about?The ethnologists who choose field wor

19、k have got themselves out of this impasse by greatly refining the techniques of observing. At the start of a project all the animals to be studied are live-trapped, marked individually, and released. Motion pictures, often in color, provide permanent records of their subsequent activities. Recording

20、 of the animals voices by electrical sound equipment is considered essential, and the most meticulous notes are kept of all that occurs. With this material other biologists, far from the scene, later can verify the reports. Moreover, two field observers often go out together, checking each others ob

21、servations right there in the fieldEthnology, the word, is derived from the Greek ethos, meaning the characteristic traits or features which distinguish any particular group of people or, in biology, a group of animals such as a species. Ethnologists have the intention of studying “the whole sequenc

22、e of acts which constitute an animals behavior.” In abridged dictionaries ethnology is sometimes defined simply as “the objective study of animal behavior,” and ethnologists do emphasize their wish to eliminate myths31In the first sentence, the word “laymen” means Apeople who stand aside Bpeople who

23、 are not trained as biologists Cpeople who are amateur biologists Dpeople who love animals 32According to the passage, ethnology is Aa new branch of biology Ban old Greek science Ca pseudo-science Da science for amateurs 33“The field workers have handicaps in winning respect for themselves.” This se

24、ntence means Aethnologists when working in the field are handicapped Bethnologists have problems in winning recognition as scientists Cethnologists are looked down upon when they work in the field Dethnologists meet with lots of difficulties when doing field work 34According to the explanation of th

25、e scientific rule of experiment in the passage, “hard-and-fast”means experiment procedures Aare difficult and quick to follow Bmust be carried out in a strict and quick way Cmust be followed strictly to avoid false and loose results Dhard and unreasonable for scientists to observe 35The meaning of t

26、he underlined words in “the details of spontaneous family relationships” can be expressed as Anatural family relationships Bquickly occurring family relationships Canimals acting like a natural family Danimal family behavior that cannot be preplanned or controlled Passage 3The single greatest shift

27、in the history of mass-communication technology occurred in the 15th century and was well described by Victor Hugo in a famous chapter of “NotreDame de Paris”. It was a cathedral. On all parts of the giant building, statuary and stone representations of every kind, combined with huge windows of stai

28、ned glass, told the stories of the Bible and the saints, displayed the intricacies of Christian theology, adverted to the existence of highly unpleasant demonic winged creatures, referred diplomatically to the majesties of political power, and, in addition, by means of bells in bell towers, told tim

29、e for the benefit of all of Paris and much of France. It was an awesome engine of communicationThen came the transition to something still more awesome. The new technology of mass communication was portable, could sit on your table, and was easily replicable, and yet, paradoxically, contained more i

30、nformation, more systematically presented, than even the largest of cathedrals. It was the printed book. Though it provided no bells and could not tell time, the over-all superiority of the new invention was unmistakableIn the last ten or twenty years, we have been undergoing a more or less equivale

31、nt shift-this time to a new life as a computer-using population. The gain in portability, capability, ease, orderliness, accuracy, reliability, and information-storage over anything achievable by pen scribbling, typewriting, and cabinet filing is recognized by all. The progress for civilization is u

32、ndeniable and, plainly, irreversible. Yet, just as the books triumph over the cathedral divided people into two groups, one of which prospered, while the other lapsed into gloom, the computers triumph has also divided the human raceYou have only to bring a computer into a room to see that some people begin at once to buzz with curiosity a

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