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1、For example, I can make noodles. I cant make cakes. Ss: (2). Run, jump, ride,fast, high, far. T do actions, Ss try to say the proper words. Then Ss practice in pairs. And then hold a match:T do the actions, Ss say the proper words row by row. (3). T points the new word . Ss read them one bye one .3.

2、 Play the tape. Pause it after each utterance for the students to listen and repeat three times.4. T teaches the difficult word and sentences.5. Ss practice in groups of five. 6. Get some groups to act it out .7. Ask and answer about text: 1: Can Sam Amy run fast? 2: Can Sam Daming jump high? 3: Can

3、 Sam Lingling jump far? 4: Can Sam Daming ride fast?Some students answer these questions. Then T says “ Sam can run fast jump high jump far. But he cant ride fast .Step3. Review and act . 1. Review some expressions: Play basketball football table tennis. Make noodles cakes dumplings. Write a letter,

4、 take pictures and so on.2. Make dialogues. T and a good student act first , then get some students to try.3. This lesson we can ask some questions. For example, Can you ? And we can answer them using the structure “ Yes, I can. No, I cant .” We studies very well. Class is over.Writing:Can you run f

5、ast? Can you run fast? Can you jump high? Yes, I can. No, I cant. Can you jump far? Can you ride fast?Unit 2 Yes, I can.教学目标:1. 知识目标:Can you make a cake?Yes, I can./ No, I cant.2. 能力目标:使用can询问他人的能力并讲述自己的能力。3 、教学重点:核心句式Can you -?4、教学用具:录音机、卡片、图片、头饰、教学过程:Step 1: 老师和学生进行简单的交流,针对能力向学生提出问题。Can you -?2、请学

6、生完成AB Unit 2 练习1。听音做出响应的动作。Step 2:Presentation1、 课文导入:出示课文中的挂图,告诉学生:大家要听一听Daming、Lingling 、Amy 和Sam之间关于能力的对话。请听录音。并回答下面的问题: Daming、Lingling 、Amy 和Sam能做什么和他们不能做什么?2、Read after the tape.3、Practises in pairs.4、Play games:1 调查一下咱们班Who can make-?如果你能请回答Yes, I can.” 不能请回答No, I cant.”2、让学生在两张纸上分别画出哭脸和笑脸,然后

7、两人一组,进行对话。被询问一方要举起画有哭脸和笑脸的纸,然后进行口头回答。3、开展“互相帮助”游戏。 Step 5 HomeworkListen and repeat at least five times.Module 7 TravelUnit 1 We are going to go to Hainan.一、 教学准备与分析1、教学内容学生用书:第七模块第一单元活动1、2、3、活动用书:第七模块第一单元活动 3、2、教学目标21技能与知识目标A基本要求基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: tomorrow, by plane, from, swim, sea,基本能听懂、会说、会读句型: W

8、ere going to Im fromB初步要求初步掌握词汇:bedtime, swimsuit,初步掌握句型:Im going to C巩固复习 复习词汇: children, get up, China, England.复习句型:名词所有格的表达方式“Xiaoyongs bag”及时间的表达方式。2.2运用能力目的运用Were going to 句型让学生能够给自己所在的团体做出近期计划及用运用Im from 介绍自己来自何处。2.3素质教育(文化、情感态度、策略)目的培养学生主动用英语与他人交流,能积极与他人合作,共同参与,合作完成学习任务。通过对本课的学习,让学生学会从小就要有计划

9、地做事情,合理的安排时间。3、教学重点词汇:句型:4、教学难点 Plane, swim, sea的发音5、教学任务 A学习任务:学习词汇:tomorrow, by plane, from, swim, sea,学习句型:Were going to Im fromB运用任务:运用任务一:有意义的活动计划6、教学任务教学用书、录音机、单词卡片二、 教学程序1、热身复习活动1、教师语言:Lets say and do the actions 。(老师出示单词卡片让学生看着卡片的短语边说边做出相应的动做。)Swim, swim, swim in the sea.Boat, boat, row a bo

10、at. Basketball, basketball, play basketball.Dumplings, dumplings , make dumplings.Chess, chess , play chess.Pictures, pictures, take pictures. 2.任务呈现与课文导入 教师语言:Hello! Children. Do you like taking pictures?学生语言:Yes.I like, too. I like traveling very much. Do you like traveling?(你们喜欢旅游么?教师语言: Amy ,Sam

11、 and their parents like traveling, too. OK! Lets listen to the tape. Where are they going to go? Then you and your friends are going to make a plan by yourself. At last youre going to tell us where you are going to go, what you are going to do, how do you go there.任务呈现:我们今天的任务是你和你的朋友将一起为你们制定一个有意义的活动

12、计划。3课文呈现 After listening , please complete my sentences.(1) 教师播放录音,此时只要求学生听,不跟读。(2) 学生完成句子填空 were going to go to Hainan tomorrow. Were going to get up at 5 oclock. Were going to go by plane. Im Sam . Im from England. Im Xiaoyong. Im from China (Sam)Im going to swim in the sea. (Xiaoyong) Im going to

13、 visit my grandpa.4操练与指导 1)教师语言:Please look at this map .Im going to go to Beijing.(指北京) Who wants to go with me?(谁愿意和我一起去? 学生语言: Me .(或用汉语回答我愿意) OK. Were going to go to Beijing.(老师与学生站在一起将强调We.) 教授两遍。如每组派一同学为自己的大组选择一个地点,这个组的学生就根据这个地点来练习句型Were going to go to . 然后进行大组之间的操练。请同学自己选择城市或其它地方来操练Were going

14、 to go to .2) 教师语言:Youve chosen a place .But how do you go there ? Im going to go by plane. Who wants to go by plane?I want. 教师语言: OK! Were going to go by plane. 教授两遍。A,B,C,D每组操练一遍,然后进行AC,BD这的组与组之间的操练。 Can you choose another traffic tools?(让学生选择其它交通工具来练习Were going to go by .句型)3)教师语言:In our plan the

15、 time is very important, do you think so? When are you going to get up? 请学生四人小组讨论然后回答Were going to get up at . 按小组回答4)教师语言:At last, what are you going to do? 四人小组讨论,汇报。Were going to .5)Game : 全班四个大组,A组写Were going to go to . B组写Were going to go by .C组写Were going to get up at . D组写Were going to . 老师为每

16、组发一面旗子,然后放音乐当音乐停下来拿到旗子的学生就站起来将自己所写的内容读出来,这样进行几组联系。复习巩固 刚才我们大家都听到了没有经过讨论的计划是不合理的,那么现在请你们再来听听Amy他们制定的旅行计划吧。1)录音,全班跟读课文。2)全班朗读课文5完成运用任务 有意义的活动计划 现在请你们自己自由组和讨论一下自己的活动计划,然后小组汇报。7、作业 下课为自己的家庭制定出一个活动计划。Unit 2 We are going to visit the Ming Tombs .一、教学准备与分析:1,教学内容:第三册第七模块第二单元活动1、3、4、5第三册第七模块第二单元活动1、2、4、52,教

17、学目标:2,1技能与知识目标:A,基本要求:基本能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词stone, camel ,visit( 进一步了解visit的用法既可以表示visit a person,还可以表示visit a place ,an animal) 基本能听懂、会读、会说句型:were going to do sth.能听懂、会唱歌曲:We are going to go to the zoo.B, 初步要求:使学生初步感知单词roar,scary,the Ming Tombs,不同人称在 be going to go to + place语言结构中的应用。C,复习巩固:复习巩固单词:monst

18、or, animal, 以及学过的动物名称。复习巩固句型:.Were going to go to +place.2,2运用能力目的:能够熟练掌握visit的不同用法,能够运用be going to do sth的语言结构表示自己打算干某事。2,3 素质教育:通过对本课的学习,使学生了解有关明墓的历史、地理位置及其概况的知识,激发学生热爱历史、热爱祖国的热情,树立保护文化遗产主人翁的意识。培养学生认真学语言,乐于用语言的意识,并通过歌曲的学习,促进学科间的交流。3,教学重点:基本能听懂、会读、会说、会抄写单词stone, camel ,visit( 进一步了解的用法即可以表示visit a p

19、erson,还可以表示visit a place,an animal) 基本能听懂、会读、会说句型:4,教学难点:visit的不同用法5, 教学任务:A, 学习任务:基本能听懂、会读、会说句型were going to do sth.能听懂、会唱歌曲:B, 运用任务:游园路线图 6, 教学用品:录音机(带), 单词教学卡(大的),教学挂图,有关地点和动物的卡片。一, 课堂教学程序:一、启动:(3分钟)(1),听Module7unit2的歌曲并跟着老师做动作(2), Say a chant: Were going to Were going to go to +placeIm going to

20、Im going to go to+place She is going to She is going to go to +place He is going to He is going to , go to +placeThey are going to They are going to go to +place (可在地图上指地点,也可向学生出示事先准备好写有地点的卡片) 二、导入(3分钟)Im going to ,Im going to check your homework.Who can tell me something about the Ming Tombs.请一两个同学

21、把收集到的有关the Ming Tombs的资料与其他同学分享。 三、呈现课文呈现:Ms Smart and her student have been to the Ming Tombs,Lets see”What did they see in the Ming Tombs.” 交代任务:We cant visit the Ming Tombs now, but Miss Wang have a good ideaWere going to go to the zoo and visit animals.三、 操作与指导1、Lets see some animals.(图片)Teach w

22、ords:stone ,camel。操练单词:Game:老师说一种动物,学生做动作模仿,当老师说stone+动物,学生暂停不许动,然后请一到两个同学说动物。2、体会单词roar,scary,请学生模仿动物的吼叫声,老师说scary请学生作害怕状,可藏在桌子下。3、听,跟读课文。4、T:Do you like stone animals or alive animals? Ss: Alive animals. T:Lets see .(出示动物卡片)Were going to visit animals.教单词visit.5、操练Were going to visit +animal的语言结构。

23、在黑板上画动物园,请学生用Were going to visit+动物的语言结构说句子,说对的学生可得到英语书写的动物卡片,并贴在动物园他们喜欢的位置。(活动用书活动4)6、完成运用任务;请学生四人为一组,制定游园路线图,并做汇报。引导学生通过连词then来达到句子的连续性,和完整性。(活动用书活动5)7、学唱歌曲We are going to go to the zoo四:总结:请同学们总结visit的几种用法。五、 布置家庭作业:活动用书单元活动1、2、6。Module 8 Sports DayUnit 1 What are you going to do?:What are you go

24、ing to do? I am going to .Sports Day every daycome on run the 100 metersKey points: Be going to do pattern (ask and answer)Difficult points :What are you going to do for Sports Days?We are /I am going to Teaching aids: picture、vocabulary cards、tapeTeaching procedure: Warmer1、 Sing a song.2、 Show the

25、 cards with Qingdao 、Beijing、Shanghai、Hongkong on it.Revise I am going to go to Qingdao. And so on.3、 Revise the sports items.Step 2 :1.Write down:2005、11、29 this Thursday Say :We are going to have a Sports Day this Thursday.What are you going to do for Sports Day ?(repeat)Write down:We are going to

26、 have a Sports Day. And What are you going to do for Sports Day?2.Show the card with“ run the 100 meters”on it,say :I am going to run the 100 meters.Step 3 New lesson1、 Teach these 2 sentences: We are going to have a Sports Day. What are you going to do for Sports Day?2、 Teach “run the 100 meters”.Say I am going to swim/jump high. Step 4 Practice1、 Pair working.2、 Work :groups to groups.3、 Little teacher.Step 5 Presentation1.Show the picture. Say Damming is going to run the 100 metres he is going to run every day .Do you know “every day”?Yes

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