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1、5withwith与前面的chat构成固定搭配。6where引导了一个限制性定语从句。7is consideredis considered to be被认为。8if这里表示条件,引导了一个条件状语从句。9itit做形式主语。10they指前面的a ground of strangers。广东省语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。When I was a ten-year-old girl, I was once asked to deliver a speech titled “A Real Test in M

2、y Life” before the whole class! Just imagine how _1_(terrible) shy I was the moment I thought of that with so many eyes fixed upon me. I had no other _2_(choose), though. First I was to draft the speech and that was just a piece of cake for me, because I was a good writer something to pride myself i

3、n. But the hard part _3_(lie) in my oral presentation; to read from _4_ paper was not allowed; I had to give the speech _5_ my memory and in front of such a big audience ! A real trial began when I stood on the platform with my legs _6_(tremble) and my mind blank. How much time had passed by, I didn

4、t know. My listeners were still waiting, patiently and without any signs of rushing me. Gradually I found _7_ back,giving out my speech with difficulty. Finally I finished. After _8_ seemed to be a hundred years, I found my audience applauding. I made it! From then on, my fear of talking before an a

5、udience disappeared. Actually with my confidence building _9_, I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the greatest difficulty on our way to success is our fear; overcome it,_10_ we will be able to achieve our goals.1解析考查词性转换,形容词转化为副词修饰形容词shy。答案terribly2解析考查词性转换,动词转化为名词。我没有其他的“选择”

6、。答案choice3解析考查谓语动词的过去式。lie in“存在于”,此时lie的过去式为lay。答案lay4解析此处应用定冠词表特指。拿着纸念是不允许的。答案the5解析考查介词的用法。答案from6解析考查非谓语动词。在该with复合结构中,my legs和tremble间为逻辑上的主谓关系,应用动词的现在分词形式。答案trembling7解析考查反身代词。答案myself8解析it/what seems/seemed to be是个常用句型,在此意为“似乎过了100年”。答案it/what9解析考查短语搭配,build up表示“增强”。答案up10解析此处考查的是“祈使句and”的结构

7、,前后为顺承关系。答案and阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2014威海高考模拟)A dentists office may not be everyones idea of a perfect holiday destination.But a growing number of Europeans are travelling abroad for medical treatment to save money,or maybe to combine a visit to the doctor with some sightseeing,

8、creating a potential but fastgrowing market for traditional tour operators.“It was simply cheaper for me to go to a dentist in Hungary,” said a 42yearold physical therapist from Berlin.He chose the clinic near Budapest from an Internet advertisement,attracted by hundreds of euros in savings compared

9、 with the same treatment in Germany.He was happy to find when he got there that the clinic was clean,the staff qualified and the work thorough.People travel abroad for medical treatment for various reasons:its cheaper,they face a long wait at home,or the treatment they want is not available in their

10、 own country.The Britishbased Medical Tourist Company refers about 100 patients a year to hospitals in India for treatments.And Chief Executive Premhar Shah reports rapid growth in demand from customers in Africa,where it can be harder to find wellequipped medical facilities for complex surgeries.So

11、me patients who have immigrated may prefer to return to be close to their families when they undergo surgery.“People will want to take the opportunity to seek treatment in places where they have relatives who might be able to look after them.Im seeing that especially with younger people from eastern

12、 Europe,” said a professor at the University of Oxford.For some,there is the attraction of free treatment abroad.British lawmakers have called for tighter checks on patients arriving for treatment,out of concerns that foreign citizens are travelling to Britain to take advantage of the free service.T

13、he global medical tourism market is believed to be worth $40 billion to $60 billion and growing at about 20 percent per year.1The 42yearold physical therapist was satisfied with_in Hungary.Athe price instead of the service Bthe service instead of the priceCboth the price and the service Dneither the

14、 price nor the service2How many reasons are mentioned to explain why people go abroad for medical treatment?AFour. BFive.CSix. DSeven.3According to the article,_for medical treatment.Amore Africans want to travel abroadBmore Europeans want to travel to AfricaCmore Britons want to travel to IndiaDno

15、one would come to Great Britain4Young people from eastern Europe return to their mother countries for surgery in order to_.Aget cheaper medical service Bbe looked after by relativesChave better medical treatment Denjoy free medical treatment5What does the article mainly talk about?AOverseas sightsee

16、ing. BHospital treatment.CMedical tourism. DTravelers health problems.语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。文章对发展潜力巨大的“医疗旅游业(medical tourism)”进行了简要介绍。1解析:细节理解题。根据第二段内容特别是第二段第一句“It was simply cheaper for Hungary”和最后一句“He was happy.the clinic was clean,the staff qualified and the work through.”可知,他对匈牙利医院的收费和服务都相当满意。C2解析

17、:根据第二至五段内容可知,吸引人们去国外就医涉及以下五方面的原因:收费低,甚至免费、医疗设施健全、医生资质高、等候时间短、环境干净。B3解析:推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“.in Africa,where it can be harder to find wellequipped medical facilities for complex surgeries.”可知,在非洲很难找到做复杂手术的精良设备。因此推知,将会有更多的人去国外就医。A4解析:根据第四段第一、二句“Some patients.prefer to return to be close to their families.

18、be able to look after them.”可知,答案选B。5解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文就“医疗旅游”进行了介绍说明。 请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 【江苏省苏锡常镇四市2014模拟调研】 A Many of you should not own dogs. Its that simple. The reason is that, if you own a dog,you must train a dog, and many dog owners out there, it is safe to say, have

19、little or no controlover their dogs, because they do not train them. Strong words? MaybeBut they are simple, honest words, as untrained dogs living inresidential neighborhoods bark at will, run loose, and visit and damage neighboring propertieswith their ownersblessings as they deliberately let them

20、 run. Take note of the fact that you, the dog owner, cannot control your dog causing a continual nuisance(麻烦事)that damages the quality of life in your neighborhood. Theres nothing more annoying to most people than a dog that barks and nothing more confusing than trying to understand the deficient(有缺

21、陷的)mentality of the dog owner who allows his dog to do so.After all, the irresponsible dog owner hears the barking too, and so those who must put up with it are continually left wondering-what are they thinking, are they deaf? Many dog owners believe it is not possible for their dog to be trained, a

22、n indication that the owners themselves lack self discipline, and most likely have never really tried to apply discipline to other issues in their lives, not with consistency, or that they are simply lazy and inattentive to their own adult responsibilities at the expense of others. Irresponsible dog

23、 owners, though, do train their dogs. A dog is a reflection of its owner.Whatever a dog does (run loose, bark at will, jump on guests entering the front door, soilneighboring lawns) is a result of the decisions of the owner. The choice not to do something isindeed a choice. The good news is that wit

24、h mere consistency, a dog can be trained rather quickly, in acouple of weeks if the owner takes his responsibility seriously. Again, that process will be areflection of the owners behavior, and the primary ingredient(要素)in that behavior is notallowing the dog, not even once, to repeat the bad behavi

25、or without consequences when told and directed not to. You can stop your dog from barking with simple firm voice commands, direct eye contact, and force of will in a relatively short time, provided you are consistent and a reasonably mature person. Dogs, what,s more, love this training because pleas

26、ing you, their owner, is what they arc all about. The upshot(结果,要点)will be that you have a more connected relationship with your dog, a better dog that is suited to its environment.56. Which is NOT the reason for dog owners to have little or no control over their dogs? A. They are lazy and unwilling

27、 to train their dogs. B. They think their dogs can act well without training. C,They lack self-control over many issues in daily life. D. They dont give enough attention to their responsibilities.57. Whats the authors attitude towards owners of untrained dogs? A. Prejudiced. B. Unclear. C. Disapproving. D. Curious.58. This article is mainly written to A. instruct dog owners how to train dogs B call on dog owners to train their dogs C. sing high praise for responsible

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