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1、年大学英语四级答案解析一2014年6月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解Part Writing审题思路本次作文一改往年常考的三段式议论文、图表作文和名言评述作文题型,设定虚拟情景,要求考生描述某处景点,考生应该把重点放在说明选取这一景点的原因上,也就是说明其独特性上。仔细分析可知,本文依旧可以分三部分展开。考生首先应回答“what”的问题,即去什么地方游玩;其次,考生应回答“Why”的问题,即推荐该地点的缘由;最后, 考生需要做简要的总结。写作提纲一、回答“what”,说明去某地游玩(take vacation, on the top of my list) 二、回答“why”,描述某地的

2、独特之处:1、以泰山为例(Mount Tai) 2、泰山的独特之处(spectacularity, sacredness, hope and auspiciousness)三、简要总结:1、探访泰山很有意义(engagement in ancient culture and contemporaiy prosperity) 2、表达愿望(wonderful experience)范文点评高分范文精彩点评A Tour to Mount Tai I am delighted to learn that my foreign Mend, Bill, is going to take vacation

3、 in my hometown. For the sake of his hospitality I enjoyed in England, I will show him around the landscape, among which Mount TaL is unquestionably on the top of my list. Centuries ago, at the summit of the mountain, Con- fucius exclaimed that the world was small; in modem times, everyone is bound

4、to appreciate its spectacularity and sacredness. Mount Tai is more than a mountain; it is a place which symbolizes hope and auspiciousness, embodying profound culture. Furthermore, Mount Tai is considered to be sacred to the point where almost every ancient Chinese emperor came here to make offering

5、s to Heaven and Earth, praying for a prosperous country and a peaceful living environment.Visiting Mount Tai is more than a mountain climbing excursion, but a hands-on engagement in ancient culture and contemporary prosperity. Thus, I assure you that you will like this wonderful experience. 引出并点明主题:

6、外国朋友要来家乡游玩,泰山是首选之地。 古今对比:古今名人都对泰山有着特殊的感情。3 泰山的独特之处:泰山不仅仅是一座山,她还象征着希望和祥瑞,体现了深厚的文化。 泰山的独特之处:泰山是神圣之地,历代帝王奉泰山如神灵,到泰山祈求国泰民安。总结到访泰山的意义。 表达愿望。 加分亮点unquestionably毫无疑问地 be bound to. 一定会spectacularity 壮丽 sacredness 神圣 to the point where 到了程度hands-on亲身实践的全文翻译泰山之旅欣闻我的外国朋友比尔要来我的家乡度假。由于我在英国曾受到比尔的热情款待,我将带他四处看看家乡的风

7、景。在所有风景中,泰山无疑是首选之地。几个世纪前,孔子登上泰山之巅,发出登泰山而小天下之感叹;在现代,每个人必定会去欣赏泰山的壮丽和神圣。泰山不仅仅是一座山,她还象征着希望与祥瑞,体现了深厚的文化。此外,泰山被看作是如此神圣,以至于几乎每位古代帝王都会到这里祭祀天地,祈求国家昌盛、国泰民安。登泰山不仅是一次登山远足,还是一次亲身体验古代文化和现代繁荣的旅行。因此,我向你保证你一定会喜欢这次美妙的旅行的。Part Listening ComprehensionSection A1. W: I cant seem to reach the tea at the back of the cupboa

8、rd.M: Oh. Why dont you use the ladder? You might strain your shoulder.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?1. A) See a doctor about her strained shoulder. C) Replace the cupboard with a new one.B) Use a ladder to help her reach the tea. D) Place the tea on a lower shelf next time.【预测】四个选项都是动词短语

9、,由此可推断该题会对建议或计划进行提问。a)“找医生看拉伤的胳膊”,strain表示“拉伤,扭伤”。选项中出现了 tea, cupboard, shelf等,可推测对话和日常生活相关,而且、B)选项中同时出现了 her,应该是男士对女士提出建议,答案应该在男士的话里,注意听男士的话。【精析】B。女士提到自己遇到的问题是够不到食橱后面的茶叶,男士使用了 Why dont you.?的结构建议女士使用梯子,故本题应该选择B) 。2. W: Since its raining so hard, lets go and see the new exhibits.M: Thats a good idea

10、. Mary Johnson is one of my favorite painters.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?2. A) At Mary Johnsons. C) In an exhibition hall.B) At a painters studio. D) Outside an art gallery.【预测】 四个选项都是表示地点的词,问题会针对地点提问,极有可能为谈话地点。选项中出现了painters studio, exhibition hall,gallery,均和艺术相关,在听对话时应

11、特别注意表示地点的关键词。【精析】D)。女士提出雨下得很大,建议去看新的展品,男士提到Maiy Johnson是他最喜欢的画家之一,可以推断出exhibits指的是美术作品,通过这两点可断定谈话地点是在美术馆外,故本题应该选择D)。3.听力原文:M: I hear the students gave the new teacher an unfair evaluation.W: It depends on which students you are talking about.Q : What does the woman imply?3. A) The teacher evaluated

12、lacks teaching experience.B) She does not quite agree with what the man said.C) The man had better talk with the students himself.D) New students usually cannot offer a fair evaluation.【预测】四个选项中出现了 teacher,evaluated,students,evaluation等词,可以推测,对话与学生对老师的评价相关。【精析】B)。男士说学生对新教师做出了不公正的评价,面对男士的说法,女士并没有表示认同

13、,而是婉转表达了质疑。“这取决于你说的是哪些学生了”,言外之意是她不同意男士所说的话,故本题应该选择B)。4.听力原文:W: It must have taken you a long time to fix up all these bookshelves.M: It wasnt too bad. I got Doris to do some of them.Q : What does the man mean? 4. A) He helped Doris build up the furniture. C) Doris fixed up some of the bookshelves.B)

14、 Doris helped him arrange the furniture. D) He was good at assembling bookshelves.【预测】四个选项中出现了 he,Doris, furniture, bookshelves等词,而且出现的动词为build up,arrange, fixed up, assembling,由此推测对话应会提到男士和Doris干某事,听音时应注意男士的表述。【精析】C)。女士说男士肯定花费了很长时间修理书架,男士说他让多丽丝干了一些,而此处的do some of them指的就是女士所说的修理书架,故本题应该选择C)。5.听力原文:

15、W: Rod, I hear youll be leaving at the end of this month. Is it true?M:Yeah. Ive been offered a much better position with another firm. Id be a fool to turn it downQ; Why is the man quitting his job? 5. A) He doesnt get on with the others. C) He has been taken for a fool.B) He doesnt feel at ease in

16、 the firm. D) He has found a better position.【预测】四个选项均以he开头,firm意为“公司” ,position意为“职位”,B)和D)两个选项中提到的这两个词都和工作相关,可推测对话应该涉及男士的工作问题。【精析】D)。女士询问男士是否月末离职,男士做出肯定的回答,并说明了原因是“另一家公司向我提供了 更好的职位”,故本题应该选择D)。6.听力原文:W: I honestly dont want to continue the gardening tomorrow, Tony?M : Neither do I. But I think we s

17、hould get it over with this weekend.Q : What does the man mean?6. A) They should finish the work as soon as possible.B) He will continue to work in the garden himself.C) He is tired of doing gardening on weekends.D) They can hire a gardener to do the work.【预测】选项中出现了 work, garden, gardening,gardener等

18、,可推测对话内容和园艺工作相关。B)和C)选项都以he开头,应注意听男士所说的话。【精析】 A)。女士说自己明天不想继续做园艺工作了,男士表达了同样的观点,但是提出他们应该在周末之前完成。听力对话中表示转折处往往是考查重点,此处but表示转折,听音时应特别留意其后的内容。 选项A)中的finish同义替换原文中的get it over with,而as soon as possible则同义替换了原文中的 this weekend,故本题应该选择A)。7.听力原文:W : Youve already famished your apartment?M: I found some used fu

19、rniture that was dirt cheap.Q : What do we learn from the conversation?7. A) The man has to get rid of the used furniture.B) The mans apartment is ready for rent.C) The furniture is covered with lots of dust.D) The furniture the man bought is inexpensive.【预测】选项中出现了furniture, apartment等词,可推测对话和居家生活相关

20、,涉及到公寓和家具等,而且A)、B)、D)选项中都提到了 the man,听音时应重点关注男士的话。【精析】D)。女士询问男士是否在公寓装好了家具,男士回答说他找到了一些特别便宜的二手家具。注意习惯用语dirt cheap意为“很便宜”,D)中的inexpensive是原文中dirt cheap的同义表述,故本题应该选择D)。8. 听力原文:W: Has the mechanic called about the repairers?M: Not yet. Ill let you know when he calls.Q : What do we learn from the conversa

21、tion?8. A) The man will give the mechanic a call. C) The woman is doing some repairs.B) The woman is waiting for a call. D) The man knows the mechanic very well.【预测】选项中提到了 mechanic, call, repaid等,可推测对话内容和打电话找修理工相关,四个选项中有两个以the man开头,两个以the woman开头,故听音时应同时留意男士和女士的话。【精析】B)。女士问男士机械工给修理工打电话了没有,男士回答说还没有,

22、打完电话他会告诉女士的。由此可推断女士在等电话,故本题应该选择B)。Conversation One9-12.听力原文:M:Hello, Matt Ellis speaking.W:Hello, Dr. Ellis. My names Pan Johnson. My roommate, Janet Holmes, wanted me to call you.M: Janet Holmes? Oh, thafs right. Shes in my Shakespearean English class. Has anything happened to her? W:Nothing. (9) I

23、ts just that she submitted a job application yesterday and the company asked her in for an interview today. Shes afraid she wont be able to attend your class this afternoon though. (10) Im calling to see whether it would be OK if I gave you her essay. Janet said ifs due today.M:Certainly. That would

24、 be fine. Uh, you can either drop it off at my class or bring it to my office.W:Would it be all right to come by your office around 4 :00? Im afraid I cant come any earlier because I have three classes this afternoon.M: Uh, I wont be here when you come. Im supposed to be at a meeting from 3:00 to 6:

25、00,but how about leaving it with my secretary? She usually stays until 5:00.W:Fine. Please tell her Fll be there at 4:00. (11) And Dr. Ellis, one more thing, could you tell me where your office is? Janet told me where your class is, but she didnt give me directions to your office.M: Well, Im in Room

26、 302 of the Gregory Building. Ill tell my secretary to put the paper in my mail box, and Ill get it when I return.W:I sure appreciate it. Goodbye, Dr. Ellis.M:Goodbye, Ms. Johnson.9. Why couldnt the womans roommate attend the Shakespearean English class that afternoon?A) She had a job interview to a

27、ttend. C) She had to attend an important meeting.B) She was busy finishing her project. D) She was in the middle of writing an essay.A。【精析】通过对话开头的Matt Ellis speaking可推测该对话是在打电话,前三句是套话,第四句开始出现新人物Janet Holmes,般为考点提示信号。女士提到她的室友不能来上课的原因是她要去参加面试,故A)是答案。10. What favor is the woman going to do for her room

28、mate?A) Accompany her roommate to the classroom. C) Submit her roommates assignment.B) Hand in her roommates application form. D) Help her roommate with her report.C。【精析】前文提到Janet Holmes,即女士的roommate,她所遇到的问题是因为面试不能来上课,所以让女士帮忙交作业,故C)是答案。11. What does the woman want to know at the end of the conversat

29、ion? A) Where Dr. Elliss office is located. C) Directions to the classroom building.B) When Dr. Ellis leaves his office. D) Dr. Elliss schedule for the afternoon.A。【精析】女士在最后提到,她想知道埃利斯博士的办公室在哪,故A)是答案。Conversation Two听力原文:W : How are things going, Roald?M: (12) Not bad, Jane. Im involved in several pr

30、ojects and its a long working day. But Im used to that, so it doesnt bother me too much.W :I heard you have moved to a new house in the suburb. How do you like commuting to London every day? Dont you find it a strain?M: (13) It was terrible at first, especially getting up before dawn to catch that 6

31、:30 train. But its bearable now that Im used to it.W: Dont you think its an awful waste of time? I couldnt bear to spend three hours sitting in a train every day.M:I used to feel the same as you. (14) But now I quite enjoy it.W:How do you pass the time? Do you bring some work with you to do on the t

32、rain?M : Ah, thats a good question. (15) In the morning, I just sit in comfort and read the papers to catch up with the news. On the way home at night, I relax with a good book or chat with Mends or even have a game of bridge. W:I suppose you know lots of people on the train now.M:Yes, I bumped into someone I know on the

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