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《新视野大学英语读写教程》第二册Unit 2 Learning the Olympic Standard for Love.docx

1、新视野大学英语读写教程第二册Unit 2 Learning the Olympic Standard for Love教 材New Horizon College English新视野大学英语读写教程(第二册) 外语教学与研究出版社授课内容Unit 2 Learning the Olympic Standard for Love学时2*3教学目的Teaching Objectives1. To help the students have a good understanding of the passages in this unit;2. To help the students gras

2、p the usages of some important words, phrases and expressions in the unit;3. To enable the students to analyze the structure of Text A and summarize paragraph meaning of Text A4. To introduce the basic reading skills of this unit: Reading for the Main Idea in a Paragraph5. To help the students maste

3、r how to develop a paragraph a general statement supported by specific details.教学重点与难点Teaching emphasis: 1. Get the main idea of the passage.2. Master some useful expressions & sentence structure in the passage.Teaching difficulties: Understand the structure of the text.教学方法与手段Teaching method:The mi

4、xture of listening, speaking, reading, practicing and writinglecture with pair work and group discussionTeaching aids: textbook,Multi-media and blackboard课时安排第一次课1-2 periodWarm-up Activity 1. Group work 15m2. Questions for thought and discussion 15mBackground Information 10m listening 20m Watch and

5、Answer 25m Teachers Summary 5m第二次课3-4 period Text AnalysisGlobal Reading 1. Main idea 5m2. Text structure 15mDetailed Reading 70mWords & PhrasesLanguage points第三次课5-6 period Text Summary 1. Students Presentation 10m2. Teachers Summary 5m Writing 25mExercise Explanation 45m教学要点Teaching Points:1. Let

6、the Ss know the learning objectives of this unit; 2. Help the Ss understand the text as a whole and know some background knowledge; 3. Have the Ss know some ideas of the text structure and writing skill. 4. Guide the Ss use freely the active expressions, key grammatical points and sentence patterns

7、in this text.作业布置与思考Assignments: 1. Vocabulary: Students are asked to master the key words and phrases.2. Sentence Structure: learn the new words and expressions of the text by heart.3. Translation: P37教学参考书和网络资源Reference Books and Resources:1. Teachers Book of New Horizon College English 2. Longman

8、 Dictionary of Contemporary English (English-Chinese) 3. Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary4. Longman Dictionary of American English5. On-line resources: English on line教 学过 程1-2 PeriodWarm-up Activity (提问 板书)1. Group work: Discuss the following question in groups and then choose a

9、group member in each group to give your presentation about the result of your discussion.(提问 板书)What do you know about Olympic games?2. Questions for thought and discussion:(提问 课件) 1) What are the Olympic spirits? 2) What message does the logo for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games convey? Background In

10、formation: (讲解 课件)Salt Lake City: It is the cultural and political center of Utah. It is Utahs most populous city yet remains remarkably pleasant and livable. It has plenty of cultural offerings, numerous parks and some inspiring buildings, including the splendid structures of the Mormon Temple Squa

11、re. listening: (练习 课件)Directions: You will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the secondtime, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. The Olympic Games are the greatest festival of sport in the world. Every four years, a hundred or more

12、countries send their best sportsmen to compete for the highest honors in sport. As many as 6,000 people take part in over 20 sports. For the winners, there are gold medals and glory . But there is honor, too, for all who compete , win or lose, that is, in the spirit of Olympics, to take part is what

13、 matters . The Olympic Games always start in a bright color and action. The teams of all the nations parade in the opening ceremony and march round the track. The custom is for the Greek team to march in first. Watch & Discuss (视频 课件)Directions: watch the speech from the Opening of Atlanta Olympic G

14、ames by Williams Porter Billy Payne and then discuss the topics as follows.1. What do the Olympic spirits mean to us?2. What benefit can we get from the Olympic Games? Teachers Summary (讲解 课件)It is quite important for us to understand the Olympic spirits , because “Faster, Higher, and Stronger” is o

15、ne of the main aims in our daily life. If we understand the Olympic spirits, we can live a better and more peaceful life and realize the importance of mutual understanding, friendship, unity, and fair competition. Well not subject to the stress and strain of tough competition. By this way can we gro

16、w in strength, endurance, and help the seeds of peace and friendship take root, grow, bloom and bear fruit in more peoples and try our best to be self-confident and self-esteemed.3-4 Period Text Analysis (提问 板书)Global Reading Task: (讨论 课件)1. Main idea:During her hard training sessions for access to

17、the Olympics, the author was greatly influenced by her coach, a man full of humor, perceptivity and sincerity. Under his strict and consistent instruction, she not only knew the Olympic standard for love but also learned how to persist in face of challenges. Most important of all, she came to be tha

18、nkful for her living on earth. 2. Text Structure(讨论 板书)1) Part I (Para. 1 to 4) It deals with the authors first impression about her coach, and, above all, her realization, as her coach told, that her training sessions would be hard and full of pain.2) Part II (Para. 5 to 18) It accounts of how her

19、coach set the Olympic standard for love in her hard training sessions, which shone with his consistent good humor, quiet gratitude, perceptivity and sincerity. 3) Part III (Para. 19 to. 21), brings the story to a conclusion that despite the challenges at hand, one must have the courage, heart, and d

20、iscipline to persist, and must be thankful for ones living on earth. Detailed Reading Task: Language points and some expressions to be explained(讲解 课件)The students are to be divided into several groups and are encouraged to ask questions about some words or sentences in a certain part, and then the

21、group, which is responsible for it, will answer the questions. The group members will take turns to be the speaker in the presentation. The teacher can also ask some questions to guide the students, or give more information, or ask them to do the corresponding exercises in the book.Words and Phrases

22、1. Nikolai Petrovich Anikin was not half as intimidating as I had imagined he would be.(Para.1)Meaning: I had expected that Nikolai Petrovich Anikin would be a quote frightening person, but actually he was not at all.2. No, this surely was not the ex-Soviet coach my father had shipped me out to meet

23、.(Para. 1)Meaning: It was really unbelievable that Nikolai, the ex-soviet Coach my father had sent me a long way to meet, was like this.Pay attention that “ex-” is sometimes used form compound word with the meaning of “former and still living”. For example, ex-wife, ex-president. “ex” can also be us

24、ed informally to refer someones former wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend. For example:Linda said she met her ex- boyfriend at the dance.3. But Nikolai he was, Petrovich and all.(Para.2)Meaning: But anyway, he was Nikolai Petrovich Anikin and nobody else.4 pattering the blanket next to get me t

25、o sit next to him. (Para.2)Pat: vt. Touch someone or something lightly and repeatedly with a flat handThe teacher patted him on the shoulder and encouraged him.5. I was so nervous in his presence. (Para. 2)In sb.s presence/in the presence of sb.: in the same place as someone elseIn the presence of c

26、ountless passionate fans, the whole team appeared more than vigorous and brave. 有无数热情的球迷在场,整个球队异常精神焕发,异常神勇 。6. Nagano Olympics too soon for you, but for 2002 in Salt Lake City, you could be ready. (Para. 3)Meaning: There will not b e enough time for you to prepare for the Olympics to be held in Naga

27、no, but you could get ready for the Olympics to be held in Salt Lake City in 2002.7. “Yes, why not?” he replied to the shocked look on my face. (Para.4)Meaning: “Why is it possible (for you to participate in the Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002)?” He said this is response to the very surprised exp

28、ression on my face.8. I was promising amateur skier, but by no means the top skier in the country. (Para.4)Meaning: Thought it seemed that I might be successful somebody as an amateur skier, I was not at all the best skier in the country.Promising: a. showing signs of being successful in the futureT

29、he boy is clever and hard-working; he must have a promising future.Intelligent and promising, students at this famous university are quite proud of themselves.By no means: (used to emphasize a negative statement)not at allWe are by no means satisfied with their reply.This story is by no means intere

30、sting; why not tell us a better one?*Notice that when “by no means” is used at the beginning of a sentence, an inversion structure should be used. For example:By no means will the wise miss the good chance to display their talents.智者绝不会错失展示才华的良机。By no means can teaching in school be separated from p

31、ractice.By no means will our friendship be affected.9. To be sure, there were countless training sessions full of pain and more than a few tears(Para. 5)Meaning: I really went through a lot of painful training sessions which made me shed many tears.10. I could always count on being encouraged by Nik

32、olais amusing stories and sense of humor.(Para. 5)Meaning: I could always rely on Nikilai to encourage me with his funny stories and good sense of humor.Count on: rely on; depend onThe Chinese should never forget to count on their own efforts and work hard for the prosperity of the country. 中国人要始终不忘自力更生,奋发图强.I had thought I could count o

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