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1、A. All the taxis are black in London.B. The woman has been to London twice.C. Its the first time that the man has been in London.3. Whats the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Neighbors. B. Shopkeeper and customer. C. Close friends.4. Why does the woman want to go back to the hotel?A

2、. She wants to go to bed early.B. She is going to meet somebody.C. She will have a meeting.5.What is the woman looking for?A. A hotel. B. A bank. C. A museum.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)听下面几段材料。每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段材料前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第

3、6至第8三个小题。 6. What is the woman thinking about?A. Getting an extra job. B. Doing better in her job. C. Changing her job.7. How does the woman like her present job?A. It is difficult. B. It is interesting. C. It is highly-paid.8. When will the woman have to make a decision?A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. Th

4、e day after tomorrow.听第7段材料,回答第9至第11三个小题。9. How did the woman keep in touch with her family?A. By letter. B. By computer. C. By telephone.10. What does the man suggest the woman doing?A. Learning how to use the Internet.B. Talking with people online.C. Making friends all over the world.11. What is t

5、he man interested in?A. Discussing problems. B. Music. C. Word processing.听第8段材料,回答第12至第15四个小题。12. What can we learn about the school?A. It was being built.B. It was near a construction site.C. It was beside a famous hospital.13. Where did the students buy their breakfast?A. From a soy bean milk sho

6、p.B. From their school cafeteria.C. From a grocery near the construction site.14. What did the girl eat on her way to school?A. A glass of milk. B. A cup of soy bean milk. C. Two rice cakes.15Who are looking into the case now?A. The school. B. The police. C. The hospital. 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

7、阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31 50各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。A Lesson From A Frog TaleA group of frogs were jumping through the woods when two of them fell into a deep hole. All of the other frogs 16 around the hole to see what could be done to help their 17 . When they saw how deep the hole was, the rest of the

8、group 18 that it was hopeless and told the two frogs in the hole that they should prepare themselves for their fate(命运),because they were as good as 19 .Unwilling to accept this terrible fate, the two frogs began to jump with all of their 20 . Some of the frogs shouted into the hole that it was 21 ,

9、 and that the two frogs wouldnt be in that 22 if they had been more careful.The other frogs continued 23 shouting that they two should save their 24 and give up, since they were already as good as dead. The two frogs 25 jumping as hard as they could, and after several hours of hopeless 26 they were

10、quite tired.Finally, one of the two frogs followed the calls of his fellows. Disheartened, he lay down at the 27 of the hole, and died as the others looked on in helpless sorrow. The other frog continued to jump with every bit of energy he had, 28 he was completely worn out.His companions began a ne

11、w shouting to him to accept his fate, stop the pain and 29 die.The frog jumped harder and harder and, wonder of wonders, finally jumped so 30 that he sprang from the hole. 31 , the other frogs celebrated his unbelievable freedom and then gathering around him asked, “Why did you continue jumping when

12、 we told you it was impossible?” 32 their lips, the astonished frog explained to them that he was deaf, and that when he saw their gestures and shouting, he thought they were 33 him on. What he had got as 34 inspired him to try harder and finally succeeded.This simple story contains a powerful lesso

13、n.Your encouraging words can 35 someone up and help him or her make it through the day. 16. A. Jumped B. hung C. rushed D. gathered17. A. relatives B. companions C. neighbors D. families 18. A. agreed B. added C. quarreled D. doubted 19. A.alive B. dead C. awake D. calm 20. A.mind B. skill C. streng

14、th D. force 21. A.harmless B. endless C. careless D. hopeless22. A.action B. situation C. direction D. competition 23. A. Sorrowfully B. painfully C. carefully D. helpfully24. A. time B. resource C. energy D. supply 25. A. stopped B. continued C. avoided D. started 26. A. climb B. wait C. fight D. e

15、ffort 27. A. top B. edge C. bottom D. side28. A.while B. however C. therefore D. although 29. A. just B. still C. yet D. even 30. A. great B. well C. far D. high 31. A. Pleased B. Satisfied C. Amazed D. Amused 32. A. Looking B. Reading C. Seeing D. Checking33. A.cheering B. praising C. persuading D.

16、 supporting 34. A. treatment B. entertainment C. achievement D. encouragement35. A. hold B. lift C. bring D. build 第三部分:阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AKings College Summer Schools College Summer School is an annual( 每年的) training program for high school students at all leve

17、ls who want to improve their English. Courses are given by the teachers of King s College and other colleges in New York. Trips to museums and culture centers are also organized. This years summer school will be from July 25 to August 15.More information is as follows:Application (申请) date Students

18、in New York should send their applications before July 18, 2011. Students of other cities should send their applications before July 16, 2011. Foreign students should send their applications before July 10, 2011.Courses English Language Spoken English: 22 hoursReading and Writing: 10 hours American

19、History: 16 hours American Culture:Steps A letter of self-introduction A letter of recommendation(推荐) The letters should be written in English with all the necessary information.Cost Daily lessons: $200 Sports and activities: $100 Travels: Hotel service: $400You may choose to live with your friends

20、or relatives in the same city.Please write to: Thompson, Sanders 1026 King s Street New York, NY 10016, USA E-mail: KC-Summer-School 36. You can most probably read the text in _.A. a textbook B. a travel guide C. a newspaper D. a telephone book37. Which of the following is true about King s College

21、Summer School?A. Only top students can take part in the program.B. Visits to museums and culture centers are part of the program.C. King s College Summer School is run every other yearD. Only the teachers of King s College give courses.38. Kings College Summer School offered the following courses ex

22、cept _.A. English Language B. American History C. American Culture D. American Geography39. If you are to live with your relatives in New York, you will have to pay the school _A. $200 B. $500 C. $900 D. $400 40. What information can you get from the text?A. You can write to Thompson only in English

23、. B. The program will last two months. C. As a Chinese student, you can send your application on July 14, 2011.D. You can get in touch with the school by e-mail or by telephone.BOn November18, 1995, Itzhak Perlman, the world famous violinist, came on stage to give a concert at Lincoln Centre in New

24、York City. If you have ever been to a Perlman concert, you know that getting on stage is not easy for him. He got polio(小儿麻痹症)as a child, and has to walk with the aid of two crutches(拐杖)now.That night Perlman walked slowly to his chair. Then he sat down and began to play. But, suddenly, one of the s

25、trings on his violin broke. You could hear it break-it broke with a loud noise.People thought to themselves, “He would have to get up to either find another violin or find another string for this one.”But he didnt. Instead, he waited a moment, closed his eyes and then signaled the conductor to begin

26、 again. The orchestra(管弦乐队)began, and he played from where he had stopped. He played with such passion and such power.Of course, everyone knows that it is impossible to play a symphonic work with just three strings. But that night Itzhak Perlman refused to know that. You could see him changing and r

27、ecomposing(重新作曲)the piece in his head.When he finished, there was a silence in the room. Then people rose and cheered. We were all on our feet, doing everything we could to show how much we appreciated what he had done.He smiled and then he said in a quiet tone, “You know, sometimes it is the artist

28、s task to find out how much music you can make with what you have left.”His words have stayed in my mind ever since I heard them. That is also the way of life. Perhaps our task in this quickly changing world in which we live is to make music, at first with all that we have, and then, when that is no

29、 longer possible, to make music with what we have left.41. Holding a concert is challenging for Perlman because _.A. he is just a world famous violinist B. he has never performed on stage beforeC. he is physically disabled as a result of a disease D. he has difficulty in moving his body42. When Perl

30、man had just begun playing, _.A. there was something wrong with the violinB. he fell ill suddenlyC. an accident happened and caused a disturbanceD. a very loud noise arose from the audience43. If one of the strings suddenly broke, what would an ordinary player do?A. He would cancel the concert. B. He would play another violin.C. Another p

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