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1、人力资源管理参考文献References and Bibliography参考文献 第一章1Adapted from Gillian Flynn, Workforce 2000 Begins Here, Workforce, May 1997, 78-84; and Gillian Flynn, Bank of Montreal Invests in Its Workers, Workforce, December 1997, 30-38.2Lynda Gratton, The New Rules of HR Strategy, HR Focus, June 1998, 13-14.3Rich

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17、cllvane, Work Ethics, Human Resource Executive, August 1998, 30-34.42Stephen C. Schoonover, HR Competencies for the Year 2000 (Alexandria, VA: SHRM Foundation, 1998).43Kevin Barksdale, Why We Should Update HR Education, Journal of Management Education 22 (1998), 526-530.44Debra L. McDaniel, A Compet

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