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全国中考真题分类特训英语 第二单元 词 汇 运 用含答案.docx

1、全国中考真题分类特训英语 第二单元 词 汇 运 用含答案第二单元词汇运用2017年一、 单词拼写一、 (2017江苏南京)1. What do I need to make a thankyou card?You need some _(纸),glue and a pair of scissors.2. These kinds of plants _(生长) in the northern part of our country.3. So far,our football team has won every match this year. That makes us feel _(自豪的

2、)4. Liu Hua is the chief_(工程师) of the highspeed railway connecting Moonlight Town to Nanjing.5. More than six _(百) teams took part in 2017 Nanjing Primary and Secondary School Robot Competition in May.二、 (2017江苏南通)1. Hold on your_(梦想) until they come true.2. If you come to Nantong,you will learn muc

3、h about her with the help of a _(in the area near where you live)guide.3. It is a good habit for teenagers to spend money _(明智地)4. They cant _(have enough money to pay for something)to go on vacation this year.5. Tom shows a talent for speaking different _. He can speak English,French,Chinese and so

4、 on.三、 (2017江苏苏州)1. _(最后),I would like to thank you all for coming here today.2. In Switzerland,some of the old clothes are_(卖) in charity shops.3. Life is like a race. Im ready to take on new _(挑战) any time.4. Everyone,you need to have a dream. The future of China _(依靠) on you!5. My grandma always

5、tells me _(没有什么) is more important than health.6. It took him much longer hundreds of _(额外的) hours to improve his skills.7. Juice is to drink as pork is to _.8. Can I have some more sweets?OK,but eating too much sugar can _to tooth problems.9. Why are you all wet?Its_heavily. I forgot to take my umb

6、rella!10. Do you still take the bus to school?No. Now I can come to school by underground _of by bus.四、 (2017江苏常州)1. We must be _(勇敢的) enough to face difficulties in our life.2. Some wild animals are in _(危险) as the earth is getting warmer and warmer.3. Mary goes to work every day _(除之外) Sundays.4.

7、The general manager always thinks twice before _(回复) to the customers.五、 (2017江苏连云港)1. Some classical pieces at the concert are traditional and have a lasting _(价值)2. Our government has done a lot to protect the environment. Lots of _(被污染的) rivers are much cleaner now.3. If we keep using our natural

8、 resources _(满不在乎地),they will run out sooner or later.4. What do you think of the Art Festival in your school?Colourful! All the students enjoy _(他们自己) and show their different talents.5. Why are the students talking about _(募集) money for the people in Sri Lanka?Because a heavy storm hit it at the e

9、nd of May and thousands of people lost their homes.六、 (2017江苏宿迁)1. There is a_(刀) and some pens on Wang Juns desk.2. Drivers should drive more slowly on _(有雨的) days.3. Audrey Hepburn is a _(天生的) actress. She is world famous.4. Most people in China couldnt_(买得起) cars twenty years ago.5. With the open

10、ing of the twochild policy,the _(人口) of China will become larger.6. Armstrong and Aldrin collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for _(进一步的) research.7. Mary doesnt like singing. She likes dancing i_.8. Please pass my glasses to me. I cant see the blackboard c_ .9. Bob is an _(never tell lies

11、)boy,and we all trust him.10. I will send you a text message when I _(arrive at) the hotel.七、 (2017江苏泰州)1. There have been many _(模型) of Chinas new plane C919 since it flew into the sky for the first time on May 5 this year.2. Taizhou is an old city with a long history of more than two _(千) years.3.

12、 David showed great _(勇气) during his fight against illness last year.4. My mother goes shopping every weekthere is a shopping mall just _(在对面) our house.5. We all feel _(骄傲的) that China put its first homemade aircraft carrier(国产航空母舰) in water on April 26,2017.八、 (2017江苏无锡)1. Quite a lot of teenagers

13、 have no idea how to _(处理) with stress.2. Sometimes to take the _(领先地位) is easy,but to keep it is hard.3. So far,the _(仅有的) witness is a computer engineer,who worked late that night.4. Stay with us. The concert will be covered _(直播) in five minutes. Dont go away.九、 (2017江苏镇江)1. The dentist suggests

14、that the girl should brush her _(牙齿) before going to bed.2. The boy threw the ball to the dog and it _(捉住,搂住) the ball successfully.3. When Mr. Jiang got up in the morning,his suit was ironed _(平整地) by the robot.4. In the first half of this year,there are_(四十) twins among all the newborn babies in t

15、hat hospital.5. Wheres the city museum?Its_(在对面) the front gate of the Grand Hotel.十、 (2017江苏扬州)1. We can see different kinds of birds on this _(岛屿) .2. If you dont have a dream,youve been old,even at _(二十). 3. The temperature _(下降) a lot last night. 4. Tom,look at the sign! Were not _(允许) to park o

16、ur car here.5. When you think of Venice,does it bring any other _(欧洲的) city to your mind?十一、 (2017江苏盐城)1. Dr Ma was _(自豪的) to work for ORBIS and help people see again.2. Its wrong of us to believe or _(扩散) some untrue news on the Internet.3. Yao Ming scored 41 points in a game _(对抗) the Atlanta Hawk

17、s in 2004.4. China has ended its onechild policy and let families have two children _(代替)5. Lily often helps her classmates and teachers and she often gets _(表扬) from them.十二、 (2017山东青岛)1. Her ways of solving problems are different from _(我的)2. The hotel is _(在的后面) the police station.3. People in so

18、me countries eat many _(土豆) as their main food.4. The exam is very important to us,so we must take it _(严肃地)5. After doing sports for a long time,Tina is _(瘦的) than before.十三、 (2017山东滨州)1. _(十月) is a great month. We have some interesting and fun things for you.2. My chemistry teacher isnt tall or sh

19、ort. Hes of medium _(身高)3. If the temperature drops _(低于) zero degree,water will turn into ice.4. The Chinese national badminton team _(打败) the Japanese team 32 in Australia on May 27.5. The Belt and Road will be a _(机会) to help some countries to develop,so more and more countries want to catch it.十

20、四、 (2017山东烟台)1. My cousin Lily has long _(直的) hair.2. How many _(月份) are there in a year?3. He turned and walked in the opposite _(方向)4. Can you _(想象) what the future will be like?5. When you visit a foreign country,it is necessary to know how to ask for help _(礼貌地)十五、 (2017湖北荆州)1. Who ran the f_ of

21、 all in the sports meeting?David did,I think. He spent only 11 seconds.2. The air pollution is still terrible in North China.It will be even worse if we dont take action to protect the e_ around us.3. Have you heard Tianzhou1,the first cargo spaceship(货运飞船) was sent up into space on April 20,2017 in

22、 Hainan?Yes,were proud that its independently d_ by China.十六、(2017湖北黄石)1. It is w_ now. Im afraid it is going to rain soon.2. Being afraid that Tim is lonely,his mom wants to have a s_ baby to play with him.3. The old photo often r_ me of my happy time in middle school.4. It might seem more difficul

23、t to speak p_ than directly,not hurting others.5. We can get i_ in many kinds of ways such as reading newspapers,watching TV and surfing in the Internet.十七、(2017浙江杭州)1. Boys usually wear s_ on their feet inside their shoes.2. Now,l_very carefully to what the teacher says.3. Coffee or tea?Coffee,plea

24、se. I p_ coffee to tea.4. She always wanted to sail across the Pacific O_.5. She has h_ her diary where nobody can find it.6. I said congratulations,walked over to him and s_his hand.7. Your classroom is on the second floor and o_is on the third floor.8. Most of the children in my time liked to play

25、 together under that big tree,e_ during the summer holidays when they had more free time.9. Yang Liwei was the first Chinese astronaut in s_.10. A m_ is a person who plays an instrument or writes songs.二、 词形变化一、 (2017江苏南京)1. Wild animals which are now in danger need our_(protect)2. This machine can

26、_(translate) simple message into 24 different languages.3. My daughter is much _(tall) now. The jeans she wore last year are already too short.4. Libraries or reading corners _(build) in hope primary schools along the way of Long March in a few years.5. About 1,200 _(guest)who were born in Jiangsu a

27、ttended the first Jiangsu Development Summit in Nanjing.二、 (2017江苏无锡)1. The _(win) of this years Young Star Award is Daniel! Well done!2. The famous bookshop _(lie)on Charing Cross Road in London in the 1940s.3. We are still _(sure)now when the UK will leave the European Union at last.4. Listen! The

28、 boss is shouting again. Has he ever said anything _(peaceful)?三、 (2017江苏扬州)1. The _(boy) faces were a sight,covered with dust.2. You can enjoy water sports,or _(simple) lie on the beach.3. Some complain that visitors are _(cause) too much stress on the environment.4. People who often list things th

29、ey are thankful for are happier and _(healthy)5. Never give up! Pain always comes with _(achieve)四、 (2017江苏常州)1. Qi Baishi was one of the most famous _(art)in China.2. The ORBIS doctor advised the girl to have the operation to prevent her eye problem getting much _(bad)3. To complete the work,he drank some coffee to keep himself _(wake)4. To protect the earth,we mustnt throw away the waste

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