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本文(个人手工制作中学生VOA英语阅读之世界卫生组织在巴黎气候大会上呼吁公共卫生议程.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、个人手工制作中学生VOA英语阅读之世界卫生组织在巴黎气候大会上呼吁公共卫生议程中学生VOA英语阅读之世界卫生组织在巴黎气候大会上呼吁公共卫生议程WHO Calls for Public Health Agenda at Paris Climate TalksIn Paris negotiators are aiming for a call that causes for global emissions to avoid the most dramatic impacts of climate changes.巴黎气候大会上,人们呼吁采取全球行动以抵御气候变化带来的巨大灾难。World He

2、alth Organization senior scientist Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum says whats good for the planet is good for public health.世界卫生组织专家戴尔米德 表示,凡是对地球有益的举动,都会对人们的健康有益。“The reason that we are so concerned about the effects of climate change on health isthat many of the largest disease problems that we face are h

3、ighly sensitive to climate conditions.These include diseases such as malaria, such as undernutrition, and such as waterborne diseases, diarrhea and other waterborne diseases.”我们如此关注气候变化对健康的影响是因为许多常见疾病都与气候条件息息相关。如疟疾、营养不良、水传播疾病、痢疾以及其他传染疾病。A warmer and wetter world threatens to make these problems wors

4、e.Thats exactly whats happening with Dengue fever,a mosquito-borne viral infection that has put almost half of the worlds population at risk.温暖潮湿的气候使得这些问题更加严峻,登革热就是其中之一。登革热是由蚊虫传播,世界上一半以上的人口都面临登革热的威胁。Erwin Saucedo is a local health director in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.He says the extended rainy season in

5、2009 had workers scrambling to control the epidemic.玻利维亚当地健康顾问欧文绍塞多就职于圣克鲁兹市。他说2009年的雨季延长导致大量工人受感染,最终导致登革热爆发。“We think the 30,000 reported cases could easily be double that,getting to more than 50,000 to 60,000 because of unreported cases where people have done self-treatment.”“受感染的真实数字可能是报道的一倍,至少会有5

6、万至6万人,因为报道中并不涉及自我治疗的感染者。”Dengue fever remains a leading cause of hospitalization in Latin America and Asia.在拉丁美洲和亚洲的众多国家中,登革热依然是住院的主要病因。Rising temperatures also make air pollution worse.Especially for people who suffer from asthma, heart or lung disease.气温升高导致空气污染更加严重。对哮喘、心脏病和肺病患者的危害尤为严重。“If we cont

7、inue to use highly polluting energy systems, we will either maintain or increase the seven million deaths that we suffer every year from air pollution.”“如果我们持续使用高污染能源系统,那么空气污染造成的每年700万死亡将无法改变”。Campbell-Lendrum says clean air and water are basic human rights.He says a successful outcome in Paris woul

8、d be an action-oriented agenda that both reduces climate-changing emissions to protect health in the long run,but also achieves the health benefits of a greener, more equitable , sustainable economy.伦德拉姆认为干净的空气和水源是人类最基本的权利。他表示,此次巴黎气候大会最好的结果就是能够达成行动协议,从长远看来能改善气候变化对健康的影响,同时形成绿色、公平、可持续发展的健康经济模式。单词及例句详解

9、1 negotiator英 ngiet(r) 美 ngoiet(r) n.磋商者; 交涉者; 出售者; 交易者变形复数:negotiators例句1.He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator.他文雅、迷人、能言善辩,是一名优秀的谈判人。2.Their chief negotiator turned his critical eye on the United States.他们的首席谈判代表以批判的眼光看美国。3.Hes a self-assured, confident negotiator.他是一个胸有

10、成竹、充满信心的谈判者。2aim英 em 美 em vt.瞄准; 对准; 踢向; 挥向vi.旨在; 以为目标; 致力于; 决定n.目的; 目标; 瞄准变形复数:aims过去式:aimed过去分词:aimed现在分词:aiming第三人称单数:aims例句1.Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.共和党的战略家正尖锐地攻击民主党的参议员。2.Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary.他们最终的目标是为匈牙利建立起市场经济体制。3.

11、In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemys ship.在海战中目标就是击沉敌船。3emission英 imn 美 mn n.排放,辐射; 排放物,散发物(尤指气体); (书刊)发行,发布(通知)变形复数:emissions例句1.the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere向大气排放二氧化碳2.The emission of gases such as carbon dioxide should be stabilised at their present level.二氧化碳等气体的

12、排放应该稳定在当前水平。3.States have the option of adopting the even tougher California emission standards.各州也可以任意选择,是否采用加利福尼亚州更严格的排污标准.4 avoid vid避开,避免,预防;法使无效,撤销,废止;例句1.All the children were evacuated from London during the war toavoidthe bombing.为了躲避轰炸,战争中所有孩子都从伦敦撤了出来。2.If we are toavoiddefeat we need a cha

13、nge of leadership.我们要避免失败的话,就要换掉领导人。3.Toavoidthe city center, turn right here.如果要避开市中心,请从这里向右转弯。5cause英 k:z 美 kz n.原因; 动机; 理由; 事业vt.成为的原因; 导致; 引起; 使遭受变形复数:causes过去式:caused过去分词:caused现在分词:causing第三人称单数:causes例句1.His misunderstanding of language was the primary cause of his other problems.他对语言的误解是引起其他

14、问题的主要原因。2.Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans.交通事故仍然是造成美国人过早死亡的头号因素。3.Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter.投资可能会中断,而这会引起经济衰退。6 dramatic drmtik戏剧的,戏剧性的;引人注目的;激动人心的;例句1.At somedramaticmoment in the story, the terrible secret becomes k

15、nown and a reputation is ruined.在故事发展到某个激烈的时刻,这种可怕的秘密被人家知道了,因此名声也就毁了。7impact英 mpkt 美 mpkt n.碰撞,冲击,撞击; 影响; 冲击力vt.挤入,压紧; 撞击; 对产生影响vi.冲撞,冲击; 产生影响变形复数:impacts过去式:impacted过去分词:impacted现在分词:impacting第三人称单数:impacts例句1.All colour fades especially under the impact of direct sunlight.所有颜色都会褪色尤其是在阳光直射下。2.The i

16、mpact of religion on voting has been analysed far too simplistically.有关宗教对选举的影响的分析太过简单了。3.The specific impact of the greenhouse effect is unknowable.温室效应的具体影响无法知道。8 senior si:nj(级别、地位等)较高的;资深的;年长的;美最高年级的;例句1.Honours were automatically awarded toseniorofficials just because they weresenior.荣誉顺理成章地授予资

17、深官员,就因为他们资格老。2.Lying north of the church is a girlsseniorhigh school.位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。3.He is myseniorby two years.他比我大两岁。9 planet plnit天行星;占星(左右人命运的)星相;例句1.How many moons has theplanetJupiter?木星有几个卫星?2.Saturn is theplanetsixth in order from the sun.土星是依次离太阳的第六颗行星。3.Theplanetsof our solar system are

18、 Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.我们太阳系的行星有水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、土星、天王星、海王星。10 concerned kns:nd有关(方面),被牵连的;担心的,烦恼的;关心政治的,关心社会的;例句1.Call then inquiry agency is concerned upgrade matters concerned.于是就打电话询问经销商有关升级事宜。2.He wasconcernedin the crime.他与那起罪案有牵连。3.Concernedparents hel

19、d a meeting.忧心忡忡的家长们开了一次会。11 sensitive sensitiv敏感的;感觉的;仪灵敏的;易受影响的;例句1.A baby issensitiveto the slightest nuances in its mothers voice.婴儿对母亲声音的最细小变化都很敏感。2.He is toosensitiveto criticism.他对批评太敏感。3.Race relations is asensitiveissue.种族关系是敏感的问题。12 malaria mleri疟疾;瘴气;瘴疠;痁;例句1.Malaria malaria. Malaria is p

20、reventable and treatable, yet it remains one of the worlds deadliest diseases.疟疾是可预防和可治疗的,然而它还是世界上死亡率最高的疾病之一。2.Mosquitoes are carriers ofmalaria.蚊子是疟疾的传播媒介。3.Travellers are reminded thatmalariatablets are advisable.旅客须知要服用预防疟疾药。13 undernutrition ndnu:trn营养不良;例句1.Malnutrition includes undernutrition,

21、 in which nutrients are undersupplied, and overnutrition, in which nutrients are oversupplied.营养不良包括营养低下, 即营养素供给不足, 和营养过剩, 即营养素供给过度.14waterborne英 w:tb:n 美 w:trb:rn adj.水上的,水运的例句1.Environmental pressures are strengthening the case for waterborne freight.环境的压力使人们更加认可水上运输。2.cholera and other waterborne

22、 diseases霍乱等经水传染疾病3.We use environmental friendly waterborne materials for coating which has no smell.涂布涂料采用水性涂料,无异味,确保绿色环保.15 diarrhea dar腹泻;例句1.Function: effectual efforts on cough, diarrhea, chronic or acute tonsillitis, faucitis, pneumonia, acute gastroenteri, acute diarrhea.用于治疗痰热咳喘,腹痛,以及急慢性扁桃腺

23、炎、咽喉炎、肺炎,急性肠胃炎,急性菌痢见以上症状者。2.An eating disorder in which one alternates between abnormal craving for and aversion to food. It is characterized by episodes of excessive food intake followed by periods of fasting and self-induced vomiting ordiarrhea.饮食失常一种饮食无序,在这种情况下,一个人常常处于不正常的贪食和厌食的交替状态,特点是偶尔的暴饮暴食继而又

24、很快的引起呕吐或腹泻3.A toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting anddiarrheaassociated with food poisoning.肠毒素由只限于肠结胸的细菌而产生的毒素,引起呕吐和腹泻16 threaten 英 retn 美 rtn vt.& vi.预示(某事); 恐吓; 危及; 预示凶兆vi.似将发生; 威胁变形过去式:threatened过去分词:threatened现在分词:threatening第三人称单数:threatens例

25、句1.The people fear not death; why threaten them with it.民不畏死, 奈何以死惧之.2.Our military ties threaten no third party.我们的军事关系,不威胁任何第三方.3.The clouds threaten rain.云预示有雨.17 mosquito mski:tu蚊子;例句1.Amosquitohad bitten her and her arm had swollen up.蚊子叮了她,她的手臂肿起来了。2.Themosquitowill suck our blood. Whats even

26、worse, it will inject poison into our bodies.蚊子会吸我们的血。更糟的是,它会把毒注入我们的体内。3.Are yourmosquitobites still itching?你被蚊子咬的地方还在痒吗?18 viral varl病毒的,病毒引起的;例句1.Gene vectors include viral vectors and non-viral vectors, while viral vectors are mostly applied in clinic.基因载体包括病毒载体和非病毒载体,目前基因治疗中使用的主要是病毒载体。2.An acut

27、e contagiousviralinfection characterized by inflammation of the respiratory tract and by fever, chills, muscular pain, and prostration.流行性感冒一种急性的有传染性的病毒感染,主要特征是呼吸道感染和发烧、寒战、肌肉疼痛和虚脱3.A gene that causes the transformation of normal cells into cancerous tumor cells, especially aviralgene that transforms

28、 a host cell into a tumor cell.致癌基因导致正常细胞转变为癌变细胞的基因,尤其是一种把寄主的细胞变为肿瘤细胞的病毒基因19 infection nfekn传染,感染;传染病,染毒物;影响;例句1.The infection rate of ascaris lumbricoides was one of the highest in parasites is infection.蛔虫感染是人体寄生虫感染中较高的一种。2.The vaccine was used to protect the whole population against infection.这种疫

29、苗用以为全体居民预防传染病。3.Thisinfectionis transmitted by mosquitoes.这种传染病是由蚊子传染的。20 risk risk危险,冒险;保险额;被保险人或物;例句1.A report recently published in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggested that smoking increased theriskof developing non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) by more than three times.美国流行病学杂志最近发表的一份报告表明,吸烟使人们患非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病的危险增加了3倍多。2.All the people who know this secret represent a securityrisk.凡是知道这个秘密的人都对安全造成危险。3.He saved my life at theriskof his own.他冒着自己的生命危险救了我的命。21 director direkt主管,主任;董事,理事;负责人,监督者;导演;例句1

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