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一年级英语教案unit 71文档格式.docx

1、教 学 重 难 点课 时 安 排 四课时一年级英语集体备课主 备 人李慧备课时间510课型新 授教学内容Unit 7 Open the door,please (Period 1)教 学目 标1. 能听懂祈使句Open the door , please.并能用All right.回答。2. 能听懂祈使句Open the door , please.请求他人完成特定的动作,语音语调正确。内容分析 重点难点教学准备多媒体课件,实物教 学 过 程教 师 活 动学 生 活 动二次备课A Warm-up 1.Play a game: listen and touch.T:Boys and girls,

2、 follow me, please!Touch your nose/eye/mouth/2. Play in groups.B New lesson1. 谈话导入新课 T: Whos that?OK. (然后对某个学生说)Open the door, please. 2. Read after T 3. Do and say Hi, ,open the door, please. 4. 用学过的文具类单词进行表演。C Consolidation1. Work in pairs. S1: Open your bag. S2: All right. S3: Open your book. S4:

3、 S5: Open your box. S6:2. Do and saySs do actions.S1: (敲门) Its me. May I come in?板书设计Unit 7 Open the door , please Open the door , please All right. 教后反思Unit 7 Open the door,please (Period 2)能听懂、学会动词短语open the door, close the window, stand up, sit down。多媒体课件Say a chant in groups:Openopenopen the doo

4、r.All right.All right.用book, pencilbox替换door说歌谣。1. Chant演说,导入新课 Open, open the door.Close, close the window.Open, open the window.Close, close the door.(边说边做动作帮助学生理解window)2.Read one by one.3.T do and Ss say to learn:stand up , sit down.4. Listen to the tape and read after it .5.Game: T say Ss do.C

5、Practice游戏:快速反应1 Do as I say听指令,做出相应的动作2 Dont do as I say.听指令,做出相反的动作Say the rhyme.Read one by one.Do actions.Open the door . Close the window.Stand up. Sit down.Unit 7 Open the door,please (Period 3)1. 能听懂、会说、会读字母Oo , Pp , Qq。2. 会说歌谣分组比赛:1 师做动作,生齐说短语。2 师说指令,生做动作。open the door close the windowstand

6、up sit down1. Show the letter cards: Oo , Pp , Qq. 2. Teach Ss how to read the letters:Oo , Pp , Qq.3. Play a game: Q J K M P D O E C F k m o j d q e c f p5. 创设情景,学歌谣。C Play a gameMagic eye将所学短语通过耳朵传送到每一组的最后一排,最后一个同学说出所传的短语,正确的,给本组加十分。Simon saysStand up Sit down听指令做动作,做对加分,做错的或反应迟缓的,淘汰出局。Read the le

7、tters one by one.听录音,诵歌谣男女比赛朗诵。Oo Pp Qq mango pig queue Unit 7 Open the door,please (Period 4)1.Review the words and dialogue2.Listen and say3.Do exercise1 通过复习,熟练掌握本单元单词.2 熟练的在情景中运用本单元所学句型和日常用语.A RevisionReview the words and the dialoguesin Part A and E.1. Recite the words together.2. Recite the di

8、alogues together.3. Act out the dialogues prepared by themselves.1. Listen and number.让学生先听录音,然后根据录音内容将正确的序号填在图下的方框中。2. Listen and choose让学生听录音,选择与所听对话意思一致的图片,并在图片上方的序号上画圈。 1) A: Open the door, please. B: OK 2) A: Sit down, please. B: 3) A: I can dance. Look! B: Good.4) A: Please run, Mike. B:3. Listen and circle 让学生先听录音,然后将包含所听字母的苹果在图中圈起来。 1) Pp 2) Gg 3) Qq 4) Mm 4. Look and say.让学生认真观察图片, 弄清图意,并根据图意用学过的句型进行练习。, please.All right.1.A:Stand up, please. B: Woof.Close the door, please. B: OK.Sit down, please. B: All right. A:Open the window, please. B: , please .

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