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1、海牙送达公约中英对照海牙送达公约-中英对照CONVENTION ON THE SERVICEABROAD OF JUDICIAL AND EXTRAJUDICIAL DOCUMENTS IN CIVIL OR COMMERCIAL MATTERS(Concluded 15 November 1965) (Entered into force 10 February 1969)The States signatory to the present Convention,Desiring to create appropriate means to ensure that judicial and

2、 extrajudicial documents to be served abroad shall be brought to the notice of the addressee in sufficient time,Desiring to improve the organization of mutual judicial assistance for that purpose by simplifying and expediting the procedure,Have resolved to conclude a Convention to this effect and ha

3、ve agreed upon the following provisions:Article 1The present Convention shall apply in all cases, in civil or commercial matters, where there is occasion to transmit a judicial or extrajudicial document for service abroad.This Convention shall not apply where the address of the person to be served w

4、ith the document is not known.三条至第六条的规定,接收来自其它缔约国的送达请求书,并予以转递。每一缔约国应依其本国法律组建中央机关。Article 3The authority or judicial officer competent under the law of the State in which the documents originate shall forward to the Central Authority of the State addressed a request conforming to the model annexed to

5、 the present Convention, without any requirement of legalization or other equivalent formality.The document to be served or a copy thereof shall be annexed to the request. The request and the document shall both be furnished in duplicate.第三条依文书发出国法律有权主管的当局或司法助理人员应将符合本公约所附范本的请求书送交文书发往国中央机关,无须认证或其它类似手

6、续。请求书应附有须予送达的文书或其副本。请求书和文书均须一式两份。Article 4If the Central Authority considers that the request does not comply with the provisions of the present Convention it shall promptly inform the applicant and specify its objections to the request.第四条如中央机关认为该请求书不符合本公约的规定,应及时通知申请者,并说明其对请求书的异议。Article 5The Centr

7、al Authority of the State addressed shall itself serve the document or shall arrange to have it served by an appropriate agency, either a) by a method prescribed by its internal law for the service of documents in domestic actions upon persons who are within its territory, orb) by a particular metho

8、d requested by the applicant, unless such a method is incompatible with the law of the State addressed.Subject to sub-paragraph (b) of the first paragraph of this Article, the document may always be served by delivery to an addressee who accepts it voluntarily.If the document is to be served under t

9、he first paragraph above, the Central Authority may require the document to be written in, or translated into, the official language or one of the official languages of the State addressed.That part of the request, in the form attached to the present Convention, which contains a summary of the docum

10、ent to be served, shall be served with the document.第五条文书发往国中央机关应按照下列方法之一,自行送达该文书,或安排经由一适当机构使之得以送达:(一)按照其国内法规定的在国内诉讼中对在其境内的人员送达文书的方法,或(二)按照申请者所请求采用的特定方法,除非这一方法与文书发往国法律相抵触。除本条第一款第(二)项规定外,均可通过将文书交付自愿接受的收件人的方法进行送达。如依上述第一款送达文书,则中央机关可要求该文书以文书发往国的官方文字或其中之一写成,或译为该种文字。依本公约所附格式填写的请求书中包括被送达文书概要的部分应连同文书一并送达。Ar

11、ticle 6The Central Authority of the State addressed or any authority which it may have designated for that purpose shall complete a certificate in the form of the model annexed to the present Convention.The certificate shall state that the document has been served and shall include the method, the p

12、lace and the date of service and the person to whom the document was delivered. If the document has not been served, the certificate shall set out the reasons which have prevented service.The applicant may require that a certificate not completed by a Central Authority or by a judicial authority sha

13、ll be countersigned by one of these authorities.The certificate shall be forwarded directly to the applicant.第六条文书发往国中央机关或该国为此目的可能指定的任何机关应依本公约所附范本格式出具证明书。证明书应说明文书已经送达,并应包括送达的方法、地点和日期,以及文书被交付人。如文书并未送达,则证明书中应载明妨碍送达的原因。申请者可要求非中央机关或司法机关出具的证明书由上述一个机关副署。证明书应直接送交申请者。Article 7The standard terms in the model

14、 annexed to the present Convention shall in all cases be written either in French or in English. They may also be written in the official language, or in one of the official languages, of the State in which the documents originate.The corresponding blanks shall be completed either in the language of

15、 the State addressed or in French or in English.第七条本公约所附范本的标准栏目均应用法文或英文写成,亦可用文书发出国的官方文字或其中之一写成。相应空格应用文书发往国文字或法文或英文填写。Article 8Each Contracting State shall be free to effect service of judicial documents upon persons abroad, without application of any compulsion, directly through its diplomatic or co

16、nsular agents.Any State may declare that it is opposed to such service within its territory, unless the document is to be served upon a national of the State in which the documents originate.第八条每一缔约国均有权直接通过其外交或领事代表机构向身在国外的人完成司法文书的送达,但不得采用任何强制措施。任何国家均可声明其对在其境内进行此种送达的异议,除非该文书须送达给文书发出国国民。Article 9Each

17、Contracting State shall be free, in addition, to use consular channels to forward documents, for the purpose of service, to those authorities of another Contracting State which are designated by the latter for this purpose.Each Contracting State may, if exceptional circumstances so require, use dipl

18、omatic channels for the same purpose.第九条此外,每一缔约国有权利用领事途径将文书送交另一缔约国为此目的指定的机关,以便送达。如有特别情况需要,每一缔约国可为同一目的使用外交途径。Article 10Provided the State of destination does not object, the present Convention shall not interfere with a) the freedom to send judicial documents, by postal channels, directly to persons

19、abroad,b) the freedom of judicial officers, officials or other competent persons of the State of origin to effect service of judicial documents directly through the judicial officers, officials or other competent persons of the State of destination,c) the freedom of any person interested in a judici

20、al proceeding to effect service of judicial documents directly through the judicial officers, officials or other competent persons of the State of destination.第十条如送达目的地国不表异议,本公约不妨碍:(一)通过邮寄途径直接向身在国外的人送交司法文书的自由;(二)文书发出国的司法助理人员、官员或其他主管人员直接通过送达目的地国的司法助理人员、官员或其他主管人员完成司法文书的送达的自由;(三)任何在司法程序中有利害关系的人直接通过送达目的

21、地国的司法助理人员、官员或其他主管人员完成司法文书的送达的自由。Article 11The present Convention shall not prevent two or more Contracting States from agreeing to permit, for the purpose of service of judicial documents, channels of transmission other than those provided for in the preceding Articles and, in particular, direct com

22、munication between their respective authorities.第十一条本公约不妨碍两个或更多缔约国达成协议,允许采用上述各条所规定的递送途径以外的途径,特别是通过其各自机关直接联系的途径,以便送达司法文书。Article 12The service of judicial documents coming from a Contracting State shall not give rise to any payment or reimbursement of taxes or costs for the services rendered by the S

23、tate addressed.The applicant shall pay or reimburse the costs occasioned by-a) the employment of a judicial officer or of a person competent under the law of the State of destination,b) the use of a particular method of service.第十二条发自缔约一国的司法文书的送达不应产生因文书发往国提供服务所引起的税款或费用的支付或补偿。申请者应支付或补偿下列情况产生的费用:(一)有司

24、法助理人员或依送达目的地国法律主管人员的参与;(二)特定送达方法的使用。Article 13Where a request for service complies with the terms of the present Convention, the State addressed may refuse to comply therewith only if it deems that compliance would infringe its sovereignty or security.It may not refuse to comply solely on the ground

25、 that, under its internal law, it claims exclusive jurisdiction over the subject-matter of the action or that its internal law would not permit the action upon which the application is based.The Central Authority shall, in case of refusal, promptly inform the applicant and state the reasons for the

26、refusal.第十三条如果送达请求书符合本公约的规定,则文书发往国只在其认为执行请求将损害其主权或安全时才可拒绝执行。一国不得仅根据下列理由拒绝执行,即:依其国内法,该国主张对该项诉讼标的专属管辖权,或其国内法不允许进行该项申请所依据的诉讼。在拒绝执行的情况下,中央机关应迅速通知申请者,并说明拒绝的理由。Article 14Difficulties which may arise in connection with the transmission of judicial documents for service shall be settled through diplomatic c

27、hannels.第十四条在为了送达而递送司法文书的过程中可能产生的困难,应通过外交途径解决。Article 15Where a writ of summons or an equivalent document had to be transmitted abroad for the purpose of service, under the provisions of the present Convention, and the defendant has not appeared, judgment shall not be given until it is established t

28、hat a) the document was served by a method prescribed by the internal law of the State addressed for the service of documents in domestic actions upon persons who are within its territory, orb) the document was actually delivered to the defendant or to his residence by another method provided for by

29、 this Convention,and that in either of these cases the service or the delivery was effected in sufficient time to enable the defendant to defend.Each Contracting State shall be free to declare that the judge, notwithstanding the provisions of the first paragraph of this Article, may give judgment ev

30、en if no certificate of service or delivery has been received, if all the following conditions are fulfilled-a) the document was transmitted by one of the methods provided for in this Convention,b) a period of time of not less than six months, considered adequate by the judge in the particular case,

31、 has elapsed since the date of the transmission of the document,c) no certificate of any kind has been received, even though every reasonable effort has been made to obtain it through the competent authorities of the State addressed.Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraphs the judg

32、e may order, in case of urgency, any provisional or protective measures.第十五条如须根据本公约向国外递送传票或类似文书,以便送达,而被告没有出庭,则在确定以下情况之前,不得作出判决:(一)该文书已依文书发往国的国内法所规定的在国内诉讼中对在其境内的人送达文书的方法予以送达;或(二)该文书已依本公约规定的其它方法被实际交付被告或其居所。并且,在上述任何一种情况下,送达或交付均应在能保证被告进行答辩的足够时间内完成。每一缔约国均可声明,只要满足下述条件,即使未收到送达或交付的证明书,法官仍可不顾本条第一款的规定,作出判决:(一)已依本公约所规定的一种方法递送该文书;(二)法官根据具体案件认为自递送文书之日起不少于六个月的适当期间已满;(三)尽管为获取证明书已通过文书发往国的主管机关尽了一切合理的努力,但仍未收到任何种类的证明书。虽有上述各款规定,法官仍可在紧急情况下决定采取任何临时性或保护性的措施。Article 16

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