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三年级英语教学设计第一学期 1.docx

1、三年级英语教学设计第一学期 1Module One教学设计 教学内容:Module 1 Greetings随堂备注教材内容分析:本模块的话题是问候。开学之初,同学们见面的第一件事就是互相打招呼,询问一下彼此的近况,遇到新的同学时,也要想别人作自我介绍,因此,本模块的对话话题在日常生活中是很常见的现象,也是孩子们比较熟悉的话题。根据学生的年龄特点,但年级的孩子比较好动,他们对新事物、新朋友都有较浓厚的兴趣,喜欢接触新鲜事物,Greetings会是孩子们感兴趣的话题。虽然学生已经学习了两年的英语口语,但对字母的音和形还没有形成很深的印象,对字母的正确书写就更是初次接触。而本模块中出现的大量的有关G

2、reetings的词句和7个字母,学生容易混淆和遗忘。对此,教师可以在教学中通过组织形式多样的活动,让学生在活动过程中不断地堆与Greetings相关的语言进行听、说、读的强化训练。教学目标:一、语言知识目标1、字母掌握Aa到Gg 7个字母的音和形。2、词汇。能“三会”掌握下列内容:Hello, morning, afternoon, evening, dad, mum, grandpa, grandma, boys, girls.3、句型:(1)Hello! Hi! (2)Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!(3)How are you? F

3、ine.(4)Goodbye. / Bye.(5)Good night.二、语言技能目标1、能用正确的语音、语调朗读课文会话。2、能够在恰当的情境中熟练运用本模块的句型和日常用语。3、能用得体的语言与新老朋友、师长打招呼。三、学习策略目标1、学会借助基本的语音知识拼读单词。2、能够借助课文插图提高认读对话的能力。3、积极与小组成员合作,掌握一定的合作技能。四、情感态度目标通过课文的学习和课文上的一些小组活动培养学生的合作意识及乐于助人的优良品质。五、文化意识目标通过本话题的学习养成礼貌得体的交际礼仪。教学重、难点:1、能“三会”掌握下列内容:1.词汇Hello, morning, aftern

4、oon, evening, dad, mum, grandpa, grandma, boys, girls.2.句型:(1)Hello! Hi! (2)Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!(3)How are you? Fine.(4)Goodbye. / Bye.Good night.教学策略:教学中组织形式多样的英语活动,根据课文中的小诗改编顺口溜,唱有关打招呼的英语歌曲,让学生在“玩、演、视、听”中加大词汇和字母的复现,从而深化对字母和单词的音、形、意的掌握。小学课时教学设计2013年 9 月1日 第 1 课时 教学内容: Unit 1

5、Hello 随堂备注教学目标:1、能“两会”掌握下列内容:词汇:Good, morning, Ms, Hello, Hi, Goodbye ! Bye ! Mum, afternoon, evening.日常用语:Good morning! Good afternoon ! Good evening! Goodbye教学重点:1. Language knowledge 2.Learning Strategies教学难点:1.Language knowledge 2.Learning Strategies教具、学具:借助实物、图片等教学过程:(一)热身与复习1. 复习:练唱歌曲,字母歌。(歌曲复

6、习可以温故知新,激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。) 2.引入:播放课件中歌曲并教唱歌曲:Good morning 3. 老师用英语向学生们问好,并作自我介绍。T: Hello, boys and girls. Im Miss, Im your (new) teacher. Im your English teacher. Whats your name?(二)呈现与操练1. 老师出示P1 Jiamin, Ben, Janet , Xiaoling, Aki, Ms White的头像,介绍书中人物给学生认识,然后在P2和P3得图片中复述出相应的名字。2. 播放录音,看图呈现对话.。3. 把头像

7、发给个别学生,让他们分别扮演各位人物,老师示范Good morning! 引导学生用Good morning!回答。然后出示中午和晚上的图片,引导学生用相应的问候语问好。4.看P3 picture 1和picture 4 ,邀请学生朗读两幅图片的内容。5. 让学生看picture 2和picture 3 , 学习“Good afternoon ! ”和“ Good evening!”的意思,并学会运用。6.随意指出四幅图中的其中一幅,邀请学生把图片的句子朗读出来。7. 创设情境,让学生学会运用Goodbye 用语。(三)巩固与拓展 出示不同的时间,鼓励学生用相应的用语进行问好,巩固日常用语。(

8、四)小结本课所学内容。(五)布置作业1. 听、读课文对话,并可尝试表演对话。2. 练习书写26个字母及几个简单词汇(视学生程度选做)。板书设计: Unit 1 HelloNew Words(生词) Sentences Structures (句型) Good morning, Good morning!MsHello Good afternoon ! Goodbye ! Bye ! Good evening!Mum Afternoon Goodbye ! evening.教学后记:小学课时教学设计2013年 9月 日 第 2 课时 教学内容:Unit 1 Fun with language 随

9、堂备注教学目标:1、Pupils will practice the words morning , afternoon, and evening through a matching task.2、Pupils will practice the common greetings they have learnt through a listening task.教学重点:日常用语的交际运用。教学难点:日常用语的交际运用。教具、学具:实物、图片等教学过程:(一)热身与复习1. 播放课件中歌曲并教唱歌曲:Good morning2. 朗读26个字母及其发音。 3.默写26个字母并画出元音字母。

10、(二)Practising 1.Look and match. (Page 4)(1) Revises the vocabulary items morning , afternoon, and evening .(2)Ask pupils to read aloud the three words below the pictures.(3)Ask pupils to look at the first picture, and say “morning? Afternoon? Evening ?” ,pointing to the three words while saying them

11、.(4)Explain the task to pupils.(5)Ask someone to show the answers. 2. Listen and number. (Page 4)(1) Ask pupils to look at the example picture, and invite pupils to guess what the people in the picture are saying.(2)Ask pupils to look at the other pictures, drawing their attening to the time of the

12、day in each picture. Invite pupils to guess in each picture are saying.(3) Explain the task. Then play the recording, for pupils to complete the task.(4)Encourage the pupils to show the answers on the blackboard.(三)Consolidation As a follow-up activity, you may ask pupils to repeat the sentences aft

13、er the recording after you have checked the answers with them.(四)Homework1. 朗读课文和单词。2. 练习字母Aa-Gg。板书设计: Unit 1 Fun with language Good morning! Good afternoon ! Good evening! Goodbye !教学后记:小学课时教学设计年 月 日 第 3 课时教学内容: Unit 1 Sound family随堂备注教学目标:1. To recognize and aloud the letters A/a to H/h in both up

14、per case and lower case.2. To practice the letters A to H through a rhyme.教学重点、教学难点:To recognize and aloud the letters A/a to H/h in both upper case and lower case.教具、学具:实物、图片、字母卡、录音机教学过程:(一)Warnming up and Revision 齐唱ABC字母歌。(二)Presentation and Practice1. Listen and read.Ask pupils to ollk at the le

15、tters A/a to H/h .Play the recording, Pupils listen and repeat each letter after the recording.2. Listen and point. (1)In this activity , the letters Aa to Hh are hidden in the picture. Some of them are shown in upper case, some are shown in lower case. Pupils listen to the recording and point at ea

16、ch letter that they hear.(2)Point to any letter in the picture, and ask pupils to say the letter.(3)Say another letter, and ask pupils to find it and point at it.3. Rhyme time (1) The rhyme contains a new structure This is , and the expression Say after me, which you may have used in the classroom i

17、ncidentally.As the main objective is to practice the letters A to H, simply present the whole rhyme as a while. (2)Play the record once all the way through . Play the recording again, pausing after every line for pupils to repeat.(3)Pupils then read the rhyme all the way through. (三)Consolidation To

18、 increase interest and for further practice, divide the whole class into two groups, who will read aloud the rhyme asa follows.(四)Homework 默写字母Aa Hh板书设计: Unit 1 Sound familyAa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg 教学后记:小学课时教学设计 年 月 日 第 4课时教学内容:Unit 2 How are you?随堂备注教学目标:1、To learn the expressions “How are you”, “Fine”

19、, and “Good ight” through listening to and practicing a dialogue.2、To learn the vocabulary items dad, grandpa and grandma.教学重点、教学难点:To learn the expressions “How are you”, “Fine”, and “Good ight” through listening to and practicing a dialogue.教具、学具:实物、图片、录音机教学过程:(一)Warming up 1. Greeting . 2. Sing a

20、 song :Good morning.(二)Presentation and practising 1.Ask pupils to look at the family picture on page 8. Invite them to recall the name of the boy.2. Point to Bens Dad on the right of the picture and introduce Dad,3.Take this opportunity to introduce grandpa and grandma on page 9, by saying dads dad

21、 is grandpa” and “dads mum is grandma.”4.Draw pupils attention to details in the picture ( seven oclock ; Ben playing at home; Dad returning home) to convey the meaning of the picture.5.Ask pupils to look at the family picture on page9. Draw pupils attention to details in the picture( Mum and Dad wa

22、ving ;Ben lying in bed ) to convey the meaning of the picture.6. Present the dialogue . Play the recording , or read aloud the dialogue to the class.7. Play the recording again , pausing after each speech bubble for pupils to repeat.8. Substitute Dad in the dialogue with “Mum”, “grandpa” and “grandm

23、a”. Have pupils practice the dialogue in pairs. (三) ConsolidationAsk pupils what to say at different times of the day as a recycling task.(四)Homework1. Read the dialogue to your parents .板书设计: Unit 2 How are you?How are you?Fine.教学后记:小学课时教学设计 年 月 日 第 5课时教学内容: Unit 2 How are you?随堂备注教学目标:1、To revise

24、vocabulary of family members: dad, mum , grandpa, grandma.2、Pupils practice listening to dialogues containing the greeting that they have learnt so far in this module.教学重点、教学难点:To revise vocabulary of family members: dad, mum , grandpa, grandma.教具、学具:实物、图片、录音机教学过程:(一)热身与复习 1.引入:播放课件中歌曲并教唱歌曲:Good mor

25、ning 2. 老师用英语向学生们问好。T:Good morning, How are you? (二)Presentation and practising1. Look and match. (1)Go over the five pictures on the left with pupils , stating the word representing each picture.(2)Have pupils look at the 5 words on the right. Invite them to read aloud the words. Provide help if ne

26、cessary.(3)Say a word from the list , and ask pupils to point at the word.(4) Ask puils to point at the picture of Ben, and demonstrate drawing a line to match Ben to the right picture.2. Listen and number.(1) Choose one of the four pictures. Get across the idea that the two people in the picture ar

27、e talking to each other. (2)Invite pupils to guess what the two people are saying to each other.(3)Explain the task ,.(4) When pupils have finished the task , you could invite them to recall what the people in each picture say to each other.3. Look and say(1) Explain what is going on in picture 1. T

28、hen ask puples to look at picture 2, study the details, and try saying the sentence from the picture.(2)Repeat the same procedure with the remaining picture. (三)Consolidation Do the project.(四)Sum up this lessen.(五)Homework Revise this module and grasp how to greeting.板书设计: Unit 2 How are you ?dad,

29、mum , grandpa, grandma.How are you ?Fine.教学后记:小学课时教学设计 年 月 日 第 6课时教学内容:Module 1 Revision随堂备注教学目标:1、Pupils will read with understanding a story containing the expressions presented in this module.2、To learn about the practices of greetings in other parts of the world.教学重点、教学难点:Pupils will read with u

30、nderstanding a story containing the expressions presented in this module.教具、学具:实物、图片、录音机教学过程:(一)Warming upGreeting.(二)Presentation and practiseStory time1. Pupils will derive pleasure from reading with understanding an interesting story .2.This story will introduce a character , Aki the Alien, who w

31、ill appear again and again in later stories.3. In the story , different insects meet and greet each other at different time of the day.4.Pupils need not know the English names of the insect to understand the story.5.Motivate interests in the story .Draw pupils attention to the arrows that will show the sequence of the picture as they read.6.Then have them read the story text silently on their own.

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