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1、注意 :在 feel,hear,listen to,look at,notice, observe,see,watch,have, let,make等词后的补足语中,不定式不带to.但是这些句子如果变成被动结构 时,就必须带to.例I ofte n hear him sing the songHe is ofte n heard to sing the song注意:不定式动词在介词 but,except,besides后面时,如果这些介词之前有行为动词do的各种形式,这些介词后的不定式不带 to,否则要带to.如:She could do nothing but cry.What do yo

2、u like to do besides swim?I have no choice but to go .4)作定语.例如:I have some books for you to read .注作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不 定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面须有相应的介词.例如:He is look ing for a room to live in .There is no thi ng to worry about .Please give me a knife to cut with .但是,不定式所修饰的名词如果是 time,place或way,

3、不定式后面的介词习惯上要省去.例如:He had no money and no place to live.注当作定语的不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的承受者时, 不定式既可以用主动语态,也可用被动语态,但其含义有所不同.试比较:A) Have you anything to send? 你有什么东西要寄吗?(不定式 to be sent 的动作执行者是已被省略的 me 或 someone else)5)作状语,表示目的、原因、结果或条件例如:I came here to see you (目的 )We were very excited to hear the news (原因 )H

4、e hurried to the school to find nobody there (结果 )To look at him, you would like him (条件 ) 目的状语还可以用 in order to 或 so as to 来表示如:In order to pass the exam, he worked very hard We ran all the way so as not to be late 不定式也可在作表语用的形容词后面作状语例如:I am very glad to hear it The question is difficult to answer “

5、 toe十形容词或副词十不定式”作状语例如:He is too old to do that 另外句子中有 enough 这个词时,常用不定式作状语例如:The room is big enough to hold us 6) 作表语例: My job is to help the patient 7) 作独立成分例; To tell the truth , I don t agree with you.8) 不定式与疑问词 who,which,when,where,how,what 等连用,在句中 起名词作用,可充当主语、表语、宾语等例如:He didn t know what tosay.

6、( 宾语)How to solve the problem is very important (主语)My question is when to start. ( 表语)在与 why 连用时,只用于 why 或 why not 开头的简短疑问句中, 后面紧跟的动词不定式不带 to. 例如:Why not have a rest?9)不定式在句中用主动式还是被动式。多数情况下是容易判别的,但有时的确A) 不定式修饰的名词或代词和不定式构成逻辑上的主谓关系时, 不定式往往用主动形式。 Have you got a key to unlock the door?B) 不定式和它前面被修饰的名词或

7、代词构成逻辑上的动宾关系, 又和该句主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系时,不定式常用主动形式I have got a letter to write ( I write letter )He needs a room to live in ( He lives in a room )I know what to do ( I do what ) 但这句如改为下列形式,不定式就 得用被动形式: I know what is to be done.这是因为 what is to be done 是宾语从句,从句中的主语 what 是动词 do 的动作对象C)不定式作表语形容词的状语,和句中主语构成逻辑上的动

8、宾关系时, 不定式多用主动形式,这是因为人们往往认为形容词后省去了 for one 或 for people 例如:He is hard to talk to ( to talk to him )The book is difficult to understand. ( to understand the book.)但如果强调句中的受事者时,亦可用不定式被动式,例如:The handwriting is very difficult to be read.The box is too heavy to be lifted D)在“there十 be”的结构中,当说话人考虑的是必须有人去完成

9、某件事时, 不定式用主动形式,如果说话人强调的是事情本身必须完成,则用被动形式There is a lot of work to do. ( Somebody has to do the work )There is a lot of work to be done ( The work has to be done.) 请注意下面两个句子的含义是不同的:There is nothing to do. 意为无事可做,感到十分乏味There is nothing to be done 意为某东西坏了,无法使之恢复正常 2不定式的时态1) 不定式的一般形式所表示的动作,通常与谓语的动作(状态)同时

10、(或几乎同 时)发生,或是在它之后发生例如:I saw him go out 2) 如果谓语表示的动作 (情况)发生时,不定式表示的动作正在进行,这时不 定式就要用进行式例如:I am very gIad to be working with you 3) 如果不定式的动作发生在谓语动词之前,就要用完成式例如 :I m sorry to have kept you waiting.3不定式的语态 当不定式逻辑上的主语是这个不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一 般要用被动形式。例如:He asked to be sent to work in the countryside It is pos

11、sibIe for our hopes to be reaIized 2.分词的用法I)作定语 分词短语做定语时,放在被修饰的名词之后;单个分词做定语时,放在被 修饰的名词之前例如 :The man standing by the window is our teacher.The excited peopIe rushed into the buiIding 注意:现在分词作定语时,它表示的动作是正在进行或与谓语动词所表示的 动作几乎同时发生,如果两个动作有先有后,一般不能用现在分词作定语,而要 用定语从句。The teacher criticized the student who had

12、 broken the window 现在分词作定语的差异:现在分词在句中作定语时,不仅存在前置与后置的区别,而且存在状态、时 间与形式上的差异。一、状态差异 现在分词作定语明显存在状态差异。一般来讲,前置的现在分词静感强。 而后置现在分词动感强。学习时要注意体会这一点。例 1:The Iabouring peopIe are the wisest.例 2:The farmers Iabouring here are not afraid of snakes 能前置的现在分词为数不太多,常见的大都是已被形容词化了的现在分 词。这一点主要表现在有些现在分词前常有程度副词, 有些现在分词甚至还有比

13、 较等级。例 3: I have brought very exciting news to you 例 4: This is the most exciting story that I have ever read 二、时间差异时间差异指现在分词表示的动作发生的时间差异。 有些现在分词作定语时表 示正在进行的动作。这些现在分词若改为定语从句宜用进行时态。例 5: Did you tell the children playing there not to make any noise?Did you tell the children who were playing there not

14、to make any noise? 例 6: The American president visiting China now will return on Saturday.The American president who is visiting China now will return on Saturday. 有些现在分词作定语时则表示经常性动作或现在 (或当时 )的状态。此类现在分词若改为定语从句宜用一般时态, 而不宜用进行时态。 若译成汉语也应注意体现这 一点。例 7: They stayed at a hotel standing by the lake.例 8: The

15、 temple standing on top of the hill was built in the Ming Dynasty.三、形式差异从形式来看, 前置现在分词多为单个分词, 而后置现在分词多为短语。 换 句话说,若用现在分词作定语,单个分词要前置,分词短语要后置。但也不能绝 对如此,要视情况而定。要是强调动感,即使是单个分词也应后置。例 9: Look! The girl singing is Alice and the one dancing is Mary 从容来讲, 前置现在分词多为不及物动词, 没有自己的宾语或状语。 后置现 在分词可带宾语或状语。 有时前置现在分词也可有自

16、己的宾语或状语, 不过要置 于分词前,且中间要有连词符号。当然,带比较级时除外。例 10:Barking dogs seldom bite 例 11: The person translating the songs can speak seven languages.例 12: England and America are English-speaking countries 值得说明的是, 现在分词的完成式与被动式一般都不能用作前置定语, 只能作后 置定语,使用时应慎重。例 13 : We must keep a secret of the things being discussed

17、here 2)作状语 分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、行为方式、伴随状况等。例; Being a student, I must study hard.( 原因 )While reading the book, he nodded from time to time (时间 )The teacher stood there surrounded by the students (方式 )注:分词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致. 注:表示时间关系的分词短语有时可由连接词 while或when引出.有时“ with( without十名词(或代词宾格)十分词”的结构,表示

18、伴随状 况例; He lay half dead , with all his ribs broken 注:当分词的逻辑主语与主句的主语不同时:分词必须有自己的主语.例如 :Time permitting, I will finish another lesson 3)作表语. The news is inspiring. /The glass is broken .4)作宾语补足语例如 :We saw the teacher making the experiment.注意.感官动词 feel, hear, listen to, see, watch , notice, observe, l

19、ook at( 感二听五看)及 find 等既可以接现在分词又可以接过去分词充当补足语 ,既可以用现在分词构成复合宾 语,也可以用不定式构成复合宾语,但两者的含义是有差别的,用现在分词,表 示动作正在发生, (即处于发生的过程中,还没有结束 ),用不定式表示动作发生 了, (即动作全过程结束了 )。I saw the girl getting on the tractor I saw the girl get on the tractor and drive off He had his clothes washed. ( 他叫别人洗了衣服 )We had the fire burning a

20、ll day (我们使火燃烧了一整天 )。“ have十宾语十现在分词”表示主体使客体处于某状态或干什么 事;“ have 十宾语十过去分词”表示动作是别人做的或与主体意志无关If you wave your book in front of your face, you can feel the air moving against your face.The air can be felt moving against your face, if you wave your bookin front of your face.The next morning she found the m

21、an lying in bed, dead.The next morning the man was found lying in bed, dead.2.表示“致使”动词 get ,have,leave 等既可以接现在分词又可以接过去分 词充当补足语。-Good morning. Can I help you?-Id like to have the package weighed, madam.(MET89)3.表示“意欲;命令”的动词如 like ,want,wish,order 等常接过去分词 充当补足语。如:You must tell us exactly what you woul

22、d like done. 你必须准确地告诉我们该做什么。The father wants his daughter taught the piano. 这位父亲想让女儿学钢琴。I wish it done quickly. 我希望很快将此事做完。set , start , catch常跟现在分词作宾语补足语,make常跟过去分词 作宾语补足语。He looked around and caught a man putting his hand into the pocketof a passenger.(2004 年春季卷 )典例精析:1.I smell something in the ki

23、tchen. Can I call you backin a minute? (2007 全国 I)A. burning B. burnt C. being burnt D. to be burnt答案: A。 解析: smell something burning “闻着什么东西在燃烧而发出 糊味”强调这个动作正在进行。 burning 作宾语补足语。 something burnt “烧 焦了的东西”表示一种状态。所以选 A。2.After a knock at the door, the child heard his mothers voice him. (2007 年卷 )A. ca

24、lling B. called C. being called D. to callA解析:hear sb. doing sth.意为“听到某人在做某事”。 动词+ing表示主动, the child heard his mothers voice calling him 表示“孩子听见他母亲喊他”。 hear sth. done 表示“听见某事被做了”。3.Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English in a short period. (2007 年卷)A. improved

25、B. improving C. to improve D. improveA。解析:have sth. done 表示“使某事被做”,have her writtenEnglish improved “使她的书面英语得到提高”。动词 +ed 形式作宾语补足语 表示被动。 have sb. doing sth. 意为“使某人一直在做某事”表主动。 have sb. do sth. 意为“使某人做某事”表主动, do 前必须省略 to 。4.- Did Peter fix the computer himself?- He , because he doesnt know much about c

26、omputers. (2007)A. has it fixed B. had fixed it C. had it fixed D. fixed itC。have sth. done表示“使某事被做或请别人做某事”,动词+ed形式作宾语补足语表示被动。由 because he does nt know much aboutcomputers 可判断出2011年高考英语非谓语动词考点及精品练习题 ( 十)典型陷阱题分析1.Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could a good college.A. enter B

27、. to enterC. entering D. entered【陷阱】容易误选A。有的同学一看到空格前的情态动词 could就断定此处应填动词原形enter。【分析】其实正确答案应是B。此句为省略句,即在could 后省略了动词 do ,若把句子补完整应为 Everyone in our class was working hard and doing what we could do to enter a good college 。即句中的不定式短语(to enter a good college)是用作目的状语的,而不是与情态动词(could) 一起构成谓语。请再看类似例句:(1) T

28、hey did what they could to comfort her.他们尽量安慰她。(2) They did everything they could to save her life.他们尽一切力量拯救她的性命值得指出的是,这也并不是说今后只要遇到类似结构的题就一定选带 to 不定式 请看以下试题:(4)He ran as fast as he could to catch the early bus.A. to hope B. hopeC. hoping D. hoped此题的答案是 C不是A,其中的现在分词短语 hoping to catch the early bus 用作

29、伴随状语。(5)He spent every minute he could spoken English.A. practise practiseB. toC. practising practisedD.此题答案选C,这与前面动词spent的搭配有关,即spend(in) doing sth。若将此句补充完整,即为 He spent every minute he could spend in practising spoken English.(6) Before going abroad he devoted all he could D his oralEnglish.A. improve B. toimproveC. improving improvingD. to此题答案选D,注意两点:一是devoteto 是固定搭配,意为“把 贡献给”;二是其中的to是介词,不是不定式符号,后接动词时要用动名 词。2. He knows nothing about i

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