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1、pictures, word cards, cassette player, and soft toy animals 集体备课二度备课导学过程温故互查:1.Using two soft toy animals to review the greetings and response.2. Move round the class and greet individual students using Good morning. How are you?3. Ask students to greet each other in pairs.设问导读:一、1. Invite one stude

2、nt to stand up. Say: He/She is your classmate. Youre classmates.2. Imitation (Show the word card) Ask students to read the word several times.3. Invite a different student to stand up. Ask: Whats his/her name? Prompt the students to say: This is my classmate. His/Her names _.4. Substitution: In grou

3、ps of four, have students introduce their classmates.二、1. Show the toy dog. Ask: Whose dog is this? to elicit: Its Kitty and Bens dog.2. Play the cassette: This is our dog. His names Sam.3. Imitation:a. Show the word card. Ask students to read the word.b. Play the cassette again. The students listen

4、 and repeat.合作探究:1. In groups of four, have the students practice the dialogue.2. Play a game (Look and talk)a. Write the numbers on the back of the word card. b. Students choose the different numbers.c. Then ask students to complete the dialogue according to their cards.3. Free talk Encourage stude

5、nts to introduce their pets, their classmates using their own name and their toy animals.巩固练习:Answer the questions: Whos Eddies classmate? Whos Wendy? Whose cat is this? Whats the cats name?拓展延伸:1. Introduce your parents using This is His/Her names2.Write about one of your classmates.板书设计Unit 1 Hell

6、o again!GreetingsGood morning.How are you?导学反思2Module 1 Unit 1 Hello again (Period 2)1.Using verbs to describe actions. e.g. run, swim, jump 2.Using modals to talk about ability. e.g. She can run.3.Using connectives to link contrasting ideas .4.Saying the sound ch- Write a simple, wor

7、d cards, cassette player, and mask1. Say and act: sing, draw, write2. Sentence making:e.g. I can draw a dog. I can sing a song.一、1.Ask students to guess what Superman can do.2.Put the word and picture cards on the board in random order. Using mine, introduce: run, swim, jump, dive, and fly.3.Read th

8、e words with actions.4.Invite individual students to come out and match the words and pictures.5.Invite students to say what Superman can do.e.g. He can run. He can dive.二、1.Ask students what they think Superma cant do.2.Using mime, introduce: cook3.Introduce: Superman can fly. But he cant cook.1.Tr

9、ue or FalseAsk students to read the statements in Read and answer. Do number 1 and number 2 with the students to help them understand the words True and False. Then ask them to finish the rest of the exercise.2. Invite students to retell the story. 3.Draw and writeDivide students into groups of four

10、. Have them draw a picture of their favourite cartoon character and write the caption underneath. Then talk about each drawing.1. Have students repeat the sound and words after you.2. Play the cassette. Students listen and repeat.3.Invite individual students to read aloud the sentences.1. Retell the

11、 story.2. Write a story about your favourite cartoon character.Look and learnrun, jump, swim, dive, fly3Module 1 Unit 1 Hello again (Period 3) 1. Using verbs to describe actions. e.g. paint, read 2. Using interrogatives to ask yes/no -questions to obtain simple responses. e.g. Can you swim?3. Using

12、modals to talk about ability. Talking about ability to establish friendly relations with your, word cards, cassette player,Invite individual students to come to the board and choose a Picture Card and mime whether they can do or cant do a particular action. The rest of the class

13、say: He/She can/cant一、1.Introduce: paint by miming a painting action, and then stick the Word and Picture Cards on the board.2.Read the word with action.3.Ask individual students: Can you paint? Yes, I can./No, I cant,4.Ask and answer in pairs.二、1.Draw a picture on the board. Ask: What can she do? S

14、he can read.2.Read the word in different voices.Ask individual students: Can you read?3.What can you read? I canread English/a story.三、1.Play the cassette: Look and say. Students listen.2.Play the cassette again. The students follow in their books and, in groups of four, practice the dialogue.1. Sho

15、w a photo album. Tell students that it is your album. Encourage them to ask about your photograph using Can you ?2. Students work in pairs using the pictures in Ask and answer to find out what their partner can and cannot do.Do a survey:Ask students to walk around the class and interview three to fi

16、ve classmates. Students are to find their classmates who can or cannot do a certain thing.1. Complete Workbook page two.2. Write about your ability using I canListen and sayCan you Yes, I can. No, I cant.4Module 1 Unit 2 How old are you? (Period 1)1. 能听懂,会说,会读本课对话. 2会相互询问对方年龄,庆贺对方生日,增进感情。3能运用本科知识,在一

17、定的语境中进行扩散性的对话。1. 会询问对方的年龄,说出对方的年龄。2. 灵活运用所学知识进行情景会话。 pictures , cards , tape 1.( Show the picture of Supergirl.) T: Do you like Supergirl? Can you introduce her?2. Please introduce your good friend for us. 3.T: Can you?P: Yes, I can. (No, I cant.)( Show four childrens face on the board.)T: Today is

18、those childrens birthday.Introduce: Hes Paul. Today is his birthday. Hes nine today. Happy birthday, Paul.T; How old are you?Pa: Im How old are you?Pb:Look and say.Have students listen and repeat. Then invite pairs of students to do simple role-plays using the dialogue.1. Divide students into groups

19、 of four.2. One student asks the others of four.How old are you?3. The other groups ask: How old is ? The student answers : Hes/Shes The student with the most correct answer wins the game.Free talk.e.g. Hello, Im Nice to see you. Whats your name?Unit 2 How old are you? Im How old is he/she?5 (Period

20、 2)1. 能听懂,会读,会说本课对话。2. 初步了解做生日贺卡的步骤的简单用语。3. 能灵活运用生日用语进行交际性的情景会话。1. 本课对话的掌握及制作贺卡的简单用语。2. 能灵活运用生日用语进行交际性的情景会话。tape , pictures , knife, cake, birthday card1. T: Your book is on the ground. Here you are. Thank you.2. T: Ive got many presents for you. What do you want? Pa: I want Heres your Thank you, Te

21、acher.1. Use the pictures on the board to introduce new lexical items. e.g. fruit, biscuits, sandwiches, ice-cream. Introduce: a birthday card. For average and more able students, introduce a few lexical items, e.g. chocolate cakes, cheesecakes candles, juice, etc2.Look and sayStudents listen. Intro

22、duce: blow by lighting a candle and blowing it out. Introduce: cut. Use a knife and cut a cake.3.Play the cassette again. Students listen and repeat. Then invite groups of students to act the story in front of the class.Ask students to have a birthday to Ann. Then work in pairs.Tell students that th

23、ey are going to make a birthday card. Ask them to read the instructions and look at the pictures in Make a birthday card.A birthday party Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Alice. Blow, Alice.Cut the cake, Alice.6 (Period 3)会用句型 Is this your ?进行问答。2. 培养学生之间团结友爱的精神。3.灵活运用本课句型,对话进行情景会话。能将本课句型

24、,对话运用到一定的语境中进行交际性会话。a big bag, cassette, pencilHow old is he/she?Whats your name?Whats his/her name?1. Play the cassette: Say and act.Students listen and follow in their books. Introduce: ride. Encourage students to guess the meaning of it by looking at the pictures.2. Play the cassette again. Stude

25、nts listen and repeat. Then work in pairsInvite pairs of students to do the role-play in front of the class. Have students vote for the best pair.Students take turns to ask questions and play a game similar to the one in the Pre-task preparation. The fastest group to find out which object belongs to

26、 whom will be the winner.1. Have students work in pairs and complete Read, circle and write orally.2. Students fill in the blanks individuallyInvite pairs of students to read the dialogues to the class. The rest of1.Use “ Is this your ?” to get some information.2.Make five sentences about: Is this? Yes, No,

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