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1、a:45:i:0;s:28300:台上一分钟,台下十年功!# VS 好方法事半功倍,坏方法事倍功半!#小学英语学习方法和#考试答题技巧精(汇)编#(仅供老师和学生家长参考)#第一篇 小学英语学习方法#具有一定的学习英语的方法,才能提高和发展学习能力,好方法事半功倍,坏方法事倍功半!#。#一、小学英语学习的误区和正确方法#1、背单词禁忌:#千万别死背拼写#千万别死背单词的拼写,那样跟死背电话号码没有差别,谁也背不下成千上万的电话号码,同样谁也背不下成千上万个由26个字母组成的电话号码(即英语)。#英语是拼音文字,记住英语单词的最正确方法、也是最简单方法、最可靠方法就是记住单词的发音。#其他的方法

2、都不是根本方法,记住的单词都会被忘记。#请大家想一想,有哪个中国人背过汉语拼音,可掌握了汉语拼音的人都可以用汉语拼音在计算机上打字,人们打字时打进的拼音是什么,是记住的汉语拼音字母吗,不是,而是汉字的发音,音发得准的人都能使用汉语拼音打字,同样英语音发得准的人就可以记住英语单词的拼写。#中国人从没有见过谁背汉语拼音,同样外国人从没见过谁背过英语单词的拼写,拼音文字靠发准音记住拼写,这是天经地义的。#要想记住英语单词的拼写,必须发准英语音。#请练准英语单词的发音,就可以进入记字无难,记字无忧的境界。#2、英语学习5误区 #众多五花八门的培训班让家长们迷茫困惑,难做取舍。#其实,家长要认清英语学习

3、的若干误区,才能作出较为明智的选择。# #误区一:#“钱花到了就行”#对策:#正确的选择是成功的一半,不是钱花到了就行,而是钱花对了才行。#家长在选择学校时,首先要综合考虑孩子的具体情况及其学校的教学特点。#选择正确了,会使其成为校内学习的有力补充,相得益彰;#反之,耗时低效,不如不上。#学校类型选对了,还要考察办学的质量和信誉。#家长们应该慎重地分析比较,选择社会信誉好,办学态度严肃踏实,管理正规,有一定规模和历史的培训学校。#误区二:#背单词是外语学习的首要#对策:#语言运用能力最重要。#有些家长总是认为校外英语学习课堂的老师如果不经常默写单词,就是不负责任。#在检查孩子学习成果时也以背会


5、课堂不仅满足了视觉要求,激发兴趣,而且能培养其观察能力,拓宽学习渠道,培养合作精神。#教师所营造的参与,求知和宽松的学习环境给孩子提供了充分的活动和交流的机会。#孩子间的互助和竞争也会激励进取心。#误区五:#追求通级#对策:#学习过程是根本。#一些家长总觉得一纸证书在手,真真切切触摸到了自己的付出得到的回报,心里踏实。#其实这种满足让孩子在不具备足够实力的情况下,以低分勉强通级不会有什么积极作用。# 当然级别证书并非一无是处,经过一个阶段的学习和训练后,积累到一定程度,水到渠成,再拿证书,把它看作这一阶段的成果印证,其意义远大于实用价值。#当然,设置科学的级别考试是正确教学方法的导向,不过在选







12、们,不要害怕“善变”的小升初英语考试,就当是平时的一次小测验,只有一小部分是较难题,简单题答对了就一定会胜利。#二、看课本#我想说的是,教科书是重中之重。#这包括两类:#一是,孩子校内的课本;#二是,校外的。#(1)校内的课本:#不要小看校内的小学课本,它们是基础的基础,不可不重视,在对历年小升初英语考题分析上看,简单题(即基础题)占了相当的一部分,#如,There _ a pen and some books on the table。 B.are答案就是A。# 因为“就近原则”。#这是课本例句,可见课本的重要性。#(2)校外的:#结合题复习复习,该背诵的段落要背。#三


14、色、文具、动物、食品、称谓、职业等,进行分类记忆。#2.整体记忆:#把几个字母看作一个整体来记。#如:#“ow”再加上不同的字母,可组成how,cow,low,now,town,down,know”等。#“ight”在前面加上不同的字母,可组成eight,light,right,fight,night等。#3.形象记忆:#如:#“tree”把tr看成树干和树枝,把“ee”看成树叶。#“eye” 把两“e”看成两个眼,中间的“y”是鼻子。#“banana”把a看成一个个的香蕉。#“bird”把b和d看成两个翅膀等等。#4.加法记忆:#如:#afternoon=afternoon,schoolba

15、g=schoolbag。#5.比较记忆:#英汉比较,如:#T-shirt(T恤)。#同音词的比较,如:#eye-I, see-sea,right-write。#6.读音记忆:#根据字母组合、读音规则进行记忆,会读一个单词,便会拼写出来。#7.感官记忆:#记单词时,尽可能地用多个感官,耳听、嘴读、手写、眼看、心记等。#8.卡片记忆:#自制单词卡片随身带着,有空就拿出来读一读,记一记单词。#9.复习记忆:#记住了的单词,过段时间不看就忘记了,所以每隔一段时间要进行复习,巩固所学单词。#10.睡眠记忆:#晚上睡前读两遍要记的单词,然后睡觉。#第二天醒来后再读两遍,这样记忆效果不错。#五、怎么使英语学

16、习进步快#小学阶段是学英语的黄金期,小学生到底该怎么学英语才最有效呢?#为了家长和孩子们少走弯路,苏州新东方学校泡泡少儿英语中心主管解琪给大家支了一招。#“小学生学英语,从家庭环境的角度,有两个方法非常有效。#”解琪说。#首先,收集日常生活中常用英文,反复操练,直至脱口而出。#父母一有机会,就创造语言环境,诱导孩子用英语对话。#比如可进行下面的练习:#父母:#May I bother you for a minute?# (我可以打扰你几分钟吗?#)#孩子:# Sure,What can I do for you?# (当然,有什么需要帮忙的吗?#)#或说出中文,让孩子翻译成英文。#不要过多解


18、的困难主要表现在三个方面:#1、缺少语言环境。#他们的父母常常困惑:#“每星期来上两三个小时的课管用吗?#”“我自己英语说得也是结结巴巴的,怎样在家里给孩子制造一个英语环境呢?#”#2.缺乏学英语的兴趣。#比如有的家长会说:#“我家的宝宝只对唱歌跳舞和玩具感兴趣。#”#3.口语能力会明显落后于其他技能,比如,有的孩子动手做纸工的能力比较强,但一遇到开口说话就害怕。#七、学习英语的10个好习惯#学习英语的最高境界是什么?#是习惯!#只有习惯了学习、使用英语,那么才有可能掌握英语。#下面列举出学习英语的十个好习惯,帮助掌握学习英语的窍门。# #1将英语真正融入日常生活。#不要学英语,而要生活在英语

19、当中。# #2把难单词、难句子制作成海报,贴在家里最显眼的地方,不知不觉就掌握了。# #3睁开眼睛的第一件事就是“大声喊英语”。#喊出一天的活力和辉煌,喊出一天的充实和成功。# #4入睡前一定要大喊英语十分钟。#让英语进入潜意识,做梦也在学英语。# #5“四个一”原则:#每当读英语或说英语的时候,做到一抬头、一挺胸、一收小腹、一用力。#6尽量多地听录音。#这是最有效、最便宜的学习方法。#听得越多,语感就越好,而且英语发音就越好听。#7养成随身携带英语书的习惯。#在窗边、厨房、客厅,甚至厕所都放了英语书,快速看上一两分钟就足够了。#什么都怕天天做,什么都怕坚持。#8养成一种好的习惯:#善于利用一

20、天当中大量的、被忽略的、被浪费的一分钟、两分钟。#一旦有了这个习惯,一天将是两天,甚至三天。# #9要养成热爱丢脸的习惯。#管它说好说坏,只管疯狂地说。#只有这样才会越说越好。#10忘掉谦虚,卖弄得越多,记忆得越牢。#11、某优秀学生 小学英语的学习心得#一岁就看英语原版动画片 #11岁的女儿能在比赛中夺冠,爸爸并不是特别意外。#爸爸说:#“之前孩子已经参加过英语大赛,得过五年级组的全市第二名。#我对她的实力有了大概的了解。#”#说到对晓月在英语学科上的培养,晓月爸爸笑着说那是“随便玩玩”。#如何“玩”出个全市无敌?#晓月的秘诀是,玩也要坚持玩到底。#她对英语学科的玩法就两条:#听原声和15分

21、钟小预习。#晓月的语言接受力特别强,一岁识字,18个月的时候,就开始接触英语。#晓月爸的教育方式很简单,挑选原版动画片,当背景音乐放给孩子听。#她高兴看的时候就看,做别的事情的时候,声音也还是萦绕在耳边。#晓月爸从来不要求女儿刻意地学习、模仿原声,这就跟她学说中文一样,不用教一句学一句,有了语言环境,她听都听会了。#十几年来,晓月一直保持这种习惯,听听动画片,耳朵里刮进几句英文,平常就能很自然地崩出好多地道的词汇和句子,她的英语听说能力特别强。# #15分钟预习雷打不动#英语是陆晓月的强项,也是她的爱好,但从来没有被要求参加过任何英语培训和辅导。#晓月说,自从三年级开始正式学习英语课之后,唯一


23、下一步学习中的语言障碍#各单元的学习都是从词汇入手的,可以说生词是英语课堂教学的主要障碍。#对于这些障碍,一方面我们可以根据新旧知识的联系加以分析;#另一方面我们可以借助字典和其他工具书,把生词的拼写、读音、词性、用法及例句记在笔记本上;#对于课文,可以查阅相关资料,了解课文内容的背景知识。#下面给出几种方法作为参考:#1.掌握所要预习中新课的词组,做到读音准确,词义明确,对四会词还要会拼写正确。# #2.利用词典或课后注释,找出课文句型、重点、难点,找出疑难点,初步了解所要学的内容。# #3.听录音模仿朗读、跟读对话和阅读短文。# #三、预习过程中要做好预习笔记#做好预习笔记须做到以下几点:

24、#一是摘抄新旧短语和表达法。#旧的短语和表达法一段时间不用,很快就会生疏,每一次复现都是一次有效的复习;#二是摘抄典型句型,这样可以不断丰富我们的语言材料和语言知识;#三要注意把预习过程中遇到的难点记录下来,以便听课的时候有针对性;#四是预习笔记可以同课堂笔记合一,使课堂笔记成为预习笔记的补充和延伸。#四、英语从身边学起#学好英语,必须从激发和培养他们的学习兴趣入手,家长可在日常生活中,通过身边小事培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣,让少儿在轻松和愉快的氛围中学习英语。#1、在日常生活中学英语语言,是在不断地听、说、模仿、使用中丰富提高的,特别是幼儿的外语学习。#比如坚持用英语问好“Good mornin

25、g”;#洗手时用英语说“Please wash your hands”(请你洗手);#吃饭时,告诉孩子米饭(rice)、鸡蛋(egg)等名称。#这样,幼儿不用刻意去学,在日常生活中听几遍,也就记住了。#2、在游戏中使用英语。#少儿英语学习不能局限于专门组织的英语活动,要注重幼儿在各项活动中对英语的使用与练习。#比如在老狼、老狼几点了游戏中,既能学习“现在几点了?#”(What time is it?#)等语句和数字1-12,又培养了奔跑的能力。#3、利用实物主动学英语。#在一些具体物品上,相应贴上英语单词卡,比如门、钢琴、药箱、杯、柜等,通过长时间的累积,无形中增大了孩子的单词量,引起对英语的

26、反应和使用。#而这些单词在专门的教学中,孩子要学上很长时间才能掌握。#九、小学五六年级学生单词和句子的记忆方法 #1、形似记忆法 # 比如look,see,eye都是和眼睛有关的单词。#可以用形似的记忆法。#pencil通常比pen长,所以pen后面长尾巴的就是pencil。#2、拼音记忆法 #Good morning.汉语拼音中mo的发音为“么哦”-摸。#可以给morning一点提示。#Good afternoon.汉语拼音a的发音为“阿”,也有些辅助记忆的功效。# 同理arm也可以这样来记。# #four和five很容易混淆,four用拼音来记忆f+o-“佛”的谐音,就能分辨清楚。#sin

27、g-s+ing #3、见缝插针说英语 #(1)买东西的时候,可以提示小朋友说:#Give me #(2)每天吃饭前,可以说Sit down, please.饭后对长辈说Stand up, please。#端菜的时候,或者递东西可以说Here you are.收到东西说Thank you.#(3)看见不认识的东西,可以问:#Whats this?# #(4)见到陌生人学会自我介绍:#Hello, Im May. Im seven years old. Im a girl. I can sing a little song. I can read English. I can write.#4、联

28、想记忆法:#设法把单词的音、形、义联系起来#记忆以联想为基础,联想的建立就如同是为记忆提供更多的线索,线索越多,记住这个词就越容易,提取这个词也就越顺利。#从问卷调查和平时的观察中,我们可以总结出以下几点:#(1)拼写联想,即将拼写类似的单词一起记忆。#如:#think,thin,ink;#could,would,should;#book,look,cook;#boy,toy 等。#(2)意义联想,即从词义方面联想与其有关联的词。#如想到同义词:#tabledesk;#想到反义词:#tallshort;#想到同类词:#由 ship 联想到各种交通工具 bus,car,bike,plane,tr

29、ain 等。#(3)形-义联想法,就是对单词的结构赋予一定的想象。#如 eye,可以认为这个单词中的两个 e 就是两个眼睛,y 就像一个鼻子。#(4)音-义联想法,就是设法把单词的音和义联想起来。#这种方法主要适用于一部分单词,记忆时,要加以想象,如 cab 想象为“汽车开吧”等。#(5)视觉图像联想法,即在语言学习中,可以给图片加上标签,或者看到词与词组时产生视觉想象。#研究表明:#大部分同学有采取视觉图像学习的倾向性,因此在小学课本中会有大量的插图,利用图片学习的效果显著。#(6)感觉或动作联想法,即学到某一个单词时,会产生相应的感觉或做出相应的动作。#例如:#当我们学到“cold,hot

30、 .”等词时,会产生“冷、热”的感觉;#学到“play football”时,应想到或做出“踢足球”的动作,这是一个事半功倍的办法。#我在学习“drop”一词时,让同学们把手中的东西,如铅笔、尺子、书等掉下来,后来单词测验时,几乎没有同学不知道drop的中文意思是“掉下”。# #十、好的英语是“读”出来的#学习英语的确要做适当练习。#但我认为,归根结底,好的英语是“读”出来的,不是做练习“做”出来的。#“读”出来的英语是地道的、自然的,因为使用者依持的是“语感”;#“做”出来的英语往往流于生硬,因为使用者是依赖“语法规则”硬“做”的。# #一谈到阅读,人们便不由自主地想到“苦读”。#教师让学生

31、读点英语材料,就像给孩童吃中药,需要捏着鼻子硬灌下去。#自然效果也不会好。# #阅读英语应当轻松愉快,也可以轻松愉快。#要做到这一点,阅读材料的选择是首要的。#也就是说,要选择生动、有趣、富有吸引力而又能启发心智的材料(或书籍)。#这类书具有以下几个共同特点:#一、可读性很强,让人立即产生阅读的欲望,一旦上手,就放不下来了,不会感到学英语是沉重的负担了。#二、容易读,不大会产生阅读障碍。#三、有助于扩大知识面,提高文化素养。# #至于阅读的方法,我主张一口气读下去,即便有个别单词挡道,只要不影响整体内容的理解,就不必停下来查词典,更没有必要见到好句子停下来就抄。#因为那样会打断思路,影响阅读速

32、度,甚至扼杀阅读的兴趣。#不要以为读完一本书没有记下某个词语或某个句子就是一无所得。#阅读的主要目的在于语言吸收上的“潜移默化”,在于获得语感。#阅读需要“量”,没有大量的语言“输入”,是难以学好英语的。#而我们国内的英语学习者恰恰语言输入量太少,当然输出量就更少。#结果往往事倍功半。#十一、小学英语怎样学#1、孩子背诵单词的能力。#孩子在小学阶段到底能学会多少单词呢?#我们计算一下:# 每天学会一个,每年至少能掌握250个,那么六年下来,就能学会1500个单词,小学毕业时,词汇量已经达到了初中水平,孩子的听.说.读写能力相应也会达到较高水平。# 2学会音标,为背单词扫清障碍。#要想高效背诵单

33、词,学会音标很重要,会音标对背单词的好处:#(1)自己会拼读单词发音,通过以音领意,帮助孩子背单词;#(2)学会音标里的拼读规则(如oo在一起发u,ea在一起发i 帮助孩子高效背单词。#3正确背诵单词的方法。#正确背诵单词的方法可使孩子的学习事半功倍。#笔者推荐以下学习方法:#(1)首先学会单词发音(跟老师或英语学习软件、有声词典等读);#(2)每个单词在纸上写5-10遍(此步最重要);#(3)用眼、口、耳、脑进行综合记忆;#(4)进行单词测试,检验学习成果,把不会的筛选出来,并进一步记忆;#(5)在遗忘临界点重复记忆学会的单词,克服遗忘。#4、通过大量读、背英语文章;i:1;s:645:新版

34、PEP小学英语六年级上册第三单元单词表#visit 拜访 #film 电影# see a film 看电影 # trip 旅行#take a trip 去旅行 #supermarket 超市# evening 晚上, 傍晚#tonight 在今晚 # tomorrow 明天 # next week 下周 # dictionary 词典 # comic 滑稽的 # comic book 连环画册#word 单词 # word book 单词书#postcard 明信片#lesson 课#space 太空#travel 旅行 #half 一半#price 价格 #Mid-autumn Day 中秋

35、节 #together 一起 #get together 聚会 #mooncake 月饼 #poem 诗#moon 月亮#;i:2;s:19804:#闽教版小学英语五年级上册教案#Unit 1Meeting New Friends文化和语言注释#1.本单元的主要话题是“结识新朋友”,功能为询问人物身份,描述人物的特征。#主要语法内容是:#以which开头的特殊疑问句;#that用作形容词和指示代词;#介词beside,behind,with的用法;#ch和tch的读音规则。#本套教材从五年级上册开始每单元只有Part A教学语音,在Part B部分则增加了阅读回答问题栏目。#2.Whos th

36、at boy?#(那个男孩是谁?#)#Which boy?#(哪个男孩?#)#The tall boy beside Wang Tao.(王涛旁边的那个高个子男孩。#)#Thats Peter.Hes a new pupil.(那是彼得,一位新来的学生。#)#(1)“that”在英文中是一个使用频率很高的单词,有多种词性。#本课中that指离说话人较远的人物。#在Whos that boy?#(那个男孩是谁?#)这个句子中,that作形容词,后接单数名词,而后接复数名词时则要用those。#例如:#Look at that monkey.(看那只猴子。#)#Look at those monk

37、eys.(看那些猴子。#)#在That s Peter.这一句中that作代词用,指代前面说过的“that boy”。#(2)Which boy?#(哪个男孩?#)#which在句子中作疑问形容词,后接名词。#类似的用法在本套教材四年级上册的第2单元学过:#Which class are you in?#(你在哪个班级?#)又例如:#Which book do you like?#(你喜欢哪一本书?#)#which 也可以作疑问代词,如:#Which is your classroom?#(哪一间是你们的教室?#)#(3)The tall boy beside Wang Tao.(王涛旁边的那

38、个高个子男孩。#)#beside是介词,意思是“在旁边”、“在附近”。#如:#The girl is sitting beside her mother.(女孩坐在她母亲的旁边。#) #There is a tree beside the house.(房子的附近有一棵树。#)#在句子The tall boy beside Wang Tao.中,beside Wang Tao作定语用,修饰boy,解释为“王涛旁边的”。#英语后置的定语形式和汉语的定语形式差别较大,学生在理解掌握方面有一定困难,教师要多举例说明。#本单元第3页的Ask and answer.栏目提供了部分例句和练习,以下几个例子

39、供参考:#the boy with blue eyes (蓝眼睛的男孩)#the girl with a red umbrella (拿着一把红雨伞的女孩)#the boy in a black car (黑色小轿车里的男孩)#the baby in pink (穿粉红色衣服的婴儿)#(4)pupil的意思是“小学生”,也指画家、音乐家等的“弟子”。#3.Hes very good at sports.(他体育运动方面非常好。#)#be good at意思是“擅长”,由于at是介词,在其后要用名词、代词的宾格或动名词。#如:#Lily is good at math and English.B

40、ut Im not good at them.(李丽数学和英语都很好,但是我这两门功课都不好。#)#Julia is very good at playing the violin.(朱莉娅小提琴拉得很好。#)#4.字母组合ch,tch 可以读作/ /,除了本单元第3页的例词外,学过的含有ch,tch的单词还有:#teacher,which,children,chicken等。#字母组合ch的另一种读音是/k/,如:#Christmas,school。#5.本单元的B部分继续学习和巩固A部分所学的主要句型。#B部分学到单词hair,教师可以借此机会帮助学生复习表示人体各部位的单词。#6.The

41、 girl with short hair.(短头发的那个女孩。#)#这一句中的with short hair也是介词短语作定语,修饰the girl。#short 解释为“短的”时,其反义词是long(长的);#当short 意思为“矮的”时,其反义词是tall(高的)。#7.He is from Australia.(他来自澳大利亚。#)#澳大利亚(Australia)不仅国土辽阔,而且物产丰富,是南半球经济最发达的国家,全球第十二大经济体,全球第四大农产品出口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国家。#澳大利亚的官方语言是英语,首都是堪培拉。#1770年至1900年,澳大利亚曾是英国的殖民地

42、。#在此之前,澳大利亚完全是土著居民居住的地方。#1901年,殖民统治结束,澳大利亚成为一个独立的联邦。#澳大利亚人口高度都市化,近一半国民居住在悉尼和墨尔本这两大城市。#澳大利亚是一个体育强国,常年举办多项全球体育盛事,是每年的一级方程式赛车和澳大利亚网球公开赛的常年主办国,曾两次主办夏季奥运会。#8.Come and play basketball with us.(来和我们一起打篮球吧。#)#with是介词,在其后要使用名词、代词的宾格或动名词。#如:#Tom is my brother.I often play football with him.(汤姆是我哥哥/弟弟,我常和他一起踢足

43、球。#)#9.But I like to watch you play.(但是我喜欢看你们打篮球。#)#注意watch you play中跟在宾语之后的动词要用原形,即使宾语是第三人称单数形式,接在其后的动词仍要用原形。#如:#I often watch my sister dance.(我经常观看我姐姐/妹妹跳舞。#)#PartA教学目标语言知识目标#1.学习单词tall,pupil,Australia,能够初步运用beside,behind,on等表示方位的介词。#2.学习句型:#Whos that boy?#Which boy?#The boy beside/behind/with.#H

44、es a new pupil.#3.学习字母组合ch和tch在单词中的发音。#4.学说韵律诗:#Whos the Girl?#5.学唱歌曲:#Do You Know the Tall Boy?#6.功能:#能用英语描述他人。#语言技能目标#1.能用英语描述他人所处的方位。#2.能用英语介绍他人的一些简单信息。#情感态度#通过学习谚语A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情。#)告诉学生要善于交友,团结友爱。#文化意识#了解澳大利亚的概况。#教具准备#1.单词卡片:#(1)单词卡片:#ball,wall和tall等。#(2)词组卡片:#play bas

45、ketball,play the violin等。#(3)一些班牌卡片。#(4)新词beside,behind和Australia的卡片。#2.澳大利亚的国旗、伦敦大本钟、北京天安门、上海东方明珠、台湾阿里山等图片。#3.Peter的头像一张,玩具娃娃一个,本班学生集体照一张。#4.录音机或教学光盘。#教学过程#Step 1 Warming up#1.师生互致问候。#2.师生自由对话,如:# is our new friend.Hello,#!# Nice to meet you.#Where are you from?#Which class are you in?#Can you sing

46、?#Can you play basketball?#等。#3.欣赏歌曲:#Do You Know the Tall Boy?#4.教师指着歌曲的题目说:#“Do you know the tall boy?#”边说边出示单词卡片ball,wall,tall,帮助学生学习新词tall的音、形、义,然后告诉学生:#“He is our new friend,Peter.Today lets talk about Meeting New Friends.”揭示并板书课题:#Unit 1 Meeting New FriendsPart A。#Step 2 Review#1.复习词组:#play ba

47、sketball,play the violin,play football,ride a bike等。#(1)教师出示词组卡片,学生边认读边做相应的动作。#(2)游戏我做你说。#游戏规则:#每组请一位学生上台,面向全体学生站好,教师出示词组卡片,台下的学生发指令,台上的学生快速做出相应的动作,做得又快又好的学生所在的小组获得加分。#2.复习句型:#Whos that boy/girl?#Which class are you in?#(1)教师出示班上个别学生的照片,将学生的脸部遮住,然后问:#“Whos that boy/girl?#”学生用Thats.来猜,猜对后,请该学生起立,教师问:

48、#“Which class are you in?#”学生根据实际回答。#(2)教师出示“三年(3)班”、“六年(5)班”等班牌卡片,请学生说一说,写一写。#Step 3 Presentation#(一)初步感知课文内容。#1.教师说:#“You are in Grade Five now.In your English book you will meet a new friend.His name is Peter.He is a new pupil.Hes from Australia.He can play football.He#s very good at sports.”#2.教

49、师在黑板上或电脑上出示下列句子:#His name is .#He#s a new .#He#s from .#He can .#He#s very good at .#3.教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生边看边从对话中找出答案。#4.请个别学生带着书上台,将黑板上的五个句子补充完整。#5.教学单词pupil和Australia。#(1)教师出示Peter的头像,一边贴在黑板上的五个句子的旁边,一边说:#“His name is Peter.He#s a new pupil.”出示单词卡片pupil,教学单词pupil。#告诉学生pupil与student的区别。#教师让学生用单词pupil说

50、句子,如:#Im a pupil.He is a pupil.She is a pupil.We are pupils.Peter is a new pupil.等。#(2)教师指着Peter的头像接着问:#“Where is Peter from?#”引导学生看第三个句子:#He#s from Australia.出示单词卡片Australia,教学单词Australia。#告诉学生地名的首字母要大写。#复习Beijing,Taiwan和London的音和形。#教师出示澳大利亚的国旗、伦敦大本钟、北京天安门、上海东方明珠、台湾阿里山等图片,让学生用Shes/He#s from.Im from

51、.练说句子。#(3)文化渗透。#教师通过视频和图片介绍澳大利亚的风土人情。#6.教师采用不同的方法帮助学生读熟上面的五个句子。#(二)学习句子:#The tall boy beside Wang Tao.#1.教师出示小猫在纸盒里、纸盒上、纸盒后面和纸盒旁边的图片,让学生理解beside和behind的含义。#2.教学句子He/She is beside.和He/She is behind.#(1)教师请一位女生站在教师的旁边,教学单词beside和句子She is beside me.再请这位女生站在其他学生的旁边,请全班学生说句子“She is beside #.”#(2)教师请一位男生躲

52、到门后,教学单词behind和句子He is behind the door.#3.教师出示课文的第二幅图,教学以下句子:#Whos that boy?#Which boy?#The tall boy beside Wang Tao.#Thats Peter.Hes a new student.#教师问:#“Which boy is Peter?#”#(1)教学句子Which boy?#The tall boy beside Wang Tao.#学生读完句子后,教师根据学生的答案板书句子:#Which boy?#The tall boy beside Wang Tao.并教学句子。#(2)巩固

53、单词beside的用法。#教师指着班上的某个学生提问大家:#“Whos the boy beside #?#”学生说出该同学的名字。#教师请个别学生提问,其余学生回答。#4.熟读对话。#(1)请学生翻开课本第2页,教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读。#(2)请学生分角色表演对话。#5.情感教育。#教师出示句子:#A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情。#)帮助学生理解句子含义,并说一说。#(三)巩固练习。#1.完成课本第3页的Ask and answer.部分。#(1)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。#(2)PPT上出现第三幅图,教师出示单词卡片

54、behind和beside,提醒学生注意区别beside和behind的音、形、义。#(3)PPT上出现第四幅图,教师指着图,引出句子“The boy with a basketball.”的教学。#教师出示几幅图,如:#“the boy with blue eyes(蓝色眼睛的男孩)”,“the girl with a kite(拿着风筝的女孩)”,“the boy in a black car(黑色小轿车里的男孩)”等,让学生看图说句子:#The boy/girl with.#(4)请学生两人一组,合作完成对话练习。#2.学说韵律诗:#Whos the Girl?#Whos the Gir

55、l?#那个女孩是谁?#Whos the girl on the bike?#骑车的女孩是谁?#Sally,Sally.萨莉,萨莉。#Her name is Sally.她的名字叫萨莉。#Whos the girl with a kite?#放风筝的女孩是谁?#Lily,Lily.李丽,李丽。#Her name is Lily.她的名字叫李丽。#Whos the girl in white?#白衣女孩是谁?#Julia,Julia.茱莉娅,茱莉娅。#Her name is Julia.她的名字叫茱莉娅。#3.拓展运用。#(1)教师出示玩具娃娃,让“她”分别站在桌子上、椅子下、书本旁边、笔盒后面、

56、茶杯里面等,请学生用“The girl on/under/beside/behind/in.”来造句。#(2)游戏他/她是谁?#游戏规则:#教师在PPT上出示一张学生的集体照,给学生10秒钟记忆时间,而后将照片遮住,教师说:#“The boy/girl beside/behind/with.Whos he/she?#”请学生猜是哪位学生,反应最快的学生所在的小组得一分。#教师示范两次后可请学生上台出题。#(四)语音教学。#1.教师带领学生朗读单词teacher,chair,Chinese,chicken,引导学生发现单词中共同包含的ch字母组合,发现字母组合ch在单词中发/tf/。#2.用同样

57、方法学习单词kitchen和watch,引导学生找出共同包含的tch字母组合,发现字母组合tch在单词中发/tf/。#3.教师播放课本第3页的Listen and learn the English sounds.部分的录音,学生模仿跟读,学习字母组合ch,tch在单词中的读音。#Step 4 Extension#综合活动:#我的朋友。#请学生拿出自己与几个好朋友的合影,向老师和同学做介绍。#(1)教师与个别学生示范活动。#(2)同桌两人一组进行对话练习。#(3)请个别学生上台,教师用幻灯片展示合影,台下学生提问,台上的学生根据提问,说出朋友的名字。#Step 5 Homework#1.听课文

58、录音,模仿并熟读课文。#2.完成活动手册中本课的练习。#3.完成课本第8页自我评价表的第五部分。#4.用英语向父母介绍你的好朋友。#PartB教学目标语言知识目标#1.学习单词short,long和hair,熟练掌握介词with,beside,behind,on的用法。#2.学习句型:#Whos that girl?#Which girl?#The girl with.#Come and play basketball with us.#I like to watch you play.#3.功能:#描述人物的特征。#语言技能目标#1.能用所学形容词描述人物特征。#2.能用方位介词表达他人所处

59、的位置。#情感态度#通过学习谚语We should get along well with our friends.告诉学生要与人友好交往。#教具准备#1.单词卡片:#tall,short,long,hair等。#2.长短不一的铅笔两支、钢笔两支,长短不同的尺子两把。#3.课文中人物的头饰和一个贴有本班学生照片的大转盘。#4.录音机或教学光盘。#教学过程#Step 1 Warming up#1.师生互致问候。#2.听录音,齐唱歌曲:#Do You Know the Tall Boy?#3.教师对全班学生说:#“Peter is a new pupil.He meets some new fri

60、ends in this school.”#揭示并板书课题:#Unit 1 Meeting New FriendsPart B。#Step 2 Review#1.教师出示课本第3页的第一幅图,请学生用英语简单介绍Peter,如:#He is a new pupil.He is from Australia.He is in Grade Five now.He is tall.He can play basketball.He is good at sports.等。#2.出示课本第3页中Ask and answer.部分的四幅图,请学生描述图中人物。#3.教师请学生分别站在书桌旁、躲在门后、站

61、在椅子后面,让其他学生用方位介词beside和behind来描述。#Step 3 Presentation#(一)初步感知课文内容。#1.教师说:#“In the playground,Peter sees a girl with short hair.He wants to know her name.Lets watch the CDROM.”#2.教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生初步感知课文内容。#3.教师出示下列句子,请学生自读课文,并根据课文内容判断下列描述是否正确。#正确的画“”,错误的画“#”。#(1)Lily is a girl with short hair.()#(2)Pe

62、ter is in Class 1.Lily is in Class 2.()#(3)Lily will play basketball with Peter.()#(二)教学单词short,long,hair和句子Whos that girl?#Which girl?#The girl with short hair.#1.教师将Lily的头像贴在黑板上,边贴边说:#“Lily is Chinese.She is a girl with short hair.”#2.教师出示单词卡片short,教学单词short。#3.教师拿出两支长短不一的铅笔,通过对比教学单词long。#4.教师拿出两把

63、长短不同的尺子和两支长短不一的钢笔,让学生练说This is a long ruler.This is a short ruler.This is a long pen.This is a short pen.等。#5.教师指着一位长发的女生A说:#“A is a girl with long hair.”接着指着一位短发的女生B说:#“B is a girl with short hair.”教师出示单词卡片hair,教学单词hair。#教师板书句子:#The girl with short hair.进行教学及操练活动。#6.教师请两位学生上台比高矮,引出一对反义词:#tall与short

64、。#教师告诉学生short有两个含义,分别表示“短的”和“矮的”。#7.游戏唱反调。#游戏规则:#教师任意说一个形容词,全班学生快速说出这个形容词的反义词。#如:#教师说tall,学生说short等。#(三)教学句子:#Come and play basketball with us.#1.教师说:#“Peter is very good at sports.What about Yang Ming and Lily?#Lets watch the CDROM once again.”#2.教师再次播放课文录音或教学光盘,引导学生找出答案:#Yang Ming can play basketb

65、all.Lily isnt good at it.#3.教师问:#“How can you find the answer?#”引出Come and play basketball with us.的教学。#4.PPT上出示课文的第三幅图,教师说:#“Lily isnt good at playing basketball.But what does she say?#”引出句子But I like to watch you play.的教学。#(四)熟读课文,分角色表演对话。#1.请学生翻开课本第4页,教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读。#2.教师再播放录音,请学生戴上头饰分角色跟读。

66、#3.教师请学生根据课文内容填空。#Peter:# that girl,Wang Tao?#Wang Tao:# girl?#Peter:#The girl with .#Wang Tao:#Thats .Shes our class.#Peter:#Come and play basketballs.#Yang Ming:#OK.#Lily:#Im sorry.Im not at it.But I like to you .#4.情感教育。#教师在PPT上出示句子:#We are a big family.We should get along well with our friends.帮

67、助学生理解它们的含义,并告诉学生:#“我们是一个大家庭,我们要相亲相爱、友好相处。#”#(五)巩固练习。#1.完成课本第5页的Ask and answer.部分。#(1)教师出示第5页的第二幅图,问:#“Whos that girl?#”引导学生问:#“Which girl?#”教师说:#“The girl with short hair.”学生回答:#“Thats Lily.”教师也可针对图中人物Julia与学生进行对话练习。#(2)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。#(3)学生两人一组,合作完成对话练习。#2.完成课本第5页的Read and an;i:3;s:7500:英语国际音标表(48个)

68、#元音(20个)#长元音#/:#/#/:#/#/#:#/#/i:#/#/U:#/#短元音#/#/#/#/#/#/#/e/#/#/#/e/#/a/#/ #双元音#/#/e/#/#/#/a/#辅音(28个)#轻辅音#/p/#/#t/#/#k/#/f/#/#/s/#浊辅音#/b/#/d/#/g/#/v/#/#/#/z/#轻辅音#/#/#h/#/ts/#/t/#/tr/#浊辅音#/#/#r/#/dz/#/d/#/dr/#鼻音#/m/#/n/#/# #半元音# /#j/#/ w/#边音#/#/#英语音标是记录英语发音的音素符号,英语共有48个音标,其中元音20个(单元音12个,双元音8个),辅音包含清辅

69、音和浊辅音26个。#26个英文字母的标准读音:#Aaei Bbbi:# Ccsi:# Dddi:# Eei:# Ffef Ggdi:# Hheit Iiai Jj dei Kkkei Llel Mmem Nnen Oou Pppi:# Qqkju:# Rra:# Sses Ttti:# Uuju:# Vvvi:# Wwdblju:# Xxeks Yywai Zzzi:# #一、单元音# i:# I 1,2,3,4,5几个人一起参加赛跑,1跑了第一名,那么就要对它进行奖励,给他加冕,就变成了I,那加冕以后的读音不变,还是1;#那如果给他背上两个小包袱,他跑的就不会那么快了,所以音就要长一点,即i

70、:#。# u :# u 火车的轰鸣声#:# 一个人被打了一拳 肚子蜷进去发出:#喔的声音# :# 画一只鹅来帮助记忆# e # 用手指放在嘴边,发 e 时一只手指在两唇之间,发#时两只手指# a:# 要注意这2个音标虽为一组,但写法不同#音标故事:#一辆 i:# 火车 u :#呜呜呜地开过来了,车上有2只鹅,一只是长尾巴,一只是短尾巴 :# ,两只鹅突然打起了架,长尾巴鹅先使劲打了一拳短尾巴鹅,它一疼,就发出:# 的声音,然后短尾巴鹅予以还击,长尾鹅被打了一小拳,发出 的声音。#两只鹅都受伤了,下了火车它们一起去医生那里检查。#医生说张开嘴,发 a:#的音。#最后医生给鹅打针,为了让它们转移疼

71、痛的注意力,医生分别给了一只鹅一个苹果apple,教学生发#,另一只鹅一个鸡蛋egg,教学生发 e #二、双元音#a i ei i u a u e i u #1.集中双元音(3个)# e i u #北方的冬天十分寒冷,一个小朋友出门没有带耳罩,出去的时候还有两只耳朵,二耳 e ,过了一会太冷了,就冻掉了一只耳朵,只剩一只耳朵了 i ,最后冻得两只耳朵都没有了:#无耳 u #2.合口双元音(5个)#a i ei i u a u #音标故事:#有一个男孩boy i 一直不吃饭,他的妈妈就喊他:#“吃饭啦!#”男孩说唉a i ,来啦!#过了一会妈妈发现孩子还没来吃,就又喊了一声,孩子有点不耐烦说,诶

72、 ei ,知道啦!#男孩准备下楼,结果一不小心从楼梯上滑下去了,孩子发出嗷a u 的声音,妈妈很着急,喊到Oh,no!# u #三、辅音#清辅音:#有气无声 #浊辅音:#有声无气#a. 爆破音# p t k # b d g #注意:#所谓爆破音,即一股强大的气流瞬间爆破,而汉语拼音是发不出这样的音的。#拼读练习:#单元音与爆破音的组合:#辅+元 ti:# ka:# du:# d:# p:# ki:#元+辅 eg #t p i:#t a:#t #d#辅+元+辅 b:#d bed dg gud k#t pa:#k#双元音与爆破音的组合:#辅+元 pei bi gu bai dei di#元+辅 e

73、it aut eip eik ud ut#辅+元+辅 kait but keik geit daut bid#b. 摩擦音# f s h # v z # r # 观察这个音标的长相,嘴巴长大,成“o“形,中间这个-,就像我们的舌头,如果要发好这个音,一定要把舌头露出来,舌尖轻触上齿背,气流从唇齿间的缝隙泻出摩擦成。#拼读练习:#辅+元 si:#f:#zu:#ei:# #e i:# u:# e h:#元+辅 if iz # :# s eif #辅+元+辅 haus saiz faiv ba:# tu:# eiv bi:#f feis ip#c. 破擦音# tr t ts # dr d dz #拼

74、读练习:#辅+元 tri:# trai drai te di dr:# #元+辅 eid its i:#t aut eit #辅+元+辅 draiv k#ts ti:#z tt bedz dres d#z ti:#p tri:#t duk#d.鼻辅音# m n #发 m 这个音时注意两片嘴唇闭合;#发 n 这个音时注意舌尖要添住上齿龈,这个音就相当于我们汉语拼音中的前鼻音;#发 这个音时注意发音位置悬后,相当于我们汉语拼音中的后鼻音。#前鼻音 in en n #n n#后鼻音 i e #e.舌边音#l#l有两个音,当其后有元音跟着时发“乐”的第一声,当其后没有元音跟着时发模糊地“u”音,注意舌

75、尖的位置,仍然要舔住上齿龈。#音标中常见的自成音节:#plbltldlklglsl#f.半元音#w j#发w这个音时上唇要碰下唇,注意与v区别开;#j这个音不难发,只要学会yeah(je)这个词就没问题了。#拼读练习:#辅+元 maimi:#nunauluwi:#wewaiju:#j:#ji#元+辅 i:#la:#memenniin#辅+元+辅 nainjeslaikwimi:#liwilwaifwtw:#l#拼读五步法:# #1. 找元音-#分家-#按顺序读-#l连起来(无起伏)-#加重音#例:#nationality ,n#n#liti #首先找到音节中元音的个数,在这个音节中,一共有五个

76、元音,那么就有五个音节;#其次,分家,一个元音要跟一个辅音组成一家,如果是两个辅音连在一起则要一前一后,即把辅音分开;#再次,把分家后的各个音节拼读出来,这其中没有起伏,只是正常的按顺序读出来,然后连在一起读出来;#最后,加上重音(重音和次重音),带有重音的音节要读的显得响亮。#2.多音节的拼读练习。#按顺序从双音节到三音节教音节法(有几个元音就叫几音节)#betiru:#lm#fa:#neib bif:#gutdeigita:#多音节(以三音节为例)# s#tdeik#mrf#milisinimk#ndhldid:#mnimemri# tma:#turip:#tbna:#n m#gzi:#n

77、 #;i:4;s:2091:小学英语课堂教学简笔画集锦#简笔画的特点,笔画简洁,能够显现人物的特征;#如fat/thin;#tall/short等词组间的比较,【参见P33】线条稀少,内容丰富,如各种运动run/play basketball/【参见P37】及面部表情smile/cry/laugh【参见P25-26】。#所以,在教学中常常遇到某些抽象单词或难以用语言表达清楚时,简笔画能发挥其作用,给人们简单易懂的呈现,还有些词语在课堂上难以用肢体语言表达的内容,如lie on ones back/go swimming/play volleyball等,【参见P23】简笔画则能形象生动,呈现出

78、来逼真的画面。#学习简笔画可以从简单到复杂的顺序依次进行,人们可以在沙滩土地上、纸上、黑板上等,随时随地进行练习,只要坚持不懈,就能达到孰能生巧的效果。#暑假到了,在酷热的天气,聆听着自己喜欢的音乐,边听边画,将会另有一番生活趣味,感兴趣的话不妨试一试。#一点通01 #一点通02#一点通03 #一点通04#一点通05#一点通06#一点通07#一点通08#一点通09#一点通11 #一点通12#第1页#返回目录#第2页#返回目录#第3页#返回目录#第4页#返回目录#第5页#返回目录#第6页#返回目录#第7页#返回目录#第8页#返回目录#第9页#返回目录#第10页#返回目录#第11页#返回目录#第1

79、2页#返回目录#第13页#返回目录#第14页#返回目录#第15页#返回目录#第16页#返回目录#第17页#返回目录#第18页#返回目录#第19页#返回目录#第20页#返回目录#第21页#返回目录#第22页#返回目录#第23页#返回目录#第24页#返回目录#第25页#返回目录#第26页#返回目录#第27页#返回目录#第28页#返回目录#第29页#返回目录#第30页#返回目录#第31页#返回目录#第32页#返回目录#第33页#返回目录#第34页#返回目录#第35页#返回目录#37#;i:5;s:16874:#六年级下册英语期中练习题#一、单项选择(20分)#( )1. Im than you.#

80、A. strong B. thin C. heavier#( )2.Sam is 160cm tall. Mike is 10cm shorter than him. # How tall is Mike ?#A. 150cm# B. 160cm#C. 170cm# #( )3. Is he tall ?# _ He is short.#A. No, he is. B. Yes, he is. C. No, he isn#t.#( )4_did you go on your#holiday?#-Shanghai.# # A. What# #B. Where# #C. How# #( )5.-D

81、id you _ pictures yesterday?# # A. take# #B. took# #C. taking# #( ) 6.What size are your _?# A. shoe C.shoees#( )7. I my room and watched TV .Now my room # is than my sister#s.#A. clean cleaner B. cleaned cleaner #C. cleaned cleaning #(# #)#8.How#_is#your#best#friend#?#-#Thirteen#years#old#A

82、、old#B#、tall#C、heavy#( # #)#9、They wont _ ready till August.# D are#(# #)#10、当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:#_# A、How#long#is Tom?#B、How#tall#is Tom?# C、How#old is Tom?#(# #)#11、当你想表达“你的床有多长”?#时,你应该说:#_# #A#、How#long#is#your#bed#?#B#、How#big#is#your#bed#?# C#、How#large#is#your#bed#?#(# #)#12、#当你想知道

83、你的朋友的体重时,你应该说:#_# #A#、How#tall#are#you#?#B、How#old#are#you#?# C#、How#heavy#are#you#?#( ) 13. My hands are bigger than .# A. you B. your C. yours#( ) 14. Im 5 older than you .# A. years B. cm C. year#( ) 15. Tom looks than Lucy.# A. happy B. happier C. happiest#( ) 16. You _taller than me last year,

84、but now I _ taller than you.# A. was, were B. are, am C. were, am D were, was#( ) 17.My brother wrote a letter and _ last night.# A. watch TV B. read a book C. see a film D eat apples#( ) 18. Did you _ the room yesterday?#A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning D. cleans#( ) 19. How _ Peter feel?# He is hap

85、py .# A. are B. do C. does D. is#( )20、 - _?#-Because I am very cold.#A、 How do you put on your coat?#B、 Why do you put on your coat?#C、 What do you put on your coat?#D、Where do you put on your coat?# 二、完形填空(10分)#This girl# 21# #twelve.# 22# #name is Kate. That boy# 23# #thirteen.# 24# #name is Tom.

86、# 25# #teacher# 26# #a woman.# 27# #name is Liu Yun.# 28# #is a good teacher. Kate and Tom are good #29# #. #30# are also good students.#(# ) 21.A. be#B. am# C. is# D. are#(# ) 22 A. My# B. Your# C. His# D. Her#(# )23.A. be# B. am# C. is# D. are#(# )24.A. His#B. Your# C. My# D. Her#(# )25.A. Theys#B

87、. Theyre# C. They# D. Their#(# )26.A. am#B. is#C. are# D. be#(# )27 A. His# #B. Her# C. Shes# D. Hes#(# )28.A. Shes#B. Hes# C. She# D. He#(# )29.A.friends#B. friends#C. friend# D. friends#(# )30.A.They#B. Theyre# C. their# D. them#三、 Reading.阅读理解。#(20分)# (一)#I am a girl. My English name is Linda. I

88、am eleven years old. I have eight subjects at school. They are Chinese, maths, English, PE, music, art, science and history. My favorite subject is Chinese. I think it is interesting. I also like English. But its a little difficult for me. I can speak only a little English. History is interesting, t

89、oo. I like it. Maths is difficult. Mr Wang is our maths teacher. He is#very strict. Im usually tired after his class. But I study hard. I think I can study it well.# ( ) 31. Linda is years old.# A.11 B.12 C.13# ( ) 32. Linda has subjects at school.# A.six C.eight# ( ) 33.Lindas favorite subj

90、ect is .# A.Chinese B.English C.maths# ( )34.Linda thinks English is .# A. easy B. interesting C.a little difficult# ( ) 35.The sentence “ ”is NOT true.# A.Linda can speak a little English.# B.Mr Wang is Lindas history teacher.# C.Linda thinks she can study maths well.# (二)# Robin has a dog. Its nam

91、e is Tony. It is bigger than other dogs.They are good friends. It follows Robin everywhere.# Robin went hiking with Tony last weekend. They played football. They had lots of fun. Then Robin read a book. The dog sat with him and looked at the book ,too.# Robin went fishing. Tony sat with him. They wa

92、ited and waited. Robin was tired. He went to sleep. Suddenly his dog barked at him. Robin woke up. There was a big fish. Robin gave some fish to Tony. But Tony didnt eat it. Robin understood,“Oh, I forget. You dont like it. You like bones.”# ( ) 36.Robins dog is very .# A. small B. big C. Short# ( )

93、 37. Robin with Tony last weekend.# A. went hiking B.saw elephants C.played basketball# ( )38.Robin read a book;# Tony ,too.# A. went to sleep B. played the book C. looked at it# ( )39.Tony barked at Robin because .# A. Tony was hungry. B. there was a big fish. C. it was too late.# ( ) 40. Does Tony

94、 like to eat fish?# A.Yes, it does. B.No, it doesnt. C.Robin likes fish.# (三)#A.watched B.cleaned C.drew D.played E.washed# Im Chen Jie. I was busy last weekend. On Saturday morning, I 41 my clothes. Then I 42 the room. In the afternoon, I stayed at home and 43 pictures. In the evening, I 44 TV. On

95、Sunday morning, I 45 sports with my friend. I had a good time.# (a)根据短文内容,用所给单词补全短文,只填序号。# 41 42 43 44 45 # (b)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。# ( ) 46.When was Chen Jie busy?# A.Last weekend B.Last Monday C.Last Friday# ( ) 47.Did Chen Jie wash her clothes on Saturday morning?# A.Yes,she did. B.No,she didnt. C.We do

96、nt know.#( ) 48.What did Chen Jie do in the afternoon?# A.She cleaned her room. B.She drew pictures at home. # C.She washed her clothes.#( ) 49.What did Chen Jie do in the evening?# A.She watched TV. B.She listened to music. # C.She did her homework.# ( )50.Who did Chen Jie play sports with on Sunda

97、y morning?# A.Her sister. B.Her mother. C. Her friend. #四、读一读,选择正确答句(10分)#(# ) 51. Does she teach math?# # A. I am 160 cm tall.#(# ) 52. How tall are you?# B. I feel sick.#(# ) 53. How do you feel?# #C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.#(# ) 54. What did you do last weekend?# #D. Yes, sh e does.#(# )55. Ho

98、w did you go to Xinjiang on your holiday?# # E. I saw a film.#(# ) 56. What day is it today?# #F. It#s Wednesday.#(# ) 57. Who is taller than you?# G. It#s on January 1st.#(# ) 58. Did she clean the room yesterday?# H. Come in, please.#(# ) 59. May I come in?# # I. #Li Hua.# #(# ) 60. When is your b

99、irthday?# # #J. Yes, she did.#五、按要求改写下列单词。#(10分)#1.taller(反义词) 2. go(过去式) #3.happy(比较级)过去式) #5.thin( 比较级) 6.are(过去式) #7.did not(缩写形式) 8. hurt(过去式) #9.cant(完全形式) 10.have(过去式) #六、英汉互译。#(动词短语用过去式短语)(10分)#1. 去野营 2.感冒 #3. 睡觉了 4.留在家 #5. 买礼物 6.看电影 #7. 骑马 8.昨晚 #9. 吃新鲜的食物 10.前天 #七 用所给单词的适当形式填空。#(10分)

100、#1.He (be) my brother.#2.My hands are_(big) than yours.#3.There are some_(book) on the desk.#4.There _ _(be) a teacher and forty-five students in the park.#5.My father often_(play) football on the weekend.#6.I stayed at home and (watch) TV yesterday.#7.How _(be) your weekend?# It was OK.#8.What _(do

101、) you do last night?# #9.We _(see) elephants yesterday. #10.Did you _(clean) your room?# #八、连词组句,自己加标点。#(10分)# (1) than,shorter,me,youre# #(2)grapes, saw, lots, of, we# # (3)did,you,do,Friday,last, what# # (4)off,fell,last,bike, my, I, Saturday# # (5)hiking,did,go,you,weekend,last# #将所有选择题的答案填到下面表格中

102、。#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16#17#18#19#20#21#22#23#24#25#26#27#28#29#30#31#32#33#34#35#36#37#38#39#40#41#42#43#44#45#46#47#48#49#50#51#52#53#54#55#56#57#58#59#60# # #试题答案#选择题#1-15 CACBA BBAAB ACCAB#16-30 CBACB CDCAD BBCBA#31-45 ACACB BACBB EBCAD #46-60 AABAC DABEC FIJHG#五、1.shorter 2.went

103、 3.happier 4.played 5.thinner#6.wer;i:6;s:10216:#一般疑问句#在英语的学习中,一般疑问句的转换及回答是经常碰到的问题,现在我们就来探讨一下有关一般疑问句的问题。#一、什么是一般疑问句#用Yes或No作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。#一般疑问句还有下列特点:#1、以be动词、助动词或情态动词开头;#例:#Is your father a teacher?# Does Catherine like animals?# Can Jenny speak French?# 2、往往读升调;#3、译成汉语,都可以带上“吗”,例如上面三句可分别译为:#你父亲是老师吗

104、?#凯瑟琳喜欢动物吗?#詹妮会说法语吗?#二、如何将陈述句变成一般疑问句?#要将陈述句变成一般疑问句,可以遵循下列步骤:#1.看句中有没有be动词(am、is、 are、 was、 were)、助动词(do、does、did、 have、 had)或情态动词(can、must、will、may等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可。#例:#It was rainy yesterday. Was it rainy yesterday?#Tom#s father can play the piano. Can Tom#s father play the piano?#I have finis

105、hed my homework. Have you finished your homework?#2.如果句中没有be动词、助动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助do的相应形式放在句首。#具体方法是:#如果谓语动词是原形,则借do;#如果谓语动词是一般现在时第三人称单数形式,则借does;#如果谓语动词是过去式,则借did. 需要注意的是,借does或did后,原句的谓语动词要变回原形。#例:#They go to school by bike. Do they go to school by bike?#Bill gets up at 6:#30 every day. Does bil

106、l gets up at 6:#30 every day?#The students saw a film yesterday. Did the students see a film yesterday?#三.陈述句变一般疑问句应注意的事项#陈述句变成一般疑问句除了遵循上述规则以外,还应注意下列几点:#1.如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时最好要变为第二人称。#例:#I usually have lunch at school. Do you usually have lunch at school?#My father is playing soccer. Is your father p

107、laying soccer?#2.如果陈述句中有some, 则变问句时往往要变成any 。#例:#There is some water on the playground. Is there any water on the playground?#3.复合句变一般疑问句通常只变主句,从句不变。#例:#I know he comes from Canada. Do you know he comes from Canada?#4如果句中含有实义动词have且表示“有”时,除借do外,也可将其直接提到句首。#例:#I have some friends in America.Have you

108、any friends in America#Do you have any friends in America?#四.一般疑问句的回答#一般疑问句往往采用简短回答,共由三部分(三个单词)组成,对这三部分(三个单词)的确定可以概括例下:#1.第一个词:#不是Yes就是No。#(有时根据语气的不同,Yes可由Sure, Certainly, Of course等代替.NO可由sorry 代替.)#2.第二个词:#问谁答谁。#即答语中的主语须与问句的主语一致(但必须用主格代词)。#例:#Does she clean her room every day?# Yes, she does.#Is A

109、nnas father a doctor?# No,he isnt.#如果主语是 this that,回答时用 it 代替,如果问句中主语these, those,回答时用 they 代替。#3.第三个词:#用什么问,用什么答。#即沿用问句中的引导词。#Can Jim play soccer?# Yes, he can./Does Mr Bean speak English?# Yes, he does. # 需要注意问题:#(1).用 may 引导的问句,肯定回答用may,否定回答用 cant 或mustnt,(2)用 must 引导的问句,肯定回答用 must,否定回答用neednt.#例

110、:#May I go to the park now?# Yes, you may. /No, you mustnt.#Must I wash my clothes now?# Yes, you must. /No, you neednt.#4用No开头作否定回答时,结尾要加上 not。#因为回答必须是三部分,所以否定回答必须缩写,而肯定回答不能缩写。#例:#Did Thomas come here yesterday?# Yes, he did./ No ,he didnt.#Is Lin Lin in Class 3?# Yes, she is. / No, she isnt.或(No,

111、shes not).#特殊疑问句#以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。#常用的疑问词有:#what who whose which when where how why等。#特殊疑问句有两种语序:# 如疑问词作主语或主语的定语,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句的语序:#疑问词(主语)谓语动词其他成分?#如:#who is singing in the room#whose bike is broken#如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:#疑问词一般疑问句语序?#如:#what class are you in#What does she look like

112、#Where are you from#What time does he get up every morning#How do you know#特殊疑问词+助动词+主语+动词原形+其他?#eg:#Where do you do study English?#特殊疑问词+be动词+主语+其他?# eg:#Why is your Mum so angry?#特殊疑问词+情态动词+主语+动词原形+其他?#eg:#What can I do for you?#注意:#回答特殊疑问句时,不能用yesno,即问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答.如:#Who is from Canada Helen (is

113、)#Where#s the restaurant Near the station#Why do you like koalas Because they are cute#一般疑问句练习题#1. His father is an English teacher.#2. These cats are crying.#3. They can swim.#4. I like to read English.#5. I go to school on foot.#6. He likes English.#7. His father goes to work by bus.#8. He is cryi

114、ng under the tree.#9. His birthday is on the twentieth of November.#10. Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop.#12. The boy under the tree is hungry.#13. He goes to school every day.#15. I want to have a model car.#16. She wants a cup of coffee.#17. Mrs. Li and Kitty watch TV at night.#18. I do my home

115、work after school.#特殊疑问句练习题(一)#一、选择正确的单词填空#(who, where, when)#1. _ is that pretty girl?# She is my sister. #2._ are Jack and Tom?# They are behind you.#3._ do you go to school?# I go to school from Monday to Friday.#4._ has a beautiful flower?# John has a beautiful flower.#5._ are they?# They are my

116、 parents. #6._ is my mother?# She is in the living room.#7._ are you going?# We are going to the bakery(面包坊).#8._ do Jim and Wendy play ball?# They play ball in the afternoon.#9._ does he jog?# He jogs in the park. #10._ are you from?# I#m from Changchun city.#二、就画线部分提问#1.He is my father.#2.They are

117、 under the tree.#3.I often watch TV after dinner.(晚饭后) 提示:#饭后强调的是时间问题。#4.Lily swims in the swimming pool.(游泳池)#5.I often brush my teeth in the evening.#6.Alan likes to play with Bill.#7.Joe#s father plays badminton(羽毛球) every weekend.#8.The supermarket is near the school.#9.The computer is on the ta

118、ble.#10.The flowers are in the flower pot(花盆).#11.My grandpa took us to the zoo.#12.The#monkey sleeps at night.#特殊疑问句练习(二)#一用what time, what color, what day, what填空。#1. A:# _ _ is it?# B:# It is nine oclock.#2. A:# _ _ does your mother get up?#B:# My mother gets up at 6:#30.#3. A:# _ _ do you go to

119、bed?# B:# I go to bed at 10:#00.#5. A:# _ _is it?# B:# It is purple.#6. A:# _ _ is the sky?# B:# The sky is blue.#7. A:# _ _ is your coat?# B:# My coat is black.#8. A:# _ _ is the dog?# B:# The dog is white.#9. A:# _ _ is today?# B:# Today is Monday.#10. A:# _ _ is tomorrow?# B:# Tomorrow is Tuesday

120、.#11. A:# _ _ was yesterday(昨天)?# B:# Yesterday was Sunday.#12. A:# _ _ do you like?# B:# I like red.#13. A:# _ is this?# This is a computer(电脑).#14. A:# _ are you doing?# B:# We are playing basketball.#15. A:# _ does your mother do?# B:# My mother is a policewoman.#16. A:# _ are those?# B:# Those a

121、re peppers(辣椒).#17. A:# _ is in the box?# B:# A lovely doll is in the box.#18. A:# _ is on the table?# B:# The apple is on the table.#19. A:# _ is in the classroom?# The blackboard is in the classroom.#20. A:# _ _ _?# B:# Mary is hungry.#二连线:#(Match)#1. Whats on the chair?# # A.There is a book in th

122、e bag.#2. How is your father?# B.These are apples.#3. What are these?# C.I go to school by bus.#4. What is in the bag?# D.The radio is on the chair.#5. How do you go to school?# E.My father is fine.#6. How much is it?# F.I wash my face in the morning.#7. What time is it?# G.I have two hands.#8. When

123、 do you wash your face?# # H.It is four oclock.#9. How many hands do you have?# I.It is 5 RMB(人民币).#10.When do you have lunch?# J.I have lunch at noon.#;i:7;s:4086:四年级(上)英语教学工作总结# XX小学:#XXX#转眼间,一学期的工作已近尾声。#这一学期,我担任的是四年级英语教学工作,现就结合我的教学实践,对本期的工作总结如下:#一、激发学生的学习兴趣,提高教学效率。# #培养、提高、保持学生的学习兴趣是提高学生学习成绩的首要条件

124、。#基于这一点,我在教学中比较注重激发学生的学习兴趣,通过运用各种教学方法、设计形式多样的活动,为学生营造一个民主、平等、宽松、和谐的学习氛围,让学生在这种氛围中充分发挥自己的智慧,激发他们的学习兴趣,从而积极快乐地投入到学习中去。# #二、创设浓厚的英语学习氛围。# #1、用英语来组织教学。# #我在课堂上尽量使用简单的英语组织教学。#无论上课时师生相互打招呼问候、道别,或是教师发号指令让学生参与活动等,都用英语来说,尽可能让学生多听多讲英语,逐步养成英语语言习惯。#这样既能增加课堂中学习英语的氛围,又能为学生创造良好的语言环境,增加了听说英语的机会。# #2、创设情景,让学生得到广泛的实践

125、。# #创设情景的方法有多种,我一般是利用实物、图片、简笔画等直观教具创设情景,利用挂图讲故事,扮演角色等等,让学生得到广泛的语言实践,使课堂增添无穷的乐趣。# #三、加强学法指导,帮助学生寻找学法规律。# #在我的英语课堂教学中,我一般都帮助学生寻找学法规律,使他们能够运用规律,在短时间内,掌握所学的知识,提高学习效率。#引导学生听、观察、分析,让他们自己去发现规律,然后再进行小结,再进行指导,学生就会学会探索发现规律的学习方法。#这样,大大地提高了教学效果。# #四、关注学生的学习状况. #英语作为一种语言要多在实际中运用,因此,除了课堂练习外,还需要让学生在平常生活中多读,多讲,多练。#

126、因此,我在每个班里设了英语领读员和纪律监督员,每天早上坚持到班了解早读情况,发现问题及时纠正。#课后发现学生作业有问题及时讲解,让学生及时消化。#另外,对部分不自觉的同学还采取”一对一”的监督方式,以确保他们不落后,提高他们的朗读能力。# #五、“偏爱”后进生,做好“培优补差”工作。# #我在教学中很注重后进生的转化工作,采用了“一帮一”的方法,同时,在课堂上,多提问成绩差的学生,让他们感觉到不被遗忘,不产生自卑,自弃的心理,并能主动学习,不断追赶他人,把成绩赶上来。# #回顾过去,这一学期的教学工作中我还存在着一些不足之处,如:# 无法照顾的全体学生,设计适合所有学生的教学方式。# 有时过分

127、强调模仿、死记硬背,机械操作的教学倾向。#今后我将继续更新观念,努力提高教学质量,争取做到更好。# #20XX20XX年度第一学期#小学四年级英语#教学工作总结#XX小学:#XXX#分享几个我收藏的英语优质课视频精品哦,老师们不要错过#(直接复制文件地址到浏览器即可下载)#1、Talking about people 小学英语课堂教学评比优质课评比#2、二年级英语 北师大版colours_课堂实录与教师说课#3、三年级新标准英语-I am going to do long jump_课堂实录与教师说课#4、四年级英语外研版New York is in the eabt_课堂实录与教师说课#5、

128、五年级英语新标准版 Will you help me_课堂实录与教师说课#6、六年级人教版新课标英语Unit4Choosing a gift优质课_课堂实录与教师说课#有需要免费优质课的老师请关注视频下方字幕,都赠送给大家了#【木子出品 震撼心灵】#;i:8;s:2517:四年级英语练习#班级:# 姓名:#一、选择合适的疑问词的序号填在横线上。#Who What How many What colour Where How old#1._ would you like for dinner?#2._ is your book?# It#s on the desk.#3._ is your pe

129、ncil?# It#s black.#4._ pens do you have?# I have 5.#5._ is this man?# He#s my uncle.#6._ are you?# I#m 12.#二、连词成句。#1. family My seven people has #_#2. are they Who #_#3. Is your aunt this#_#4. My doctor a is father#_#三、 连词成句。#1. for What dinner is #_#2. would like What you #_#3. show Let me you#_#4.

130、 good time have a We #_#四、 连词成句,注意首字母和标点符号。#1. is house It a nice#_#2. big my room is #_#3. are the on table They#_#4. is Where your book?#_#5. classroom your What#s in #五、 选出各句中的一处错误并在横线上改正。#( ) _ 1. He name is Zhang Peng.# A B C D#( ) _ 2. Who#s you best friend ?# # A B C D#( ) _ 3. He have big ey

131、es. # A B C D#( ) _ 4. Mike and Amy are my friend.# A B C D#( ) _ 5. My friend is a boy. She is strong. # A B C D#;i:9;s:4820: 五年级上册单词默写#U1 Whats your hobby?#爱好,嗜好 _#模型_ _#收集 _#邮票_ #更;#更多_#比_#多于_#国家保持;#饲养_#动物_#每 _#在期间_#宠物_#U2 His hobby is drawing#彩色的 _#天空 _#地方 _#画 _#U3 I can swim very fast#对的 _#一起 _

132、#遥远地 _#Unit 4 Can you do my homework?#讲话;#谈话 _#说 _#东西 _#数;#数数 _#会说话的_#U5 Where is Ben?#可能 _#找到 _#寻找 _#冰淇淋 _#生活_#工作日_#U6 At the weekend#周末 _#忙的 _#醒来 _#早地;#早的 _#太太 _#儿子 _#宫殿 _#少年宫 _#外面 _#娱乐 _#电影院 _#极少地 _#停留;#待在地方 _#U7 Do you want to coffee or tea?#咖啡 _#茶 _#喝;#饮料 _#唔 _#杯 _#一杯 _#牛奶 _#某事;#某物 _#冷的 _#热的;#辣

133、的 _#可乐 _#确信;#肯定的 _#瓶子 _#一瓶 _#果汁 _#玻璃杯 _#罐 _#Unit 8 Lets have both#问_#(两者)都 _#应该 _#米;#饭 _#饺子 _#面条 _#欣赏;#喜欢 _#面包 _#三文治 _#汉堡包 _#炸薯条 _#担心 _#第一道菜 _#西红柿 _#蛋;#鸡蛋 _#汤 _#主要的 _#主菜 _#肉 _#蔬菜 _#马铃薯 _#甜品 _#希望 _#每一个人;#所有人 #_#巧克力 _#开始;#出发 _#Unit 9 It smells delicious#需要_#闻起来 _#好吃的;#美味的_#来吧 _#首先;#第一 _#甜的,糖果 _#咸的 _#相

134、当地;#非常 _#你认为怎样?#_#健康的 _#饿的 _#等待 _#新鲜的 _#吃来来;#尝起来;#口味#_#Unit 10 Different tastes#不同的 _#西方的 _#筷子 _#碗 _#盘子;#碟 _#刀 _#叉 _#例子 _#例如 _#酸的 _最;#大多数 _#也 _#大量的;#很多的#_#点心 _#薄饼 _#可怕的 _#Unit 11 Whats the weather like today?#天气 _#云 _#多云的 _#雨;#下雨 _#多雨的_#再;#再一次 _#湿的;#潮湿的 _#英格兰;#英国_#太阳 _#阳光充足的;#阳光_#温暖的;#使温暖 _#干燥的 _#户外

135、;#室外_#风_#刮风的_#凉爽的_#穿_#某一天_#雪;#下雪_#下雪的;#多雪的_#雪人 _#Unit12 Four seasons in one day#季节_#亲爱的_#报告 _#(say的过去式)#温度 _#15 _#度 _#之前_#(go过去式)_#在外面_#迅速地 ;#快速地_ #改变_#离开_#转;#转变_#(阳光)照耀 _#午餐时间_#猛烈地;#努力地 _#(have;#has过去式_#雨伞_#(think的过去式)_ _#完成 _#走路_#真实的 _#你的;#你们的_#;i:10;s:23903:(新)小学英语老师常用的课堂操练游戏100例#作为一名小学英语教师,在日常教学

136、活动中肯定少不了要用到一些课堂操练游戏,但常常也苦于游戏形式单一,这里启明为大家整理了小学英语教师常用的课堂操练游戏100例,供广大小学英语教师使用,希望您的课堂从此活力四射,学生都爱上您的英语课!#当然了,如果您是一位热心于辅导孩子学习英语的家长,下边有些游戏也不妨用一用。#1.模仿秀 imitate show#游戏说明:#教师带领学生一起模仿小动物进行单词操练。#2.传球、拍球 pass or bounce the ball#游戏说明:#请两组学生边传球边传单词或句子,看哪组同学传的又快又好,可用于单词或句型的分组操练。#3.照镜子 look at the mirror#游戏说明:#学生与

137、老师做同样的动作并操练单词或句型。#4.拍手停 clap hands#游戏说明:#教师与学生边拍手边说单词,教师停则学生停;#此游戏可用于单词操练,可以集中学生注意力。#5.长大个 grow taller#游戏说明:#学生的语音根据教师的手势变幻,声音由小变大,可用于单词操练并集中学生学习的注意力。#6.木头人 wooden child#游戏说明:#教师或选一名学生背对学生进行单词操练,当教师或学生转过身时其他学生保持原来的动作变成木头人。#7.吹气球 blow the balloons#游戏说明:#学生边说单词边做吹气球的动作,声音随着气球的大小发生相应的变化,用于操练单词。#8.二人转 t

138、urn and turn#游戏说明:#两名学生各持一张单词卡片,根据教师口令做动作,同时观看另外一名学生手中的单词卡片,看哪一位同学能以最快的速度认出另一位同学手中的卡片。#该游戏用于考查学生对单词的掌握程度。#9.运气球 pass the balloons#游戏说明:#两组学生边运气球边说单词,看哪组学生运球好,单词说的又流利。#10.大小声 opposite tune#游戏说明:#学生与教师进行唱反调的游戏,教师声音大,学生声音小;#教师声音小,学生的声音相应变大,可用于单词或简单句型的操练。#11.和卡片跳舞 dance with cards#游戏说明:#教师手持卡片,学生根据教师手中卡

139、片的变化做出相应的舞蹈动作,可用于单词的操练#12.翘翘板 play on the see-saw#游戏说明:#教师与学生操练单词,但学生与教师做出相反的动作。#13.蜘蛛侠 spider man#游戏说明:#蜘蛛侠为了救人要爬上高楼,需要同学们的帮助,大家的声音越大蜘蛛线就会到达楼顶,该游戏可用于操练单词和句型。#14.放风筝 fly a kite#游戏说明:#教师手中拿一风筝模型,学生的声音随教师手势的高低做出相应的变化,可用于单词和简单句型的操练。#15.狼来了 the wolf is coming#游戏说明:#学生围成一圈,当教师说出一个约定的单词时,学生向自己的座位跑去,慢的学生就会

140、被教师抓住,为保证安全,人多时可分组进行。#16.猜声音 guess the sound#游戏说明:#教师请一名学生背对同学,另一名同学拍打前一名同学的小手并说出单词,回座后,请前一名同学猜出是哪一位同学,用于单词的操练或句型的练习。#17.藏小手 hide the hands#游戏说明:#教师或选一名学生背对学生进行单词操练,当教师或学生转过身时其他学生将小手藏在背后,动作慢的同学将被扣分。#18.猜拳 stone, scissors and clothes#游戏说明:#教师与学生进行猜拳,边猜拳边说单词,最终有一名胜利者可以得分。#19.传话 whisper#游戏说明:#可用于分组游戏,两

141、组同学传不同的句子,看哪组传的又快又好,可以进行奖励。#20.老狼,老狼,几点了?# Wolf, wolf, whats the time?#游戏说明:#可用于与数字或时间相关的知识操练,大家围成一圈一起问“wolf, wolf, whats the time?#”当说到约定的时间时所有同学跑向自己的座位或指定的安全区,被抓住的学生要进行扣分或表演节目的处罚。#21.拍后背 pad pad#游戏说明:#老师背对学生站立,学生一边说单词或者句子一边向前走,教师回过头时必须停下来,谁先拍到教师的后背并且没被教师抓到就算赢。#22.#魔力之手(magic hand)#游戏说明:#教师指学生个人或者小

142、组回答。#23.背靠背 (back to back)#游戏说明:#教师给参加游戏的孩子在后背贴上单词或者图片,当孩子转过身来时,谁先说出对方的单词谁获胜。#24.篮球比赛(play basketball)#游戏说明:#讲到basketball时表演投篮。#25.举重比赛(heavy and heavy)#游戏说明:#讲到heavy时表演举重,不断加大砝码。#26.游泳比赛(swimming match)#游戏说明:#讲到swim时表演游泳接力赛。#27.时间的学习(what time is it?#)#游戏说明:#请名幼儿分演个钟点,胸前帖上数字卡片,围站成一圈。#游戏开始,大家一起说:#“w

143、hats the time?# Whats the time?#”老师突然指向一个小朋友,大家根据数字回答 #It#s One#同时蹲下,只有被指到的小朋友站着#28.数字的学习(numbers)#游戏说明:#很多小图片,几张做遮盖用的纸导入数字:#黑板上帖好几组小图片,数量分别是1到10,用纸遮盖好,有种神秘感。#让小朋友猜是什么东西(给一定范围提示),再猜数量,揭开谜底。#可以用这些图片来练习“How many.?#”#29.救人(save)#游戏说明:#两组分别选出一个队员站到前面教师说单词,哪一组最先回答并且声音响亮,该组队员就可以让在前面的学生往前走一步, 先到达目的地,就是胜利者.

144、#30.射击(shoot)#游戏说明:#这一游戏适于单词复习环节,每人手中拿一个单词,教师不定向指哪个学生, 谁有错误谁被淘汰#31.串项链(necklace)#游戏说明:#适于操练句子,将句中单个名词串成项链,最后戴到脖子上,#32.淘汰赛(we are the same)#游戏说明:#根据教师说的数字,相应反应数字的学生站起来,没做对就被淘汰下去。#33.火眼金睛(eyes and ears)#游戏说明:#适合复习环节使用,即教师只摆口型,不出声音。#学生要根据老师的口型猜单词或句子。#34. Who am I ?#游戏说明:#适用于操练句型, you are #She /He is .#

145、也可用于操练单词#玩法:#找一个同学到前面背对大家,然后下面同学变音说句子,单词,前面的同学猜是谁#35.贴膏药(relay race)#游戏说明:#分两组到前面站好,然后最后一位同学说句子也可说单词, 说完之后跑到最前面,后面接着说,哪组最快又最准确的完成就算胜利#36.#找宝藏(hide and seek)#游戏说明:#游戏之前先让学生把眼睛闭好,然后把要找的单词藏起来,让学生去找,并连说三次#37.丢手帕(where is the handkerchief)#游戏说明:#让学生站一圈并蹲下,老师围着学生转并一起说单词,句子,老师把准备好的手帕轻轻放在学生后面,一圈之后学生没发现,就要说句

146、子/ 单词,然后回到座位上#38.传球(pass the ball)#游戏说明:#适于句子.单词学生边说边传球,当老师说stop时,球在谁手里谁就要快速站起来说三次#39. X-RAY游戏说明:#适合大班型。#以桌子为单位,大家一齐拍手说单词,老师说stop.#叫同学的名字,整个组站起来说单词,也可以辐射到前后左右。#40. 考考你的记忆力(good memory)游戏说明:#学完的单词卡扣过来放在地上,让同学回忆放在地上的单词按顺序分别是哪些。#41. 考老师(guess and say)游戏说明找小朋友到前面,背对着同学拿单词卡,老师来猜,猜对了,同学一起读;#猜错了,同学一起告诉老师。#

147、42. 切西瓜(cut the watermelon)游戏说明找五至六名学生,手拉手站成一个圈(即西瓜)。#边说单词边走。#老师随机分开两名同学的手(即切西瓜)。#被分开的同学比赛说单词,看谁说的快。#未参与游戏的同学在下面说单词加油,即可作整体操练又可作one by one 环节。#43. 接糖果(throw and catch)游戏说明老师做个大糖果(糖纸中包惩罚方法)。#同学们边传糖果边拼单词(每人只说一个字母)。#若拿着糖果的同学没能拼出此单词的字母。#就要把该糖果吃掉(即受惩罚)。#此游戏可作单词拼读或复习26个英文字母。#老师说出一个字母,要求学生说出下一个。#44. 排雷(whe

148、re is the bomb?#)游戏说明:#老师准备20左右个乒乓球,其中半数表明是炸弹。#平均装到两个非透明的口袋中。#每组找一名同学到前面来比赛,在限定的时间内(可让学生说新单词10遍)看哪一组能先把雷排除掉。#45. 邮递员(postman)游戏说明:#准备两套可拼成句子的单词卡,每组选派两名同学成为邮递员,老师把两套卡打乱。#看哪组能最先拼出完整的句子,就像邮递员要把每封信正确的送到每一家一样,其余学生在下面说句子,此游戏适合句子操练。#46.猜价格(how much is it?#)游戏说明:#找一名同学到前面来猜价格,老师给出一个数字,让其他学生在下面提示。#比如,lower与h

149、igher,在限定的时间内看其能否猜出来,此游戏适合反义词操练以及比较级单词的操练。#47.魔法棒(magic sticks)#游戏说明:#充分利用魔法棒进行个体操练,提高孩子学习的主动性#48.向左走向右走(Left right)#游戏说明:#教师踏步走,当踏左脚时男孩读单词;#当踏右脚时女孩读单词#49.冰糖葫芦(one by one)#游戏说明:#适合单词操练,被老师的冰棍指到的同学要快速说出所学单词,同时指向其他任意一个同学,下一个被指到的同学也要继续传词。#此游戏可让家长参与,如果一名学生的家长的糖葫芦没穿上,则该生要完成特殊任务或该生小组扣分#50.争分夺秒(urgent task

150、)#游戏说明:#每组成员共同完成传词任务,一个传一个,用时少的小组获胜加分。#(也可传问题和句子)#51.无敌转转转(turn turn)#游戏说明:#两名同学到前面背靠背站好,手中各持一张单词卡。#在老师下口令后快速旋转,最先说出对方卡片单词的同学获胜。#52.点手掌(catch the finger)#游戏说明:#说单词时让孩子点老师的手掌,老师来抓。#53.魔力手指(magic finger)#游戏说明:#先规定好每根手指说的遍数,然后用书挡住让同学猜是哪一个。#54.五体投地(body)#游戏说明:#把单词卡片放在地上,然后用身体的各个部位去接触,孩子特别喜欢。#55.过山车(get

151、on the train)#游戏说明:#学生们手拉手围成圈边走边说要操练的句子或单词,老师和一个圈里的学生手撑手扣住哪个学生,学生需说出所操练的句子或词。#56.相反动作(opposite actions)#游戏说明:#(适合单词的整体操练)老师上下前后左右拍手说单词,学生要和老师的动作相反,如相同则给那组减分。#57.谁最快(who is the best?#)#游戏说明:#(适合单词的总体操练),老师说one two go 老师手中卡片如果是平放的,学生们就坐着说单词,如果卡片是立起来放的学生就立刻站起来说,谁最快就给他奖励。#58.下命令(up and down)#游戏说明:#五六个人拿

152、新单词卡上前站成一圈,老师下第一个命令,如apple, 手拿此卡片的学生马上边下蹲边说apple down, apple down, apple down, banana down.那么手拿banana卡片的孩子马上下蹲并说自己的指令然后再给别人下指令。#59听名字(whose name?#)#游戏说明:#老师和学生一起拍手说单词或句子,当老师突然喊学生名字时,被喊到名字的学生马上起立说出该单词,老师在喊名字时同时手指另外一个孩子,如果被指到的孩子起立就会被扣分。#60.看手势(gesture)#游戏说明:#老师和学生一起拍手说单词或句子,当老师突然喊学生名字时,同时手指另外一个孩子,被指到的

153、孩子起立说出该单词,如果被喊到名字的孩子起立就会被扣分。#61.心有灵犀(say and do)#游戏说明:#当学过两三个单词后,两个同学站前边,听到指令后,两人同时转一圈并同时说出一词,若说出同样的此就获胜,否则不得分。#62.狼卡(wolves)#游戏说明:#画一张狼的图片,混在所学单词卡中,找两个或四个同学于前并排站立,看老师手中卡片读单词并向前走一步,当遇到狼卡时,同学后退,退的慢的被老师(狼)逮到,被淘汰,最后剩余为胜利者。#63小和尚挑水(carry water)#游戏说明:#两三个学生为一单位,老师叫到一学生名字时,与他相邻的两个人(或一人)起立说词;#句子时,相邻的人说问句,被

154、点名字的人来回答。#64.快速反应(answer quickly)#游戏说明:#老师规定句型,让学生来做相应替换,两人于前站立,听到老师指令后,开始说出句子,快且好的人得分。#65.宝宝乐(baby baby I love you)#游戏说明:#学生于前围成一个圈,听老师指令,老师说“ONE”学生独自站立并说词一次;#“TWO”两个学生抱在一起,说辞两次,依次类推。#66.耳听八方(listening and hearing)#游戏说明:#老师选定一学生,面对黑板站立,同时老师悄悄找数个学生说词或句子,之后那个学生转头猜出有几人说了词或句子,每次找的人不能太多,四五个为宜。#67.#幸运儿(l

155、ucky dog)#游戏说明:#一部分学生在前边蹲成一排,老师手中可拿小气锤,老说点学生名字,被点的人站立说词并迅速蹲下,慢的就被老师用锤敲下。#68.抓人(catch you)#游戏说明:# (适合说单词或短句)两三人一组,教师说one two学生就边走边说,一旦教师说 stop时候学生马上回到自己的座位上,否则会被抓到。#69.钓鱼(catching the fish)#游戏说明:#两个人搭起一个大网,然后5、6人站成一列,学生一起说这个句子,一旦教师说stop的时候,两个学生马上把这个大鱼扣上,并要求其回答问题。#70.跳一跳(jump and say)#游戏说明:#把学过的单词贴在黑板

156、上,然后两三人一组,教师说道哪个单词的时候学生就跳向哪个单词并把它读出来。#71.友谊之圈(friendship circle)#游戏说明:#用英语向别人进行简单的问候、自我介绍及告别。#大家面对面围成两个同心圆。#72.#方向感(face to face)#游戏说明:#一起拍手唱歌或放音乐,两个圈分别朝相反的方向移动。#歌曲结束,或老师喊“Stop”时,每位同学就与这时正好和自己面对面的同学进行问候对话。#73.找帽子(where is it?#)#练习红、黄、蓝、绿、黑五种颜色的表达。#彩纸做的红、黄、蓝、绿、黑五种颜色的帽子各一顶(也可以是这五种颜色的其他物品,如水果、手偶、文具等。#)

157、#把五件不同颜色的物品放成一排。#给学生几秒钟记住每个颜色物品所放的位置。#点一位学生上来,蒙住他的眼睛,用英语告诉她“Find the blue.”学生根据自己的记忆,走向相应的颜色的物品,并将它拿起。#74.身体字母(body letters)#游戏说明:#准备计时器,比赛时将学生分组让他们在规定时间内,用身体组合将26个字母表#扬出来,可以一人演,也可以几人组合演。#老师在一旁当裁判。#将每组表演出来的字母写#黑板上,看哪组在规定的时间内表演的字母更多,后哪组巡警按表演完26个字母。#75.聋哑读英语(deaf)#游戏说明:#组织学生反复背诵26个字母。#遇到元音字母,就用手势来代替,如

158、A, 举起右手;#E,举起左手I,用一只手指向自己的一只右眼睛;#U,用两只手一起指向老师。#石头剪刀布#游戏一边说单词一边玩游戏,最后输的小朋友要在多说几遍单词。#76抽卡片读单词(choose the card)#游戏说明:#抽到国王或王后可以不读,抽到其他卡片,上面写着数字几就读几遍。#77眼神暗示(look and say)#游戏说明:#在读单词时,老师的眼神看着谁,谁就要读单词。#或者老师轻轻说出小朋友的名字,听到自己名字的小朋友就要读单词。#这个游戏的使用可以让小朋友们上课注意听讲。#78找出字母(find the letters)#游戏说明:#将二十六个字母个个给予一个数字 (依

159、照数字1-26) 所以这时你说 25.是什麽字母,学习者就要回答是Y ,答对了#79.夹句型(choose the sentences)#游戏说明:#教师将所有今天的句型写在一条条的白纸上并放入一个桶子里,请小朋友用筷子将句型条夹出来,当夹出来句子条时学生可以用手将纸打开将句型说出来,可以让两个小组进行比赛,最快说出来的那组获胜。#80.单词钓鱼(where is the fish)#游戏说明:#教师教小朋友今日所学的单词,老师将所学单词写在卡纸上,并将卡纸剪成鱼形状,在单词卡上订上曲别针,再做两个钓鱼棒,上面有磁铁可以吸小鱼,教师说单词,小朋友把它钓上来看看哪组钓得快。#81.抢汉堡 (wh

160、o can eat the hamburger?#)#适用于三个单词组成的句子。#小朋友一边说句子一边用手势作个汉堡饱。#但是做完之后要马上送入嘴中并且说“啊呜”。#吃的慢的将被老师把汉堡吃掉。#82.小白兔回家(go home)#游戏说明:#用于认读单词。#老师将所学单词写在卡片上,一张一张展示,每次展示时,第一个先读出来单词的小朋友可以向前走一步,看谁先回到“家”#83.接力赛#(relay race)#游戏说明:#将小朋友分成较为平均的两组。#每组按顺序进行抢答问题,获胜的坐下,输的要站着和下一个小朋友比赛,看哪组最先全部都坐下即为冠军#84.找偶像 (you are my idol)#

161、游戏说明:#分男孩和女孩组,男孩表演完闭上眼睛,女孩选择自己心目中的偶像,然后站在偶像的后面,男孩睁开眼睛,看看自己身后有几个粉丝,就加多少分。#然后女孩表演,规则一样。#最后选出最受欢迎的男孩和女孩。#85.跳高(jump and say)#游戏说明:#一边说单词一边用力跳,用头去碰老师的手#86跑赛(run fast)#游戏说明:#两人从一起跑,边跑边说单词,先拍到老师手的人为胜#87爬山(climb the mountain)#游戏说明:#两组谁的声音大谁爬的就高#88警察抓小偷(policeman and thief)#游戏说明:#老师当警察,闭上眼睛,然后大家边说单词边围着老师走,然

162、后老师随便摸一个小朋友的头,他读一遍单词,然后继续大家一起,老师来猜是谁#89POSE王#游戏说明:#用于操练单词和句子。#老师面向黑板拍手和同学们一起说单词或句子,当老师转过身时,小朋友做各种漂亮的POSE,谁的POSE最漂亮。#我们拿出自己的相机为他(她)拍张照片。#然后让他(她)到前面来当老师,他(她)选出最漂亮的POSE,我们就为他拍照.#90传传看(pass the word)#游戏说明:#用于操练句子。#每人说一个单词,最后一个人说整句话。#看那组速度快.比如:#where are you going?# 每人说一个单词:#“where,#are , you,#going?#” 最

163、后一个人说:#“where are you going?#”#91坐卡片(sit on the card)#游戏说明:#单词学完后,把单词摆在地上,然后叫两个学生到前面,当老师说其中一个单词叫这两个学生都跑向那个单词,然后坐在单词上。#反应快的学生可以加分或得到Sticker.#92钓鱼 (catch fish)#游戏说明:#在鱼后面分别贴上哭脸和笑脸。#鱼身上写上单词号,钓到哪条鱼就读相应的单词,如果是笑脸可以抽奖。#如果是哭脸,则把所有的单词都读一遍。#93转盘(spinner)#游戏说明:# 老师制作一个转盘,在转盘的最外圈下上单词,让学生转动转盘,转到哪一个单词就读哪一个单词,转到St

164、icker就得Sticker。#94.空中拦截(stand on the newspaper)#游戏说明:#分两组。#准备两张报纸。#每组各出一个人站在铺开的报纸上,抢读单词。#不正确或是速度慢的同学脚下的报纸就会被对折,直到脚着地,脚着地者为输者。#95.接力(relay race)#游戏说明:#分两组,老师在前面倒卡片,每组学生一个接一个的读单词并用手传着球,然后计算两组的时间,时间少的为胜利者。#(第一组读完后第二组再读)#96.猜来猜猜去(which word in my mind?#)#游戏说明:#假如学三个词:# ape, ace, alien老师心里记住一个单词,让同学猜一个,老

165、师回答YES NO)#97.猜猜我是谁:#(who am I)#游戏说明:#指定一个同学用另外的声音说句子或单词,让另外一个同学猜猜这个同学#98.字母滚雪球(collect the letters)#这是个训练学生记忆字母能力的游戏,把学生分成若干组或男女两组。#游戏开始,第一位学生说一个字母(如:#B)第二位学生在后任意加上一个字母(如:#BE)然后依次进行(如BBEBEXBEXGBEXGL),说错了就被淘汰,说得多而准确的小组为胜。#99.照镜子(Look in the mirrow)#游戏说明:#老师一边说单词一边做动作,学生跟老师学, 和老师方向相同。#100抢椅子(get the

166、chair)#游戏说明:#老师在教室前面摆三个椅子,然后叫四个小朋友到前面来,然后老师和学生一起读这个单词或句子,当老师停下来的时候学生就要去抢椅子,没抢到椅子的学生就要被罚读一个单词,然后回去。#鸵鸟游戏#两个同学背对背,教师在其后背各放两张卡片,数123,学生同时转身看对方的单词,谁先说出对方的单词谁就赢,如果双方都没有看到,拿教师就再下一个口令,学生开始跑动的去看对方单词,谁先说出来算谁赢#;i:11;s:1973:冠词#选择填空。#( )1.It is beautiful flower.#A.a D.#( ) 2.It takes me hour to go to

167、 the school.# A.a D.#( ) 3.I have egg and apple for breakfast.# A.a;#a;#an# C.a;#an;#a#( ) 4.He is playing violin.# A.a C.the D./#( ) 5. Black like traveling.# A.The B.An# C.A D./#( ) 6.The poor have much money.# B.does# C.dont D.doesnt#( ) 7.Lily likes playing badmin

168、ton.# A.a C.the D./#( ) 8.The student and monitor handing out studentsnotebooks.# C.are ) 9.He is tallest student in his class.# A.a C.the D./#( ) 10. young should respect old.# A.A;#a B.A;#the# C.The;#a D.The;#the#参考答案:#1.选A。#因为flower是单数。#2.选B。#因为hour中的“h”不发音,以元音因素开头。#

169、3.选B。#因为两个名词都是以元音因素开头#4.选C。#因为乐器前要用the。#5.选A。#因为“the+姓氏”表示一家人。#6.选C。#因为穷人不止一个。#7.选D。#因为体育名词前不用冠词。#8.选A。#因为the student and monitor 是一个人。#9.选C。#因为形容词最高级前用the。#10.选D。#因为“the+形容词”表示一类人。#3#;i:12;s:7372: 五年级上册第六单元测试题 班级 姓名 #听力部分 #一 听录音排序 (10分)# #( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )# #( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )# 二 请根据录音选出合适的图片 (1

170、0分)# # #二、听问句,选答句。#(10分)#( ) 1. A. We have Chinese . B. I read books C. Yes , I have maths .#( ) 2. A. Its a pen . B. This is a pen . C. Thats a pen .#( ) 3. A. Yes , there is . B. No , there arent . C. Yes , I do .#( ) 4. A. I can play football. B. Sometimes I read books .C. Yes , I read books .#(

171、) 5. A. Its Monday . B. Its cloudy . C. Yes , its Tuesday .#( ) 6. A. Yes , I can. B. Me too . C. Yes , I do#( ) 7. A. Yes , he is . B. Yes , he isnt C. Yes , she is.#( ) 8. A. A cat . B. I d like some fish . C. I have fish .#( ) 9. A. Yes , there are. B. No , there arent . C. Yes , I am .#( ) 10. A

172、. I paly the pipa . B. I have music class C. I have beef for lunch.# 四. 请根据录音内容,填出所缺单词(10分)#This is a _.Its near a tall_.There are many _and _ in it.There is a _ in the village.There is a _over the river,There are many_in the river.There are many green_ and beautiful_.There are some birds on the tre

173、es.The sky is blue,the water is clean,too.I _ my village.#笔试部分#二选出划线部分发音与众不同的单词。#(5分)#( ) 1. A. eat B. meet C. healthy#( ) 2. A. wow B. yellow C. now #( ) 3. A. young B. our C. sound#( ) 4. A. look B.good C.cook#( ) 5. A. house B.cow C. know#三、选择填空。#(20分)新|课 | 标|第 | 一| 网#( )1._ a river in the park?#

174、 A. Is there B. Are there C. There is D. There are# ( )2.Is there a bird in the sky?# -_ .#A. Yes, there are B. Yes, there isnt #C. Yes, there is D. No, there is#( ) 3.Are there any fish in the river?# -_ .# A. No, there isnt. B. Yes, there are two fish.# C. Yes, there are two fishes. D. No, there a

175、re.#( ) 4.There are _apples in my bag. http:#/w ww.xkb 1. com# A. a B. an C. many D. any#( ) 5._ two pens on the desk?# A. Is B. Am C. Are D. Are there#( ) 6.How many books are there on the desk?#-_.# A. Yes, there are B. No, there arent.#C. They are many books. D. Three#( ) 7.Can you see the cat in

176、 the picture?# -_.#A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, there is.#C. No, I can. D. No, there isnt#( )8.The bridge is the river.#A. in B. on C. over D. under#( )9.There tall buildings in the village.#A. aret any B. arent some C. arent any#( )10. is the desk?# Its near my bed.#A. What B. Where C. Who D. How#四、从II栏中

177、找出I栏句子的应答语 (5分)#I II#( )1. Are there any houses in the village?# A. I have Chinese class.#( )2. What do you have on Mondays?# B. yes,there is.#( )3. What would you like to eat?# C. No, there arent.#( )4. Is there a forest here?# D. Id like some fish.#( )5. What do you have for lunch?# E. We have bee

178、f noodles. #五连词组句。#(15分)#1、 there, Is, forest, nature park, the, a, inX k B 1 . c o m # ?#2、 There, many, fish, in are, river, the# .#3、 any, in, the, Are, there, tall,buildings, park# ?#4、 many, There, houses, my, are, in, village# .#5、 Is, there, a,river, front,of,in,mountain,the# ?#六、按要求完成句子。#(15

179、分)新课 标 第 一 网# 1、公园里有一个湖。#(翻译) #There is a in the .#2.There are some trees in the forest. (变为一般疑问句)#_ _ _trees in the forest?#3.I often wash my clothes on Sundays.(变为一般疑问句) #Do_ often_ _ _on Sundays?#4.There is a m_ in the h_(根据首字母填空)#5.We have math,English on Fridays.(就划线部分提问)#What _you_ on Fridays?

180、#6 I have beef and fish for lunch. (就划线部分提问) #What _you_ for lunch?#十。#阅读理解。#1根据短文内容判断。#正确的写“T”错误的写“F”#( A ) # Hello!# My name is Sarah . This is my village. It is in the mountains. There are many small houses and a river. There is a bridge over the river. There are many fish in the river. There is

181、a path near the river. There are many flowers near the road . There is green grass and many trees. We can run on the grass. There is a lake near my village. The water is clean. The air is fresh . I like my village very much. Whats your village like?# Can you tell me , please?# (1) Sarah is from a vi

182、llage. ( ) # (2) There is a lake in Sarahs village. ( )# (3) There are many pandas in the mountains. ( )# (4) There are many cars in the road . ( )# (5) There are many flowers in Sarahs village. ( )#(B)#Hi,I amTom. This is a nature park,It is nice.There are many small hills in the park.There are man

183、y trees in the hills. look, there are some birds on the trees.They are singing songs.There is a river in the park. There is a bridge over the river. The water is clean.There are many fish in the river. There are many flowers near the river . I like this park very much. #1. Where is the bridge?# _#2.

184、 Whats in the river?# #3. Is there a bridge over the river?# #4. Are there any fish in the river?# #5. Are there any mountains in the park?# #九写作:#(5分)以My village为题,描述自己心目中美丽的村庄。#要求:#字迹工整,书写正确,字数不少于50词。#_#;i:13;s:5096: 2016年最新人教版版三年级英语下册三四单元测试#一、听音,选出录音所读句子中所含有的单词或字母。#( ) 1. A. desk B. peach C. chai

185、r#( ) 2. A. where B. pencil C. car#( ) 3. A. in B. on C. pear#( ) 4. A. map B. toy box C. desk#( ) 5. A. ball B. row C. under#二、将图片与单词连线。# #A. grandma B. Canada C. boy D. tiger E. giraffe F. elephant#三、听音,判断下列各图是否与听到的内容一致,是的画,否则画。# # #四、听问句,选择正确的答语。#( ) 1. A. Yes, I don#t. B. No, I do. C. OK#( ) 2.

186、A. It#s under the book. B. No problem. C. Yes, I do.#( ) 3. A. No, thanks. B. Sure. Here you are. C. Thank you.#( ) 4. A. In the toy box. B. Three. C. On the desk.#( ) 5. A. Yes, it is. B. No,it isnt. C. under the desk.#五、听音,按照录音所读顺序,用1-5给下面句子标号。#( ) It#s under the chair.#( )Have a good time.#( )Whe

187、re is my car?#( )It has small eyes and big ears.#( )Sure. Here you are.#笔试部分#六、请找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入前边括号里。#( ) 1. A. monkey B. short C. long #( ) 2. A. elephant B. dog C. teacher #( ) 3 A. pig B. big C. fat#( ) 4 A. cat B. fat C. bird #( ) 5. A. brother B. sister C. long#七、看图片选择合适的答案,把序号写在图片下括号里。# ( )1.I

188、t is a_. It has _ears.# A. rabbit;# long B. cat;# short # ( )2.It is a _. It has a _tail. # A. bird;# short B. monkey;# long # ( )3.Look at this_. It is so_. #A. deer;# short B. giraffe;# tall # ( )4.This is a_. It is so_. #A. cat;# big B. mouse;# small # ( )5.Look at that_. It has a _nose.# A. dog;

189、# small B. pig;# big #八、选出下列句子的正确翻译。#( )1.I am from the UK. A.让你的眼睛变小。#( )2.She is a new student. B.我来自英国。#( )3.He is my father. C.它有一个长尾巴和一对大眼睛。#( )4.It has a long tail and big eyes. D.她是一个新学生。#( )5.Make your eyes small. E.他是我的爸爸。# #九、看图,选出与图片相对应的句子或对话,把序号填在括号内。#1、 2、 3. # ( ) ( ) ( ) #A. The car i

190、s on the box. #B. Where is my pencil?# Its under your book.#C. -Mom, where is my ball?# -Look, It#s under the chair.#十、请从B栏中选出A栏句子的回答,将其序号写在前面括号里。# (A)栏 (B)栏# ( ) 1. Is your pencil box on the desk?# A. Yes, it is.# ( ) 2.Look at the giraffe. B. He is my father.# ( ) 3.Who is that man?# C. It is so t

191、all.# ( ) 4. Where is my ruler?# D. No, she isnt.# ( ) 5.Is she your mother?# E. Its in your pencil box. #十一、选择题,将正确选项的序号写在括号里。#( )1. It _ a small head.#A. have B. has C. is#( ) 2.I _ two big feet. #A. have B. has C. am#( ) 3. Look _ that giraffe. A. at B. and C. has#( ) 4.“它有一个小脑袋。#”可以翻译为:#_. #A. I

192、t has big eyes and long nose. #B. It has a small head. # C. It has a thin body .# ( ) 5.He _ a big head and a small mouth. #A. have B. has C. is#( ) 6.Is it in your toy box ?# #A. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it isnt. C. No, he isnt.#( )7. The elephant has a _ nose. #A. long B. short C. thin#( )8.Have _ goo

193、d time. #A. an B. a C .the#( )9._ go home.#A. Let me B. Let C. Lets#( )10. It _ so fat. A. am B. is C. are#十二连词成句。#注意标点符号和大小写。#1. is, Where, toy, my, box#_?#2. under, your, Is, desk, it#_?#3. time, good , a , Have#_.#4. a, Bounce, ball#_.#5. go, Lets , home#_.#;i:14;s:7133:#考生务必将姓名和学号正确填写清楚 # # #学 校

194、#姓 名#学 号#密# 封# #线#2013-2014学年新版小学三年级英语下册期中试卷#考试时间100分钟#听力部分(35分)#一、听录音,找出你所听到的内容,将其编号填入题前括号内。#(10分)#( ) 1、A. JBC B. GQB C. GPD#( ) 2、A. ako B. akq C. aok#( ) 3、A. dad B. did C. bad#( ) 4、A. tall B. how C. short#( ) 5、A. mom B. man C. woman#( ) 6、A. father B. mother C. brother#( ) 7、A. fat B. cat C.

195、tall#( ) 8、A. elephant B. monkey C. panda#( ) 9、A. teacher B. boy C. student#( ) 10、A. this B. that C. meet #二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。#(15分)# ( )1、A. Shes my mother. B. Shes my sister. C. Shes my grandmother.#( )2、A. It has long ears. B. It has short ears. C. It has small eyes. #( )3、A. Whos that man?# B. Wh

196、os that woman?# C. Whos that boy?#( )4、A. This is my brother. B. This is my sister. C. This is my friend.#( )5、A. Im nine. B. Im Amy. C. Im a boy.#三、听录音,看图,圈出与录音内容相符合的一项。#(10分)#1、 2、 3、 #4、 5、# #笔试部分(65分)#四、把下列单词用手写体认真抄写在四线格内。#(12分)#cat hand bag dad ten pen leg red big six pig milk#五、将单词选在对应的图片下的括号里

197、,组成幸福的一家人。#(12分)#A. father B. grandfather C. sister D. grandmather E. mother F. brother#( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )# 六.找出下列单词中不同类的一项。#(10分)#( )1. A. woman B. fish )2. A. monkey B. short C. long#( )3. A. big B. small C. ear#( )4. A. UK B. USA C. zoo#( )5. A. teacher B. man C. student#七、读一读、选一选。#(

198、13分)#( )1、-This is my friend, John. - .# A. Im ten. B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you.#( )2、-Where are you from?# - .# A. My name is Mike. B. Im from Canada. C. Im a boy.#( )3、-Nice to meet you. - .# A. Im from Canada. B. Thank you. C. Nice to meet you, too.#( )4、-Whos that woman ?# - .# A. This is my

199、 father. B. She is my mother. C. He is my father.#( )5、-Is he your brother?# - .#A. Yes, he is . B. Really . C.OK!#( )6、- Whos this boy?# - .#A. He is my brother. B. He is my father. C. She is my sister.# ( ) 7. -Good afternoon. -_# A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Goodbye.# ( ) 8. It a long n

200、ose.# A. no B. has C. have#( )9. A:# Whos that _?# B:# Shes my mother.#A. man B. woman C. girl#( )10. A:# Whos that man?# B:# _ is my father.#A. He B. She C. he #( )11. A:# Who this _?# B:# Hes my brother.#A. boy B. girl#( ) 12. A:# Who this girl?# B:# _ my sister.#A. Hes B. Shes# ( )13. I s she you

201、r sister?# B:# _.#A、No, she is. B. Yes, she is.# 八、将合适的形容词与动物连线。#(8分)# a long nose pig# a short tail elephant# a thin rabbit# a fat monkey #九、根据所给的情景,选择正确答案。#(10分)#( )1. 不知道那个男孩是谁,你会问:#A. Whos that man?# B. Whos that boy?# C. Whos she?#( )2. 向妈妈介绍你的朋友迈克,你说:#A. This is my friend, Mike. B. Whats your

202、name?# C. He is Mike.#( )3. 下午见到怀特小姐,你说:#A. Good morning, Miss White. B. Good afternoon, Miss White.#C. Good evening, Miss White.#( )4、如何询问“你来自哪里?#”#A、Where are you from?#. B、How are you?#. C、Nice to meet you.#( )5、如何表达“我来自美国。#”#A、Im from China. B、Im from USA. C、Im from Canada.#考生务必将姓名和学号正确填写清楚 # #

203、#学 校#姓 名#学 号#密# 封# #线#2013-2014学年新版小学三年级英语下册期中试卷#考试时间100分钟#听力部分(35分)#一、听录音,找出你所听到的内容,将其编号填入题前括号内。#(10分)#( ) 1、A. JBC B. GQB C. GPD#( ) 2、A. ako B. akq C. aok#( ) 3、A. dad B. did C. bad#( ) 4、A. tall B. how C. short#( ) 5、A. mom B. man C. woman#( ) 6、A. father B. mother C. brother#( ) 7、A. fat B. cat

204、 C. tall#( ) 8、A. elephant B. monkey C. panda#( ) 9、A. teacher B. boy C. student#( ) 10、A. this B. that C. meet #二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。#(15分)# ( )1、A. Shes my mother. B. Shes my sister. C. Shes my grandmother.#( )2、A. It has long ears. B. It has short ears. C. It has small eyes. #( )3、A. Whos that man?# B

205、. Whos that woman?# C. Whos that boy?#( )4、A. This is my brother. B. This is my sister. C. This is my friend.#( )5、A. Im nine. B. Im Amy. C. Im a boy.#三、听录音,看图,圈出与录音内容相符合的一项。#(10分)#1、 2、 3、 #4、 5、# #;i:15;s:8090:一般过去时#1一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。#一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作感谢。#2Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:#

206、am和is在一般过去时中变为was(was not=wasnt)#are在一般过去时中变为were(were not=werent)#带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。#3句中没有be动词的一般过去时的句子#否定句:#didnt +动词原形,如:#Jim didnt go home yesterday.#一般疑问句:#在句首加did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形。#如:#Did Jim go home yesterday?#特殊疑问句:#疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?#如:#W

207、hat did Jim do yesterday?#疑问词当主语时:#疑问词+动词过去式?#如:#Who went to home yesterday?#动词过去式变化规则:#1一般在动词末尾加-ed,如:#pull-pulled, cook-cooked#2结尾是e加d,如:#taste-tasted#3末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:#stop-stopped#4以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:#study-studied#5不规则动词过去式:#am,is-was, are-were, do-did, see-sa

208、w, say-said, give-gave, get-got, go-went, come-came, have-had, eat-ate, take-took, run-ran, sing-sang, put-put, make-made, read-read, write-wrote, draw-drew, drink-drank, fly-flew, ride-rode, speak-spoke, sweep-swept, swim-swam, sit-sat#过去时练习#写出下列动词的过去式#isam_ fly_ plant_ are_#drink_ play_ go_ make_#

209、does_ dance_ worry_ ask_#taste_ eat_ draw_ put_#throw_ kick_ pass_ do_#Be动词的过去时练习(1)#一、 用be动词的适当形式填空#1. I _ at school just now.#2. He _ at the camp last week.#3. We _ students two years ago.#4. They _ on the farm a moment ago.#5. Yang Ling _ eleven years old last year.#6. There _ an apple on the pla

210、te yesterday.#7. There _ some milk in the fridge on Sunday.#8. The mobile phone _ on the sofa yesterday evening.#二、 句型转换#1. It was exciting.#否定句:#_#一般疑问句:#_#肯、否定回答:#_#2. All the students were very excited.#否定句:#_#一般疑问句:#_#肯、否定回答:#_#3. They were in his pocket.#否定句:#_#一般疑问句:#_#肯、否定回答:#_#Be动词的过去时练习(2)#

211、一、用be动词的适当形式填空#1. I _ an English teacher now.#2. She _ happy yesterday.#3. They _ glad to see each other last month.#4. Helen and Nancy _ good friends.#5. The little dog _ two years old this year.#6. Look, there _ lots of grapes here.#7. There _ a sign on the chair on Monday.#8. Today _ the second o

212、f June. Yesterday _ the first of June. It _ Childrens Day. All the students _ very excited.#二、句型转换#1. There was a car in front of the house just now.#否定句:#_#一般疑问句:#_#肯、否定回答:#_#三、 中译英#1我的故事书刚才还在手表旁边。#_#2他们的外套上个礼拜放在卧室里了。#_#3一会以前花园里有两只小鸟。#_#行为动词的过去时练习(1)#一、用动词的适当形式填空#1. He _ (live) in Wuxi two years ag

213、o.#2. The cat _ (eat) a bird last night.#3. We _ (have) a party last Halloween.#4. Nancy _ (pick) up oranges on the farm last week.#5. I _ (make) a model ship with Mike yesterday.#6. They _ (play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson.#7. My mother _ (cook) a nice food last Spring Festival.#8. The g

214、irls _ (sing) and _ (dance) at the party.#二、句型转换#1. Su Hai took some photos at the Sports day.#否定句:#_#一般疑问句:#_#肯、否定回答:#_#2. Nancy went to school early.#否定句:#_#一般疑问句:#_#肯、否定回答:#_#3. We sang some English songs.#否定句:#_#一般疑问句:#_#肯、否定回答:#_#行为动词的过去时练习(2)#一、用动词的适当形式填空#1. I _ (watch) a cartoon on Saturday.#

215、2. Her father _ (read) a newspaper last night.#3. We _ to zoo yesterday, we _ to the park. (go)#4. _ you _ (visit) your relatives last Spring Festival?#5. _ he _ (fly) a kite on Sunday?# Yes, he _.#6. Gao Shan _ (pull) up carrots last National Day holiday.#7. I _ (sweep) the floor yesterday, but my

216、mother _.#8. What _ she _ (find) in the garden last morning?# She _ (find) a beautiful butterfly.#二、句型转换#1. They played football in the playground.#否定句:#_#一般疑问句:#_#肯、否定回答:#_#一、 用动词的适当形式填空#1. It _ (be) Bens birthday last Friday.#2. We all _ (have) a good time last night.#3. He _ (jump) high on last S

217、ports Day.#4. Helen _ (milk) a cow on Friday.#5. She likes _ newspapers, but she _ a book yesterday. (read)#6. He _ football now, but they _ basketball just now. (play)#7. Jims mother _ (plant) trees just now.#8. _ they _ (sweep) the floor on Sunday?# No, they _.#9. I _ (watch) a cartoon on Monday.#

218、10. We _ (go) to school on Sunday.#过去时综合练习(2)#一、 用动词的适当形式填空#1. It _ (be) the 2nd of November yesterday.#Mr White _ (go) to his office by car.#2. Gao Shan _ (put) the book on his head a moment ago.#3. Dont _ the house. Mum _ it yesterday. (clean)#4. What _ you _ just now?# I _ some housework. (do)#5.

219、 They _ (make) a kite a week ago.#6. I want to _ apples. But my dad _ all of them last month. (pick)#7. _ he _ the flowers this morning?# Yes, he _. (water)#8. She _ (be) a pretty girl. Look, she _ (do) Chinese dances.#9. The students often _ (draw) some pictures in the art room.#10.What _ Mike do o

220、n the farm?# He _ cows. (milk)#;i:16;s:8215:#六年级下学期期末试题#班级_ 姓名_ 得分_#听力部分(40分)#一、听短文,判断图片是否符合短文的意思,符合的在该图片下的括号里打“ ”,不符合的打“ # ”。#(10分)# # ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )#一、 听音,在下面各个句子的空格中填上相应的单词,使句子完整。#(10分)#1. do you usually go to school?# I usually go on .#2. What did Mike do last ?#He hiking.#3 .Stop at a ligh

221、t. Wait at a light.#4.The post office is to the cinema. Its the bookstore.#5.John is ,but Zhang Peng is .#二、 听音,根据听到的问题,选择合适的答句。#(10分)#( )1. A.I visited my uncle on my holiday.# B.I usually go to a park. C.I did my homework.#( )2. A. Yes, I did. B. No, I did. C. Yes , I do.#( )3. A. Hes tall and str

222、ong. B. He likes sports.# C. He likes meat.#( )4. A.I have a stomachache. B.I feel sick.# C.I am fine, thank you.#( )5. A. Hes working B. He works in a hospital.# C. His brother is a doctor.#四、听音,根据录音将下面各图片的顺序重新排列,并将序号填在各图片下的括号里。#(分)#()()()()()#笔试部分 (60分)#五、用所给单词填空,把短文补充完整。#(10分)#going , stronger ,

223、happy , office , went , likes , taller , playing ,#friend , younger , counting , weekend , play , older , collecting#Hello, I have a good . Her name is Lily. She is 160 cm tall. She is than me. But she is only 13 years old , and Im 14 years old. She is than me. She collecting stamps. We often togeth

224、er. This ,we are to the post to buy stamps. We like stamps. We are very .#六、根据所给的图片,回答所提供的问题。#(10分)# 1. Where is the school ?# # #2. What did you do on your holiday ?# # #3. What is the matter ?# # #4. How does Chen Jie feel ?# # #5. Did you read books yesterday ?# # #七、补充对话。#(10分)#Mike:# on your ho

225、liday ?#John:# I went to the country.#Mike:# ?#John:# I rowed a boat and took many pictures .#Mike:# ?#John:# I went there by train .#Mike:# ?#John:# I went to the country with my cousins.#Mike:# Did you have a good time?#John:# .#八、根据要求变换句型。#(10分)#1、 The students are cleaning the classroom.(变一般问句作肯

226、定回答)# #2、 The children have lunch at home.(改否定句)# #3、 The old man is sitting on the chair.(划线提问)# #4、 There are some potatoes on the table.(改单句)# #5、 Is this your pencil?# (变陈述句)# _#九、阅读理解,下列句子是否符合短文的内容,对的写“T”,错的写“F”(10分)#Dear Betty,#Its the end of the school year. Some of our classmates are going t

227、o have a farewell party next Saturday afternoon in our classroom. Id like to invite you to our party. Everyone can perform at the party. You can sing some English songs for us. And you can bring a small gift to the party. Well play a game with all the gifts. Well also serve some nice food at the par

228、ty. Youll have a good time. I hope you can come .# Sarah# ( )1. Sarahs classmates will have a farewell party in December.# ( ) 2 . Betty can sing some songs at the party.# ( ) 3 . They will play games at the party.# ( ) 4 . They invited their parents to the party.# ( ) 5 . They will have good food a

229、t the party.#十、初级写作。#(10分)#(根据所给的图片,介绍John 上星期天去了哪里,在那看见了什么,干了什么事情,心情会怎样?#).#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#_#期末试题#一、Last Tuesday ,Betty, Jim and I were very happy, because it was the Childrens Day. On that day, I went to the zoo with my parents. But Jim didnt go. He played the violin at home. In the afterno

230、on, I visited my grandparents. How about Jim?# He played games with his friends. He was very happy, too.#1、 2、 # 3、 4、# 5、#二、1. How do you usually go to school?# I usually go on foot .#2. What did Mike do last weekend ?#He went hiking.#3. Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light.#4. The post offi

231、ce is next to the cinema. Its behind the bookstore.#5. John is angry ,but Zhang Peng is excited .#三、1. What do you often do on Sundays?# ( B)#2. Do you like watching TV?# ( C )#3. Whats your father like, Kate?# (A)#4. How do you feel, Chen Jie?# ( B) #5. Where does your uncle work?# ( B )#四、We went

232、on a trip last holiday .On the first day, I went to a park and row a boat. On the second day, I took many pictures with my parents. On the third day, I went fishing with my dad. On the fourth day we ate good food. We had a good time.#1 3 5 4 2#五、Hello , I have a good friend . Her name is Lily . She

233、is 160 cm tall . She is taller than me . But she is only 13 years old , and Im 14 years old . She is younger #than me . She likes collecting stamps . We often play together . This weekend ,we are going to the post office to buy stamps . We like collecting stamps . We are very happy .#六、1 . Its next

234、to the bank .2. I climbed mountains .#3. I have a headache .4. She is happy .5. No , I didnt .#七、1Where did you go ?# 2. What did you do on your holiday ?#3. How did you go there ?#4. Who did you go with ?# #5. Did you have a good time ?#八、1. Are the students cleaning the classroom?# Yes, they are.#

235、2. The children dont have lunch at home.#3. Where is the old man sitting?# 4. There is a potato on the table.#5. This is my pencil.#九、1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T#十、略#;i:17;s:7403:小学四年级英语(下册)课程纲要#学校名称:#济源市坡头镇第一小学#设 计 者:#薛亚飞#课程名称:#英语#课程类型:#必修#教材版本:#人民教育出版社2012年版#适用年级:#四年级#课 时:#48课时#一、背景分析#课程目标的级别不完全等同于基础教育阶段的

236、各个年级。#从3年级开设英语课程的学校,3、4年级应完成一级目标,小学英语新课程标准中指出一级综合语言运用能力目标为:#对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。#能根据教师的简单指令做游戏、做动作、做事情(如涂颜色、连线)。#能做简单的角色扮演。#能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。#能在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。#能交流简单的个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。#能书写字母和单词。#对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。#二、课程目标#英语是基础教育阶段的必修课程。#四年级学生在学习一个学期的基础上,在下册学习中应达到的学习目标有:#1 .能听,说,认读54个单词和31个句子(包括学校,时

237、间,天气,农场 服装、询问价格等几个话题)要求能在真实语境中正确运用并能读懂简短对话。#2.能听,说 50个单词。#3.能通过各种任务型语言活动巩固所学知识,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。#4.玩,演,试听及文化:#(1)能听懂,会跟唱6首歌曲,能通过活泼,欢快的歌曲复习巩固所学语言。#(2)能听懂,会吟唱6首歌谣。#(3)能理解6个幽默小故事,能适当扩展本单元语言,加大信息输入,讲述趣味故事并表演。#(4)能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识,能以通俗易懂的形式介绍中西方文化生活常识。#5.阅读及表达#(1)能读懂对话或小短文。#(2)能完成检测学生理解程度的填充句子练习。#(3)能听,说,读, 书

238、写四会句子并掌握掌握四会句型的用法。#(4)能完成一项综合运用所学语言的任务型语言活动。#(5)能用所学语言进行简单口头以及书面表达,进而抒发自己的情感。#三、课程内容与课时安排#本册教材由六个话题单元和两个复习单元组成。#每个模块由单元话题功能结构-任务构成,每个话题开始之前设计有相关的情景导入部分,之后开始分A、B、C三个部分,每部分都有固定的模块。#其中听、说、读、写的语言技能编排,用各种趣味活动、游戏、儿歌学习巩固知识来贯穿始终。#课时安排#单元序号#单元专题#主要话题#课时安排#Unit 1#My school#School things;#School rooms#6#Unit 2

239、#What time is it?#Class, time, make plan of a day#6#Unit 3#Weather #Weather, temperature#6#Recycle 1#复习1-3单元所学习的知识#3#Unit 4 #At the farm#Vegetables, animals#6#Unit 5#My clothes#clothes#6#Unit 6#Shopping#Price, living goods#6#Recycle 2#Unit4-Unit6的复习单元#3#复习#复习一到六单元#6#四、课程实施建议#1. 词汇教学#明确词汇教学目标。#加粗的单词要


241、应根据教学的需要,大胆设计深受学生欢迎的课堂交际性语言活动。#注意示范教学单词的发音#2. 对话教学#本教材的会话部分设计了各种真实自然的情景,其目的在于便于表演。#四年级儿童的特征就是爱玩,好表现自己。#因此,用表演和游戏的形式来进行交流,学习语言、运用语言是最恰当的。#在会话教学中,教师应注意以下几点:#融会话教学于情景表演之中,师生一起在表演中教,在表演中练,在交际活动中用,而不要将会话教学变成跟老师念,跟录音读,集体、小组、个人读的枯燥无味的形式。#在会话表演中,教师的角色既是针对在表演中教学会话的特色,教师可充分利用教师用书后面的头饰或自制木偶、纸偶,也可以用绘制各种人物的名片卡的形

242、式进行。#Songs and chants#本册学生用书中共有8首歌曲和7首歌谣。#如在课堂教学时间内一句一句地教唱或领念,将会影响教学进度,而且效果也不一定好。#要使歌曲和歌谣真正起到活跃教学,并服务于语言学习的作用,教师要精心设计,让课本中的歌曲和歌谣起到最大的为词汇和语言教学服务的作用。#教师要改变一些传统的看法,即认为歌曲和歌谣是用来活跃课堂气氛的,可用可不用。#在教学中用好、用巧歌曲和歌谣,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,弱化教学难度,提高教学效率。#歌曲和歌谣可以用作调节课堂气氛,更可以用于巩固复习所学词汇和语言,同时也可以用于新知的呈现与教学。#歌曲的作用也和歌谣一样,用好了,可以获得事


244、测)、期中测试和期末测试,将采用等级制,内容包括单词默写、听力测试、笔试和背对话四大板块,更注重测后自我总结反思,即自我评价,以此培养自我改进的积极性和方法。#活动评价:#根据本册内容,进行学生综合素养测试。#;i:18;s:2059:一年级下学期英语期中试卷#班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 成绩_#听力部分(60)#一、选出你所听到的单词,并将其序号填入题前的括号内。#20#( ) 1. A. B. #( ) 2.A. B. # #( ) 3. A. B. #( ) 4. A. B. #( ) 5. A. B. #二、听录音,给下面的图片标上序号。#20#(# #)# #(# #)# (# #)#

245、(# #) (# #)#三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图片相符,相符的打,不相符的打#20#(# #)# #(# )# (# #)# (# ) (# #)#笔试部分(40) #四、写出字母的大写或小写。#16# # # #五、看图片与相应的单词连线。#24#1. a book #2. peas#3. a bird#4. one#5. a tree#6. onions# #;i:19;s:9189: 新版四年级英语上册第一单元测试题#一、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其序号填入括号里。#(# ) 1. A. door# B. window# C. clean#(# ) 2. A. open# B

246、. blackboard# C. close#(# ) 3. A. desk# B. classrom# C. chair#(# ) 4. A. one# B. two# C. picture#(# ) 5. A. see# B. door# C. chair#(# ) 6. A. turn on# B. light# C. put up#二、判断下列每组单词画线部分读音是否一致,一致的在括号里打,不一致的打#。#(# ) 1. A. cat# B. bag# (# ) 2. A. dad# B. hate#(# ) 3. A. cake# B. Kate# (# ) 4. A. hat# B

247、. make#三、选择题。#(# ) 1. -_ my picture?# - Its on the blackboard.# A. Whats# B. Wheres# C. Where#(# ) 2. Wow!# Its _ beautiful!# A. so# B. how# C. a#(# ) 3. Open the _.# A. picture# B. light# C. door#(# ) 4. Close the _.# A. blackboard# B. floor# C. window#(# ) 5. Lets go _ see.# A. and# B. or# C. /#(#

248、 ) 6. We _ a new classroom.# A. has# B. have# C. are#(# ) 7. This is a _ desk.# A. teacher# B. teachers# C. teachers#(# ) 8. The window _ green.# A. am# B. is# C. are#(# ) 9. This is _ chair. Its red.# A. my# B. me# C. I#(# ) 10. Look!# This is a TV. Its _.# A. a black# B. black# C. a big#(# ) 11. L

249、et _ clean the blackboard.# A. I# B. me# C. we#四、根据情景选择正确的句子,将其序号填入括号里。#(# ) 1. 你想让别人和你一起打扫教室,你说:#_.#A. Let me clean the classroom# B. Lets clean the classroom# C. Lets clean the window.#(# ) 2. 你想自己擦桌子,你说:#_#A. Lets clean the desk.# B. Let me clean the desk# C. Let me clean the chair.#(# ) 3. 你想帮助别

250、人,你说:#_#A. Let me help you.# B. Let you help me# C. Lets help each other#(# ) 4. 你想问别人叫什么名字,你说:#_#A. Where is it?# B. Whats your name?# C. Where are you from?#(# ) 5. 你想问别人来自哪里,你说:#_#A. Where is it?# B. Whats your name?# C. Where are you from?#(# ) 6. 你想找你的铅笔,你会问:#_#A. Where is my pencil?# B. Where

251、is it from?# C. Whats its name?#五、把下列句子重新排列,组成一段对话。#(# ) Good morning, Amy. Lets clean the classroom.#(# ) Then let me clean the desks and chairs.#(# ) OK. Let me clean the blackboard.#(# ) Good morning, Sarah.#六、阅读对话,判断正 错#。#A:# We have a new classroom.#B:# OK. Lets go and have a look.#A:# Look, fi

252、ve fans and four doors.#B:# And a new computer. Its cool.#A:# I like my new classroom.#B:# Me too.#(# ) 1. We have a new classroom.#(# ) 2. We have two fans.#(# ) 3. We have six lights.#(# ) 4. We have a new computer.#(# ) 5. We like the new classroom.#;i:20;s:13155:#第一课 人称代词#主格(做主语)#一般放句首#宾格(动、介后)#

253、句尾的#形容格(跟名词#放名词前的#名词格#句尾单独用#I#me#my#mine# you(你,你们)#you#your#your#he#him#his#his#she#her#her#hers#it#it#its#its#we#us#our#Ours#they#them#their#theirs#1. Are these _(you)pencils?#Yes, they are _(our).#2. -Whose is this pencil?# -It#s _(I).#3. I love _(they)very much.#4. She is_(I)classmate.#5. Miss L

254、i often looks after_(she)brother.#6 -Are these _(they)bags ?#-No, they aren#t _(their). They are _(we).#7. That is not _ kite. #That kite is very small, but _ is very big.( I )#8. The dress is _. Give it to _. ( she )#9. Is this _ watch?# (you) No, its not _ . ( I )#1. This bike is my sisters. It be

255、longs to _ (她的)。#2. This isnt my book. _(我的) is in the bag.#3.Could_(你)ask_(他) to call_(我)back?#4.Dont forget_(我们)?#5._(我们)would like to buy_ (它们).#6. -Who is it in this picture?# -Its _(我).#7. Theres one dollar on the floor. Pick_(它)up.#8._(他们)are friendly to_(你们).#9.Does_(他)give_(它)to_(她)?#10._(他)

256、does_(他的)homework on Sunday.#1. Hello, may _ (我) speak to Jack?#2. My bag is small. Can I use _ (你的)?#3. That is_(他们的) new house.#4. My ruler is long. _ ( 她的 ) is short.#5. _(他的) teacher is good. _(她的)is good, too.#6. Mr. Green often tells _(我们) some stories.#7._(他)often helps _(我们)with our lessons.

257、#8.Shall _(我们)go and join _(她们)?#9. _(我)want to go with _(他们)#10. Could _(你)tell_(我)how to get to the nearest hotel?#1. Let _(我)help _(你们)#2. It#s time for _(她)to go home.#3. It#s very nice of _(你)#4. This bike is my sisters. It belongs to _ (她的)。#5._(他)does_(他的)homework on Sunday. 第二课 名词单复数及a,an的用法

258、#主语#谓语(be动词)#表语#单数#he, she, it#Is#a/an +名词单数#I#am#you#are#复数#you we they#are#名词复数#例:#我是男人。#I am a man. 我们是男人。#We are men.#你是女人。#You are a woman. 你们是女人。#You are women.# 他是老师。#He is a teacher. 他们是老师。#They are students.#名词的单数:#表示一个时,名词前加a 或an(用于名词第一个是元音音素前的。#名词的复数:#一般在单数形式后面加-s或-es。#(1)名词可以分为可数名词和不可数名词

259、,不可数名词没有单复数,一律看作单数。#(2)可数名词的单数前什么时候用a,什么时候用an?# #答:#以元音音标(或音素)开头的用an。#以辅音音标(或音素)开头的用a。#注意:#我们看的是音标(或音素),而不是元音字母。#一.写出下列名词的复数形式#I _ this _ that_ watch _#child _ photo _ diary _ day_#foot_ book_ dress _ tooth_#sheep _ box_ trawberry _ thief_#yo-yo _ peach_ sandwich _ man_# woman_ paper_ juice_ water_#

260、milk_ rice_ tea_ bag _#orange _ family _ shelf _ knife _#wish _ key _ baby _ tooth _#Japanese_ adio_ tomato_ army_ # fox_ Chinese_ goose_ mouse_#二.用a,an,the或 / 填空.#1.There is apple tree in my garden. #2.Horse is useful animal. 3LiLy is 8-year-old girl. #4.There is map of China,_map is on wall.#5.Yes

261、terday we had_wonderful time at the park. #6.Would you please pass me_ sugar on table?# #7.Go to the open air and enjoy moon. #8._elephant has_ long nose .#9.My aunt works in_hospital,she is_nurse. #10.Who is_man with glasses?# #11. Do you know boy in a yellow hat?# #12.Students often play volleybal

262、l in afternoon. #13.-whats date today?# -Its June 26th. #14.Mike is university student.He is honest boy. #15.We always have rice for lunch. #第三课 一般现在时#主语#谓语#宾语#时间特征#我#am#其它#every often always #usually sometimes #now and then#他,她,它,人名#is#你,你们,我们,他们#are#不是三单人称#无#动原#三单人称#无#动尾加s或es#没有Be动词:#当谓语由实义动词充当,主语

263、不是第三人称单数时, #句子结构为:#主语+动词原形+其它 #否定式为:#主语+don#t+动词原形+其它 #疑问句为:#Do+主语+动词原形+其它?#当主语是第三人称单数时:# #句子结构为:#主语+动词(词尾加s或es)+其它. #否定式为:#主语+doesn#t+动词原形+其它. #疑问句式:#Does+主语+动词原形+其它?#第一人称#第二人称#第三人称(三单)#单#数#我I#你you#他he,她she,它it#一只猫a cat, 水water,#LiLy李丽(人名)等#复#数#我们we#你们you#他(她,它)们they#两只猫two cats#第三人称单数#+动词(词尾s或es)#

264、一般在词尾-s#以字母s,x,ch,sh或o结尾-es#先改成否定句,再改成一般疑问句,再作肯定和否定回答。#1.He is a teacher. # ?# #2.Henry takes the No.1 bus to school. # ?# #3.I go there by bus. # ?# #4. He does his homework. # ?# #5.The panda looks lovely. # ?# #6.She can do it by herself. # ?# #7.Does he walk to school?# (改陈述句) .#8. Do you often

265、play football after school?# (肯定回答) #9. I have many books. (改为否定句) #10. Gao Shans sister likes playing table tennis (改为否定句)# #11. She lives in a small town near New York. (改为一般疑问句)# #12. I watch TV every day.(改为一般疑问句) #13. David has got a goal.(改为一般疑问句) #14. We have four lessons.(否定句) #15. Nancy doe

266、snt run fast (肯定句) #16. My dog runs fast. (改为一般疑问句)# #第四课 现在进行时#主语#谓语#宾语#时间特征#我#am#动词ing#now, at this time, #these days, etc#他,她,它,人名#is#你,你们,我们,他们#are#句型:#肯定句:#am/is/are+动词ing #否定句:#am/is/are+not+动词ing. #一般疑问句:#把be动词放于句首。#1. Listen!# Who (speak) English in the library?#2. She _ (like) music. Now sh

267、e (sing).#3. Don#t (run) in the street.#4. you (go) to school every day?#5. Class is over. The pupils (play) games.#6. It#s 6:#30. I (get) up.#7. Look, the pupils (have) an English class.#8. My mother (wash) the bowls in the kitchen now.#9. He (like) art very much. He (draw) a horse now.#10. Let the

268、 children go away. They (make) noise here.#1Mr Zheng _ (read) a book now.#2. The rabbits _ (jump) now.#3. Look !# Tom and John _ (swim).#4. My brother _ (make) a kite in his room now.#5. Look!# The bus _ (stop).#6. We _ (have) an English class now.#7. Listen!# Someone is_(come).#8. They _(catch) but

269、terflies now.#9. He _ (do) an experiment now.#10. They _(collect) stamps now.#11. The doctors _ (get ) off the bus.#12. Come on. They _ ( leave ) now.#按要求改写句子#1. The boy is playing basketball.否定句:#_#一般疑问句:#_#肯定回答:#_ 否定回答:#_#对The boy提问:#_#2. 造句:#1).she,the window,open,now.(用现在进行时连词成句.)#_#2).is,who,th

270、e window,cleaning?#(连词成句)_#3).She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)_#4.)You are doing your homework.(用#I#作主语改写句子)#_#5).they,the tree,sing,now,under.(用现在进行时连词成句.)#_#6).The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句)#_#第五课 基数与序数#口诀:#基变序,有规律。#一、二、三、特殊记,词尾字母t,d,d. (如:#first, second, third)。#八减t,九去e

271、,(如:#eighth, ninth), f 来把ve替。#(如:#twelfth).#单词ty作结尾,ty变成tie(如:#twentieth).#若是碰到几十几,只变个位就可以。#(如:#twenty-first)#一、 写出下列基数词和序数词.#1_ _ 2_ _ 3_ _#7_ _ 8_ _ 9_ _ _#12_ _ 13_ _ 20_ _#10_ _ 17_ _15_ _#5_ _ 4_ _ 11_ _#二、写出下列词的序数词#one two six five #nine twelve eight twenty-one #三、写出下列单词的基数词#third fourth tenth

272、 #twentieth nineteenth thirty-first #四、根据句子意思填空。#1. Childrens Day(儿童节) is on the of June(六月).#2. There are months(月)in a year(年).#3. Teachers Day(教师节) is on the of September(九月).#4. Three plus(加) six is .#五、选择填空。#( )1. My cousins birthday in on the of October. # A. three B. first C. the second#( )2.

273、 Whats the date today?# Its of April. # A. twelfth B. the 12th C. 12th#( )3. There are days in a week. # A. the seven B. seventh C. the seventh D. seven#( )4.Sunday is the day of a week. # A. one B. first C. second#( )5. Twenty-eight minus(减)six is . # A. the twenty- second B. twenty-two C. twenty-

274、second#( )6. Four plus(加) is twelve. # A. seven B. eight C. nine#( )7. May is the month of the year.#A. five B fifth C six D sixth#( )8. There are so many new words in the (二十九) lesson .#A twenty-nine B twenty-nineth C twenty-ninth #( )9. January is the month of the year .#A one B oneth C first #( )

275、10. The Yellow Rive;i:21;s:15774:广东韶关实验小学五年级上册期末复习资料#五年级上册知识点总结#第一单元#重点单词#1#old 老的,年纪大的#young 年轻的,岁数不大的#funny 滑稽的,可笑的#kind 体贴的,慈祥的,宽容的#strict 要求严格的,严厉的#polite 有礼貌的,客气的#shy 羞怯的,腼腆的,怕生的#helpful 有用的,愿意帮忙的#clever 聪明的,聪颖的#hard-working 工作努力的,辛勤的#music 音乐#art 美术#science 科学#English 英语#Maths(math)数学#Chinese

276、语文,中文#sometimes 有时,间或#robot 机器人#speak 会说,会讲(某种语言);#用(某种语言)说话#广东韶关实验小学五年级上册期末复习资料#重点句子#1. Whos your art teacher?# 谁是你的美术老师?# Mr. Jones.琼斯老师。#2. Is he young?# 他年轻吗?# #Yes, he is. 是的,他年轻。# No, he isnt. 不,他不年轻。#3. Whats Wu Yifan like?# 吴一帆怎样?# Hes hard-working. 他很勤奋。#4. Ms Wang will be our new Chinese t

277、eacher. 王老师会成为我们的新语文老师。#5. He is very helpful at home. 他在家很能干。#6. Robin is short but strong. 罗宾个子矮,但是身体强壮。#7. He can speak Chinese and English. 他会说中文和英语。#8. He makes me finish my homework. 他让我写作业。#语 音#字母y在单词中的发音:#1、双音节或多音节词末发 i 。#例:#baby happy windy sunny sorry candy many family party# 婴儿 开心的 有风的 晴朗

278、的 对不起 糖果 许多 家庭 聚会#课外补充:#2、y在单音节词末发 ai #例:#by 乘坐 my 我的 why 为什么 cry 哭 fly 飞#重点知识及语法#1、询问他人的外貌或性格:#-Whats he/she like?# - He/She is kind/#2、一般疑问句的问与答:#Is he/she?#Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.# Do you know?# Yes, I do. No, I dont#识记口诀:#我用am, 你用are, is用于他、她、它,所有复数都用are。#3、be动词的三种形式am, is, are与人称代词连用的用

279、法:#I + am, #He, she, it,人名、物名+ is #We, you, they + are#4、Ms., Miss, Mr., Mrs.的区别:# Ms. miz(缩略词)(用于女子的姓氏或姓名前,不指明婚否)女士;#Miss mis(用于未婚女子的姓氏或姓名前,以示礼貌)小姐,女士;# Mr. mistE(mister的缩略词)(用于男子的姓氏或姓名前)先生;#Mrs. misiz(用于已婚女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太;#夫人。#5、and和but的区别:#and “和,与”,表并列关系 He is tall and thin. 他又高又瘦。#but “但是”,表转折关系 He

280、 is short but strong. 他个子矮,但是身体强壮。#重点作文#1、介绍自己、朋友或老师等熟悉的人物,如:#My teacher/friend/。#思路导引#(1)开头:#交代人物的身份 I have a/anHe/She is#(2)中间:#1)体貌 He/ She is tall/strong He/She has hair/eyes# 2)性格 He/She is strict/kind# 3)爱好 He/She likes playing pingi-pong/ 或He/She often read books/ on the weekend.#(3)结尾:#评价人物或

281、抒发对人物的情感 I like him/her very much. #2、范文:#(1)课本P9 Read and write#(2) My Chinese teacher# I have a new Chinese teacher. She is Ms. Chen. She is tall and thin. She has big eyes and long black hair. She is kind and funny. Sometimes she is strict, too. She is hard-working. She likes reading. Her class i

282、s so much fun. We all like her.# # # 第二单元#重点单词#3#Sunday (Sun.) 周日#Monday (Mon.) 周一#Tuesday (Tue./Tues.) 周二#Wednesday(Wed./Weds.)周三#Thursday (Thur./Thurs.) 周四#Friday (Fri.) 周五#Saturday (Sat.) 周六#weekend 周末(周六、日)# wash my clothes 洗衣服#watch TV 看电视#do homework 做作业#read books 看书#play football 踢足球#on the

283、weekend 在周末#play sports/do sports 做体育运动#listen to music 听音乐#play ping-pong 打乒乓球#广东韶关实验小学五年级上册期末复习资料#重点句子#1. What do you have on Thursdays?# 星期四你们上什么课?# I have math, English and music. 我们上数学、英语和音乐课。#2. What do you do on Thursdays, Grandpa?# 爷爷,星期四你要做什么?# I have a cooking class with your grandma. 我和你奶

284、奶去上烹饪课。#3. Do you often read books in this park?# 你经常在这个公园看书吗?# Yes, I do. 是的 No, I dont. 不是#4. Look at my picture. 看我的图片。#5. You look tired. 你看 起来很累。#6. You should play sports every day. 你应该每天做运动。#语 音#字母组合ee, ea在单词中的的发音:# i:# #例:#feet beef meet see feed tea read eat repeat# 脚 牛肉 遇见 看见 喂养 茶 阅读 吃 重复#

285、注:#1、ee组合绝大部分发长音 i:# ,只有少部分发短音 i ,如:#coffee 咖啡#2、ea字母组合除了发 i:# ,还有可能发 e 等发音,如:#bread 面包,或者发 ei ,如:#great 好极了#重点知识及语法#1、 询问做什么事/活动:#What do you do ?# I often play ping-pong#询问星期几上什么课:#What do you have on?# We have English class#2、一般疑问句的问与答:#Do you often read books?# Yes, I do. No, I dont.#3、 on+具体某一天

286、(年月日,星期),如:#on Monday/Tuesday#课外 at+具体时刻(点钟),如:#at 12 oclock 在十二点整#补充:# in+大致时间(年月,早中晚),如:#in 2014 在2014年 in the morning/afternoon/evening#4、play + 球类、棋类、娱乐活动,如:#play football/ping-pong#补充:#play + the + 乐器(第四单元知识),如:#play the pipa/piano/violin #重点作文#1、描写一周的生活,如:#My week#思路导引#(1)开头:#简单的自我介绍:#My names

287、/ Im #(2)中间:#1) 介绍周一至周五的情况,可以着重介绍自己最喜欢的那一天:#I go to school from Monday to Friday. I likebecause I have#2)介绍自己周六、日的活动:#I often watch TV/on the weekend.#(3)结尾:#This is my week. What about yours?#2、范文:#My week# My name is Li Ming. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I like Tuesdays and Thursdays, bec

288、ause I have music and PE. I often do my homework and read books on Saturdays. I often play ping-pong on Sundays.#第三单元#重点单词#6#ice cream 冰淇淋#hamburger 汉堡包#tea 茶#sandwich 三文治#salad 沙拉#fresh 新鲜的,刚摘的#healthy 健康的#delicious 美味的;#可口的#hot 辣的;#辛辣的#sweet 含糖的;#甜的#hungry 饿的#thirsty 渴的;#口渴的#favourite 特别喜爱的#food 食

289、物#drink 喝;#饮#carrot 胡萝卜#chicken 鸡肉#onion 洋葱#milk 牛奶#bread 面包#beef noodles 牛肉面#fish sandwich 鱼肉三明治#tomato soup 西红柿汤#广东韶关实验小学五年级上册期末复习资料#重点句子#1.What would you like to eat?# 你想吃什么?# A sandwich, please. 请给我一个三明治。#What would you like to drink?# 你想喝什么?# Id like some water. 我想喝点水。#2. Whats your favourite f

290、ood?# 你最喜欢吃什么食物?#Noodles. They are delicious. 面条。#面条很好吃。#3. My/His /Her favourite food is fish. 我/他/她最喜欢的食物是鱼。#4. Im hungry/thirsty. 我饿/渴了。#5. I dont like beef but chicken is OK. 我不喜欢牛肉但是鸡肉也可以。#6. Onions are my favourite vegetable. 洋葱是我最喜欢的蔬菜。#7. I like vegetables but not carrots. 我喜欢吃蔬菜但不喜欢胡萝卜。#语 音

291、#字母组合ow在单词中的发音:# au , Eu #例:# au cow 奶牛 flower 花 wow 哇 down 向下 how 如何,怎样 now 现在# Eu slow 慢的 snow 雪 yellow 黄色 window 窗户 snowy 下雪的 tomorrow 明天#重点知识及语法#1、询问想要吃/喝什么:#What would you like to eat/drink?# Id like#2、询问最喜欢的事物:#Whats your favourite food/vegetable/?# My favourite food/is/I like#3、名词复数的规则变化:#(1)

292、直接加s;#(2)以s, x, sh, ch结尾的,加es,如, buses boxes sandwiches#(3)以o结尾,有生命的加es,如,potatoes tomatoes# 无生命的加s,如,photos pianos zoos#(4)以辅音加y结尾,改y为i再加es,如,families babies 以元音加y结尾,直接加s,如,boys days#(5)以f或fe结尾,改f为v再加es,如knife-knives 小刀 leaf-leaves 树叶#4、some+可数/不可数名词 例:#some apples(可数) some water/rice/juice/bread/(

293、不可数)#课外补充:#不可数名词(词后不可以加-s/es,所接动词用单数is /V-s/es)#液体 water milk tea orange(桔汁) coke juice #气体 air(空气) #食物 food rice bread fruit#肉类 meat(肉) fish beef chicken #物质work(工作) paper(纸) time music weather(天气) snow money #重点作文#1、描述自己和家人最喜爱的食物#思路导引#(1)开头:#简单介绍自己的家庭成员:#There arepeople in my family. They are#(2)中

294、间:#分别介绍每个家庭成员最喜爱的食物时什么:#favourite food is/isfavourite./like(s)best.#(3)结尾:#穿插说明喜欢的原因:#Its/Theyre#2、范文:#(1)课本P29 Read and write#(2) There are four people in my family. They are my parents, my brother and me. My mother likes salad best. Its fresh. Beef is my fathers favourite. He thinks(认为)its delicio

295、us. My brother likes ice cream. Its sweet. My favourite food is fish. Its very healthy.# 第四单元#重点单词#7#dance 跳舞#sing English songs 唱英文歌曲#play the pipa 弹琵琶#do kung fu 打功夫#draw cartoons 画漫画#swim 游泳#speak English 说英语#cook 烹饪,烹调#play basketball 打篮球#play ping-pong 打兵乓球#draw pictures 画画#clean the classroom

296、打扫课室#广东韶关实验小学五年级上册期末复习资料#重点句子#1. Well have an English party next Tuesday!# 我们下周二将举行英语派对。#2. What can you do for the party?# 你能为派对做些什么呢?# I can sing English songs. 我能唱英文歌。#3. How/What about you?# 你呢?#4. Can you do any kung fu?# 你会打功夫吗?# Yes, I can. 是的,我会。# No, I cant. 不,我不会。#5. No problem. I can help

297、 you. 没问题。#我会帮你。#6. I can play ping-pong, but I cant swim. 我会打乒乓球,但我不会游泳。#7. Please send me an email at robin. 请给我发邮件,邮箱robin。#语 音#字母组合oo在单词中的发音:# u , u:# #例:# u look 看 good 好的 book 书 cook 烹饪 wood 木头 foot 脚#助记口诀:#1. 看look好good书book,砍柴wood做饭cook洗脚foot。#2. 押韵记忆:#Look good book, cook wood foot.# u:# ba

298、lloon 气球 food 食物 zoo 动物园 noodles 面条#注:#字母组合oo发音少数发短音 u ,多数发长音 u:# 。#重点知识及语法#1、询问对方会做什么事情:#What can you do?# I can play the pipa.#2、can句型的否定句:#I cant play the pipa.#3、can句型的一般疑问句的问与答:#Can you do any kung fu?# Yes, I can./No, I cant.#4、play + the + 乐器,例 play the erhu /pipa /piano# play + 球类、棋类、娱乐活动,例

299、play basketball/football/ping-pong#5、some与any的异同:#相同之处:#都有“一些”的含义;#不同之处:#some+可数名词复数/不可数名词(用于肯定句中) 例:#I can do some kung fu. 我会打功夫。#any+可数名词复数/不可数名词(用于否定句或疑问句中) #例:#I cant do any kung fu. 我不会打功夫。# Can you do any kung fu?# 你会打功夫吗?#课外补充:#1)any还可以用于肯定句,作“任何的”解。# #例:#Any student can answer this question

300、. 任何学生都能回答这个问题。#2)在表示建议,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,用some而不用any。#例:#Would you like some coffee?# 你想来点咖啡吗?#重点作文#1、描写自己或家庭成员会做的事情,如:#Im helpful / Super family;#思路导引#(1)开头:#介绍自己或家庭成员的基本情况:#Im Imyears old.#I have a super family. There are three people in my family. They are#(2)中间:#介绍自己在家和在学校里会做的事情/介绍家人的外貌性格以及会做的

301、事情:#I canat school. I canat home.#My father is strong. He can do some kung fu. My mother isShe can#(3)结尾:#总结 This is me. What can you do?#This is my family. I love my family. Can you tell me your family?#/What about your family?#2、范文:#(1)课本P43 Read and write#(2) Hello, Im Zhao Ming. Im eleven years

302、old. Im helpful. I can clean the windows and sweep the floor at school. I can cook and wash my clothes at home.# I often play the pipa on the weekend. I can play basketball. I like English very much. I can speak English well. What can you do?#Unit 5#重点单词#9#clock 时钟,钟#photo 照片,相片#plant 植物#water bottl

303、e 水瓶#bike 自行车,脚踏车#in front of 在前面#beside 在旁边(附近)#between 在中间#behind 在(或向)后面#above 在(或向)上面#so many 许多#their 他们的#lots of 许多#dirty 肮脏的#near 在附近#house 房屋,房子,住宅#重点句子#1. Your room is really nice!# 你的房间真漂亮!#2. There is a big bed. 有一张床。#3. My computer is here on the desk. 我的电脑在书桌这里。#4. This is my room. 这是我的

304、房间。#5. There are so many pictures here. 这有许多照片。#6. My father can draw very well. 我父亲画的很好。#7 .Where is ;i:22;s:21634:小学体育理论测试卷(四年级)#一、填空题。#(20分,每空1分。#)#1. 上室外体育课时,铃声一响,马上站成上课队形,做到()、()、()。#2. 我们现在做的是第三套广播体操,伸展运动是第()节,扩胸运动是第()节,体侧运动是第()节,跳跃运动是第()节。#3. 夏季锻炼出汗多,必须适量补充水和盐,补充水的原则是()。#4. 在向远处或高处跳下时,落地的瞬间要用

305、()缓冲法。#5. 跨越式跳高的技术动作过程由助跑、()、()、()四部分组成。#6. 田赛包括()和( )两部分项目,是比高度和远度。#7. 径赛包括走和跑两部分项目,是比()。#8.投垒球时,应该由(# )开始发力。#9.决定跑速的因素主要是(# )和(# )。#10.艾滋病的传播途径:#(# )、母婴传播、(# )。#二、选择题。#(10分,每题2分。#)#1. 在队列练习口令中“一、二、一”分别指的是(# )#A. “一”左脚抬起瞬间;#“二”右脚抬起瞬间#B. “一”右脚抬起瞬间;#“二”左脚抬起瞬间#C. “一”左脚落地瞬间;#“二”右脚落地瞬间#D. “一”左脚抬起瞬间;#“二”

306、右脚落地瞬间#2. 在队列队形训练中,做到“向右看齐”的正确方法是( )#A.眼睛盯着老师看,观察老师的举动#B.眼睛盯着前面同学的后脑勺看,迅速移动脚步跟前面同学对齐#C.头转向右侧,迅速移动脚步,能看到自己右面所有同学的腮部就说明对齐了#D.头转向右侧,迅速移动脚步,仅能看到自己右面第一个同学的腮部就说明对齐了。#3.空腹跑步不利于健康而在进餐后至少(# )时间才可以进行跑步锻炼。#A.1015分钟# B.1520分钟# C.3060分钟#4.参加剧烈运动前应做哪些准备活动。#(# )#A.热身运动# B.熟悉场地条件# C.强化技术动作#5.体育课上不小心肌肉挫伤后应(# )。#A.傍边

307、休息# B.及时包扎# C.及时热敷# D.及时冷敷#三、判断题。#(10分,每题2分。#)#1.篮球比赛中每进一球都得2分。#(# )# #2.足球比赛中场上队员都不能用手触球。#(# )#3.跳远时,若以单脚着地,容易造成踝关节扭伤。#(# )#5.剧烈运动完后,马上喝一杯冰水。# (# )#五、问答题。#(10分,每题5分。#)#1. 小学阶段,你所学过的跑、跳、投、技巧项目有什么?#(每个项目写出两种。#)#四年级体育与保健期末理论试题#学校#:#班级:#姓名:#一、填空题15%#1.人体运动系统由(#)和(#)组成。#2.人体共有(#)块骨骼和(#)余块肌肉。#3.国家体育锻炼标准规


309、手#B.拉人#C.推人#D.挣球#3.获得乒乓球“全满贯”第一人称号的是(#)#A.王楠#B.李菊#C.张怡宁#D.郭跃#4.准备操的作用是:#(#)#锻炼身体#B.课的一部分#C.放松身体#D.活动身体各个关节#5.在体育课上不小心肌肉挫伤后该:#(#)#A.旁边休息#B.及时抱扎#C.及时热敷#D.及时冷敷#四、连线题15%#请把下列几个相关联的项目用线连起来:#田径#跳马#体操#铅球#球类#蛙泳#舞蹈#乒乓球#游泳#交谊舞#五、简答题40%#1.肌肉挫伤后应在什么时候冷敷,什么时候热敷?#2. 怎样预防底血糖症?#3.请说出篮球违例的几种类型。#(至少5种)#小学体育水平二(四)年级考试

310、试卷#一、填空。#1、田径分为二大类:#( )和( ),田赛比的是( )和( );#径赛比的是( )。#2、田径包括( )、( )、( )、( )等技能组成的个人为主的运动项目。#3、武术的基本步型:#( )、( )、( )、( )、( )。#4、“两操”:#( )、( )。#5、世界第一体育运动项目是( )。#6、篮球比赛每队上场( )人;#足球比赛每队上场( )人。#7、前滚翻时,头部着地的部位是( )。#8、伟大的科学家爱因斯坦说过:#“( )是最好的老师。#”#9、骨骼和( )共同构成了运动系统。#10、人体的骨骼共有( )块,形状各不相同。#11、( ) 是人体的视觉器官,有“心灵的

311、窗户”之称。#12、冻伤多发生于( )( )耳朵,等远离心脏血液流通不畅的部位。#13、如何预防冻伤,经常( )注意( )。#14、轻度烧伤烫伤应该将受伤部位浸泡在( )水中然后用干净的( )。#二、选择。#1、下列口令中没有预令的口令是( )。#A、稍息#B、向右看齐c、向后转#2、体育锻炼时消耗的营养物质是靠( )来补充。#A、水B、脂肪C、糖#3、我们每天做的眼睛保健操共( )节。#A、3B、4C、5#4、人的身体中最长的管道是( )。#A、血管B、大腿C、后背#5、奥运五环中,黑色代表( )。#A、亚洲B、非洲C、美洲#三、判断。#1、掷远的时候出手的投掷物要高于肩( )#2、全身骨骼

312、的重量占体重的1/6。#( )#3、人的身高和体育锻炼没有关系。#( )#4、人的全身共有206块骨头。#( )#5、掷远是从近处向远处投掷。#( )#四、问答题,整理运动的作用是什么?#小学体育水平二(四)年级考试试卷#学校:# 班级:# 姓名:#(一)填空#1、小学生体育合格标准及等级,采用( # # # # )评定,( # # # # )分以上为合格,( # # # # )分以上为良好,( # # # # )分以上为优秀。#(百分制、60、75、90)#2、三好生体育合格标准评定成绩不得低于( # # # # )分。#(75)#3、北京奥运的主题口号是( # # # # ),( # #

313、# # )。#(同一个世界,同一个梦想)#4、奥林匹克的旗帜是五个环圈连结在一起,环圆的五种颜色象征五大洲:#天蓝色象征( # # # #)洲,黄色象征( #)洲;#黑色象征 ( # # # )洲;#草绿色象征( # # # )洲;#红色象征( # # # )洲。#(欧、亚、非、澳、美)#5、田径运动包括( # # # # )赛、( # # # # )赛和全能。#(田、径)#6、以高度和距离长度计算机成绩的( # # # # ) 、( # # # # )项目叫“田赛”,以时间计算成绩的( # # )和( # # # # )的项目叫“径赛”。#(跳跃、投掷;#竞走、跑)#7、饭后一般需要( #

314、# # # )小时至( # # # # )小时后再游泳。#(半、一)#8、运动前要做好( # # # # )活动,运动后做好( # # # # )活动 (准备、放松)#9、运动中和运动后不可立即大量( # # # # )和喝( # # # # )。#(饮水、冰冻饮料)#10、国家教育部规定在校学生每天要做好的“两操”指的是 # # # # # #和( # # # # )。#(广播体操和眼保健操)#(二)选择题#1、北京2008年奥运会是第(B)届。#A、30 # B、29 # #C、28#2、下列不是跑的项目是(C)。#A、50米跑 # B、1000米跑 # #C、立定跳远#3、蓝球比赛每队应

315、(A)人参加#A、5 # #B、6 # # C、7#4、下列不属于体育运动的是(C)#A、打蓝球 # #B、游泳 #C、劳动#5、下列不属于球类运动的是(C)。#A、排球 # B、足球 # #C、铅球#6、抛实心球时,抛得(C)成绩越好。#A、越高 #B、越准 # C、越远#7、以速度计算成绩的是(C)。#A、垒球 # #B、排球队 # C、100米跑#8、以得分计算成绩的是(A)。#A、乒乓球 # #B、跳高 # #C、50米跑#9、不以长度计算成绩的是(A)。#A、1000米跑 # B、抛实心球 # C、跳远#10、下面属于体操的动作是(B)#A、马步冲拳 # #B、劈叉 # #C、投蓝#

316、(三)判断。#正确的打“”、错的打“#”。#1、北京2008年第29届奥运会的吉祥物是福娃。#( # #)#2、北京奥运会吉祥物福娃的含义是“北京欢迎你”。#( # )#3、第29届奥运会于2008年8月8日在北京举行。#( # )#4、50米跑的第2阶段为途中跑。#( # #)#5、上体育课的穿什么衣服都可以。#( # #)#6、起跑可以采用蹲踞式起跑,也可以采用站立式起跑。#( # #)#7、跳远可以双腿踏跳。#( # # )#8、排球比赛每队上场的人数是5人。#( # #)#9、运动时,不小心把关节扭伤了,出现疼痛、红肿和关节活动障碍应该用热毛巾贴在伤处。#( # # )#10、跳远可分

317、为助跑,起跳、腾空、落地四部分。#( # # )#小学体育水平二(四)年级考试试卷#学校:# 班级:# 姓名:#(一)填空,把答案填在括号里。#(每小题2分,共20分)#1、武术的基本手型( )、( )、( )#2、亚运会每(# #)年举办一次。#3、号称世界第一运动的体育项目是( #)。#4、田径运动包括比速度的( #)和比高度、远度的( )两大部分。#5、向后转时从身体(# )转。#6、向后转时以(# #)脚的脚后跟为轴。#7、2008年奥运会在( )举行。#2012年奥运会在( )举行。#8、( )是排球运动最基本和最实用的技术。#9、( )、( )、( )、( )是人的四种基本活动能力

318、。#10、立定跳远的动作过程是:#( )、( )、( )、( )。#(二)选择题,把序号填的括号里。#(每小题2分,共20分)#1、一天中最佳测量身高的时候是( ) A、早晨 B、中午 C、晚上#2、奥运五环中,黑色代表( ) A、亚洲 B、非洲 C、美洲#3、前滚翻时头部着地的部位是(# #)A、前额 B、后脑 C、头顶#4、体育课上不小心肌肉挫伤后应(# #)。#A、傍边休息#B、及时包扎#C、及时热敷#D、及时冷敷#5、以下是关于立定跳远的动作描述,哪个是正确的?#(# #)#A、双脚起跳,单脚落地。# B、单脚起跳,双脚落地。#C、双脚起跳,双脚落地。#6、直线运球时要(# #)运球。

319、# A、低头#B、抬头#7、运动后满身出汗感到口渴,应(# #)#A、大量喝冷水#B、大量喝热水#C、喝适量的淡盐水#8、篮球比赛时每方上场队员应是( #)#A、5人#B、6人#C、10人#9、400米属于(# #)距离跑 A#长# B#短#10、 齐步走时,听到动令后先出( #)脚。#A、左脚#B、右脚# #C、随便#(三)判断。#正确的打“”、错的打“#”。#(每小题2分,共20分)#1、 上好体育课,要穿轻便服装,平底胶鞋。# (# #)#2、 下课后,要大量饮水和补充食物。# (# #)#3、 测量身高时以米为计算单位。#(# #)#4、 体育课上,肌肉挫伤后应及时冷敷。#(# #)#

320、5、 体育课后可以在背阴处息。#(# # )#6、 上体育课不应携带小刀、铅笔等尖锐的东西。# ( #)#7、 前滚翻时,女同学可以用发卡把头发竖起来,避免遮住眼睛。#( )#8、 篮球比赛中每进一球都得2分。# (# #)#9、 足球比赛中场上队员都不能用手触球。# (# #)#10、 直线运球时应低着头,便于看清球的位置。# (# )#四、课堂实践考核:#一分钟仰卧起坐。#(40分)#小学水平二体育与健康理论试卷#一、填空题#1、#2、 跳跃项目有跳高和( ) 。#3、 运动前要做好( )活动,运动后做好放松活动。#4、 奥运会每相隔( )年举办一次#5、上室外体育课时,铃声一响,马上站成

321、上课队形,做到( ) 、 ( ) 、 ( ) 。#6、 人体吸入空气呼出( )#二、判断题#1、我们现在在做的广播体操 七彩阳光 最后一节叫跳跃运动。# ( )#2、#3、 体育课上学生一律穿运动服、运动鞋上课,不准戴帽子、手套、围巾。#4、 被称为“乒乓球王国”的是美国。# ( )#5、立正动作,脚跟和脚尖要靠拢并齐。#6、 足球比赛中场上队员都不能用手触球。# ( )#7、跳绳可以使腿部肌肉发达,关节灵活、弹跳力好。#8、垒球只要扔的远就行了,动作规范不重要。# ( )#9、#10、#三、选择题#1、#2、 奥运会的标志由()个不同颜色的圆环组成,象征各大洲的团结。#4、 上体育课教师总是

322、要求首先做准备活动主要因为 ()#A 、规范学生动作#B 、充分活动各关节以免受伤#C 、提高学生上课兴趣#5、 下列不属于球类运动的是()。#A 、篮球 B 、足球 C 、垒球#6、 垒球比赛时,投得( )成绩越好。#A 、越高 B 、越准 C 、越远#14#;i:23;s:4903: 新标准英语小学四年级上册期中检测题(100分)#第一部分 听 力(60分)#一、听录音,选择正确答案。#(10)#1、( ) A、left B、right C、near#2、( ) A、pink B、point C、purple#3、( ) A、station B、supermarket C、swim#4、(

323、 ) A、boat B、boy C、banana#5、( ) A write B little C white#二、听音,圈出你所听到的数字。#(10分)# 13 14 15 16# 17 18 19 20 # 三、听音,根据你所听到的内容连线。#(10分)#Dongdong is playing table tennis.#Fangfang is drinking milk.#Lingling is swimming. #Xiaoyong is watching TV.#Jim is playing with a toy train.#四、听音,根据你所听到的内容圈出正确的图片。#(8分)#

324、1. 2. #3. 4. #五、听音,为每句话选择一个正确的答语。#(10分)#1.What are they doing?#A. They are running#B. They are jumping.#2.Have you got a tiger?#A. Yes, I have.#B. No, I havent.#3.Where are Amy and Daming?#A. They are under the tree. #B. They are in the park.#4.What are you doing ?#A. I am rowing a boat.#B. I am pla

325、ying chess.# 5.How many tigers?# A. Fifteen.# B. Fifty.#五、听音,根据你所听到的句子,为图片标出正确的顺序。#(12分)# # ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )#第一部分 笔试(40分)#一、找朋友,给下列英语词组找出相应的汉语意思。#(10分)#( )go straight on A.临近的,在旁边#( )next to B.一直向前走#( )get on C.上(车)#( )play chess D.下象棋 #( )look at E.看#二、选择填空。# (10分)#( )1 Have you got an eleph

326、ant ?#Yes, I_.# A can B have C has #( )2 Twenty and two is _.# A twenty B twenty-two C thirty#( )3 What are you doing ?# I#m _TV.# A watch B watching C watched#( )4 Shes _ a letter.# A write B writing C writeing#( )5 Ive got dog.#A the B an C a#( )6Look at the men_ the tree.# A under B on C in#( )7

327、What _ he doing ?# A is B are C can#( )8 What _ they doing ?# A is B are C can #( )9 .8.A:# Im hungry. B:# Im hungry,_.#A to B.too C.two#( )10 A:# Thank you B:# _.# A. Im sorry. B.Youre welcome. C.I dont know.#三选择配伍(10分)#( )1.Do you want some milk?# A.Thank you.#( )2.Have you got a tiger?# B.Twenty.

328、#( )3.Where is the train?# C.Its at the station.#( )4.What is ten and ten?# D.Yes,I have.#( )5.Happy birthday to you. E.No,thank you.#四情景交际(10分)#( )1.当你想询问你的好朋友正在做什么事时,你应问:# A. What do you do?# B .What are you doing?#( 2.当你打扰别人时,你应该说:#_# A. Sorry. B Excuse me.# ( ) 3.当你想接受别人的好意时,你应说:#_# A .Yes,pleas

329、e. B . Yes,I can.#( ) 4.当你迷路了,需向别人问路时,你应说:#_# A. How are you?# B Excuse me.#( ) 5.你看到好多人在打太极拳,你应说:#_# A Theyre drinking tea. B.Theyre doing taijiquan.#参考答案#第一部分:#听力#一所念单词为1.left 2.purple 3.supermarket 4.boat 5.write#二、所念单词为:#13 15 17 18 20 #三、所念句子为:#1.Dongdong is playing with a toy train.# 2.Fangfan

330、g is swimming. . #3.Lingling is drinking milk.#4. Xiaoyong is playing table tennis.#5. Jim is watching TV.#四、所念句子为:#1.The train is up the hill. #2.The train is near the houses. #3.The panda is taking pictures. # 4.The panda is writing a letter. #四、所念句子为:# A B A A B #五、所念句子为:#1.I#m listening to music

331、.#2.I#m reading a book.#3.I#m writing a letter.#4.I#m playing football.#5.I#m talking to you.#6.I#m doing my homework.#第二部分:#读写(略)#;i:24;s:4460:#述 职 报 告#述 职 报 告#尊敬的各位评委:#我叫xxx,xxxxxxxx小学英语教师,xx年毕业于xxxxxx师范专科学校,xxxx年xx月到xxxxxxxxxxxxxx一直工作至今。#毕业后,我仍然坚持学习并积极参加业务技能培训,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


333、了教书育人的教师职责。#在平时工作中做到为人师表,热爱学生,尊重学生,争取让每个学生都能享受到最好的教育,都能有不同程度的发展。#基于以上认识,我在工作上兢兢业业,不敢有丝毫马虎,备好每一节课,上好每一堂课,批好每一份作业,教育好每一个学生,努力去做一个深受学生尊重和信赖的老师。#一、 做一个科研型教师#教师的从教之日,正是重新学习之时。#新时代要求教师具备的不只是操作技巧,还要有直面新情况、分析新问题、解决新矛盾的本领。#在学校领导的指引下,我积极投身于学校的校本课题的教科研工作,积极的写教研总结,协助教科室开展教学研究工作。#二、做一个富有爱心的教师#爱学生,就必须善于走进学生的情感世界,

334、就必须把学生当作朋友,去感受他们的喜怒哀乐。#爱学生,要以尊重和依赖为前提,要做做到严中有爱、严中有章、严中有信、严中有度。#我经常从小处着手,从学生关心的事寻求最佳教育时机,给学生春风沐浴般的教育。#其次,我和家长也积极共同探讨教育孩子的方法,使家长的教育更具理性。#三、 做一个理念新的教师#目前,新一轮的基础教育改革已经在我市全面推开,在认真学习新课程理念的基础上,结合自己所教的学科,积极探索有效的教学方法。#在英语课上,以提高学生学习英语的兴趣为突破口,努力提高教学质量。#在课堂上特别重视调动学生学习英语的积极性和主动性,经常开展小组竞赛活动,通过给小组加分,用表扬激励等教学手段,充分发

335、挥学生自觉学习和主动学习的优势,让学生自觉参与到课堂教学的全过程,从而优化课堂教学,提高教学质量。#狠抓课堂常规的落实和班风的建设。#我还把英语知识与学生的生活相结合,为学生创设一个富有生活气息的学习环境,同时注重学生的探究发现,引导学生在学习中学会合作交流,提高学习能力。#我在实践的同时,也不忘时刻反思自己的教学行为,坚持每周写教学反思。#四、工作业绩 #几年来,在各级领导的指导及同事的帮助下取得了一些成绩,先简要介绍如下:#xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

336、xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx#五、综合素质方面# 作为一名教师都知道这样一个道理:#要给学生一桶水,老师得有长流水,因此作为一名教师必须要有深厚的文化底蕴,因此毕业后,我自学专科本科。#但我深知文凭不等于能力,我在以后的工作中仍要加强自己理论储备。#作为一名教师不公要有一技之长,还要拥有综合能力,这样才能够瞧在教学中融会贯通,得心应手,因此我在日常工作中不断加强自己综合能力的培养,力争做更优秀的教师。# 我还年轻,在教育的岗位上还须不懈的努力!#教育是艺术,艺术的生命在于创新。#我的理想是不做教书匠,而要做一

337、个教育家。#虽然这不一定能实现,但我相信,在我不断的探索和实践中,我会成长起来的,愿得到学校领导和同事的诚恳支持!#恳请评委考核,审批。#特申报小学高级教师。# 申报人xxxxxxxxxx#;i:25;s:7331:有趣的光影详案有趣的光影详案有趣的光影教案设计一、激发兴趣,谜语导入1、猜谜语:#同学们好,在上课之前,先请同学们猜个谜语:#你有我有他也有,黑身黑腿黑黑头,灯前月下跟你走,就是从来不开口。#(影子)对了,就是影子,你们可真聪明,一猜就对了。#那同学们,你们知道吗,影子有个形影不离的好朋友,有了它才会有影子,它是谁呢?#你们猜猜?#(光)2、了解光和影的关系有了光我们才能看见色彩斑


339、么有趣的事吗?#提示:#a(第一个蛋的影子在蛋的后面,第二个在蛋的右边,第三个在蛋的前面,第四个在蛋的左边)b 的光线分别从什么方向射过来的?#(第一幅是从蛋的前方,第二幅是从蛋的左边,第三幅是从蛋的后面,第四幅是从蛋的右边)教师小结:#通过刚才同学们的精彩回答,老师发现了个有趣的现象:#原来光源在左边,影子就会躲在物体的右边;#光源在右边,影子就会躲在物体的左边;#那么光源在前面,影子就会躲在物体的 (后面);#光源要是在后面呢?#(影子就会躲在物体的前面。#)啊!#光和影真像是在玩捉迷藏啊!#2、认识三大面、五大调(1)认识三大面【出示地球全景图】同学们,你们知道吗?#现在我们这边是白天,






345、#1、排线时,要方向一致,一笔一笔地画,疏密适当,2、要轻起轻收,使线头两头轻,中间重,不要连笔,3、排线方向要适当考虑物体的块面结构,4、画暗的部分,要变换排线方向,一层一层加深,不要乱涂。#(6)素描练习a、孩子们,你们想不想动手试试画一画,表现出自己喜爱的一个静物,体现事物的空间感和体积感。#b、【出示作业要求】画一画用铅笔素描的方法表现一个或一组简单的静物。#;i:26;s:6318:#四年级上册英语第五单元检测卷# 班级 姓名 座号 成绩 #听力部分#一、 听音,把你听到的那一项的字母编号写在左边的括号里。#(10分)# ( )1.A. rice B. read C. red#( )

346、2.A. soup B. spoon C. sports#( )3.A. fifty B. beef C. fish#( )4.A. chopstickB. chicken C. kitchen#( )5.A. fork B. plate C. knife#( )6. A. chopsticks B. painting C. hamburger #( )7.A. noodles B. hot dog C. bread#( )8.A. Id like some soup. B. Id like some fish. #( )9.A. Help yourself. B. Let me show y

347、ou.#( )10.A. I like beef. B. I like meat. #二、 听问句,选择正确的答语。#(10分)# ( )1.A. Id like some chicken. B. I like fish. #( )2.A. No,thanks. B. Thanks.#( )3.A. Its a cat. B. Its under the desk.#( )4.A. Thank you. B. Yes, pass me a fork. #( )5.A. OK. B. Yes, please. #三、听录音,标序号。#(10分)# # ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )# #

348、四、仔细听录音用“”标出他们所喜欢的食品、饮料或蔬菜。#(10分)#soup#chicken#beef#vegetable#noodles#Mike#Sarah#John#Amy#Tom#五、听音,排序。#(10分)# ( )Thanks.# ( )Mom, Im hungry. Whats for dinner?# ( )Everythings ready.# ( )What would you like ?# ( )Id like some fish and vegetables , please.#笔试部分#六、 判断下面每组单词划线部分发音是“ ”否“#”相同。#(10分)#

349、d we ( ) 2. he she ( )# 3.pencil me ( ) 4. bed let ( )# 5.desk be ( )#七、选出不同类的词,并将序号填在题前括号内。#(10分)# ( )1. A. milk B. juice C. bread D. water# ( )2. A. fish B. vegetable C. beef D. chicken#( )3. A. rice B. hot dog C. hamburger D. orange#( )4. A. juice B. apple C. banana D. pear#( )5. A. noodles B. eg

350、g C. breakfast D. chicken#八、选择最佳答案,并将序号填在题前括号内。#(10分)#( )1. _like some vegetables.# A. I had B. Id C. He#( )2. Help_.# A. your B. you C. yourself#( )3. Mom:# Everything is ready.# Amy:# _.# A. Thanks,Mom. B. Welcome C. Oh,no!#( )4. -Can I have some rice ,please?# -_.# A. Sure,here you are B. Thank y

351、ou C. Everythings ready.#( )5. 妈妈问你午饭想吃什么,她该怎么问?# A. What would you like for lunch?# B. Whats for dinner?# C. What would you like for breakfast?# ( )6. 爸爸问麦克晚饭想吃什么,麦克告诉他想吃牛肉和面条,他该怎么说?# A. Id like some beef and noodles.# B. Wheres my dinner?# C. What would you like for dinner?# ( )7. 爸爸把晚饭做好了,你和妈妈很高兴

352、,你们该怎么对爸爸说:# A. Sorry. B. Thanks. C. Youre welcome.# ( )8. 在饭桌上,你让别人随便吃,应该怎么说:# A. Help yourself. B. Let me show you. C. Youre welcome.# ( )9. - can use chopsticks. -_.# A. Lets try. B. Let me try. C. Lets me try.# ( )10. -Good night. -_.# A. Good afternoon B. Good morning C. See you tomorrow#九、选择正确

353、答语,将序号填入题前括号里。#(10分)# A B#( )1. Can you use the chopsticks?# A. Yes,pass me a plate,please.#( )2. What would you like for lunch?# B. Rice,soup and chicken#( )3. Can I have some beef,please?# C. Sure,here you are.#( )4. Can I help you ?# D. Id like some beef,rice and soup.#( )5. Whats for dinner?# E.

354、 Yes ,I can.#十、阅读短文,判断正(T )误( F )。#(10分)#There are three people in my family. My father is a teacher. He likes hamburgers and apples. My mother is a farmer. She likes bread and bananas. I am a pupil. I like cakes, French fries and Coke. #( ) 1.There are four people in my family.#( ) 2.My father like

355、s hamburgers.#( ) 3.My mother is a teacher.#( ) 4. My mother doesnt like bread or bananas.#( )5.I like cakes, French fries and apples.#四年级上册英语第五单元检测卷听力材料#一、听音,把你听到的那一项的字母编号写在左边的括号里。# 1. rice 2. spoon 3. beef 4.chopstick 5.fork# 6.hamburger 7.noodles 8. Id like some soup. 9.Help yourself. # 10.I like

356、 meat. #二、 听问句,选择正确的答语。# 1.What would you like?# 2.Help yourself.# 3.Wheres the cat?# 4.Here you are.# 5.Pass me the knife.#三、 听录音,标序号。# 1.Pass me the bowl. 2.Pass me the knife.# 4.Cut the vegetable . 4.Use the spoon.# 5.Use the fork.# 四、仔细听录音用“”标出他们所喜欢的食品、饮料或蔬菜。# 1.Mike likes noodles. 2. Sarah like

357、s chicken.# 3. John likes soup. 4. Amy likes soup. 5.Tom likes beef.# 五、听音,排序。# 1.Mom, Im hungry. Whats for dinner?# 2.What would you like ?# 3.Id like some fish and vegetables , please.# 4.Dinners ready.# 5.Thanks.# #5#;i:27;s:14638:小学英语语法一本全#第一章 名词#1. 名词的数#2. 名词的格#第二章 代词#1. 人称代词#2. 物主代词#第三章 冠词 与 数

358、词#1. 冠词#2. 数词#第四章 一般现在时态#第五章 现在进行时态#第六章 句型#1 陈述句#2 疑问句#3 祈使句#4 There be 句型与have has#第七章 总结考试#第一章 名词 (Noun)#名词的概念#在生活中,我们会接触到各种各样的人和事物,用来表示这些人或事物名称的词就是名词。# #一、名词的数#名词的数指名词的单数和复数形式。#可数名词表示“一个”时用单数,“两个以上”时用复数;#不可数名词表示量时,通常用“数词+单位+of+物质名词”的形式,如 a piece of bread (一片面包), 变为复数时,只须将单位名词变为复数, 如:#two pieces o

359、f bread(两片面包)。#*名词复数的构成法则#1. 一般情况下在词尾加#s. 词尾读音#shop - shops (商店) 在清辅音后读 s #bag - bags (书包) 在浊辅音后读 z #window - windows (窗户) 在元音后读 z #2. 以 s, x, sh, ch 结尾的单词在词尾加es。#class - classes (班级) 词尾读音 iz #box - boxes (盒子) #match - matches (比赛)#brush - brushes (刷子)#3. 以“辅音字母 +y” 结尾的词, 变y为 i 加es.# story - stories

360、 (故事) 词尾读音 iz #4. 以“元音字母 +y” 结尾的词,在词尾直接加 s# key - keys 词尾读音 z # monkey - monkeys#5.以 “o” 结尾的名词, 复数一般在词尾加“s”, 但个别加 “es”# tomato - tomatoes (西红柿) 词尾读音 z #potato - potatoes (土豆) #zoo - zoos (动物园) #photo - photos (照片)#*(以 “o”结尾,复数加 “es”)口诀:# #黑人(Negro)英雄(hero),左手拿着西红柿(tomato),右手拿着破土豆(potato),#头顶一个大芒果(ma

361、ngo)。#6. 以 f或 fe 结尾的词,多数变f或 fe 为 ves. # leaf - leaves (树叶) 词尾读音 vz # knife - knives ( 小刀) #*(以f或fe结尾的单词,需把f或fe 变ves的单词)口诀:#妻子(wife)持刀(knife)去宰狼(wolf),小偷(thief)吓得发了慌,躲在架下(shelf)保己命,半(half)片树叶(leaf)遮目光。#*(以f或fe结尾的单词,直接加 “s”的单词)口诀:#长颈鹿(giraffe)站在屋檐(roof)下,左手拿着手绢(handkerchief),右手拿着高尔夫球(golf)。#例:# roof -

362、 roofs ( 屋顶)#7. 不规则名词复数的变化#man - men (男人) tooth -teeth (牙齿)#child - children (儿童) mouse - mice(老鼠)#foot - feet (脚) woman - women (女人)#8. 名词单复数形式一样# sheep - sheep (绵羊) deer - deer (鹿)# English - English(英国人) Chinese - Chinese (中国人)#*(不规则名词变复数)口诀:#男人,女人a变e;#鹅,足,牙齿oo变ee;#其实老鼠也好记ous变ic;#孩子加上ren,鱼鹿绵羊不用记。

363、#二、名词所有格的构成法# 1. 主要是在词尾加 s 构成。#如:# This is Toms desk . 这是汤姆的书桌。# That is Mikes book. 那是迈克的书。# 2. 如果原名词已经有复数词尾s ,则仅加一个 . 如:#the teachers reading room 教师阅览室#the pupils pencil-boxes 学生们的文具盒#3. 如果原词是复数形式,但不是以s 结尾, 变为所有格形式需在后面加上 s 。#如:# the childrens palace 少年宫# mens room 男厕所#*名词所有格口诀:#名词所有格,s前面加一撇,复数s放在

364、尾,后加一撇就完结,两人共有算一个,后面只加一个撇。#名词练习题#一、 写出下列名词的复数形式#puter _ _ _ 5.sheep _ _#7.tomato _8.child _ 9.tooth _#10.foot _ 11.wife _12.potato _ _ _ 17.zoo _ 18. life _#19. story _ 20.leaf _ 21. baby _#22.dress _ 23.butterfly _24. deer _#25.c

365、lass _ 26.brush _ 27.key _#28. English _29.mouse _30. man _#二、汉译英#1Tom的足球 _ 2. 老师们的自行车_#3学生们的课桌 _ 4.哥哥的文具盒_#5姑姑的卡片 _ 6.猴子们的香蕉_#7蚂蚁们的早餐 _ 8.妈妈的包_#9姐姐的连衣裙_ 10女孩们的苹果_#三、把下列句子翻译成英文#1这些 是Peter 的篮球吗?# _#2这个是老师的钢笔吗?# _#3有一些书在Sam的课桌上。#_#4有一些孩子们在教室里。#_#四、改错 (圈出错处,在横线上改正过来)#1.There are some butterflys on the

366、table. _#2.This is Alice dress. _#3.I like tomato very much. _#五、将下列句子变成复数形式。#1This dog is brown.#_#2. There is a book and a pen on the table.#_#3.That woman is a teacher.#_#能力测试卷 (名词)#一、 将下列名词变成复数形式。#1.plane tree lesson#month apple shirt#2. box bus brush# watch class fox#3.knife life leaf# Wife thi

367、 boy monkey#baby country radio piano# tomato hero#6. child tooth man # Sheep English Chinese#二、判断正误,并改正错句,正确的打“ ”#1The house is my brother. _#2. He has visited many country. _#3. They are Englishs. _#4. This is Tom red bike. _#三、选择填空#1There are two _ in the room.# A. Chineses B

368、. Englishman#2.The old man will have _ out.# A. two tooths B. two teeth#3. _ are sold in this bookstore.# A. Childrens books B. Children books#4. Some friends of _ will come here.# A. Johns B. John #5. Can you give me _?#A. some papers B. a piece of paper#6.There are _ on the floor.#A. some box B. s

369、ome boxes#四、将下列句子变成复数形式。#1This sheep is white.#_#2. There is a desk and a chair in the room.#_#3.That man is a doctor.#_#第二章 代词#一、人称代词#1人称代词即表示“你、我、他、你们、我们、他们”等的词,它的人称、数和格的变化见下表:# #数#人称#主格#宾格#单数#第一人称#I#me#第二人称#you#you#第三人称#he#she#it#him#her#it#复数#第一人称#We#us#第二人称#you#you#第三人称#they#them#主格与宾格:#人称代词有主格

370、和宾格两种形式。#主格主要用来做句子的主语;#宾格主要用作宾语。#人称代词主格用在句首作主语。#She is sitting in a bus.她正坐在公共汽车上。#人称代词宾格在动词后作宾语。#This pen is bad.I cant write with it.这支钢笔不好,我没法用它写字。#2.人称代词的排列顺序#人称代词并列使用时,通常以下列顺序出现,请熟悉并记忆。#1) 单数代词:#you and I;# you and he ;# he and I ;# you ,he and I#2) 复数代词:#we and they ;# we and you ;# you and th

371、ey;# we, you and they#3) 第三人称单数代词:#he and she#*人称代词排序口诀:#人称代词并列观,注意顺序礼貌见;#单数人称二、三、一,复数人称一、二、三;#麻烦事情“我”站前,其他人称没意见;#两性并用为三单,男先女后是习惯。#二、物主代词#物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。# 人称#类别 #第一人称#第二人称#第三人称#单数#复数#单数#复数#单数#复数#形容词性#my#our#your#your#his,her,its#their#名词性#mine#our#yours#yours#his,hers,its#theirs#名

372、词性物主代词 = 形容词性物主代词 + 名词 #例,Whose coat is this?# 这是谁的上衣?#Its hers. 是她的。# hers= her coat#*关于物主代词的口诀:#物主代词很重要,译成汉语都有“的”,后面必须加上物,否则就要犯错误,#my your his her its our their 不放过。#形容词性是基础,除了我的#“mine”外,其他词尾“s”性#形物代能力差,出门常把名词加;#名物代能力强,常来独去又独往。#三、反身代词#反身代词也叫“自身代词”,表示“*自己”。#数 人称#第一人称#第二人称#第三人称#单数#myself#yourself#hi

373、mself, herself#复数#ourselves#yourselves#themselves#I can do it by myself. 我自己能做这件事。#*反身代词的构成规律记忆口诀:#反身代词有规律,第三人称宾格加,其余开头用物主,复数-ves替-f#四、指示代词#This (这个)- these (这些) 指近处的事物#That (那个)- these (那些) 指远处的事物#例,This is a book. 这是本书。# These are some books. 这些是书。# That is a car. 那是辆小汽车。# Those are some cars. 那些是

374、小汽车。#代词练习题#一、 根据题意,用所给词的适当形式填空。#1. Mary is a friend of _. ( I )#2. This is _ ( she ) ruler. _ ( I ) is in the bag. #3. Her brother is too young to look after _ ( he )#4. This is _ ( I ) book. This book is _ ( I ).#5. These pens are _ ( we ).#二、填写下列表格。#人称代词#我#我们#你,你们#他#她#它#他们#主 格#宾 格#形容词性物主代词#名词性物主代词

375、#反身代词#三、改写下列句子#Eg, This is my book. - The book is mine.#1. That is her ruler. _#2. These are their footballs. _#3. This is my backpack . _#4. Those are your boxes. _#四、把下列句子改写成复数。#1. This is a butterfly. _#2. That is a bus. _#3. It is a mouse. _#五、改错。#1.This is mine lamp. _#2.These are ours books._#

376、3. That are their teacher. _#4.The house is my brother. _#5. He has visited many country. _#6. They are Chineses. _#7. This is Tom red bike. _#能力测试卷 (代词)#一、 帮下面的好朋友团圆 (连线)# I 她#its 我们#her 他(她,它)们#we 我#they 你的#their 他(她,它)们#your 她的#she 它的#二、填空#1Shes a teacher . This is _ bag.#2. Hes a driver. This is

377、 _ taxi.#3. I am a boy . _ name is Peter.#4. -Whats _ name?# # - My name is Tony.#5. Its my puppy. _ name is Mimi.#三、选择#( ) 1.Your book is not so old as _.# A. him B. he C. his D. she#( ) 2. _ book is it ?# Its _.# A. Whoseher B. Whose hers C. Whohers D. Whom her#( ) 3. He is a friend of _.#A. our B

378、. us C. my D. mine#四、改错#1. I, you and he are all teachers.# _#2. This is mine teddy bear. #_#3. These are ours bags.#_#4. These is their teachers.#_#第三章 数词和冠词#一、数词#表示数目和顺序的词叫数词。#数词又分基数词和序数词,基数词表示数量,序数词表示顺序。#1 最基本的基数词如下表所示:#110#1119#20100#1 one#11 eleven#2 two#12 twelve#20 twenty#3 three#13 thirteen#

379、30 thirty#4 four#14 fourteen#40 forty#5 five#15 fifteen#50 fifty#6 six#16 sixteen#60 sixty#7 seven;i:28;s:15373:知识点1.Why?#Because I cant go to the party.#Why为什么回答用Because。#知识点2:#clothes衣服 穿上衣服put on the clothes#重点单词:#重点词组:#1 在王子的家中 2 不能去 #3 过来帮帮我 4 如此的悲伤 #5 参加派对 6 没有漂亮衣服和鞋子 #7 让我来帮你 8 穿上新衣服 #9 回来 10

380、 在12点之前 #11 玩的开心 12 在聚会上 #13 不得不走 14 你的鞋子 #15 拜访每一户家庭 16 很多女孩 #17 试穿鞋子 18 它不合适 #19 试穿它 20 脱下你的外套 #21 试穿它们 22 不得不睡觉 #23 穿上这件红裙子 24 没有翅膀 #25 帮助灰姑娘 26 不得不回来 #重点句型:#1 王子的家中有一场舞会,但是灰姑娘不能去参加。# #2 你为什么这么伤心?# 因为我不能参加舞会。# #3 为什么你不能参加舞会?# 因为我没有漂亮的衣服和鞋子。# #4 灰姑娘穿上了新衣服和鞋子。#她在舞会上玩得很开心。# #5 许多女孩试穿了这只鞋,但是不合适。# #根据

381、课文内容填空#There is a at the , but Cinderella . Because she nice or . She is very . A fairy and . Cinderella # the clothes and . She a #at the party. But she go oclock. She runs fast and loses(丢) her . The prince . Many girls the shoe, but it . Finally, Cinderella it , it . #知识点1:#can 的用法#1) can表示能力,意思是

382、“能,会”。#后面直接跟动词原形,用于一切人称和数。#Can的否定形式为can not,其缩写为“cant。#如:#We can speak much English now. 我们现在能说英语了。#2) 表示许可,意思是“可以”。#如:#You can watch TV after supper. 晚饭后你可以看电视。# #如:#You can stay here for another six weeks. 你可以再待在这儿六个月。#3) 和can相关的常用句型#a)Can I help you?# Yes, please. / No, thanks.#b)Can I borrow you

383、r book?#-Yes,of course.#c)Can I write on the book?# -No, you cantmustnt. #批注:#could是can 的过去式,同时也可以用来表示委婉语气,但在小学阶段重点考察委婉语气的用法。# #如:#Could Can you help me?#- Yes,of course.Certainly. Sure. #Could Can you tell me the way to the Zoo?#情态动词的基本用法#1) 情态动词没有人称和数的变化;#如:# Li ming can speak English.#2) 情态动词的后面必

384、须跟动词原形;# 如:#He should go to school on time.#3) 情态动词的句式变化#A. 变否定句,变化规则是在情态动词后面加 #not#。#例如:#He can play the piano.(改成否定句)# He cant play the piano.#B.变一般疑问句,变化规则是将情态动词直接提到句首,后面保持不变。#例如:#He can play the piano.(改成一般疑问句)# Can he play the piano?#C.变特殊疑问,变化规则是词加情态动词开头的一般疑问句。#例如:#He can play the piano.(对划线部分

385、提问)# What can he play?# #知识点2:#Would表示建议“你愿意吗”#Would you like to go shopping with me?# #-Yes, Id love to. /Id love to. But Im busy now.# Would you like something to eat/drink?# -Yes, Id like#单项选择#例1:#-Mum,#I#want#_#TV.#-#I#think#you#must#_#to#bed#now.# #A.#to#watch,#go#B.#watch,#go#C.#to#watch,#to#g

386、o#例2:# you like something to eat?# A. Would B. Shall C. Must D. Can#例3:#Would you like something to drink?# A.Yes,we would. B.Yes, Id like some milk. C.Yes, of course.#例4:#What can I do for you?# A.Yes,you can. B.No,I can do it. C. Yes.Id like some oranges.#题型3:#用所给词的适当形式填空#例1.My mother cant _(find)

387、 her glasses. They _(be) in her bag just now.#例2I can _(get) up early. I _(do) morning exercise at six.#例3.What can I (do) for you?#检测题2:#单项选择 #()1.# you like some milk ?# #A .#Would B.#Could C .#Can D.Must()2.#一、专题精讲 #知识点1:#情态动词的用法。#例1:#I can a lot of songs.She can (跳舞).Who can the piano?# A. sing,

388、 dances, plays B. sing, dance,play C.sing, dancing, play D.sing, dance, play #例2:# He watching TV, but he cant it, because he has a lot of homework to do. # A. likes,watch, watches, watch D.likes,watches#知识点2:#情态动词的选择 #例1:#-Im afraid I need a pair of glasses.I not see the words on the

389、blackboard.#-Thats terrible(严重的).You may have got poor eyesight(视力差).# A.can B.must C.may D.need#例2:#-Mum, I watch TV after I finish my homework?# -Yes ,you .# A.must,must B. shall, shall C.can,can,do#知识点3:#情态动词的句式变化#按要求改写句子#例1:#I#can#swim#fast.# #I#_#_#fast.#(否定句)#例2:#They#can#take#the#books#o

390、ut#of#the#room.#(否定句)# They#_#_#the#books#out#of#the#room.#例3:#He#can#play#basketball#well.#(一般疑问句)# #_#he#_#basketball#well?#二、专题过关# 检测题(一):# A.按要求改否定句和一般疑问句。#1. I can run fast.(改为否定句) #I fast. #2. He can play basketball well.(改为一般疑问句)# he basketball well?# #3. You can use my ruler. (改为一般疑问句) # I u

391、se your ruler?# Yes,you . #4.I can go to play football now.(改为一般疑问句)# I go to play football now?# No, you stay at home. #5.Su#Hai#and#Su#Yang#can#dance#beautifully.#(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)#_#Su#Hai#and#Su#Yang#_#beautifully?#No,#they#_.#B.对划线部分提问。#1. #We#can#pick#the#flowers#in#the#park.# #2.#I#would#you#l

392、ike#some#cakes#to#eat?# #3.Tom#can#go#to#the#cinema#by bus.# #祈使句讲解 #一、祈使句:#用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句. 祈使句的作用是要求、请求或命令、劝告、建议别人做或不做一件事。#祈使句的句末一般用感叹号,但是有些祈使句的语气较弱,可以用句号结尾#祈使句因对象(即主语)是第二人称,所以通常都省略。#祈使句的动词都为一般现在时,例:#Go and wash your hands. 例如:#保持肃静!#Be kind to our sister. Watch your steps. 表示禁止的句式有:#不

393、准、不要、别、No parking. #二、表现形式# Let型(即:#Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分)。#如:#Let me help you. 让我来帮你。#否定结构:#Let型的否定式有两种:#“Don#t + let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分”和“Let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它成分”。#如:#Don#t let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。#二、祁使句#祈使句是用来向别人提出命令,建议或请求的句式.常见的祁使句有以下五种:#1) Let#s 开头的祁使句 如:# Let#s say it in Engli

394、sh .#let#带头的祈使句是个常见的动词句型,它的主要用法有下列三种:#1.表示“建议”。# 这个句型里的#let#后头紧跟着一个第一人称的代词宾语,如:#(1) Let me try. (2) Let#s do it. (3) Let me go and look for it.#2.表示“警告”、“蔑视”、“威胁”等。#这种祈使句里的宾语也是第三人称为主。#除了口气凶悍之外,有时还语带讽刺,如:#(7) Let him try and he will expose(暴露) his inability(无力) to work on his own.#(8) Let the invader

395、s(侵略者come and our armed forces will wipe(擦拭)them out in no time.#用#let#的祈使句时,必须注意下列几点:#Lets . 让我们.( lets = let us )#一、#let# 的否定句有二。#如果宾语是第三人称用#Don#t let.#;#如果宾语是第一人称,则用#Let.not#:#Don#t let this type of things happen again.#Let#s not go out until after the rain.#二、用#Let#s#时,把谈话者的对象包括在内;#用#Let us#时,并不

396、包括对方,如:#(17) Let#s try it, shall we?#(18) Let us do it by ourselves, will you?#从(17)里的#shall we#和(18)里的#will you#,不难知道前者包括听话人,后者并没有。#全写与缩写:#I am = Im #you are = youre#who is = whos#do not = dont#can not = cant#I would = Id#let us = lets#does not = doesnt# #一、用所给单词的适当形式填空#1. Let _(we) go and have a l

397、ook.#2. The shoes dont_(fit) me.#3. Who_(have) to go back now?#4. She _(come) and _(visit) every house.#5. I dont have_(some) new clothes.#二、单项选择。#1. Let _ help you.# A. her B. I C. my #2. - Do you have_ nice clothes _ shoes?# - No, I dont.# A. some,and B. any, and C. any, or #3. -_ do you like doin

398、g?# - I like_ pictures.# A.What, drawing B. What, draw C. Who, drawing#4. -_ you feel happy?# -Yes.# A. Are B. Do C. Have#5. -Why cant we eat these sweets?# - Because theyre bad _ our teeth.# A. at B. for C. to #三、按要求改写句子。# 1. I m trying on some clothes in the shop.(对画线部分提问)# _ _ _ _ in the shop?# 2

399、. Bobby understands.(改为否定句)# Bobby _ _.# 3. My father comes back before 10 oclock.(对画线部分提问)# _ does your father _ back?# 4. I can see a fairy in the sky.(对画线部分提问)# _ _ _ _ in the sky?# 5. I have some snacks.(改为一般疑问句) # _ you have _ snacks?#基础练习一#一、 选择正确的字母或字母组合将单词补充完整,并写出其汉语意思。#( )1.wh_ A. i B. e C.

400、 y _#( )2.l_t A. ei B. o C.a _#( )3.bef_ _e A. or _#( )4.cl_thes A.e B.o C.i _#( )5.bec_use A.i B.a C.e _#二、 英汉互译#1.不得不_ 2.穿上_#3.有害的_ 4.脱下_#5.回来_ 6.leavebehind sad _ 8.have a good time _#9.try on the shoe _ 10.sit in the basket_#三、句子匹配#( )1. Why are you so sad ?# A.Fine, thank you.#

401、( )2.Where are my gloves ?# B.Yes, I do.#( )3.Do you have any cakes ?# C.Because I cant go to the party.#( )4.How does Sam go to school?# D.They are on the bed.#( )5.What does Mike have?# E.He goes to school on foot.#( )6.Can I go to school on foot ?# F.No , you cant.#( )7.Where do you live?# G.He h

402、as a pot.#( )8.Is he an American?# H.I read stories at home.#( )9.What do you do at weekends ?# I.Yes, he is.#( )10.How are you?# J.I live near school.#四、选择填空#( )1. _ are you so sad?# Because I cant go to;i:29;s:3340:【前10分钟】收发,检查作业(评奖作业、表扬做的好的)、听写单词或课文。#10#By Windy#Lesson 29 Come in Amy#Lesson 30 wh

403、at must I do?#一、 教学目标与要求#1、 学习并掌握祈使句#2、 初步学习情态动词must#3、 掌握一系列动词短语#二、 重点句型和词汇#1、 短语#Come in、shut the door、open the window、#make the bed、dust the dressing table、sweep the floor、#2、 反义词组#Open/shut#、put on/ take off#、turn on/turn off#3、 what must I do?#三、 所需教具#1、 课本教材#四、 教学步骤#I、 衔接练习#1、 There be句型# Ther

404、e is +a/an +单数名词# There are +some+名词复数# 肯定句练习 造句:#有一些叉子在桌子上 there are some forks on the table.# 肯定句变否定句 There are not any forks on the table. (强调:#any 用于否定疑问句)# 肯定句变疑问句 Are there any forks on the table?# (口诀:#一调、二变、三问号)# 互动环节:#请男女生各请一个代表上来画两个卧室在黑板上(用英语表述,展示出一个很脏的卧室)#II、 导入新课#1、 黑板上的两个卧室,可能就是咱们同学其中一个

405、人的真实写照(This bedroom is untidy)#Q:#你有没有把自己屋子弄的很乱的时候,你妈妈把你叫进来,先训一遍然后让你把屋子整干净。#2、 请个孩子模拟一下妈妈叫孩子进来打扫卫生时的情景(用英语训话)#Come in.#Shut the door.#Open the window.#Air the room#Put these clothes in the wardrobe.#Make the bed#Dust the dressing table#Sweep the floor (把这些短语写在黑板左侧或右侧,让孩子观察这些句子的特别,有主语吗?#等问题)#III、 讲授新

406、课#1、 得出结论:#祈使句,以动词原形开头,省略了主语you,表示命令或建议#2、 操练刚才列出的短语,在书上标注中文意思#3、 祈使句的否定结构:#Dont +祈使句#4、 What must I do?# Must 情态动词,后面跟动词原形#5、 反义词组#Open/shut#、put on/ take off#、turn on/turn off#IV、 试探练习#1、 请孩子来做我说的短语的动作。#2、 反复换人操练#V、 课堂练习#1、 应用反义词组练习(说相反的意思)#2、 我做相应动作,用祈使句说出意思#Clean the blackboard、dust the table、em

407、pty the cup、read the book、sharpen this pencil#3、 书面练习A#根据句意写出祈使句#4、 书面练习B#连线相应动词词组#VI、 小结#1、 祈使句的特点#2、 情态动词must#VII、 背课文#VIII、 教学反思#1、 让学生参与画bedroom 练习there be 句型效果很好#2、 短语操练不太够#IX、 学生情况反馈(记下来以便监督反馈)#1、 Xxx没带一课一练#2、 XXX没写作业#3、 Xxx课文背的不太好,回去后在周几给我打电话再背#X、 家庭作业#1、 单词3+1+1#2、 P60 B部分词组 3+1+1#3、 29-30课

408、一课一练#4、 听课文三遍#;i:30;s:10876:#小学英语人教版PEP三年级上册教案#Introduction#Say open your books. #Point to the page“Welcome to English”.#Whats your known?#Listen and learn an English song:# #Lesson 1# Teaching aims:# # 1.Try to make a self-introduction with the pattern “ Im”.# 2.Learn to use Hello, Hi, Goodbye and

409、Bye to communicate with others.#3.Learn to sing a song:# Hello# Preparation:# Recorder and tape.# Steps:#(1). Warm-up# Listen to the song:# Hello.#(2). Presentation#a. Teacher shows and introduces a new friend:# a bear. “Hello. Im Teddy. You can call me Teddy Bear. ” Goes to the pupils seat and gree

410、ts to them, shake the hands.#b. Ask pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act. #(3). Presentation# a. Listen to the song:# Hello and pass a toy. If a child get the toy when the song is stopping, he(she) say:# Hello(Hi)!# Im# b. Some children who havent got th

411、e toy stand up and introduce himself(herself):# Hello(Hi)!# Im# (4). Practice# Teacher change the voice and make up like wear a pair of glasses. Then teacher goes with Teddy Bear into the classroom, greets to one pupil with the dialogue above, and at last adds up a sentence:# Goodbye!# Practice and

412、act the conversation in groups. Then asks some groups to act it. # (5). Add-activities# a. Listen and read after the tape, imitate the tape.# b. Find a group of friends to make the conversation.# Lesson 2# Teaching aims:# # 1. Grasp the new words:# pencil, crayon, eraser, ruler, pen and phrases:# a

413、pencil, a crayon, an eraser, a ruler, a pen. # 2. Respond the TPR activities “Show me your”quickly and correctly. *Try to use this phrase. # *3. Learn to say“I have a/an” Substitute the pattern with five new words.#Preparation:#a. A Teddy Bear#b. Tape and recorder#c. A pencil-box with a pen, a penci

414、l, a ruler, an eraser, a crayon.#Steps:#(1). Warm-up/Review # a. Listen to the song:# Hello.#b. Greets to pupils with:# Hello/Hi. And hug them or shake hands.# c. Make a conversation like last lesson. # (2). Presentation# a. Show a pencil-box. Let children guess :# What is it in the pencil-box?#(in

415、Chinese) Then introduces to everybody like:# Yes!# Pencil. I have a pencil.#b. Use this form, let pupils guess and learn the words:# pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, crayon. # (3). Practice# a. Game:# Say what is it in your pencil-box.# - I have a pen. # b. Teddy Bear asks:# Whats this in English?# Pupil

416、s say:# eraser. Do as this.# (4). Lets do# a. Listen to the tape and teacher do it first t show the means.# b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they can.# c. Do it after tape like:# # - Show me your pencil. - My pencil.#(5). Assessment# Play a bingo game with those words:# crayon, p

417、encil, eraser, #Lesson 3# Teaching aims:# # 1.Try to make a name card. #1. Enable the students to know some knowledge about Teachers Day and encourage them to say Happy Teachers Day to other teachers. # 3. Learn to sing a song:# Happy Teachers Day # *4. Make a teachers card and present the teacher y

418、ou like.# Preparation:# a. Tape and recorder# b. A name card# Steps:# (1). Warm-up/Review#a. Listen to the song:# Happy Teachers Day#b. Do it:# Show me your# (2). Practice# a. Shows pupils a name card and asks pupils how can we make the name card.# b. Told pupils how can they make the name card in E

419、nglish.#c. Pupils make it by themselves and say how does he(she) make it in English.# (3). Enable the students to know some knowledge about Teachers Day:# When is Teachers Day and encourage them to say Happy Teachers Day to other teachers.# *Make a teachers card and present the teacher you like.# (4

420、). Lets sing:# Happy Teachers Day # Listen and sing the song.#Lesson 4# Teaching aims:# # 1. Get the students to grasp the sentences:# Whats your name?# My name is.# 2. Learn to use the phrase See you to express goodbye and try to use the word:# Welcome.#2. Practice and make dialogues about self-int

421、roduction.# Preparation:# Tape and recorder# Steps:#(1). Warm-up/ Review#a. Sing the song:# Happy Teachers Day#b. Make a greeting to each other.# (2). Presentation# a. Listen to the tape and then asks them what they heard.#b. Point to the name in a Pupils Book so that lets pupils know whats mean of

422、this sentence. # c. Asks pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act. # (3). Practice# Make a conversation, connect the texts in part A.# (4). Main picture# Back to the main picture, point and find what they are talking. Then hand out the sortition paper to pup

423、ils. Pupils get it and find what picture it is. And them imitate those visualizes, make a conversation according to the main picture:# Hello!# Im Sarah. Whats your name?# My names Chen Jie. Goodbye!# Bye, Miss White!#(5). Add-activities# Listen and read after tape and make the dialogue. #Teaching ai

424、ms of unit 2:# 1.Grasp the new words:# head face nose mouth eye ear# arm hand finger leg foot body# 2. Grasp the main sentences:# Good morning. Good afternoon.# This is Nice to meet you.# And get the students to use these sentences to communicate with each other.# 3. Grasp the TPR activities in the

425、part of “Lets do”. # Try to say these phrases and respond the actions correctly.# 4. Learn to sing two songs:# Teddy Bear. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.# 5. Learn to the part of “Lets chant”. Understand the meaning of the chant and try to grasp the patterns “Where is your?#” and “ Here it is.”# 6

426、. Try drawing a face.# 7. Enable the students to understand the story in the part of “Story time”. Try to read and retell the story. #Teaching arrangement:#Lesson 1:# A:# Lets talk Lets play #Lesson 2:# A:# Lets learn Lets do#Lesson 3:# A:# Lets make Lets sing #Lesson 4:# B:# Lets talk Lets play Cul

427、ture#Lesson 5:# B:# Lets learn Lets do Lets sing#Lesson 6:# B:# Lets check Lets chant C:# Story time#Teaching aims :#1. Listen, speak, and read the words head, face, nose, mouth, eye, ear, arm, hand, finger, leg, foot, body. And use those words to describe the part of the body, e.g. Look at me. This

428、 is my head.#2. Listen and speak the words good, morning, this, nice, meet, lets, go, OK, to, mom, afternoon, too. And use those words to greet to others. E.G. Hello. Good morning. This is John.#3. Enable pupils to understand and communicate with some dialogue:#- Good morning. - Wheres your mouth?#

429、Hello. This is John. Here it is.# Nice to meet you. Wheres your hand?# Lets go to school. Here it is.#4. Enable pupils to understand and do some instructions. E.G. Touch your head. Or :# Clap your hands.#5. Through the “chant” let pupils master the new words, and create the new chant. Interests them

430、 with the songs.#6. Enable them to read some short story with the pictures and later act it or extend the story.#Lesson 1# Teaching aims:# # 1.Learn to use Good morning, Hello, Hi, This is, Nice to meet you to communicate with others.#2.Learn to sing a song:# Teddy Bear.#Preparation:# a. Prepare a t

431、oy bear.#b. Recorder and tape.#Steps:# (1). Warm-up/Review# a. Listen to the song:# Hello.# b. Greets to pupils with sentences theyve learned. #a. Practice a sentence:# I have a# (2). Presentation# a. Teacher shows a friend:# a bear. “Hello. Im Teddy. Good morning.” Goes to the pupils seat and greet

432、s to them, shake the hands.# b. Greets to one pupil and at last say:# Nice to meet you.# c. Asks pupils to practice this dialogue and later ask some pairs come to the front to act. #(3). Presentation# a. Teddy Bear goes near a pupil and greet to him or her. Then asks:# Excuse me. Whats his/her name?

433、# Help him or her to say:# This is Then faces to him/her and say:# Nice to meet you.#b. Do twice and ask pupils practise in groups. #c. Asks some groups to act it.# (4). Practice# a. Teacher changes the voice and make up like wear a pair of glasses. Then teacher goes with Teddy Bear into the classro

434、om, greets to one pupil with the dialogue above, and at last adds up a sentence:# Lets go to school!# Give Teddy Bear a very small bag to show the means.# b. Practise and act the conversation in groups. Then asks some groups to act it. # (5). Add-activities# a. Listen and read after the tape, imitat

435、e the tape.# b. Find a group of friends to make the conversation.# Lesson 2# Teaching aims:# # 1. Grasp the new words:# head, eye, face, ear, nose, mouth.# 2. Respond the TPR activities “Touch your ”quickly and correctly. *Try to use this phrase. #Preparation:#a. Picture of Teddy Bear#b. Pictures of

436、 body of Teddy Bear in a bag # c. Tape and recorder#Steps:#(1). Warm-up/Review# a. Sing a song :# Hello!# # b. Greets to pupils with:# Nice to meet you. And hug them or shake hands.# c. Make a conversation like last lessons. # (2). Presentation# a. Shows the bear. And then dubs for the bear to greet

437、 to pupils:# Hi. Good morning. Nice to meet you again. Or Nice to see you again.# b. Greets to the pupils and practise like that. Then introduces to everybody like :# Look at me. This is my head.# c. Use this form, let pupils ask the learn the words:# head, ear, eye, nose, face, mouth. # (3). Practi

438、ce# a. Game:# Guess what is it in the bag.#- What is it?#- A nose?#b. Teddy Bear say:# Whats this in English?# Pupils say:# This is your eye. Do as this.# (4). Lets do# a. Listen to the tape and teacher do it first to show the means.# b. Asks pupils to follow teacher to do it and say if they can.# c

439、. Correct the pronunciation of the word :# touch.# d. Do it after tape like:# # - Touch your head. - My head.# (5). Add-activities# a. Listen and read after the tape, do the chant again.# b. Do a puppet # Lesson 3#;i:31;s:7861:#2018年秋期六年级英语上册教学计划#中堡小学 徐礼明#一、完成本册教学的指导思想:#英语课程标准中明确指出,基础教育阶段英语课程的任务之一是:

440、#激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习方法,发挥自主学习的能力和合作精神,使学生掌握一定的语言综合运用能力,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,培养学生跨文化交际意识。#二、学生基本情况分析# 六年级的学生思维敏捷,已经有一定的英语基础,并且学生对英语比较感兴趣,学生课堂表现积极、主动,乐于参与,乐于表现自己。#大部分同学对学习英语都有兴趣,学习英语的自信心较强,但有一部分同学英语基础差,增加了教学难度。#所以在今后的教学中,应面向全体学生,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,充分调动他们的自主能动性、积极性,并发挥团队协作精神,营造



443、4、能听懂、会唱8首歌曲。#5、能听懂、会吟唱8首歌谣。#6、能完成6个自我评价活动。#7、能理解6个幽默小故事。#8、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。#五、具体教学措施与办法#(一)词汇教学#1、注重词汇的呈现方式# 使用不同方法教学词汇能产生完全不同的教学效果。#教师在教学词汇的过程中创造性运用教具,通过各种方式呈现新词,使学生始终保持学习兴趣至关重要。#教师要仔细研究课堂,开动脑筋设计有效的学习任务,使单词教学不仅生动有趣而且教有实效。#2、利用Lets start部分引入话题、引出新词和新句型# 本册书的Lets start是一项brainstorm式的活动。#教师在引导学生讨论与话题

444、相关的实际生活问题时,除了使用学过的词汇和句型之外,可以非常自然地引出一些新词,让学生在理解词义的基础上朗读、拼读新词,这样会场收到良好的教学效果。#3、在实际交流当中教学单词# 教师应力求在语言交流当中教新词,用旧词练习新语言,融会语言和词汇的教学,使之相辅相成。#教师可充分利用学生用书和教师教学用书当中可供选择的游戏,在丰富的语言活动当中操练新词,将词汇和句型的教学融会贯通。#教师除了用好学生用书,活动手册和教师教学用书以外,还应根据教学的需要,自行设计多样化的交际性语言活动教学新词。#4、充分发挥单词卡片的作用# 单词卡片不仅可以用来做各种复习巩固词汇的游戏,还可以让学生在听、说、认读之

445、后再描红,进行单词的拼写。#(二)对话教学#1、抓住主句型,替换关键词操练住句型。#2、在趣味游戏和任务型活动中学说、巩固新句型。#3、在会说的基础上运用重点句型。#4、在会用的基础上进行句型书写。#(三)阅读教学# 阅读教学的教学目标是:#读懂对话或短文;#完成检测学生理解程度的活动。#在这里,教师把教学重点放在巩固重点词汇、句型和提高学生的阅读能力。#具体教学建议如下:#1、复习巩固本部分重点词汇和句型,可以采用游戏、竞赛或师生自由会话等形式。#2、教师设计情景,自然引入阅读内容,并且尽可能引入阅读内容中的新句型。#3、教师解惑答疑。#4、检测学生的理解情况。#(四)语音训练# 六年级上册

446、编排了40个国际音标的听音、认读训练,让学生通过朗读例词和完成单词、音标、图连线的活动初步建立单词的音、形、义之间的联系,为今后的语音学习打下较好的基础。#具体教学建议如下:#1、了解音标的读音。#2、#朗读例词。#3、#完成连线活动。#(五)歌曲与歌谣教学#1、在每节课中渗透# 歌曲与歌谣可以在每节课的课前欣赏或演唱,以营造英语学习的气氛;#以反复欣赏,略将主要词义,逐步跟唱的自然习得形式进行。#2、灵活运用于各个教学环节# 除了用于Warm-up,营造学习气氛,还可以灵活调整,用于呈现语言或词汇的教学当中。#也可以用于教学中途的放松和调节,更可以用来巩固语言和词汇的学习。#3、唱演结合,培

447、养艺术素质# 小学生好动、好表演。#教师应尽量给歌曲与歌谣配上相应的简易动作,让学生在唱起来的同时动起来、演起来、乐起来。#4、巧妙替换,服务于新知识的教学# 教师可以指导学生对熟悉的歌谣进行改编,把新词汇或句型替换进去,增强词汇教学的创造性和趣性.#(六)趣味故事教学(Story time)# 趣味故事不仅仅是给学生带来乐趣,更重要的是起到了扩展语言和对不同学生分层次教学的作用。#六、教学进度表#周次#教学内容#节数#备注#1#Unit 1 How can i get there?#2#2#Unit 1 How can i get there?#2#3#Unit 1 How can i ge

448、t there?#2#4#Unit 2 Ways to go to school#2#5#Unit 2 Ways to go to school#2#6# #国庆节#7#Unit2Unit3#2#8#Unit 3 My weekend plan#2#9#Unit 3 My weekend plan#2#10#Revision#2#期中测试#11#Unit 4 I have a pen pal#2#12#Unit 4 I have a pen pal#2#13#Unit45#2#14#Unit 5 What does he do?#2#15#Unit 5 What does he do?#2#1

449、6#Unit6Unit56#2#教学质量抽测#17#Unit 6 How do you feel?#2#18#Unit 6 How do you feel?#2#元旦#19#Revision#2#20#Revision#2#期末考试#;i:32;s:12293:#小学英语主题分类词汇表#22#1性别及家庭成员#boy男孩#girl女孩#mother母亲#father父亲#grandpa爷爷(口语)#grandma奶奶(口语)#grandmother祖母#grandfather祖父#dad爸爸(口语)#mum妈妈(口语)#uncle叔叔#aunt阿姨#sister姐妹#brother兄、弟#Ms

450、女士#Mr先生#Miss小姐#一、 看图填写单词# # #_ _ _ _# #_ _ _ _#二、 看图作文 # My Family #_#2动物#panda熊猫#monkey猴子#dog狗#cat猫#bird鸟#bee蜜蜂#bear熊#horse马#pig猪#duck鸭子#rabbit兔子#tiger老虎#lion狮子#chick小鸡#fox狐狸#hen母鸡#cow奶牛#cock公鸡#一、 看图填写单词# #_ _ _ _#_ _ _ _#二、看图作文# My Dog#_#3数字#one一#two二#three三#four四#five五#six六#seven七#eight八#nine九#te

451、n 十#eleven十一#twelve十二#thirteen十三#fourteen十四#fifteen十五#sixteen十六#seventeen十七#eighteen十八#nineteen十九#twenty二十#twenty-one二十一#thirty三十#forty四十#fifty 五十#sixty六十#seventy七十#eighty八十#ninety九十#one hundred一百#一、 看图填写单词# #_#二、默写1120,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100这些数字#_#_#4食物饮料三餐味道水果#rice米饭#meat肉#noodles面条#fish鱼#chocol

452、ate巧克力#egg蛋#vegetable蔬菜#carrot胡萝卜#bread面包#orange 桔子#apple 苹果#milk牛奶#tea茶#coffee咖啡#cake蛋糕#candy糖果#cookie饼干#hot dog热狗#breakfast早餐#lunch午饭#supper晚饭#dinner晚饭,正餐#lemon柠檬#pear梨#peach桃子#banana香蕉#一、 看图填写单词# #_ _ _ _# #_ _ _ _#二、看图作文# Do you like it?#_#_#5衣服#T-shirtT恤衫#shirt衬衫#skirt短裙#cap帽子(前边有帽沿的)#hat帽子(周围有

453、帽沿的)#shoes鞋子#shorts短裤#vest背心#pants短裤#dress连衣裙#6冠词#a一(个,件)#an#the这,这个,那,那个#一、 看图填写单词# #_ _ _ _# #_ _ _ _#二、看图作文# Go Shopping #_#_#7代词#I我(主格)#me我(宾格)#my我的#you你,你们(主格)#you你,你们(宾格)#your你的,你们的#he他(主格)#him他(宾格)#his他的#she她(主格)#her她的#her她(宾格)#we我们(主格)#us我们(宾格)#our我们的#you你,你们#you你,你们#your你的#they他(她,它)们(主格)#t

454、hem 他(她,它)们(宾格)#their 他(她,它)们的#it 它(主格)#it 它(宾格)#its 它的#this 这,这个#that 那,那个#these 这些#those 那些#一、 看图填写单词# #_ _ _ _#二、看图作文#My Pencil-box#_#_#_#8疑问词#what什么#what time什么时间#what day星期几#what color什么颜色#which哪一个#which one哪一个#who谁#why为什么#when什么时候#where哪里#how多么,怎样#how old几岁#how many多少#9介词#up向上#down向下#on在上面#und

455、er在下面#in 在里面#at在#一、 看图填写单词# #_ _ _ _#二、看图作文# My School Bag #_#_#_#10时间 日期#oclock点钟#clo ck挂钟#watch手表#day日子,白天#week周,星期#month月,月份#year年#hour小时#spring春天#summer夏天#autumn秋天#winter冬天#am是#pm下午#Monday星期一#Tuesday星期二#Wednesday星期三#Thursday星期四#Friday星期五#Saturday星期六#Sunday星期天#January一月#February二月#March三月#April四月

456、#May五月#June六月#July七月#August八月#September九月#October十月#November十一月#December十二月#一、 看图填写单词# #_ _ _ _ _#二、默写12个月份#_#_#_#三、 看图作文 My Day#_#_#_#_#11、节日#Teachers Day教师节#New Years Day新年#Mothers Day母亲节#Fathers Day父亲节#Christmas圣诞节#12、国家 语言及首都#China中国#Chinese中国的,中国人的,汉语#Beijing 北京#England英国#English英语,英国的,英国人的#Lon

457、don伦敦#the USA美国#America美国#一、 看图填写单词# #_ _ _ _# #_ _ _ #二、看图作文 My Birthday# #_#_#_#_#13. 身体部位#head 头 #hair头发 #eye眼睛 #ear耳朵 #nose鼻子 #face脸 #mouth嘴 #hand手 #arm手臂 #leg腿 #foot脚 # #一、看图填单词# #_ _ _ _# # #_ _ _ _#二、看图写出你所知道的身体部位# #_ _ _ _ _#_ _ _ _ _#14、学校# #homework家庭作业#classroom教室#teacher教师#ruler尺子#pencil

458、铅笔#pencil-box文具盒#knife小刀#eraser橡皮檫#pen钢笔#desk课桌#chair椅子#floor地板#blackboard黑板#computer计算机# #一、看图写单词# #_ _ _ _# #_ _ _ _#二、介绍你自己的教室里有什么?#_#_#_#15职业#doctor医生#driver司机#singer歌手#farmer农民#nurse护士#teacher教师#worker工人#waiter服务员#16 反义词#big/ small大的/小的#long /short长的/短的#cold /hot冷的/热的#thin/ fat瘦的/胖的#heavy /ligh

459、t重的/轻的#happy/ sad高兴的/悲伤的#many/ few/little许多/一些/一点儿#clean/ dirty干净的/脏的#open/ close打开/关上#good/ bad好的/坏的#wet /dry湿的/干的#new/ old新的/旧的#old /young年长的/年青的#tall/ short高的/矮的#down/ up向下/向上#slow /fast/quick慢的/快地/快的#一、 看图填写单词# #_ _ _ _# # #_ _ _ _#二、看图作文# My Teacher#_#_#_#17、颜色及体育运动# #blue蓝色/蓝色的#white白色/白色的#bla

460、ck黑色/黑色的#green绿色/绿色的#yellow黄色/黄色的#red红色/红色的#orange桔黄色的#basketball蓝球#football足球#table tennis乒乓球#high jump跳高#skating滑冰#看图写单词# #_ _ _ _# #_ _ _ _#看图写短语# _ _# _ _# _ _#18、名词#park公园#zoo动物园#candle蜡烛#rainbow彩虹#sea 大海#river江;i:33;s:5481:小学英语三年级下册第四单元测试题#听力部分#一、听录音,把听到的信息用前面表示的字母填在括号内,每个句子听两遍(5)#( )1、A、peach

461、 B、pear C、orange D、apple#( )2、A、pink B、green C、red D、yellow#( )3、A、peaches B、grapes C、pears D、bananas#( )4、A、strawberry B、watermelon C、ice-cream D、cake#( )5、A、ant B、apple C、at D、cat#二、听录音,把你听到的圈出来。#(5)#1、b p 2、n j n g 3、17 27 4、t d 5、l S#三、根据你听到的内容,从A或B中选出正确答案填在括号内,每组对话听两遍.(5)#( )1、A、I like pears .

462、B、I like grapes.#( )2、A、No, thanks. B、Yes, please!#( )3、A、Certainly !# B、Sure. Here you are.#( )4、A、Chen jie likes bananas. B、Chen jie doesntt like bananas.#( )5、A、OK!# B、Thank you.#四、根据录音读的顺序,把下列句子按读音顺序排列。#(5)#( )1、A、I have some fruits.#( )2、B、Do you like oranges?# Yes, I do.#( )3、C、I dont like ban

463、anas.#( )4、D、Lets have some peaches and pears.#( )5、E、Can I have an apple ,please?# Certainly!#五、听录音,将所听到的问句的答句填写在提前括号内(5)#( )1、A、Yes, I do. #( )2、B、Yes, here you are.#( )3、C、No, he doesnt#( )4、D、Shes my friend, Amy.#( )5、E、Im from America.#笔试部分#一,写出下列字母的大写或小写(10)#T_ H_ J_ E_ G_ L_ Q_ M_ I_ R_#b_ d_

464、 o_ k_ n_ p_s_ c_ f_a_#二、把中文的序号,填在相应单词前的括号内。#(5)#A 自行车 B 葡萄 C 出租小汽车 D 十六 E 草莓 #( ) sixteen ( ) strawberry ( ) grapes ( ) taxi ( ) bike#三、把下列不同类的单词的序号填写在提前括号内。#(10)#( )A apple B banana C pear D milk#( )A blue B grape C brown D green#( )A seven B nine C see D eight#( )A pencil B peach C ruler D eraser

465、#( )A bike B bird C panda D tiger#四、选择恰当的单词填空,把序号填在提前括号内。#(20)#( )1、Draw _ apple,please# #( )2、_you like this queen?# #A. Can B. Do#( )3、Listen _me . #A. too B. to#( )4、Have some_ #A. more B. Many#( )5、Clap_ me #A. with B. and#( )6、Let me _ with you .#A. have B. share#( )7、-Have some fruits. -_. #A.

466、 Thank you. B. Yes, I do.#( )8、How many_ #A. apples B. apple#( )9、Pour the _ #A. orange B. orange juice#( )10、-Thank you!# -_.#A. You are welcome. B. Sure ,here you are.#六、根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在题前括号内。#(10)#( )Can I have a pear , please?# A. No, I dont.#( )Do you like grapes ?# B. Eleven#( )Have some wa

467、termelon, Mike ?# C. Certainly!#( )How many bananas can you see ?# D. Good idea!#( )Lets share. E. Thank you .#七、把下列句子按正常的语序排列,把序号填写在题前括号内。#(10)#( )1、Thank you .Miss White .#( )2、Do you like pears, John ?#( )3、Certainly !#( )4、Have some fruits , John .#( )5、No, I dont. Can I have an apple , please ?

468、#八、阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”(10)#Hello!# I am Wang Hong. I like peaches very much. I dont like grapes. My father likes watermelons. He doesnt like strawberries. My mother likes bananas. She doesnt like pears.#( ) 1. Wang Hong likes apple.#( ) 2. Wang Hong doesnt like grapes.#( ) 3. Her father likes

469、watermelons.#( ) 4. Her mother likes bananas.#( ) 5. Her mother doesnt like oranges.#听力材料#No. 1#1. do you like orange ?# yes ,I do .#2. draw a peach . colour it pink .#3. I dont like bananas .#4. Lets share this watermelon .#5. I like apple very much .#No. 2#1. small letter p . 2. Small letter n and

470、 J . .#2. 3.seventeen. 4. Small letter t.#6. big letter S .#No. 3#1. Do you like pears ,Mike ?# No,I like grapes .#2. Have some orang juice, Amy ?# No, thanks .#3. Can I have an apple ,please ?# Sure . Here you are .#4. Do you like bananas, Chen Jie ?# Sorry. I dont .#5. L ets have some fruits . Ok

471、.#No. 4#1. I dont like bananas . 2. Lets have some peaches and pears .#3. I have some fruits . 4. Can I have an apple , please ?# Certainly!#5. Do you like oranges ?# Yes, I do .#No. 5#1. Can I have some pear , please ?#2. Does John like pear ?#3. Do you like milk ?#4. Where are you from ?#5. Whos t

472、hat girl ?# #;i:34;s:1888:31、32课课前测试#一、听写单词#1. 2. 3. 4. 5. #6. 7. 8. 9. 10. #二、选择题。#1. Mike his clothes everyday. A. wash B. washes C. washed#2. Look, they are the insects carefully. A. watch B. watching C.watched#3. Its raining outside. Tom bored. A. feel B. does C. feels#4. What are they doing?# T

473、hey are cakes. A. make B. making C. making#三、按要求完成句子。#5. she/shut the door (连词成句)# .#6. She is looking at the picture. (对画线部分提问) # .#7. The dog is digging a hole. (变为否定句)# .#8. Mrs brown and Mrs Smith are dringking tea.(变为疑问句)# .#31、32课课前测试#一、听写单词#1. 2. 3. 4. 5. #6. 7. 8. 9. 10. #二、选择题。#1. Mike his

474、clothes everyday. A. wash B. washes C. washed#2. Look, they are the insects carefully. A. watch B. watching C.watched#3. Its raining outside. Tom bored. A. feel B. does C. feels#4. What are they doing?# They are cakes. A. make B. making C. making#三、按要求完成句子。#5. she/shut the door 连词成句# .#6. She is loo

475、king at the picture.(对画线提问) # .#7. The dog is digging a hole. (变为否定句)# .#8. Mrs brown and Mrs Smith are dringking tea. (变为疑问句)# .#;i:35;s:11189:#(密封线内不要答题)# #密#封#线# # #密#封#线# #装订#学 科#学 校#姓名#考号#大连甘井子区南关岭小学英语四年级期中测试卷(2016年9月)# (考试时间 80分钟满分100分)#题 号#一#二#三#四#总分#记分人#复核人#赋 分#得 分#一、听音,找出句子中含有的单词,将序号写在前面的括号

476、内。#(每题1分,共5分)#( )1. A. ate C. eight#( )2. A. paint B. painting C. painted#( )3. A.well B. tell C.fell#( )4. A. American B. Chinese C. English#( )5. A. where B. wear C.wore#二、听句子选图片,将正确选项的序号(1-8)填在括号内。#(每题1分,共8分)#( )#( )#( )#( )# # # ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )# #三、听句子按照所听到的内容用数字排序。#(每题2分,共12分)#( )We went

477、skating.#( )Yesterday, we went on a school trip.#( )The ice was very cold.#( )I wore warm clothes.#( )At first, I fell over. But it didnt hurt a lot. Then I was able to skate.#( )And I didnt fall over again. It was really fun!# # # 四、听句子选择正确的一项,将序号填入括号内(每题2分,共14分)# ( )1.A.Lingling didnt get up at si

478、x yesterday. # ( ) B.Lingling usually get up at six yesterday. # ( )2.A.We saw lots of beautiful plants.# ( ) B.We saw lots of mountains.# ( )3.A.This old woman didnt have food.# B.It didnt become gold. It became a snake.# ( )4.A.English people invented this bicycle.# B.American people invented thes

479、e cars.# ( )5.A.Look, the newspaper is beside the chairs.# B.Look, the newspaper is between the chairs.# ( )6.A.Shes got short black hair.# B.Shes got long black hair.# ( )7.A.I washed my shirt.# B.I washed my skirt. #五、 听短文,选择正确的选项,将序号填入括号内(每题2分,共8分)# ( )1.Chinese people invented many _ things.A. i

480、mportant B.beautiful# ( )2.Chinese people invented paper and _.A.print B.printing # ( )3.Look at the man_the two cars invented these cars. A.beside B.between# ( )4._people invented this bicycle.#六、选择最佳答案,将其序号填入题前括号中。#(15分)#( )1. -Where does he live?# -He _ in Hong Kong.# B.lives C.lived D.liv

481、ing#( )2. The boy is playing _ her toys.# A. to B. with C. For#( )3. -I#ve got _ old friend, Zara. And you?# A.a C.the D./#( )4. Amy _ got a fever.# A. have B. has C. had#( )5.-What are you doing?# -I#m _ a letter. # A.reading B.reads )6. I usually _ football on Sundays. But yesterday

482、I _ football.# A. play;# didnt play B. plays, didnt plays C. play, didnt played#( )7. _ the matter?# A. Whats B. Wheres C. Whens#( )8. Here is a photo _ my birthday party.# B.from C. of D.about #( )9.There _ three trees before(以前).# A. was B. were C. are#( )10. He likes _ pingpong with his fath

483、er.# B.playing C.played# ( ) 11.Yesterday we ate some_.# A.candy B .candies C.candys# ( )12._ a good idea!# -Thank you!# A.How B.where C.What D.When# ( )13.-_ is my desk?#-It#s there.# A.What B.Who C.Where D.When# ( )14.Chinese people invented _ .# A.print B. printed C.printing# ( )15.-How ar

484、e you?# -_# A.Im nine. B.Thats right. C.Youre welcome D.Im very well.#七、选择单词的正确形式补全句子,每词限用一次。#(5分)# take make candy are important#( )1. My mum _ a cake for me.#( )2. Chinese people invented many _ things.#( )3.We went to the Great Wall. And we ate lots of _. #( )4. It _us fifty minutes to the librar

485、y.#( )5. We _ at Buckingham Palace.# 选择所给单词的首字母提示完成句子(5分)# 1.My trousers were very d_. So I washed them at the weekend.# 2.On Saturday we went to the park. And we s_ some beautiful p_.# 3.The bad man was very a_ .The magic paintbrush didn#t help him.It only helped Ma Liang.# 4.Daming:#We print books

486、 and newspapers.# Ms Smart:#That#s r_.#八、根据问句找答语,将其序号填入题前括号内。#(1分)#( )1. Did Sam watch TV?# A. I lost my favourite doll.#( )2. What#s the matter, Amy?# B. She went to the park.#( )3. A:#Who was in front of you last Monday?# C. No, he didnt.#( )4. Where did she go last week?# D. I#m reading a letter.

487、#( )5. What are you doing?# E. Wang xin was in front of me.#Buckingham Palace#九、根据图文提示完成句子(10分)#1. -Where were you?# # -_#2.-What did you do yesterday?# -_#3. -What did the man invent?# -_#4.-Did the old woman have food?#-_#5.-What did you last night?# -_(根据自己的实际情况回答即可)#十、用所给句子完成对话,将其序号填入相应横线上。#(5分)

488、#Daming:#_# Amy:#I lost my favourite doll. _#A.No, I didn#t.#B.What#s the matter, Amy?#C.Who#s crying?#D.I can#t find it.#Daming:#Sam, did you take Amy#s doll?# Sam:#_#Daming:#Lingling, did you see Amy#s doll?#Lingling:#No, I didn#t.#Daming:#Oh, I can#t find it.#Lingling:#_# Amy:#My baby doll!#十一、阅读

489、理解。#(10分)#1) 根据短文内容,从四个选项中选出最佳答案,将序号写在括号里。#Dear friends, #My name is Tom. I am an American boy. I like playing computer games. And I like eating hamburgers. Now I live in Dalian. Its a nice city. Yesterday I played football with my friends. But its raining. Our shoes were very dirty. So we cleaned t

490、he shoes at home and played the computer games. We were very happy. #Write to me soon. #From #Tom#( ) 1. Tom is from_.# A. America B. China C. India#( ) 2. What does he like eating?# A. Bread. B. Noodles. C. Hamburgers. #( )3. What does he like playing?#A. Football. B. Computer games. C. Washing. #(

491、 ) 4. What was the weather like yesterday?# A. It was hot. B. It was cold. C. It was rainy. #( ) 5. They cleaned the shoes, because(因为) _.#A. the shoes were dirty#B. they wanted to play computer games#C. they are helpful#2)根据短文判断正(T)或误(F)。#Last Sunday morning, Daming was in the park with his mother.

492、 It was a fine day. There were a lot of people in the park. Boys and girls were singing there. Daming wanted to see animals. So they went to the zoo in the afternoon. He liked the monkeys very much. They had a good time all the day.#( ) 1. Daming didnt like monkeys.#( ) 2. Daming went to the zoo in

493、the afternoon.#( ) 3. There were lots of people at the zoo.#( ) 4. Daming went to the park with his father last Sunday.#( ) 5. They were very happy all the day.#十二、 作文:#(5分)#请你写出刚过去的星期日你做了些什么。#可以选用的词:#last Sunday, went, saw, ate, clean, wash, had, learn, ran, fell off, hurt, bumped (不少于60个词)#_#第5页(试

494、卷共4页) 第6页(试卷共4页)#;i:36;s:4402:三年级下册单词竞赛 Name:#_ Mark:#_#一、基础题#1、补全单词并写出中文意思#b y( ) fat e r( ) g rl( ) m ther( ) t cher( )#st de t( ) wom n( ) my( ) gra dmoth r( ) f iend( ) #good morning( ) si ter( ) f mi y( ) fr m( ) see( ) #t d y ( ) pple ( ) ban n ( ) stra ber y ( )#b g( ) ox( ) g raff ( ) t ll(

495、) s ort( )#g ape( ) u der( ) where( ) small( ) long( )#2、判断下列字母是不是相应的大小写字母,用“”或者“#”表示。#A-a ( ) K-h ( ) Q-p ( ) U-v ( ) I-l ( ) #M-w ( ) R-r ( ) F-f ( ) N-n ( ) X-x ( ) #Q-o ( ) B-d ( ) P-b ( ) Y-I ( ) K-k ( ) #二、找出不同类的单词#( )1.A.grandfather B.mother C.father D.mouse #( ) B.goose

496、( )3.A.grandmother C.egg D.sister #( ) B.hamburger C.cake )5.A.friend B.elephant D.panda #( ) ) ( ) #( )9.A.big B.long ( )10.A.UK B.USA C. A.M #( ) # B.under C.zoo # # D

497、.on ( )12.A.Chinese B.English C.class #( )13.A.grape B.mother C.grandfather ( )14.A.banana B.pear C.short#( )15.A.watermelon# B.pear# D.pencil#( )16.A.desk B.chair ( ) B.pear C.pen ( ) B.under ( )19.A.pear C.on #( )20.A.tiger B.elephant C.zoo #三、Lily ha

498、s a family tree.她正在介绍她的家庭成员呢,请你把她的家庭成员名称补充完整。#Hi!# Im Lily. This is my family tree.#m #grandma#b #s #d #grand #四、Lily has many photos.她的朋友在谈论相片呢,请填上所缺的单词。# #1. Zoom:# Whats that woman?# Zip:# is a teacher.# #2. Mike:# Whos that man?# Amy:# my father.#p #3. I am a . ( 小学生)# ,#4.Tim:# Is your mother?#

499、 Mary:# she is.# ,# #5. Tim:# Is your father?# Mary:# he isnt.#五、根据图示,从方框中选出对应的单词填入括号内。#(6分)#六、自我介绍:# Hello!# My name is_. Im from _. I m a _.(男孩/女孩) I m _.(九岁) I have many _(朋友).We play together. Look, this is my good friend, Tom. _ likes monkeys. What about you?#七、连线#China #Canada#USA#UK# #八、把字母编号

500、写在横线上# A. small B. big C. long D. short E. tall #So _!#So _!#So _!#So _!# #So _!#So _!#So _!#So _!# #九、根据图示,从方框中选出对应的单词填入括号内。#(6分)#十连词成句,注意标点符号(10分)#1.where car my is 6. you here are #2.its chair the under 7. my is friend this like oranges you 8. a I have dog #4.from you are where 9. big a has

501、 it long #5.mother is she your 10. sieter is she my #;i:37;s:101:英语书写比赛专用纸#班级:# 姓名:# 成绩:# # #;i:38;s:4104:新概念一Lesson9-Lesson12习题#Name_Score_#一、 默写出48个音标。#(20)#_#二、用所给词的反义词或对应词填空。#(10)#1. That milkman is _ ( young ).#2. That housewife is _ ( lazy ). #3. Emma is _ ( hot ).#4. That nurse is _ ( dirty).

502、#5. That policeman is _ ( tall ).#6. The _ ( woman ) is fat.#7. _ ( he ) is a mechanic.#8. What is _ ( his ) job?#9. I am a new _ ( student ).#10. That shirt is _ ( black ).#三、用所给词的适当形式填空。#(10)#1. How are you ?# Im very _ ( good ).#2. The _ ( airhost ) is very young.#3. That _ ( hairdress) is busy.#

503、4. He is a taxi_ (drive ).#5. Hes fine. _ ( thank ).#6. Nice _ ( see ) you.#7. Mr. Blake is a _ ( teach ).#8. What is the _ ( man ) job?#9. _ ( I ) name is Sophie.#10. I am _ (a) engineer.#四、选择。#(10)#1. _ is Tony?# He is _.#A. What, fine B. How, well C. What, good D. How, good#2. Nice _ you.#A. see

504、B. to see C. saw D. sees#3. Mr. Blake is a _.#A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl#4. This shirt is old. It_. #A. isnt new. B. is new C. arent new D. are new#5. Mrs. Ford is a _.#A. man B. woman C. boy D. girl#6. _ is he ?# -He is Italian.#A. What B. What make C. What nationality D. How#7._ you French?# N

505、o, I _ not.#A. Is , am B. Are, am C. Be, am D. Are, is#8. _?# The man is a mechanic.#A. What is his job B. What is her job C. What is he job D. What is she job#9. _ is Steven?# He is very hot.#A. How B. What C. What nationality D. What make#10. This isnt a German car. _ is a Swedish car.#A. He B. Sh

506、e C. You D. It#五、句型转换。#(25)#1. That woman is thin. (就划线部分提问) # _ is that _?#2. That airhostess is young. (变为同义句) #That airhostess is _ _.#3. He is a hairdresser. (就划线部分提问) #_ is his _?#4. He is very well. (变为同义句) #He is very _.#5. Robert is Italian. (就划线部分提问)#_ _ is Robert?#6. My name is Robert. (就划

507、线部分提问)#_ is your _?#7. Its a Peugeot. (就划线部分提问) # _ _ is it?#8. That housewife is lazy. (变一般疑问句)#_ that housewife _?#9. That nurse is clean. (变否定句) #That nurse is _ _.#10. Are you a teacher?# (做否定回答) # _, I _ _.#11. This#pen#is#my#sons. (就划线部分提问。#)# pen ?#12. Tims#shirt#is#blue. (变一般疑问句。#)# ?#六、阅读。#

508、(25)# Hellen:# Whose dress is this?# Is this yours, Lucy?# Lucy:# No, it isnt. My dress is white and blue, but this is purple and white.# Hellen:# Is this dress Lilys?# Lucy:# Perhaps it is. Lily likes purple very much.#1. Is this Lucys dress or Lilys dress?# _#2. Whose dress it this?# _#3. Who like

509、s purple?# _#4. What colour is Lucys dress?# _#;i:39;s:17366:一般现在时#标志词:#always(总是) usually(通常) often(经常) sometimes(有时) never(从不) every(每一)#行为动词词型变化形式#一般现在时动词只有第三人称有词形变化,#其他人称(第一人称:#I, we;#第二人称:#you;#第三人称复数:#they、my friends)动词均用原形#当主语是第三人称单数时,一般动词在一般现在时句子中的变化规律:#1、多数在动词后加s playplayslikelikes ,#2、以s,x

510、,sh,ch,o结尾的动词加es washwashes catchcatches dodoes#3、以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改i再加es flyfliesstudystudies#4、以元音字母加y结尾,直接加s buy buys#5、不规则变化 havehas#一般现在时基本用法#功能#1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。# 如:#The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。#2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。# 如:#I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。#3.表示客观现实。# 如:#The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。# T

511、he earth is round.#构成#1. be动词:#主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。# 如:#I am a boy.我是一个男孩。#2.行为动词:#主语+行为动词(+其它)。# 如:#We study English.我们学习英语。#句型#肯定句:#A.be动词:#主语+ be + 其它成分 He is a worker. #B.行为动词:#主语+动词(注意人称变化) +其它成分 We like the little cat.#否定句:#A.be动词:#主语+ be + not +其它成分 They are not students.#B.行为动词:#主语+助动词(do/do

512、es) + not +动词原形+其它成分#We dont like the little cat.#一般疑问句:#A.be动词:# Am / Is /Are +主语 + 其它成分#Are you a teacher?# Yes, I am. / No, I am not. #Are they students of your school.Yes they are / No they aren,t.#B.行为动词:#助动词(Do/Does)+主语+动词原形 + 其它成分#Do you like it?# Yes, I do. / No. I dont . #Does he(she) like

513、it?# Yes, he( she )does. / No, he ( she )doesnt.#特殊疑问句:#疑问词+ 一般疑问句#A.be动词:# How many students are there in your school?# #B.行为动词:#What do you usually do on Sunday?#一般现在时动词be和 have的变化形式#1.动词Be 叫连系动词, 用法:#第一人称单数用am,第三人称单数用is,其它人称用are。#2.动词have的用法:#第三人称单数用has以外,其它人称一律用have。#如:#注意事项 1.在英国,人们常用have got代替

514、have,特别在疑问句和否定句中。#2.当have如果不表示“有”时,构成疑问或否定句时,就借助于助动词do, does# 如:#I have a new pen . 否:#I have not a new pen. (表示有)# I have lunch at 12 oclock. 否:#I dont have lunch at 12 oclock. (表示吃)#现在进行时:#标志词:#now, look, listen,Its+时间.#现在进行时:# 表示正在进行的、发生的动作#基本结构:#am#be is + 动词 ing#are#肯定句:#主语 + be动词(am, are, is)+

515、 现在分词(ing)+ 其他 I am watching TV.#否定句:#主语 + be动词+ not + 现在分词(ing)+ 其他 I am not watching TV.#一般疑问句:#Be动词(Am, Are, Is) + 主语 + 现在分词(ing)+ 其他 #Are you watching TV?# Yes, I am. / No, I am not.#特殊疑问句:#疑问词+ 一般疑问句# What are you doing?#动词的-ing形式的变化规律:#1.#直接加-ing watchwatching# cleancleaning#2.#以-y结尾的动词,直接加-in

516、g studystudying#playplaying#3.#以不发音的-e结尾的动词,先去-e再加-ing makemaking# comecoming#4.#末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节动词,#双写末尾字母,再加-ing cutcutting#一般将来时的用法:#表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。#标志词:#tomorrow(明天),the day after tomorrow(后天),next (下一个),#from now on(从现在开始),in the future(将来),soon(不久)等 #结构:#( 1 ) be(am,is

517、 ,are) +going to+动词原形 ( 2 ) will+动词原形#“be going to+动词原形(打算)”=”will+动词原形(将,会)”#Im going to study tomorrow. # I will study tomorrow.#(be going to着重于事先考虑好 will 未事先考虑好)-一般不用考虑#肯定句:#主语 + be (am, are, is) going to + 动词原形. #主语 + will + 动词原形#否定句:#主语 + be (am, are, is) not going to + 动词原形. #主语 + wont + 动词原形.

518、#一般疑问句:#Be (Am, Are, Is) + 主语 + going to + 动词原形?# #Will + 主语 + 动词原形?# #特殊疑问句:#疑问词+ 一般疑问句?#注意:#will 常简略为 #ll,并与主语连写在一起,如:#I#ll,he#ll,it#ll,we#ll,you#ll,they#ll。# #一般过去时#标志词:#yesterday(昨天), last (上一个), this morning(今天早上),ago(以前), #before (在之前), in 2002(在2002年) 等#用法:#表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用。#

519、也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作#动词过去式变化规则:#1一般在动词末尾加-ed 如:#watch-watched, cook-cooked#2结尾是e加d 如:#taste-tasted#3末尾只有一个元音字母和一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ed,如:#stop-stopped#4以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:#study-studied#5不规则动词过去式:#am,is-was, are-were, do-did, see-saw, say-said, give-gave#句型:#1、Be动词在一般过去时中的变化:#am 和is 变为was。#

520、 否定(was not=wasnt)#are 变为were。# 否定(were not=werent)#否定句:#在 was或were后加not#一般疑问句:#把was或were调到句首。#2、行为动词在一般过去时中的变化#否定句:#didnt + 动词原形 如:#Jim didnt go home yesterday.#一般疑问句:#在句首加Did,句子中的动词过去式变回原形 如:#Did Jim go home yesterday?#特殊疑问句:#(1)疑问词+did+主语+动词原形?# 如:# What did Jim do yesterday?#(2)疑问词当主语时:#疑问词+动词过去

521、式?# 如:#Who went to home yesterday?#现在完成时:# #用法1:#表示:#过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。#标志词:#already, yet, just, ever, never, before#用法2:#表示:#过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。#标志词:#for, since, sinceago#基本结构:#助动词have/has + 动词的过去分词#(当主语是第三人称单数时用has,其余人称用have)#1)肯定式:#主语 + have / has + 过去分词#2)否定式:#主语 + have / has + not + 过去分

522、词#3)一般疑问句:# Have / Has + 主语 + 过去分词#Yes, 主语 + have/has.(肯定)No, 主语 + haven#t/hasn#t.(否定)#4)特殊疑问句:# 特殊疑问词+have/has+主语+过去分词#例句#1. 过去某时发生的动作到目前为止这个动作已经完成或刚刚完成。#如:#1)I have finished my homework. 我做完家庭作业了。#(过去某时开始做,到现在已完成)#2)He has already come 他已经来了。#(过去某时开始离开某地到这来,现在已在这。#)#2. 表示动作发生在过去并延续到现在。#如:#1)I have

523、 studied English for six years. 我已经学了六年英语了。# (六年前开始学英语,一直学到现在, 也可能继续学也可能就此不学了。#)#2)I have lived in Shenyang since 1990. 我从1990年就在沈阳住。#(从1990年开始住在沈阳一直住到现在,也可能继续住也可能就此为止。#)#注意1) 当表示一段时间,现在完成时可以用for 或since引导的状语。#例如:#Ive known Li Li for 4 years. 我认识丽丽已经4年了。#I have worked here since 8 years ago. 自从8年前我就在

524、这工作。#注意2) 当在肯定陈述句中含有already或just 时,在转换成否定句时,要把句中的already 或just 去掉,在句末加上yet.。#例如:#I have already seen the film. - I havent seen the film yet.#He has just come. He hasnt come yet?#使用时注意事项#1.“have/ has got ” 形式上是一种完成时,但和have/ has 为同一意思“有”。#如:#Have you got pen-friends?# Yes, I have.#你有笔友吗?#是的,我有。#Has he

525、 got a lot of work to do?# No, he hasnt.#他有许多工作要做吗?#不,他没有。#2. have/has gone to 、have/has been to 和have/has been in的区别#have/ has gone to 去了,在去某地的路上或在某地,人还未回来#have/ has been to 曾经去过,人已经回来了#have/ has been in 已经在,常与一段时间连用#如:#He has been to Shenyang before. 他以前曾去过沈阳。# He has been in Shenyang for ten year

526、s. 他在沈阳10年了。# Has he gone to Shenyang?# 他去沈阳了吗?#3. have/ has been to常和once, twice, never, ever连用;#have/ has gone to则不可。#例如:# Has Tom ever been to Paris?# 汤姆去过巴黎吗?# Yes, hes been there several times. 是的,他去过好几次了。# Where have they gone?# 他们去哪里了?# Theyve gone to Shenyang. 他们去沈阳了。#4非延续性动词不能用“现在完成时 + 表示一段

527、时间的状语”的句型中。# #这类动词有:#come, go, start, leave, die, buy, finish, join, borrow, stop等。#但它们能够用表示持续状态的相应的延续性动词替换句中的非延续性性动词。#例如:# arrive, come be here, be in buy have begin, start be on ;# # die be dead finish, end be over go out be out# join be in borrowkeep finish/end be over#close be closed leave, move

528、 be away;# fall asleep be asleep#形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法:#当两种物体之间相互比较时,我们要用形容词或副词的比较级;#当相互比较的物体是三个或三个以上时,用形容词或副词的最高级。#比较级 #二者比较,标志词:#than#最高级 #三者以上比较,标志词:#the #形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的变化规律:#1.#单音节形容词或副词后面直接加-er或-est talltallertallest#fastfasterfastest#2.#以-e结尾的单音节形容词或副词直接加-r或-st largelargerlargest#nicenicernicest#

529、3.#以-y结尾的形容词或副词,改-y为-i再加-er或-est busybusierbusiest#earlyearlierearliest#4.#形容词或副词是重读闭音节时,双写最后的辅音字母,再加-er或-est hothotterhottest#5.#多音节形容词或副词前面直接加more或most beautifulmore beautifulmost beautiful#6. 以ly结尾的副词一般加more或most slowlymore slowlymost slowly#7.#不规则变化 good (well)- better-best# bad (badly)-worse-wo

530、rst little-less-least far-farther-further many(much)- more most#形容词、副词的比较级和最高级用法:#比较级:#1、形容词:#物体A + am / are / is + 形容词比较级 + than + 物体B#I am taller than you. This picture is more beautiful than that one.#2、副词:#物体A + 行为动词 + 副词比较级 + than + 物体B.#He studies better than me.#最高级:#1、形容词:#物体A + am / are / i

531、s + the + 形容词最高级 + 比较范围(of + 人/物,in + 地方).#I am the tallest in the class. Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.#2、副词:#物体A + 行为动词 + 副词最高级 + 比较范围(of + 人/物,in + 地方).#Cheetahs run fastest in the world. He studies best of us.#表示两者对比相同:#主语+谓语+as+形容词/副词原形+as+从句#This box is as big as mine. This co

532、at is not so/as cheap as that one. #I study English as hard as my brother.#情态动词#情态动词的定义:#情态动词有词义,但它不能单独作谓语,它必须和其他动词一起构成谓语。#情态动词没有人称和数的变化,后加动词原形。#can 能够,会 may 可以 shall 将,要 should 应该 must 必须#have(has)to 不得不 had better 最好#情态动词的用法:#情态动词#肯定句#否定句#can#主语 + can + 动词原形#主语 + can + not + 动词原形#may#主语 + may + 动词

533、原形#主语 + may + not + 动词原形#shall#主语 + shall + 动词原形#主语 + shall + not + 动词原形#should#主语 + should + 动词原形#主语 + should + not + 动词原形#must#主语 + must + 动词原形#主语 + must + not + 动词原形#have(has)to#主语 + have(has)to + 动词原形#主语 + dont(doesnt)+# have(has)to + 动词原形#had better#主语 + had better + 动词原形#主语 + had better + not

534、+ 动词原形#情态动词#疑问句#肯定回答#否定回答#can#Can + 主语+动词原形?#Yes, can.#No, cant.#may#May + 主语+动词原形?#Yes, may. / Sure.#No, may not.#shall#Shall + 主语+动词原形?#Yes, please. / All right.#No, lets not.#should#Should +主语+动词原形?#Yes, should.#No, shouldnt.#must#Must + 主语+动词原形?#Yes, must.#No, neednt.#have(has)to#Do (does)+主语 +

535、#have to +动词原形?#Yes, do (does).#No, dont (doesnt).#had better#名词复数规则#1一般情况下,直接加-s,如:#book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds#2以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:#bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches#3以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:#family-families, strawberry-strawberries#4以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:#

536、knife-knives#5不规则名词复数:#man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice, child-children,foot-feet,#tooth-teeth,fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese#可数名词变为复数形式有如下变化,如下表:#情况#构成方法#例词#一般情况#在词尾+s#desk-desks, apple-apples#以结尾的词#在词尾+es#class-c

537、lasses, box-boxes#peach-peaches, dish-dishes#以辅音字母加y结尾的词#变y为i再+es#factory-factories, family-families#以元音字母加y结尾的词#在词尾+s#day-days, boy-boys, key-key#以f或fe结尾的词#变f或fe为v再+es#knife-knives, wife-wives#leaf-leaves, life-lives#以辅音字母o结尾的词#有生命的+es#无生命的+s#以oo结尾的+s#potato-potatoes, hero-heroes#photo-photos#技巧归纳#

538、改f(e)为ve加s口诀#(1)树叶半数自己黄 妻子拿刀去割粮 架后窜出一只狼 就像小偷逃命忙#(2)常用不规则名词复数形式 foot-feet 脚 man-men 男人 woman-women 女人 tooth-teeth 牙 mouse-mice 老鼠 goose-geese 鹅 child-children 小孩#(3)单复数同形 fish 鱼 li 里 jin 斤 yuan 元 mu 亩 sheep 羊 deer 小鹿 Chinese 中国人 Japanese 日本人 means 手段#单复名词同形:#中国人日本人都爱绵羊 鹿和鱼.#高频考点 man woman 作定词修饰复数时需变为

539、复数形式#two men doctors 两位男医生 many women leaders 很多女领导#(4)只有复数形式,没有单数形式#trousers 裤子 clothes 衣服 shorts;i:40;s:5682:新概念英语课课练(9-10课)# 第一部分 课文翻译#Lesson 10 Look at.#课 文#中 文 翻 译#1. W:#Look at number 11. Is that man fat or thin?#M:# Hes not thin. Hes fat.#看图11.那个男人是胖还是瘦?#他不瘦。#他很胖。#2. W:# Look at number 17. Is

540、 Steven hot or cold?#M:# Hes not cold. Hes hot.#看图17. 史蒂文是热还是冷?#他不冷。#他很热。#3. W:# Look at number 20. Is that air hostss young or old?#M:# Shes not old.She is young.#看图20.那个空姐是年轻还是年老?#她不老。#她很年轻。#4. W:# Look at number 12. Is that woman thin or fat?#M:# Shes not fat. Shes thin.#看图12.那个女人是瘦还是胖?#她不胖。#她很瘦。

541、#5. W:# Look at number 18. Is Emma cold or hot?# M:# Shes not hot.Shes cold.#看图18. 艾玛是冷还是热?#她不热。#她很冷。#6. W:# Look at number 14. Is that policewoman short or tall?#M:# Shes not tall. Shes short.#看图14. 那个女警察是矮还是高?#她不高。#她很矮。#7. W:# Look at number 19. Is that milkman old or young?#M:# Hes not young. Hes

542、 old.#看图19. 那个送奶工是年老还是年轻?#他不年轻。#他已老了。#8. W:# Look at number 15. Is that mechanic dirty or clean?#M:# Hes not short. Hes dirty.#看图15. 那个机械师是脏还是干净?#他不干净。#他很脏。#9. W:# Look at number13. Is that policeman tall or short?#M:# Hes not short. Hes tall.#看图13. 那个警察是高还是矮?#他不矮。#他很高。#10 W:# Look at number16. Is t

543、hat nurse clean or dirty?# M:# Shes not dirty.Shes clean.#看图16. 那个护士是干净还是脏?#她不脏。#她很干净。#第二部分 课文练习#一、 单词拼写:#3#1. h_ t#2. y_ un_#3. _u_y#4. ha_ _ dr_sser#5. Ge_ m_n#6. e_ g_n_ _ r#二、 翻译下面的短语:#1、 一名空姐#2、 an American boy#3、 两名警察#4、 An engineer#5、 Some watches#6、 四名邮递员#7、 你的工作#8、 我的房子#9、 一本英语书#10、 My son#

544、11、 一辆意大利车#12、 一些号码#13、 一把雨伞#14、 她的连衣裙#15、 Our teachers#三、 写出下面单词的反义词:#1. tall#2. big#3. fat#4. clean#5. busy#6. old#7. hot#8. happy#9. short#四、 根据汉语提示完成句子:#1. The woman is _.(胖的)#2. The policeman is _(高的)#3. The mechanic is _(脏的)#4. Steven is _.(热的)#5. The milknam is _. (老的)#6. The hairdresser is _

545、. (忙的)#7. The man is _. (瘦的)#8. The policeowman is _.(矮的)#9. The nurse is _. (干净的)#10. Emma is _.(冷的)#11. The air hostess is _. (年轻的)#12. The housewife is _. (懒的)#五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空:#1. Nice _(see) you.#2. What is the _ (man) job?#3. Mr. Blake is a _ (teach)#4. I am _ (a) engineer.#5. - How are you?# #

546、- I am very _ (good).#6. _ (I) name is Sophie. #7. The _ (air, host) is very young. #8. He is a taxi _ (drive)#9. That _ (hair, dress) is busy. #10. - How are you?# #- I am fine, _ (thank).#六、 根据汉语提示,完成句子:# #1 他叫什么名字?# _ is his _?#2 那个理发师忙吗?#_ that _ _?#3 那个护士怎么样?#_ is the _?#4 她是一个瘦女人。#She is _ _ w

547、oman. #5 看看那个男人。#_ _that _.#6 你今天好吗?#_ are you _?#7 那个家庭主妇很懒。#_ housewife is _.#8 那个护士是意大利人。#That _ is _.#9 那个机械师很脏。#That _ is _.#10 你是做什么工作的?#_ _ your _?#11 看看那个男孩。#他很高还是很矮?#Look at the boy. _ he _ _ short?#12 看看那个老师。#他很老。#Look at the _. _ is _.#13 看看那位空姐。#她很高兴。#Look at that _. She is _.#14 看看那些邮递员

548、。#他们是英国人。#Look at _ _. _ are _.#15 看看那些连衣裙。#它们很漂亮。#Look _ _ _. They _ _.#七、 阅读理解:#My name is Han Mei. I am in Class Three, Grade One. Look at this. Its a photo. They are my friends:# Liu Ying and Diana. Liu Ying is a Chinese girl. Her English name is Eve. This is her pen. Its black. And her pencil i

549、s red. Diana is English. This is her eraser. Its white. Her pencil is blue. I like my friends. #1. Whats the writers (作者的) name?# _#2. How many friends does Han Mei have?# _#3. What color is Liu Yings pen?# _#4. What color is Dianas pen?# _#5. What is Liu Yings English name?# _ #;i:41;s:8878: #【M1-M

550、3单词听写】#听写情况:# #【M1-M3知识考点】#1. 重点语法:#一般过去时#2. 频率的表达#3. may,may be 与maybe的区别:#may be是两个词,为情态动词may(可以,可能)+联系动词 be,意为”可能是”#maybe 是一个词,意为”也许”,为副词,通常放在句首,做状语,不可作表语 #may 是情态动词,#可以可能#,may +动词原形 如果后面有动词原形用may.#4. I am sorry to hear that.#5. 复习情态动词 #用“should”与“shouldnt”来陈述句子,委婉表达主语该做或不该做的事情, 后面加动词原形。#同样用法的情态动

551、词还有:#must , need , can, could, may, might#6. ask sb to do sth:# 叫某人做某事 反义短语:# ask sb not to do sth:# tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人做某事#7. well:# 1. 副词,好地;# 2. 形容词,身体好 good:# 好的,只做形容词#8. keep a good diet. 保持一个良好的饮食习惯。#9.复习不规则形容词的比较级、最高级# good/ wellbetter best , bad/badlyworseworst# many/muchmoremost, l

552、ittlelessleast farfartherfarthest #10. 祈使句。# 祈使句是用来表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等语气的句子。#肯定祈使句有以下几种类型:# 1)Do型-Do(表示行为的动词原形)+宾语+ # Sit down, please. #2)Be型-Be+名词 / 形容词+# Be quiet!# # 3)Let型-Let+宾语(通常是第一或第三人称宾格)+动词原形+# Lets go shopping. #第一人称,用let sb not do sth;# 非第一人称,用dont let sb do sth. #否定祈使句有以下2种类型:#1)Dont型-Do

553、nt+动词原形+#2)No型-No+名词或动词ing形式. #11. 介词#A. 时间介词是用来表示时间的介词:# 1)on表示在具体的某一天或具体的某一天的上午、下午或晚上。# 2)at表示在具体某一时刻或用于固定短语中。# 3)in泛指一天的早、中、晚,还可以表示一段时间,如星期、月、年、季节等。# 4)from to“从到”用来指时间范围。# 可指时间、地点、数字等。# 5)before意思是“在.之前”,after意思是“在之后”,用来表示时间的先后顺序。#B. 空间介词是用来表示空间或位置的介词。#1)on, over, above 的区分# 2)under 和below 的区分#

554、3)in 和at 的区分# 4)between表示位置在两者之间;#among表示位置在三者或者三者以上之间。#5)in front of和in the front of 的区分#12. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 表示给某人买某物 buy的过去式#13. be angry with 对生气(针对人) be angry about 因为生气(针对事)#14. come on 出场,加油 come out 出来,发行,开花#come after 追赶,追随 come down 崩塌#15. Poor 可怜的,贫穷的,劣质的,差的 #16. go + 动词ing

555、形式,用来表示“去从事某种(体育或娱乐)活动”,常见的短语有:#17.常见的感官系动词有look(看起来),sound(听起来),smell(闻起来),feel(摸起来),后面接形容词作表语,说明主语所处的状态。#18. help sb. do sth. / help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事#19.辨析:#say, speak, talk, tell的区别#(1).#say意为“说,讲”,指用言语表达思想,强调说话内容,不接“人”作宾语。#(2). speak强调开口说话、发言的动作,作及物动词时,后面跟某种语言作宾语。#(3).#tell#意为“说,告诉”,指将某事讲给别

556、人听,含有“吩咐,命令”等含义。#常用结构为:#tell#sb#sth/tell#sth#to#sb 或 tell#sb#to#do#sth。#(4).#talk意为“谈话,讲话”,强调谈话的双方,而不注重谈话内容。#常用短语talk#to/with#sb,意为 “和交谈”。#20. 辨析:#surprised与surprising# 1)surprising形容词,意为“令人惊讶的”,用来修饰物。# 2)surprised形容词,意为“(人)感到惊奇的,吃惊的”,主语一般是人。#21. go on a trip = take a trip 去旅游#go on a walk 去散散步 go o

557、n a diet 节食;#减肥#22. take a photo 照相#take a photo of sb. 给某人照相,而且就是给他本人照;#take a photo for sb. 是为某人照相,相片上不一定有他本人。#23. 复习“病痛”相关词#一)有关以ache为后缀的病痛。#二)sore 是一个形容词,用来修饰名词,指的是身体某一部位的酸痛。#三)hurt是一个动词,指“刺痛,使受伤痛”。#课堂训练:#作业布置(100分,完成时间:#分钟):#1) 找出不同类的词#( ) 1. A. said B. hear C. went D. took#( ) 2. A. stocking B

558、. washing C. watching D. looking#( ) 3. A. Berlin B. Japan C. Paris D. London#( ) 4. A. panda B. monkey C. tiger D. animal#( ) 5. A. noisy B. rainy C. cloudy D. windy#2) 按所给的项目把下列的单词进行分类#A.Spring Festival B.turkey C.dirty D.coming E.myself F.moon-cake G.waiting H.dumpling I.yourself J.getting K.less

559、 L.Easter M.reading N.western O.themselves P.dim-sum Q.himself R. Halloween S.lucky T.Christmas #节日:#_#现在分词:#_#反身代词:#_#食物:#_#形容词:#_#3) 用所给单词的适当形式填空#1. HongKong has a _ (large) population than Macau.#2. Tom runs much _ (fast) than me and Kate runs _(slowly) than Tom.#3. Which is _ (dangerous), a tige

560、r or a lion?# #4. My uncle _ (visit) us next year.#5. It is the best time to _ (are) in France now.#6. Jason _ (call) me at 6 this morning. It was so early.#7. My grandma usually _ (get) up _ (early) in the morning.#4)选用适当的词填空,把所选答案的字母编号写在括号内# ( ) 1. There something on the plate. # A. be B. is C. ar

561、e# ( ) 2. Father Christmas puts the presents in the stockings night.# A. in B. at C. on# ( ) 3. - Whos calling?#- .# A. I am Wang Hai. B. Its Wang Hai here. C. Speaking.# ( ) 4. My grandfather read any books after supper every evening.# A. dont B. isnt going to C. doesnt# ( ) 5. Why dont you basketb

562、all with us?# A. play B. plays C. playing# ( ) 6. I dont like the film. My parents dont like it .# A. two B. too C. either# ( )7. Our teachers are than us.# A. busy B. busier C. the busiest# ( ) 8. Thank you .# A. to you call B. your call C. fou your call# ( ) 9. -At what time is the party?# -We at

563、two oclock.# A. will start B. start C. is going to start# ( ) 10. Judy lives the seventh floor.# A. in B.under C. on# ( ) 11. Whats the matter her?# A. with B. on C. of#5) 根据根据首字母提示把句子补充完整#Robot a_ his mother for five yuan. #“What are you going to do with the m_?#”#“I am going to give it to a p_ old

564、 lady”, he answered.#“You are a good boy,” s_ his mother proudly(自豪地). #“H_ you are. But why are you so interested in the old lady?#”#“She is the one who sells ice cream.” # #;i:42;s:2926:Unit 5 Is this your skirt?# # 重点单词:#sweater毛衣 jeans 牛仔裤 pants 长裤 socks 袜子shoes鞋shorts短裤# 四会单词:#jacket夹克衫 shirt衬衫

565、 skirt 短裙 dress 连衣裙 T-shirt T恤衫 #colour颜色 :#red红色 blue蓝色 yellow黄色 green绿色 white白色 #重点句型:# #1. I like the white sweater with the green skirt. 我喜欢白毛衣配绿裙子。# 2. Where is my skirt?# 我的裙子在哪里?#Its on the bed. 在床上。#3. Whose is it?# 它是谁的?#Its my T-shirt. 这是我的T恤衫。# #4. Whose is this?# 这是谁的?# #5. Its your baby

566、 brothers!# 这是你的小弟弟的。# #6. What are they?# 这些是什么?# #These are your baby pants. 这些是你小时候穿过的裤子。# Theyre so small. 这些好小。# #But what for?# 但是拿来做什么呢?# #Our neighbour has a new baby!# 我们的邻居生了个小孩。#7. Hurry up!# 快点 #8. Is this your skirt?# 这是你的裙子吗?#No, its not. 不,它不是 #What colour is it?# 这是什么颜色?#Its white. 白

567、色。# # 四会句型:#Is this your T-shirt?#- No, its not. 这是你的T恤衫吗?#-不是。# What colour is it?# Its white. 它是什么颜色的?#白色的。# # #语法:#This这个 These这些#This is +单数短语,译为:#这是。#例:#This is my T-shirt. 这是我的T恤衫。#These are+复数短语,译为:#这些是。#例:#These are my shoes. 这些是我的鞋子。#That那个Those那些#That is +单数短语,译为:#那是。#例:#That is my dress.

568、那是我的连衣裙。#Those are+复数短语,译为:#那些是。#例:#Those are my jeans. 那些是我的牛仔裤。#socks, shoes, pants, jeans, shorts 这五个单词,一般情况下均以复数形式出现(即后面要加S),切记。#小练习:#( )1、_is the sweater?# On the bed. #A. Where B. What colour C.Whose#( )2、I have a _. #A. green skirts B. red pants C. yellow dress #( )3、What colour _the jeans?#

569、Theyre blue. #A. is B. are C. am #( )4、_the socks on the chair?# No, they arent. # A. Are B. Is C.These #( )5、_are my shorts. _are your pants. #A. Thesethose B.thesethose C.TheseThose#( )6、My shoes _on the _. #A. isfloor B. arefloor C. arebed#;i:43;s:10090:Junior New Concept English #青少版新概念英语1a教案详解版

570、#UNIT 1Meet the family!#.教学内容#句型与结构词# My name is# Is this your/my pen?# Yes, it is./No, it isnt.# Whose is this pen?# It is / Its my/your pen.#. 教学目标#1) 学会用英语进行日常的打招呼;#2) 学会用英语简单的自我介绍;#3) 学会用英语介绍自己的家人和朋友;#4) 学会用英语数1-10;#5) 学会两个前元音/I/和/i:#/。#. 教学重点#陈述句(Statements)#主语#动词be#补语#My(物主形容词)#name(普通名词)#This

571、(单数指示代词)#Karen(专有名词)#is(第三人称单数,现在时)#William Jenkins.(专有名词)#my family(第一人称物主形容词+名词)#my wife(第一人称物主形容词+名词)#一般疑问句(Simple Question)#动词be#主语#补语#回答#Is#it#my/your pen#Yes, it is./No, it is not./No, it isnt./It is not./It isnt my pen. It is/Its your pen.#特殊疑问句(Wh-question)#主语#动词be#补语#回答#Whose#is#this pen#It

572、 is /Its my pen.#LESSON 1(1课时)#J Warm-up Teacher:# Hello!# Everyone, my name is Karen(教师英文名), Nice to meet you.# Whats your name?# (逐一询问学生姓名)# Hello!# *(学生姓名)# Write the students English names on the whiteboard. Lets count how many students are there in the classroom (One, two, three, four, and five

573、)#穿插简单指令:#open, close, look at, listen to, repeat, read#Listening and Understanding 听力理解#1) 介绍故事 Today we meet the Jenkins family.#2) 理解情景 Please open your books and turn to page 2. Lets look at the pictures together. #3) 听力目标 Please close your books and listen to the tape to find the answer#4) 播放录音

574、或朗读对话 No stop #5) 回答问题 Ask the question again, (让一个学生回答,其他学生举手表示同意与否Is he/she right or wrong?#) #6) 精读 Lets listen to the tape again and read the sentence one by one.(让程度较好的学生给出解释)#7) 再次播放录音或朗读对话 No stop#8) 重复跟读 Lets repeat the text sentence by sentence.#大写(upper-case)和小写(lower-case). 句首、人名、地名包括星期、月

575、份在内的专有名词,以及标题、题目的首字母也要大写。#9) 大声朗读 Lets read the text together loudly.# Notes on the Text课文注释#1) Hello!#How do you do?#Hi!#Nice to meet you!# (注意语调是升调#)#2) My name is William Jenkins.#3) This is my family.#Family#4) This is Karen. Karen is my wife. How do you do?#5) This is Lucy. Lucys my daughter. H

576、ello!#Karen#wife#William Jenkins#husband#6) This is my son, Robert. Hi!#7) And this is Paul. Pauls my nephew. Hello!# Nice to meet you. #Lucy#daughter#Paul#nephew#Robert#son#Guided Conversation对话练习#练习形式:#由全班小组单个学生;#再分小组练习#Numbers 数字#One, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.#1 One, tw

577、o, this is my shoe#One, two, this is my shoe.#Three, four, that is the door.#Five, six, pick up sticks.#Seven, eight, open the gate.#Nine, ten, say this again.#Rhymes and Songs 歌谣#1) 让学生看歌词;#2) 教师读两遍;#3) 全班集体重复每一句歌词;#4) 简单释义;#5) 分组学唱歌谣。#LESSON 2(1课时)#Pronunciation 语音#/I/itisthis Jenkinsisntsilver#/i

578、:#/meetgreenteacherkeyplease#相同还是不同(相同的发音举一只手,不同的发音举两只手)#ease-is(不同);#mitt-meet(不同);#he-she(相同);# his-busy(相同);# green-grin(不同);# will-wheel(不同);# keeper-kipper(不同);# kin-keen(不同);# teach-peach(相同);# isnt-silver(相同)#哪个音(第一个/I/举一只手,第二个/i:#/举两只手)#ease(2);# is(1);# mitt(1);# meet(2);# he(2);# his(1);#

579、green(2);# grin(1);# will(1);# wheel(2);# key(2);# keep(2);# kin(1);# teacher(2);# isnt(1);# silver(1)#Pattern Practice 句型练习#Notes on the new words and expressions#课堂口头练习(练习形式:#由全班小组单个学生;#再分小组练习)#?#Written Exercises 书面练习#回家作业#Listening 听力#1) 听例句#2) 听录音并打勾#3) 练习#&#布置回家作业#1)背诵课文#2)书面练习#3)写对话#4)抄写并诵读音标

580、/I/、/i:#/#5)做练习册Unit 1#Unit2 What is it?#.教学内容#句型与结构词# What is this/that?# This/That/It is a hat/an umbrella.# It is a red umbrella.# Whose is it?# Its Roberts.# What colour is it?# Its green.#. 教学目标#1) 学会用英语进行简单提问;#2) 学会用英语表达一些颜色;#3) 学会用英语引起别人的注意;#4) 学会用英语数1-10;#5) 学会两个前元音/e/和/ /。#. 教学重点#陈述句(Statem

581、ents)#主语#动词be#补语#This(单数指示代词)#It(第三人称单数代词,中性即指物)#is(第三人称单数,现在时)#is/s#is not/isnt#good. (形容词)#a hat. (单数不定冠词+单数名词)#a green hat. (单数不定冠词+形容词+单数名词)#一般疑问句(Simple Question)#动词be#主语#补语#回答#Is#it#a bird?#Yes, it is. /No, it is not. /No, it isnt.#特殊疑问句(Wh-question)#主语短语#动词be#补语#回答#What#is#this/that?#It is /I

582、ts my pen.#What colour#is#Lucys hat?#It is/Its green.#Whose#is#it?#the silver bicycle?#It is/Its Roberts.#1 One, two, this is my shoe#One, two, this is my shoe.#Three, four, that is the door.#Five, six, pick up sticks.#Seven, eight, open the gate.#Nine, ten, say this again.#LESSON 3(1课时)#J Warm-up T

583、eacher:# Hello!# Everyone. # Lets review the rhyme. #Listening and Understanding 听力理解 #1)介绍故事 Today we listen to Robert and Lucy.#2)理解情景 Please open your books and turn to page 2. Lets look at the pictures together. #3)听力目标 Please close your books and listen to the tape to find the answer#4)播放录音或朗读对

584、话 No stop #5) 回答问题 Ask the question again, (让一个学生回答,其他学生举手表示同意与否Is he/she right or wrong?#)#6) 精读 Lets listen to the tape again and read the sentence one by one.(让程度较好的学生给出解释)#7) 再次播放录音或朗读对话 No stop#8) 重复跟读 Lets repeat the text sentence by sentence.#9) 大声朗读 Lets read the text together loudly.# Notes

585、 on the Text课文注释#1)题目:#What is it?# (*不是Whats it?#), 因为当补语是人称代词(he, she, it)时,不能使用缩略形式。#2)对于What is it?#/What is this?#/What is that?# 回答都是Its a/an#3)Its a wheelIts greenIts a green wheel. wheel 是名词,green是形容词。#4)No, it isnt. 我们一般使用缩略形式isnt 作简答,而不是is not, 因为前者重点是is,后者重点是not,在起强调作用的同时,可能会显得不太礼貌。#5)Uni

586、t 2涉及的颜色有 green, red, grey, silver, white, black, blue, brown.#Guided Conversation对话练习#练习形式:#由全班小组单个学生;#再分小组练习#Numbers 数字#One, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.#1 One, two, this is my shoe#One, two, this is my shoe.#Three, four

587、, that is the door.#Five, six, pick up sticks.#Seven, eight, open the gate.#Nine, ten, say this again.#Rhymes and Songs 歌谣#6) 让学生看歌词;#7) 教师读两遍;#8) 全班集体重复每一句歌词;#9) 简单释义;#10) 分组学唱歌谣。#LESSON 2(1课时)#Pronunciation 语音#/e/ yes red pencil Jenkins dress desk umbrella nephew#/ / that hat bag camera black fami

588、ly Karen and#相同还是不同(相同的发音举一只手,不同的发音举两只手)#yes-yet(不同);#Janet-Jenkins(不同);#head-had(相同);# friend-umbrella(相同);# had-can(不同);# whack-when(不同);# beg-bag(不同);# man-men(不同);# matter-mentor(相同);# seven-eleven(相同);# pan-plan(相同);#can-Ken(不同)#哪个音(第一个/e/举一只手,第二个/ /举两只手)#ease(2);# is(1);# mitt(1);# meet(2);# h

589、e(2);# his(1);# green(2);# grin(1);# will(1);# wheel(2);# key(2);# keep(2);# kin(1);# teacher(2);# isnt(1);# silver(1)#Pattern Practice 句型练习#Notes on the new words and expressions#课堂口头练习(练习形式:#由全班小组单个学生;#再分小组练习)#?#Written Exercises 书面练习#回家作业#Listening 听力#4) 听例句#5) 听录音并打勾#6) 练习#&#布置回家作业#1)背诵课文#2)做练习册

590、Unit 1#6#;i:44;s:1037:28- -30课课前测试 #一、听写单词。#1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. #7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. #二、在横线处填入单词的适当形式。#1. There are two (policeman) in the shop.#2. Can you (take off) the light.#3. There are some (trousers) on the bed.#4. Please (empty) the bottle.#三、根据要求变化句式。#1. Theres an air hostess on the aeroplane. (变为复数句)# #2. Please clean the room, little Frank. (改为否定句)# #3. The armchair is near the window. (对划线部分进行提问)# #4. He has got some coats. (改为否定句) # #5. You can do the homework at last. (改为疑问句)# #;

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