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1、Yes,its an elephant,its big.(设计意图:教师提前准备好课件,在课件中出示不同的动物或事物,让学生说出他们的特征,进而复习以前所学的形容词,同时通过这个简单的活动,让学生们都张开嘴说英语,通过看图调动起他们的兴趣,时间2分钟)You did a good job,Im very happy.But yesterday,I felt sad,because my bag is broken.(设计意图:通过向学生讲述我昨天不开心,因为书包破了,进而引出broken这个单词,同时通过选书包,复习颜色单词和一些简单的形容词)So I went shopping,and th

2、ere are so many bags ,but I dont know to choose which one,can you help me?Lets see them together.What colour is it?I like red,and look at the bag,its got two pockets.(引出重点句型)(设计意图:通过这个环节复习以前所学颜色,同时引出重点Its got句型和单词pocket,通过师生对话,情感交流,进而解决了我的难题,Ill take the 同时教师借着这个话题引出本课课文)Step 2:New lessonThank you f

3、or your help.And I know our friend Lingling has the same problem as me,she will buy a new bag ,too.Why does Ms Smart want to buy a new bag for her?lets listen to the tape(1听,找出为什么玲玲需要买新书包)How many bags did the text mention? What colour are they?Whats the black bag like?whats the green bag like? What

4、s the blue bag like?(设计意图:在听的环节上,我分为听三次,第一次听,整体听,第二次,分段听,这两次都是带着问题的,第三次听,听音,模仿,注意学生的语音语调问题)Its time for reading,please read the text in your groups ,then show.(设计意图:在读的环节上,我先是让学生在小组内由组长带领,自主读课文,然后班内齐读,小组读,最后分角色读,南排读Lingling,北排读Ms Smart,教师读售货员,层层递进,检查学生读课文)Step 3:Practise1、 Talking timeTalk about the

5、 things you take in your groups,then show,lets see who can describe more. (设计意图:组内介绍自己的事物,小组长起到帮助后进生的作用,同时采取加分方式,让学生多说,多想,激发他们的创新与合作意识,一个句子0.5分,充分调动学生的积极性)2、 Role playWe ofen go shopping in our daily life,this class I prepared some things for you.look,you can choose anyone you like,please make a dia

6、logue in your group,one is a sales assisment,the others are customers,lets see who is the best actor.(设计意图:通过进行角色扮演,让学生感受用英语购物,学以致用,同时,也激发了学生的创造能力,交流能力,以及口语表的能力和表演能力,很有趣的活动)Step 4:Summary and homework1、 Read the text.2. Try to describe some things.3. Do the exercises in Activity Book. 教学设计:教学反思:Unit

7、 2 Its too big for you.教学目标:1. Words and phrase: hard has got have got 2. Sentences: Its for; Its too big for you.3. Grammar: Describe objectives.教学过程:Step1.Warmer and leading (Look at the screen) Can you use it? Review the words and make sentences with them.I you we she he they itme you us her him

8、them itStep2. Words Take out a picture of a coat, and say: I have got a red coat and a blue coat. Point to the picture and: The red one is too big for me, the blue one is too smallfor me. Have the students make sentences with you, we, she, he, they, it. They can use have got and has got .Explain har

9、d is difficult (hard = not easy). What does Lingling want to buy?Step3.Test. Play the tape. Listen and answer the questions (Show ppt)1. What does Lingling want to buy?2. What can you see on it?3. What color does Lingling buy at last?4. What color does Lingling like?5. Why does she change her mind t

10、o buy another color? Step4. Practice1.Show the pictures. Have the students look, say and write. Make sentences with: Its for. Draw it on the board. Then the students write the sentences on their exercise book.2.Show the ppt. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the same pronounce, a

11、nd then do the AB.Step5.Game: Show many cards of fruitStudents guess it. Is it (color or shape)?Step6. Learn to sing.Listen to the tape for several times. Try to sing and do the actions. Step7.Homework:Describe your bag.M6 U1 Iwenttherelastyear.教学设计一、教学目标英语课程标准指出:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成

12、有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神是小学英语教学的基本任务。在认真分析教材的基础上,我针对学生实际,将本课的教学目标确定如下:1、知识目标:(1)能识别单词:photo ,stay ,week ,parent ,(2)学习语句:We went there last year.Did you go with your mother and your father?Yes ,I did.2、语言技能目标:能口头运用Did you go with your mother and your father?询问自己的判断是否准确,并能口头运用Yes ,I did.No,I didnt.回答。3


14、底改变传统的“授一受”的教学模式,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。五、教学过程整个教学过程我采用了听、说、玩、演、唱一系列的教学活动。具体设计为热身-呈现新知-趣味操练-巩固练习(一)热身(1)Lets sing an English song.(2)Lets chant.North, north, north points up.South, south, south points down.East,east, east points right.West, west, west points left.老师送给你们的最有趣的奖品派特时间。Step1.课文的导入:Boys and girls,

15、 look here. This is a map of China. Who can tell me where is Shandong?Let S say: Shandong is in the east of China.Where is Heilongjiang / Xinjiang / Hainan? Boys and girls, do you like travelling? I like travelling very much!Show the CAI.Look at here, this is a photo of me. I was in Qingdao last yea

16、r. Look at this word! Learn the word: photo.2. Show the CAI about my travelling.These are some photos of my travelling. This is a photo of Mountain Tai. I went there two years ago. This is a photo of Shouguang vegetable exposition. I went there four years ago.3. Show the CAI to learn the main lore.

17、The words: stay, weekThese are some photos of Qingdao. I went there last year. I went there with my friends. We stayed there for a week in July.Boys and girls, do you like travelling?1.出示新疆图片:T: Look at these pictures.Whats the city,please?Ss:Xinjiang. Yes.This is Xinjiang. Where is Xinjiang? Ss:Wes

18、t. Its in the west of China. I stayed with my grandmother for a week.(学习单词)2.出示海南风景图: Whats the city,please?Hainan.This is Hainan.Where is it?It in the south of China.Wonderful! Can you read?(Lingling went to Hainan and visited her uncle.Step2:Practice1. 出示青岛风景,并引导学生说句子:Last year,I went to Qingdao a

19、ndswam.Its in the east of China.2. 出示其他图片,学生同桌讨论,完成句子。Shanghai: Last year,I went to _.Its in the _of China.Beijing: Its in the _of China. I went to _ and played _.3.(看谁学得快)通过课件图片来讲授单词:photo ,stay ,week ,parent语法的复习和巩固:(1)(课件出示海南的图片)老师问:“Where did you go?”有学生回答:“I went to .”再问:“Did you go with”(2)(课件

20、创编chant)教师在让学生描述几个熟悉的地方之后,可以指着新疆问学生:“Where is Xinjiang?”有的学生说:“Its in the west of China.”然后老师问学生有没有去过新疆,大多数学生可能说没有,这时老师再次出示Lingling去新疆的照片。look!These are Linglings photos.last year,Lingling went to Xinjiang,lets know more about the travel. Lingling likes travelling, too. She went to Xingjiang last ye

21、ar. Lets learn more about Linglings travelling experience.4、课文教学(1)播放录音,请学生听录音熟悉课文内容,听过后,教师让学生首先根据挂图,用自己的话来描述图画中的场景。(2)(课件课本图片,给出小组自学第二段任务):找出新单词、回答问题。(3)(课件给出小组自学第三段任务)Where does Linglings uncle live?(4)(课件出示黎族人的风俗习惯)黎族的打竹舞和黎族的婚礼。(二) 操练(1) 为了操练某某城市 is in the eastwestnorthsouth of China.让学生做跳操的游戏:教师

22、在前面的空白处画四个“十”字,分别表示东、南、西、北四个方向。然后每一个小组各选一名学生上来,执照老师的指令跳到相应的位置上。游戏过后,老师出示一张中国地图让学生说说哪些城市在中国的东部,哪些城市在中国的西部。(2) (课件比枪法活动)有一天小白兔去游乐园射击游戏,它能够打准吗?请你帮帮它。将子弹方与气球方连线。3. Learn the letter about my travelling experience.Boys and girls, I wrote a letter to my friend Wang Hong. And I tell her that my Qingdao trav

23、elling. Would you like to read it out?Show the letter:Let Ss read out the letter. And answer the questions:where did I go?When did I go there?Who did I go with?How long time did we stay there?3. Talk about the traveling experience in groupsShow the CAI of the pictures.Do you like travelling? Did you

24、 go to Qingdao Seaside, Fuhua playground, Mountain Tai, the Great Wall, Shouguang vegetable exposition? Now talk about your travelling experiences in group.Show the CAI:Step 5. A practice of writingWrite a letter to your friend about your travelling experience.Show the CAI of the letter. Boys and gi

25、rls.From the dialogue,we knew Lingling s travel.Where did you go last year? Now lets talk about our travel.(老师点击鼠标,呈现提示问题,老师示范。) My travel1.Where did you go? 2.When did you go there ?3.Who did you go with ? 4.Where is it ?5.How did you go there ? 6.What did you do ?7.How did you feel? Last summer, I

26、 went to Beijing with my daughter. We visited the Tianan men Square. We visited the Great Wall.We went to the Summer Palace.We went to Beijing Univisity.I had a lovely time there.Are you clear? Yes. Ok.Take out your photos.Lets talk about your travel.(点击鼠标,呈现讨论问题,老师走到学生们的中间,参与讨论)Your travelStop.Who can introduced your travel?(点击鼠标,呈现照片。Guess,whos this little girl?Yang Yi.Oh,Yang Yi.Come

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