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最新仁爱版英语八年级下册《unit 7 food festival》教案docWord文件下载.docx

1、) Ss: I think I will .2. (在黑板上呈现丹尼尔的图片,向学生介绍他的基本情况。T: Look at the picture on the blackboard. Can you tell me something about him?(学生说出一些他们知道的情况。 Is he from China?Ss: No, he isnt. He is from 3. (教师将Nigeria写到黑板上,然后帮助学生完成这个句子,并说出它的大概位置。 He took part in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. He won the gold med

2、al. He is an Olympic wrestling champion.(将画线部分写在黑板上,并用肢体语言向学生解释。Nigeriaan Olympic wrestling championDoes he have much money? No, he doesnt. He is a very kind man. He wants to help his poor village in Nigeria. He wants to build a school for the children. What should he do? Can you help him?(让学生说出自己的观

3、点,如果有预习的同学,可能会说出举办一次美食节。如果有,将have a food festival写在黑板上。 Shall we organize a food festival for him?(板书organize。 Good idea. Lets try our best to make it successful.(板书并解释successful,由success转变而来,并在黑板上列出useuseful, carecareful。(板书)have a food festival 举办一次美食节organize v. 组织successful adj. 成功的,有成就的successs

4、uccessful, useuseful, carecareful(过渡到下一步。Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 8分钟)呈现1a。1. (将课文中的插图呈现出来,然后放1a录音,并回答问题。 There are some students in the picture. They also want to help him. What will they do?Please listen to the tape.(放1a录音。 What will Jane do?S1: Organize a food festival. What will Maria do?S

5、2: Turn to her teachers. What will Kangkang do?S3: Try to get more information about Daniel. What will Michael do?S4: Make a poster.(板书关键词句。turn toget more information aboutmake a poster2. (让学生读对话提出疑难问题,教师在学生讨论时给予帮助。 Read the conversation by yourselves and find out something difficult for you and th

6、en discuss in pairs.(教师板书几个1a的重点句子,分析句中的宾语从句结构。I know that he is a Canadian athlete.I think money must be a problem for him.I think we can have it on our school playground on Sunday.I will think about how to organize the food festival.3. (根据1a内容,师生问答,进一步巩固强化1a。 Please tell me something about Daniel.

7、S5: He is a Canadian athlete. But he was born in Nigeria.S6: He is an Olympic wrestling champion. He is still a university student. He is so kind.S7: He wants to build a school for his poor village in Nigeria. Good. How do the students want to help him? They want to have a food festival.S8: Kangkang

8、 will S9: Maria will S10:Michael will S11: Jane will I think they will make the food festival successful.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)巩固1a并完成1b。1. (教师放1a录音,学生跟读,用铅笔标出重读和语调。 Follow 1a and mark the stress and intonation with your pencil.2. (将学生分成四组分角色朗读对话。完成1b。 Read the conversation in roles an

9、d then finish 1b.3. (分组练习对话,并表演对话。 Practice the conversation in groups and act it out without books.(学生可用黑板上提供的关键词。) a Canadian athlete turn to build a school for make a postera problem for him get more informationhave a food festival organize the food festivalStep 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 13分钟)练习本课1c和

10、2。1. T: Suppose we wanted to have a food festival, can you imagine what the food festival will belike?(板书imagine并解释意思,帮助学生回答: I imagine)imagine v. 想象I imagine Can you imagine what the food festival will be like? I imagine(that) a lot of people will come to the food festival.Can you imagine what the

11、food festival will be like?(教师带学生朗读黑板上的重点句,解释宾语从句的用法。完成1c。(给学生们一些提示,比如: What about the food? 等。 I imagine that the food festival will be interesting. I imagine Well done! / You did a good job!(学生两两对话,教师鼓励发言好的学生做示范。 Now please use the expressions to ask and answer in pairs. I imagine that it will 2.

12、(让学生讨论问题,然后小组进行A问B,B问C的链式问答活动,练习宾语从句,完成2。 First discuss the question: What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival? (板书)What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival? Just now we discussed what the children should prepare for the food festival. Now please

13、 ask and answer the questions in 2 one by one. Do you think(that) the children need to write a song? Yes, I think so./No, I dont think so. Do you think(that) the children need to .? Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 7分钟)处理本课活动3。1. (教师出示图片,让学生分组讨论,完成3。 We know that Daniel is a kind man. And there are als

14、o many people like Daniel around us. Now more and more people around us love to help others. Do you love to help others? Yes. You are so kind. (出示一张洪战辉的图片) Look at this picture. Do you know him? No. / Yes. He is Hong Zhanhui. Youre right. He is Hong Zhanhui. He is also a kind man. He is a university

15、 student. He supports all his family by himself. He is great! Can you tell me other good people and their good deeds around us? Please discuss in groups. Then report it to the class.Example:Hong Zhanhui is from China. He is a university student now. He supports all his family by himself.Ren Changxia

16、 is G1: My mother is G2: Our teacher G3:(教师给予积极汇报的学生鼓励。 Good! There are so many kind people around us. Do you want to be a kind person, too?2. (小组讨论,记录并汇报。 What will we do to help other people? First discuss in groups. Then fill out the form. What will you do to help others? I think I will raise mon

17、ey to help those in trouble. I think I will make money to help the poor. I think (每组选一代表汇报本组讨论情况。thinks he will help NameActivityraise money to help those in trouble Pretty good! / Well done! There are so many kind people around us. I think our world will be full of kindness.3. Homework:(1)(写一篇关于筹办美

18、食节的短文。(2)(造五个含有宾语从句的句子。Section BSection B needs 1 period. Section B需用1课时。.Aims and demands目标要求1. (1)Learn about the food in different countries:American chocolate cookies, Greek cheese pies, Indian curries, Chinese fried rice, Japanese sushi, Italian pizza, South African beef curry, Russian black br

19、ead(2)Learn other new words:western, pity2. Go on learning object clauses. I think beef curry is OK.I believe well raise a lot of money for Daniel Igali.3. Review the invitation and learn how to refuse the invitation politely.May I invite you to our food festival?Id love to, but Im sorry I cant.4. E

20、motions(1) ReassuranceThats good enough.(2) Regret Its a great pity!5. Social CommunicationsInvitationMay I invite you to our food festival?6. Attitudes Praise and encouragementWonderful!录音机 / 图片(食物) / 国旗图片(本课中出现的国家: 美国、印度、中国、意大利、俄罗斯、日本、南非、希腊)通过复习食品名称导入1a。1. (复习一些中国食品的名称,师生用以下形式回答。 Whats your favori

21、te food? My favorite food is dumplings. My favorite food is . .(让学生一个接一个回答问题,然后老师问下面的问题。 Do you know any foreign food? Yes, hamburgers.2. (用图片来呈现本课要学的食物名称。 Kangkang, Maria, Jane and Michael will cook some food for the food festival. Can you cook something nice for it?(教师任选一名学生问,学生可能不会说外国的食物,引导他说出中国的

22、食物,如rice, noodle或dumpling。 Can you cook dumplings? I have a sweet tooth. I think I will cook something sweet.(呈现American chocolate cookies并教学生读音。 I have more pictures about food of different countries. Do you want to see them?(呈现Greek cheese pies, Indian curries, Japanese sushi, South African beef c

23、urry and Russian black bread的图片, 并将食物名写在黑板上,操练几次读音。Greek cheese pies, Indian curries, Chinese fried rice, Japanese sushi, Italian pizza, South African beef curry, Russian black bread(教师举着食物的图片,让学生看黑板上的名称并带领学生朗读。 Read after me. (教师用图片快速复习所学食物名称。提示并引出I think beef curry is OK.) Now lets review the name

24、s of food learned today as quickly as possible. What do you prefer, beef curry or dumplings? I prefer beef curry. I think beef curry is OK. Pretty well!(鼓励发言好的学生。 We have prepared so many kinds of food for the food festival. Thats good enough. I believe well make a lot of money for Daniel Igali.(将1a

25、重点句子呈现在黑板上,并讲解句子。I have a sweet tooth. Read the sentences together. There are two sentences using object clauses. Can you find them?(简单复习一遍宾语从句结构,鼓励回答正确的学生。 Yes, I can. They are the second one and the fourth one. Can you make a sentence like them? Yes. I think that Yes. I believe that Well done.(导入下

26、一步。呈现本课1a。1. (听1a录音,回答问题。 Kangkang and his friends are preparing for the food festival. What would they cook for it? Lets listen to 1a, and find out the answers.(教师指向黑板上写的食物的名称。 Please match Kangkang, Maria, Jane and Michael with the food they would cook. Now, lets begin.KangkangA. chocolate cookiesB. cheese piesMariaC. curriesD

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